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In t r odu cin g
RARE Neph r ology

Rare kidney diseases, like primary focal segmen-

tal glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) and IgA nephropathy
(IgAN) have no approved medicines. People living
with these chronic complex conditions face cycles
of remission and relapse, with symptoms that
constrain day-to-day existence and induce anxiety
over progression to end-stage kidney disease.
Rare kidney disease patients and their families
deserve better.
Until very recently, clinical trials in rare kidney
disease were nonexistent. However, recent
government action and a novel clinical trial
endpoint have encouraged more innovation in the
space. The growing recognition of the kidney
disease crisis is fueling innovation and uniting
those working in the field to bring change. Today,
medical professionals, legislators, research Su bscr ibe for your FREE
institutions, advocates, industry, and especially
people living with rare kidney disease are
qu ar t er ly digit al
recognizing the urgency to develop novel m agazin e
therapies that extend beyond the choices www.r ar er evolutionmagazine.com
available today. RARE Revolution Magazine is created and
Dialysis and transplant are not enough. published by NRG Collective

To learn about a community call to action to usher

in a new era of rare kidney disease care, visit
r ar ek idn eyr evolu t ion .com .

This supplement originally appeared in the

Summer 2020 Edition (Issue 016) of
RARE Revolution Magazine

Travere Therapeutics - formerly Retrophin To r ead t h e f u ll RARE Neph r ology edit ion ,
please visit
www.tr avere.com w w w.r ar er evolu t ion m agazin e.com

Rare nephrology: growing momentum

in rare kidney disease
Michele Huie is a dedicated team member at Travere Therapeutics, a company whose
mission is to identify, develop and deliver life-changing therapies to people living with rare
disease. The landscape for kidney disease is rapidly changing, as Michele explains

Written by Michele Huie

Travere Therapeutics

For the last 50 years, clinical trials in nephrology were FSGS and IgAN do not respond to currently available
few and those in rare nephrology were non-existent. medications, and for those who do respond, the
Nephrology has the lowest rate of clinical trials of all benefit of therapy can be unsustained.3?6 When
medical fields and the lowest rate of completed trials.1 patients reach ESRD, there are two options for
survival? dialysis or kidney transplant.
?The needs of rare kidney patients are greater than
ever,? says Er ic Du be, Ph .D., pr esiden t an d CEO of For many, life can feel like waiting for the inevitable.
Tr aver e Th er apeu t ics. ?Obstacles impede every step
of the patient journey from diagnostic hurdles, to
providers unaware of rare disease, to the dearth of
effective therapies. We must come together and
innovate to change the devastating course of kidney
St r ik in gly u n seen am on gst 780 m illion w it h k idn ey
Genetic, autoimmune, idiopathic? whatever the
category? rare nephropathies are overlooked,
underrecognised and understudied.
Rare kidney diseases, like primary focal segmental
glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) and IgA nephropathy (IgAN),
have no approved medicines.
These disorders cause injury to the glomeruli, or
filtering units, of the kidney and are characterised by
decline in kidney function, namely, elevated
proteinuria (protein in the urine), reduced glomerular
filtration rate? and often? progression to end-stage
renal disease (ESRD).
People with rare kidney disease are facing a
As many as 40 to 50 per cent of people living with remarkable reduction in life expectancy and quality of

RARE Revolution www.tr avere.com


life.7?8 In a recent study of patients living with The condition can be primary (without any known
glomerular disease who were asked to identify cause), genetic, or secondary? meaning it?s triggered
outcomes of importance to them associated with their by other causes, such as a viral infection, medications,
kidney health, patients described a constrained lymphoma, obesity or surgery. FSGS is more common
day-to-day existence with ?relentless? and ?consuming? in people of African ancestry.10
symptoms that restricted daily activity; loss of social
and work opportunities; and anxiety over mortality,
the need for dialysis or transplant, life participation
and fatigue.9

