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Exploration Geophysics (1995) 26, 51-59

The geophysics of the Ernest Henry Cu-Au Deposit (N.W.) Qld

Michael Webb Peter Rowston

Senior Geophysicist Senior Geophysicist
Western Mining Corporation Mount Isa Mines Exploration
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ABSTRACT waned. Nine months later an opportunity to form a joint

venture (JV) to explore the ground with Hunter Resources
The Ernest Henry copper-gold deposit is located approxi- was taken. WMC was the manager and operator of the JV.
mately 30 km NNE of Cloncurry in northwest Queensland. It Exploration on WMC's initial targets commenced in August
contains an indicated resource of 122 Mt at 1.14% copper 1990 and the deposit was discovered in October 1991.
and 0.55 g/t gold. The deposit is hosted in Proterozoic rocks
of the Mt Isa Inlier. The Proterozoic geology is overlain by 40 The deposit is completely concealed by flat lying Phanerozoic
to 50m of flat lying Phanerozic sediments. sediments that are typically 40 m to 50 m thick. The topog-
raphy is very flat and the area had been subject to little prior
The discovery of the deposit was the result of a geophysically exploration. Geophysical methods were the main exploration
and geologically driven exploration program that was guided tools at all stages up to delineation drilling.
by a simple empirical model for the deposit type. Magnetic
methods were used to initially focus exploration. Transient This paper summarises the exploration methodology leading
electromagnetic (TEM) techniques were used to filter the to the discovery and the use of geophysics to guide deline-
magnetic target areas. The first drill hole into the deposit ation drilling.
intersected economic copper and gold grades.
After the discovery, downhole TEM surveys demonstrated
that the initial surface TEM target was due to a supergene As the bedrock geology is concealed beneath a flat blacksoil
layer of mineralisation that in part included a section rich in plain for most of the JV area the success of exploration
native copper. It also demonstrated that the bulk of the hinged on geophysical methods and drilling. The most useful
primary mineralisation did not produce a TEM anomaly. The available data were Australian Geological Survey Organi-
primary mineralisation is intimately associated with the matrix sation (AGSO) regional airborne magnetics, some detailed
of a felsic to intermediate volcanic breccia. The matrix to the but wide spaced gravity and ground magnetic traverses also
breccia is rich in magnetite and disseminated sulphide miner- collected by AGSO (Mutton & Almond, 1979) and one report
alisation. Ground magnetic, gravity and Induced Polarisation on previous exploration that was available through the
methods were used to help guide the delineation drilling of Queensland Government's open file system. The open file
the deposit. report included an aeromagnetic survey flown in the early
1980s with a 400 m line spacing.
Keywords: Ernest Henry, copper, gold, Mt Isa Inlier, magnetics, gravity,
transient electromagnetic, induced polarisation.
Both the Starra and Osborne deposits are associated with
very strong magnetic anomalies (Collins 1987, Gidley 1988
INTRODUCTION and Anderson et al. 1992). This empirical observation formed
the basis of first pass exploration. From the open file mag-
The Ernest Henry Deposit contains an indicated resource of netic data seven of the strongest magnetic anomalies were
122 Mt at 1.14% copper and 0.55 g/t gold that may be mined initially targeted.
by open pit methods. It lies approximately 30 km NNE of
Cloncurry in Northwest Queensland (Fig. 1). To further reduce the targets for drill testing it was thought
likely that any economic mineralisation should have enough
The area was originally targeted by Western Mining sulphide mineralisation associated with it for it to be a con-
Corporation (WMC) in 1990 to search for analogues of the ductor and hence responsive to the use of TEM methods. It
Starra and Osborne Cu-Au deposits (Collins 1987, Gidley was recognised at an early stage that for the exploration
1988). WMC applied for an exploration license covering strategy to be successful the conductivity and thickness of
some large amplitude aeromagnetic anomalies in September the cover sequence could not be large. The next requirement
1989. However a prior application for much of the target area was that there should not be too many other sources of TEM
by Hunter Resources Ltd. was granted and WMC interest anomalism.

