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Sheets Production Engineering and workshop ME251

Sheet 1
1- List three common tools of personal protective equipment (PPE):
 Goggles
 Gloves
 Safety shoes
2- List three properties of hand protection gloves that employee should be aware of before
using it:
 Voltage rated
 Temperature resistant
 Infectious agent / biohazard resistant
3- List two safety precautions while working in casting shop:
 All foundry men should wear protective clothes, glasses, shoes and gloves while handling
molten metal for casting process
 One should not touch hot molds and castings

4- -State the type of Cast Iron

(a) …Grey……. cast iron, (b) …White.. cast iron, (c) Malleable cast iron, (e)
……Ductile….cast iron, and d) Alloy cast iron.

5-- State 4 from safety rules apply in casting work shop.

1-Always wear protective clothes to keep safe from the heat radiating from the melting
2- One should use mask to avoid excessive inhalation of the dust, which may cause
serious problem to health.
3-One should be alert as severe burn injury can result from spillage of the molten metal
4-One should always keep clean the work area

6-State the classification of engineering materials

Metallic materials and Non metallic materials

7- Draw stress-strain curve for ductile material?

8- What is the difference between pattern and Mold?

Patterns are a model for the object to be cast. The mold that's where the pattern comes in.

9- List three common tools of personal protective equipment (PPE):

 Hard Hat
 Gloves
 Earmuffs
10- List three properties of hand protection gloves that employee should be aware of before
using it:
 Voltage rated
 Temperature resistant
 Infectious agent / biohazard resistant
11- List two safety precautions while working in casting shop:
 All foundry men should wear protective clothes, glasses, shoes and gloves while handling
molten metal for casting process
 One should not touch hot molds and castings
12- list common pattern materials
Wood, Metal, Plastic - Paster - Wax

13- What are the two major groups of metals? Define them
Ferrous and Non-ferrous metals

14- Name the precautions safety in Welding shop

One should use nose masks where the local exhaust ventilation is not practicable
15- Write short notes on the following:
a. Machinability: Is the ease with which a metal can be cut
b. Hardness: Hardness is defined as the ability of a metal to cut another metal
c. Stiffness: It is defined as the ability of a material to resist deformation under stress
d. Weldability: Is defined as the property of a metal which indicates the two similar or
dissimilar metals are joined by fusion with or without the application of pressure and with or
without the use of filler metal (welding) efficiently.
e. Ductility: Is termed as the property of a material enabling it to be drawn into wire with the
application of tensile load.
g. Brittleness: is the property of a material opposite to ductility

16- Engineering Material is divided into metallic and non-metallic materials list the types of
both metallic and non-metallic and give two examples for each one.
1- Metallic (Ferrous (steels, cast iron) / non ferrous (Aluminium, Cooper))
2- Non Metallic (organic (Plastics, wood) / inorganic (Minerals, Cement)
17- Define the following:
a. Metal casting process : In the metal casting process, metal shapes are formed by pouring
molten metal into a mold cavity, where it is cooled and later extracted from the mold.
b. Metal welding process: Welding is a fabrication process whereby two or more parts are
fused together by means of heat, pressure or both forming a join as the parts cool.
c. Ferrous metal : based on iron, comprises about 75% of metal tonnage in the world: Steel =
Fe-C alloy (0.02 to 2.11% C) Cast iron = Fe-C alloy (2% to 4% C)
18- Put the right number in the correspond circle:

1- Sleeve tightly rolled 3

2- Overalls correct length 1

3- Short hair 4

4- Buttons fastened 2

5- Safety boots or shoes 5

19- Match the word to its definition:

Thermoplastic molecules chemically transform (cure) into a
polymers rigid structure cannot be reheated
polymers shows significant elastic behavior

can be subjected to multiple heating and cooling

cycles without altering molecular structure

20- Write the Name of the following items

Circular saw
G or C-clamp Rasps

screw driver wood turning

Gated pattern lathe

Trying plane Bar clamp

Sand mold

Extrusion die molding Semi centrifugal casting setup Gravity die casting
21. Wite True or False for every sentences (√ or X or)

Brittleness It is the ability to be resist fracture or deformation X

Compressive strength It is the ability of a material to withstand being


Steel is an alloy of iron and carbon with carbon content maximum up to


Toughness measure of how much energy is required to break √

Ductility It is the ability to be elongated √

Low carbon or mild steel It possesses very low percentage of carbon varying
from 0.05 to 0.15%.

