Module 4 - Activity 4-World Religions by Julian Gabriel C. Trinidad of 12-HUMSS Block L..

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World Religions 12

Module 4 Activity 4
Julian Gabriel C. Trinidad
12 HUMSS Block L
Forgiveness Fills the Heart with Joy

One beatitude that I could certainly relate to is “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain
mercy”. Vague as it is, according to HTAE Group (n.d.), this means that we should always do
the right thing and forgive others and ourselves. I’m no religious person, but I certainly relate to
this. These days, it is so hard not to do bad things that would put you in an advantageous
position. The world has normalized doing things for a hidden agenda so much, we forget that
integrity is still the best trait to have. Furthermore, the world has normalized pride and
vengeance so much, we forget to forgive. In the process of thinking that these sinful traits are
normal, we do not see how much it burns us out. Witnessing the world turn to chaos because of
these things make me anxious. It makes me sick and more than anything else, I want the world
to go back to its old ways. Although what's happening now makes me tempted, I still control
myself to choose the right thing. And although the new ways of the world make me mad, I still
choose to forgive.

Back in elementary, people would always say that honesty is the best policy. That's true, but I
believe in integrity more – the kind where I would do what I know is right even if everyone
around me is doing what I know is wrong. It was hard, and numerous temptations came along
the way. However, I strived and did my hardest not to give in to those. After a while, having
integrity feels like the world on my shoulders. It made me out of place, they called me a 'kill
joy', and everything. It did not faze me, though. I would choose my principles any other day
than fit in with temporary people whose beliefs and ideals do not align with mine. Also, even if
they did not ask for forgiveness, I already forgave them. It's just so fulfilling knowing that I do
not hold any grudges. Not to them, and certainly not to myself for voluntarily making myself an
outsider for not ‘joining in on the fun’. Although I do not have a lot of friends from back then
because I was a goody-two-shoes, I'm glad how things turned out. Besides, I

wouldn't want to be associated with people with whom I do not share the same beliefs with.

My takeaway from my experience and this beatitude that I relate to is that we should not be
afraid of believing what we want to believe in. If other people give us hell because of our
beliefs, then so be it. It just shows that they are not the kind of people whom we want to be
around and influenced by. Even now that the world has normalized all kinds of sins just
World Religions 12
Module 4 Activity 4
Julian Gabriel C. Trinidad
12 HUMSS Block L
because, I still strongly believe that we should do the right thing – even if no one is looking and
no one would know. A clear conscience makes me happier than anything else. More so, a
forgiving heart makes me ecstatic. I think, more than anything else, the traits that we should
focus on having are integrity and being forgiving. I realized that in the end, being young is not
an excuse to do things that you know are wrong and you'll regret later on. Therefore, you
should strive to do the right thing whenever you can because it is what will make you achieve
eudaimonia. Most importantly, forgiveness is what would fill your heart with joy.

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