The orebody is hosted within brecciated felsic to intermediate

volcanics approximately 20 km to the northeast of the Naraku
Batholith. Similar brecciated felsic volcanics outcrop at Mt
Fort Constantine, approximately 10 km to the southwest of
Ernest Henry. These volcanics have been dated at two
separate sites at 1746±9Ma and 1742±6Ma (Page 1995).
From aeromagnetic and gravity data it can be inferred that
the area surrounding Ernest Henry contains abundant
granitoid plutons. Some of these plutons are relatively unde-
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formed and may be related to the Naraku Batholith. The

Naraku Batholith has a complex history. The unaltered and
old part of this batholith has been dated at approximately
1740 Ma (Page 1995). The more extensive younger batholith
and the hydrothermal alteration of the old part of the batholith
have been dated at approximately 1500 Ma (Page 1995).

Ernest Henry is a large southeast plunging copper-gold-iron
oxide orebody within feldspathically altered and locally defor-
med porphyritic volcanics of andesitic affinity. The orebody is
bounded by southeast dipping shear zones known as the
Hanging Wall and Footwall Shear Zones respectively. The
hanging wall sequence comprises massive, locally amyg-
daloidal, porphyritic andestic volcanics. The footwall sheared
sequence contains pervasive metasomatic carbonate and
minor sedimentary units. No unequivocal stratigraphic facing
criteria have been recognised within the deposit environment.

The primary ore zone is dominated by a magnetite-carbo-

nate-chalcopyrite assemblage, occurring largely as the matrix
Fig. 1. Outcropping geology of the Mt Isa Block and location of the Ernest to the brecciated volcanics. Gold is intimately associated with
Henry Deposit. copper in the primary lodes. Ore grade increases propor-
tionately with increasing matrix:clast ratio.

A small geophysical program was initiated in late 1990 to Asupergene zone is developed above the northern half of the
ground locate four of the seven magnetic anomalies and to orebody. It comprises secondary copper minerals (chalcocite,
complete a few selected TEM traverses. The program was bornite, native copper and chalcopyrite) and dissociated gold
completed within three weeks. It was apparent from the TEM within complex overprinting gangue zones of clay, chlorite,
results that the cover was not too thick or conductive. The fact iron oxide and locally silica composition.
that only one very weak conductor had been found made it
likely the TEM method would be an effective screen of the Figure 2a is a plan of the deposit at 60 m below the surface.
extensive magnetic anomalies. This is the approximate level of the unconformity between the
Phanerozoic and Proterozoic lithologies. A long section and
During 1991, a more thorough TEM program was completed a cross section through the deposit is shown in Figures 2b
using a Sirotem Mkll. A 100 m coincident loop configuration and 2c.
was used with 100 m moves. Avery discrete and moderate
amplitude anomaly was located adjacent to the weak TEM
anomaly detected in 1990. More detailed coincident loop data MAGNETICS
were collected and modelled. A drill position was recom-
mended and the first hole resulted in the discovery of the The initial ground magnetic data were collected using a line
deposit in October 1991. spacing of 200 m and 10 m spaced readings. The main aim
of the survey was to accurately locate the aeromagnetic ano-
maly. A contour map of a later more detailed survey is shown
REGIONAL GEOLOGY in Figure 3. This survey used a 40 m line spacing and 5 m
readings along the lines. Although, perhaps not needed for
The Ernest Henry deposit is located approximately 10km east anomalies of this magnitude, the data have been diurnally
of the outcropping Proterozoic Mt Isa Inlier. It lies beneath 40- corrected. The anomaly has an amplitude of 7000 nT to
50 m of Phanerozoic sediments, at 7739000N 469300E in 10000 nT above background for most of its strike length.
AMG Zone 54 (Figure 1). No mappable stratigraphic cor-
relation can be made between the rocks hosting the Ernest The magnetic anomaly has a SE-NW strike direction. Barren
Henry deposit and those elsewhere in the Mt Isa Block. magnetite-bearing rocks extend the anomaly to the north-