Dead carbon steel is sometimes known as mild steel also. It contains 0.20 to
0.30% C

High carbon steels High carbon steels (HCS) contain carbon from 0.8 to


If the instructor leaves the shop for any reason, the power should be shut off √

Nickel. Steels contain 2 to 5% nickel and from 0.1 to 0.5% carbon increase its

strength and toughness.

Chromium. It improves corrosion resistance (about 12 to 18% addition). It

increases tensile strength, hardness, wear resistance and heat resistance.

The wooden pieces should be fed to the sawing machines faster than the cutting
speed of the machine.
A core is a device used in casting and molding processes to produce internal

cavities and reentrant angles

Steel is an alloy of Iron and Oxygen X

Ceramic are metallic materials made of organic compound. X

Closed mold is consisting of two halves cope and drag √

In all cases, not clean machinery thoroughly when you have finished work X
Vanadium. It improves tensile strength, elastic limit, ductility, fatigue

resistance, shock resistance and response to heat treatment.

Keep tools and other materials in their proper places. Keep the floor clear of

chip and objects.

Two or more operator at a time should control a machine X

The wooden pieces should be fed to the sawing machines faster than the cutting
speed of the machine.
Aluminum. It improves magnetic permeability and decreases hysteresis

Do not work in the shop if too tired or fatigued √

Copper. It improves resistance to corrosion. It increases strength. More than

0.6 per cent copper for precipitation.

Carbon. It decreases tensile strength and hardness. It increases ductility and

weld ability.

22. Read each question carefully and choose the most correct answer by completely filling
in the box next to the answer:
1. If I am unsure how to move some material I should
a) Ask my supervisor b) Try different ways of doing it c) Ask a co-worker

23. If a compressed gas cylinder is damaged it must be:

a) Repaired by a certified welder b) Returned to the manufacturer c) Placed back in storage

24. When not in use, gas cylinders must be

a) Painted b) Kept outside c) Capped

25. If you see a broken part on a tool or piece of equipment you should

a) Tell a supervisor b) Use it carefully c) Try to repair it

26. Equipment Operating instructions are

a) For new employee b) Only guidelines c) Specific steps to follow every time

27. Thermoplastic materials are those materials which

a) Are formed into shape under heat and pressure and results in a permanently hard
b) Do not become hard with the application of heat and pressure and no chemical
change occurs
c) Are flexible and can withstand considerable wear under suitable conditions
28. Which of the following material has maximum ductility?

a) Mild steel b) Stainless steel c) High speed steel (HSS)

29. The percentage of carbon in cast iron varies from

a) 0.1 to 1 b) 1 to 1.7 c) 1.7 to 4.5

30. Brass is an alloy of

a) Copper and zinc b) Copper and tin c) Copper, tin and zinc
31. The percentage of carbon in steel varies from

a) 1 to 1.45 b) 0.02 to 2.11 c) 2.11 to 4.5

32. It is added in low carbon steels for preventing them from becoming porous.

a) Manganese b) Silicon c) Sulphur

33. Aluminum is a type of material that is:

a. Ferrous b. non ferrous c. nonmetallic material

34. The mold pattern is enlarged to account for:

a. Solidification b. buoyancy c. shrinkage
35. The device for measure the stress with elongation is called:
a. Impact test b. hardness test c. tensile test

36. The shear strength of a metal is usually

(a) greater than or (b) less than its tensile strength?
Answer. (b).
37. Which one of the following materials has the highest hardness:
(a) alumina ceramic, (b) gray cast iron, (c) hardened tool steel, (d) high carbon steel, or
(e) polystyrene?
r. (a).

38. Two-piece or split pattern

39. Choose permanent mold or gravity die casting

40. The strength and hardness of steel increases as carbon content

(a) increases or (b) decreases?

41. Which of the following is the most important cast iron commercially?
(a) Ductile cast iron, (b) gray cast iron, (c) malleable iron, or (d) white cast iron?

42. Which of the following metals is noted for its good electrical conductivity
(a) copper, (b) gold, (c) iron, (d) nickel, or (e) tungsten?
43. Write the casting defects in figures

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