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As it is known, the human being is a social being, who cannot live in isolation,

therefore throughout history he has felt the need to communicate since

communication allows social interaction and the exchange of ideas, whether

speaking, through written means using the technology. Advances in communication

marked a before and after in history since they have allowed communication between

great distances to be established immediately, first between army groups, then

between universities and today each individual has the possibility of communicating

from the palm of their hand. With cell phones it is there, where the attraction of people

for smartphones is born to understand that you do not need to be near someone to be

communicating and have access to so much communication being a tool that makes

our lives easier and each application has been designed to grab our attention in such

a way that it is not difficult to disconnect. (Ortega, González Ispierto, & Peláez, two

thousand fifteen)



Hand washing is one of the most effective and simple ways to prevent diarrheal

diseases, it is one of the ways to protect yourself and your family and friends so that

they do not get sick, it is very easy to do it is the most effective form of prevention

against the spread and contagion of many diseases at home, at work in the hospital,

at school there are many microscopic germs that, due to their size, do not look like

the virus bacteria, fungi and parasites clean hands avoid passing from one person to

another and thus the contagion is avoided the most common question is how to wash

the hand in a correct way? and the answer to this is simple, using soap and water, wet
yourself with clean water and lather well, wash yourself for at least 20 seconds, this

is how you should wash your hand correctly and today in these times of the COVID-

19 pandemic even more important because, as is known, this virus is a respiratory

disease of viral origin when they cough they always cover their mouths with their

hands that is where the problem of contamination begins and the way to avoid is to

spread the infection is by washing your hands but not only It is from respiratory

infections but also gastrointestinal. (Adela Alba-Guillermo Fajardo, two thousand


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