east. The rocks in the Marshall Shear Zone at the south end weak anomaly found in 1990. The coverage around the
of the deposit are also magnetite bearing but not strongly weak anomaly was blocked in but a strong TEM response
mineralised. This shear zone is responsible for the magnetic was observed on only one line.
anomaly at the south end of the deposit (Figure 3).
A contour map of window 14 (11.7 ms delay time) for the grid
An interpreted northeasterly oriented structure is shown at area is shown in Figure 5a. It can be seen that the strong
the north end of the anomaly in Figure 3. A qualitative inter- portion of the anomaly is very strike limited. The anomaly is
pretation of this magnetic data is for a fault with a north side positioned at the southwestern end of the structure shown in
up sense of movement. An increase in the depth of oxidation Figure 3. The likely cause of the response was thought to be
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along this structure is another interpretation. The discrete a steeply dipping cylindrical body. The most applicable
TEM anomaly is located at the southwest end of this software for modeling this type of response was the
structure. computer program SPASYM. SPASYM models the response
of a sphere in an electrically uniform host rock. The modelled
depth to the centre of the sphere was thought likely to
GRAVITY approximate the depth to the top of the interpreted cylinder.
A drill hole position to intersect the cylinder at 90 to 100m
Gravity data were not collected over the Ernest Henry was calculated.
Deposit by WMC until after the initial phase of drilling. An
east-west gravity traverse using a 50 m station spacing was The first drill hole FTCD2 intersected 7.1m of 4.95% Cu and
conducted by AGSO in 1975 over the centre of the orebody 0.8 g/t Au centred at 88m vertical depth. This mineralisation
(Mutton & Almond, 1979). The WMC gravity survey was was supergene and included some native copper. The hole
conducted using a Worden gravity meter with closures to a then passed through 20m of barren weathered rock before
base station every hour. Meter drift and tidal effects were intersecting 114 m at 1.75% Cu and 0.9 g/t Au in the primary
corrected by assuming linear drift over the hour interval. breccia zone.
Elevations to an accuracy of 10 cm were obtained by EDM
measurements from one central position of the grid area. A Further surface TEM was completed after the discovery.
40 m by 80 m station spacing was used over most of the grid Four traverses of 200m a side coincident loop were
area. Regional data on a 1 km square grid have also been completed. These data also show that the discrete surface
collected around the deposit using a Lacoste and Romberg TEM anomaly is limited to the vicinity of the first drill hole.
meter. Most of the now defined orebody does not have an asso-
ciated inductive TEM anomaly. The weak "tail" extending to
A Bouguer gravity contour map of the grid based data is the southeast of the TEM anomaly approximates the trend of
shown in Figure 4. A Bouguer density of 2.67 t/m was used. the more disseminated supergene mineralisation. According-
No regional has been removed. The positions of the cross ly, the "tail" is probably reflecting an increase in oxidation
section and long section shown in Figure 2 are also shown. depth or an increase in the bulk conductivity of the minerals
Given the high density contrast of approximately 0.6 t/m3 in the supergene zone.
between the orebody and the average host rock density,
there is a good correlation between the orebody and the A decay plot of the 100 m loop TEM results over the peak of
gravity anomaly. The average magnetite content in the ore- the anomaly is shown in Figure 5b. A late time exponential
body is 27%. Magnetite has an SG of approximate 5t/m3 and decay shown as a straight line on the log linear plot has a
is the main contributor to the gravity anomaly. time constant of 7.4 ms.


Part of the exploration strategy adopted involved the use of Drill holes FTCD2 and FTCD5 were logged for downhole
transient electromagnetic methods (TEM) to screen the mag- TEM response in December 1991 to confirm the source of
netic anomalies. It was hoped that economic sulphide the targeted conductor. Each hole was logged with five 50 m
deposits would be sufficiently conductive to produce TEM energising loops powered by the internal transmitter of a Mkll
anomalies. Coincident magnetic and TEM anomalies would Sirotem (Figure 6b). t h e axial transient responses were
form the highest priority drill targets. recorded with a Sirotem Mkll receiver. The logging defined
the source of the TEM conductor as being within the
The initial phase of TEM data collection in late 1990 used a supergene mineralisation. Modeling of the responses
Sirotem Mkll receiver operating at standard times in coin- produced a current loop with a 20° dip to the west and a <30°
cident loop mode with 100 m per side square loops. plunge to the south.
Readings were taken at 100 m intervals. Only one suspected
bedrock conductor was found in this program. It was very Additional logging has further defined the supergene res-
weak and overlies what is now the north end of the Ernest ponse. An axial response recorded from hole EH109 is
Henry Deposit. interpreted to be the continuation of the originally targeted
conductor. EH109 exhibits a large conductor edge response,
The larger 1991 TEM program used the same 100 m (intersection with significant off-hole response ), associated
coincident loop field procedure. The spacing between lines with an occurrence of native copper at between 185 and
was 200 m with the exception of the lines adjacent to the 192 m downhole. This response is characterised by an
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Fig. 2. (a) Deposit proterozoic geology plan at 60m beneath surface.

(b) Skewed cross section through the deposit at 7739000N (see Figure 2a for location)
(c) Long section through the deposit (see Figure 2a for location).
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Fig. 3. Ground magnetics contour plan. Contour interval is 1000 nT. The Fig. 4. Bouguer gravity contours. No regional trends have been removed.
interpreted structure controlling deeper oxidation can be seen near the The contour interval is 0.1 mGal.
north end of the deposit.

observed exponential decay of approximately 7.2 ms, which polarisation (IP) method as the next most appropriate
is consistent with the anomalous surface TEM decay. electrical technique. Both 100 m and 200 m dipole-dipole
Representative downhole TEM responses for holes FTCD2 data were collected. Most of the data were gathered using a
and EH 109 are presented in Figure 6a. 25 Kw transmitter, operating in the frequency domain at 0.125
Hz. Transmitter currents were generally around 20 A. The
The response has been modelled with the Lamontagne 200m dipole data were gathered at 0.125 Hz, 0.25 Hz, and
Geophysics program "Multiloop".(Figures 6b & 6c). The 0.5 Hz. These data were three frequency decoupled by fitting
a polynomial to the data and extrapolating to zero frequency
model is consistent with downhole responses recorded in
(Hohmann 1990).
holes FTCD2 and EH109. The rectangular plate source,
consisting of a number of parallel connected ribbons has a
long dimension of 200 m and a width of 100 m. The overall Figure 7a shows the results from a 100m dipole-dipole survey
conductance of the plate is 600 S, The plate strikes roughly over the peak of the TEM anomaly. A broad IP anomaly
N-S and has a dip and southerly plunge of 30° and 23°, coincident with the mineralised zone has been found. It is a
respectively. little surprising that anomalous IP values are seen at such
shallow depths as n=1. Presumably the IP is responding to
Logging of a series of other holes has shown that a subset of disseminated secondary sulphides immediately below the
the higher grade primary ore is inductively conductive. These unconformity surface (40 m). On this section, (local grid) the
TEM anomaly is centred at 69300E. No indication of a good
holes exhibit exponential decay time constants of up to 3.6
conductor can be seen in the resistivity section at this location.
ms. These zones are at depths which prohibit measurement
from the surface.
Figure 7b shows the results of a 200 m dipole-dipole IP
spread along line 7739000N. The IP data have been three
point decoupled. The broad IP anomaly is coincident with the
INDUCED POLARISATION mineralisation. Once again the IP anomalism starts at shal-
lower depths than expected. In this instance it is probably
As the effectiveness of TEM to guide further drilling was related to more shallow primary and secondary sulphides
limited, the exploration effort turned to the induced immediately to the north of 7739000N.


Downhole IP/resistivity logs were recorded in holes FTCD2,
7, 12, 22, 30 and 92. The NSW Department of Mineral
Resources logging system was used for the logging. Adipole
- dipole array with an n-spacing of 1 and an a-spacing of 1 m
was used throughout as was a transmitter frequency of 1 Hz.
The chargeability integration time interval was between 39.06
ms and 240.1ms.
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Apparent phase / resistivity plots, lithology and Cu grades for

hole FTCD2 are shown in Figure 8. The increase in apparent
phase after approximately 42m corresponds with the
Phanerozoic -Proterozoic unconformity and the intersection
of supergene mineralisation (note the increase in Cu grade).
The native copper intersection sourcing the surface and
downhole EM response appears as a galvanic conductor
from approximately 96m downhole. There is increased
chatter in the IP response at this point, indicative of discrete
strongly chargeable source/s and/or "noise". The broader
conductive zone between 190 and 208m corresponds to a
change in the lithology between "mosaiced" felsic volcanics
and pervasive "dark rock" alteration, consisting of fine-
grained magnetite, biotite and chlorite. This galvanically
conductive zone does not express itself in the downhole EM
logging. Overall there is a reasonable correlation between
mineralisation and IP response. This confirms the observa-
tion that the surface IP response is largely sourced from
within the supergene zone.

Fig. 5. (a) Contour plot of Sirotem Mkll window 14, (11.8 ms) highlighting Logs from the other holes display significant IP responses
the small area of TEM anomalism. Contour interval is 0.2 uV/A. from both primary ore and from sparsely mineralised
magnetite. The primary ore responses are however from
depths which are unlikely to contribute to the apparent phase
anomalies measured at surface.

The discovery of the Ernest Henry Deposit resulted from the
use of a simply applied empirical model and screening the
resulting targets with standard geophysical methods. The
discovery was the result of drilling a discrete TEM anomaly.
Magnetic gravity and induced polarisation methods were
used to help guide further drilling. The premise that economic
ore would be directly associated with a TEM anomaly has
been shown to be incorrect. If the supergene enrichment
process had not resulted in such an extensive blanket of
native copper, the deposit may still remain undiscovered.

The authors would like to thank many of the staff from Ernest
Henry Mining, Western Mining Corporation and MIM
Exploration for helpful comments and contributions to this
paper. Ernest Henry Mining, Western Mining Corporation and
Fig. 5. (b) Log linear decay plot of a 100m a side Sirotem loop centred at 7739300N,
MIM Exploration kindly consented to the publication and also
469140E. The time constant of the anomaly is approximately (7.4 ms). contributed with drafting support.
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Fig. 6. (a) Downhole TEM responses. FTCD2 Loop W1, EH109 Loop M1.
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Fig. 6. (b) DHTEM loop diagram. Holes FTCD2, EH109.

Fig. 6. (c) Modelled Plate and response EH109 Loop M1.

Fig. 7. a) Dipole-dipole IP traverse across the centre of the strong TEM anomaly. The dipole length is 100m. The TEM
anomaly on this section is centred at 69300E.
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Fig. 7. (b) Dipole-dipole IP traverse at 7739000N. The dipole length is 200m.

Anderson, C.G. & Logan, K.J. 1992, The history and current status of geo-
physical exploration at the Osborne Cu & Au deposit, Mt. Isa: Exploration
Geophysics. 23, 1-7.
Blake, D.H., 1987 - Geology of the Mount Isa Inlier and environs, Queensland
and Northern Territory - 1:500,000, BMR Bulletin 225.
Collins, S. 1987. The geophysics of the Starra gold/copper deposits:
Exploration Geophysics. 18, 20-22
Gidley, P.R. 1988. The geophysics of the Trough Tank Gold-Copper Prospect:
Exploration Geophysics. 19, 76-78.
Hohmann, G.W. 1990. Three-dimensional IP models in Induced Polarisation,
Applications and Case Histories. SEG Investigations in Geophysics No4.
Mutton, A. J. & Almond, R.A., 1979. Geophysical mapping of buried
Precambrian rocks in the Cloncurry area, northwest Queensland. BMR,
Australia, Report 210.
Page, R.W., 1995. Australian Geological Survey Organisation — Pers. Comm.

Fig. 8. Downhole IP/Resistivity logging FTCD2, Cu-grade and lithology.

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