Diagnosis is a difficult journey. ?The rarity of primary

and genetic FSGS, coupled with non-specific
symptoms and signs, like fatigue, loss of appetite and
oedema, leads to delayed recognition that this is a
renal condition? and delays referral to a nephrologist,
confirmatory biopsy and treatment initiation,? says
Noah Rosenberg, M.D., chief medical officer at Travere
?The burden of disease and the impact on quality of
life are substantial and affect children and adults
equally,? says Howard Trachtman, M.D., NYU Langone
?Rare patients are our unrelenting focus. The Medical Center. ?But, the adverse consequences of
astounding unmet needs that people living with rare FSGS do not fall evenly on all groups. Black patients
kidney disease face drive the urgency of our task to may be at heightened risk of accelerated disease
improve the treatment paradigm for FSGS and IgA progression to kidney failure because of specific
nephropathy,? says Dr Dube. ?I have witnessed the genetic factors such as APOL1.?
exhaustion and frustration that patients living with
kidney failure experience. We need new therapies that
provide hope, new therapies that stand up to the
onslaught of disease progression.?

Acloser look at FSGS

Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis describes
scattered scarring (focal) that initially affects only a
portion (segmental) of the filtering units (glomeruli) in
the kidney. Damage to glomeruli causes a breakdown
of the kidney?s ability to filter the blood. The damaged
filtration barrier causes the kidneys to leak protein
into the urine.

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Treatment aims to reduce proteinuria and blood and high blood pressure. Persistent high levels of
pressure. ?Most patients are prescribed a steroid and proteinuria are sometimes treated with steroids.
ACE inhibitor/ARB combination, leading to a path of
steroid over-reliance as patients cycle between
remission and relapses with few effective and
tolerable options,? says Dr Rosenberg.

?We have a lack of effective and durable treatment

options approved for FSGS and IgAN, resulting in
substantial morbidity and social and economic burden
for patients, their caregivers and healthcare systems,?
?There are no FDA-approved therapies for patients
says Dr Rosenberg.
with FSGS. The unmet clinical need is huge,? says Dr

Acloser look at IgAN

IgA nephropathy, or Berger ?s disease, is estimated to
affect more than 100,000 people in the US and greater
numbers in Europe and Asia.11 The disease is caused
by a buildup of immunoglobulin A (IgA) in the kidney
which leads to inflammation and damage to glomeruli
causing haematuria (blood in the urine), proteinuria
and hypertension.
Disease progression in IgAN is generally slower than in
FSGS, and highly variable with a five per cent to 60 per
cent ten-year risk of ESRD.12 Agame-changing endpoint
Though IgAN is one of the most common forms of For years, studies evaluating potential therapies for
glomerular nephropathy, detection, especially in early kidney disease relied on hard clinical outcomes such
stages, can be difficult. Many physicians have as ESRD or death as endpoints, undoubtedly
understandably never had to treat someone with this contributing to why nephrology has the lowest rate of
rare condition. completed trials.
There is no indicated medicine for IgAN. The standard In 2018, Travere Therapeutics played a central role
of care is ACE inhibitors and ARBs to lower proteinuria collaborating with the Nephrotic Syndrome Study

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Network (NEPTUNE) consortium based out of the that address disproportionate rates of ESRD and
University of Michigan to develop a proteinuria significant systemic health disparities faced by diverse
endpoint to accelerate clinical research in therapies for populations and communities of colour.
rare kidney disease patients.13 Developing a strict
definition of partial remission of proteinuria as a
surrogate endpoint for evaluating potential therapies
has helped clinical trial sponsors explore regulatory
flexibility in nephrology study design. The 21st Century
Cures Act and the Kidney Health Initiative, a
collaboration between the FDA and the American
Society of Nephrology, has created enhanced focus on
the regulatory environment for rare disease research Unity of effort and innovation for patients
overall and rare kidney disease in particular. As a
result, at least 19 companies are now conducting 35 This growing recognition of the kidney disease crisis
trials which offer new hope for families living with rare fuels innovation and unites those working to bring
kidney diseases such as FSGS, IgAN, minimal change change. NephCure is increasing visibility of clinical
disease, membranous nephropathy, dense deposit trials to people living with rare kidney disease through
disease/C3 glomerulopathy, and others.14 Kidney Health Gateway; National Kidney Foundation is
bringing awareness of disease prevalence with the Are
?We?re bridging a critical gap in treatment You the 33% campaign; the American Association of
development for kidney disease. The time it would Kidney Patients is infusing patient insights in kidney
take to complete a clinical trial for kidney patients research as they kick off the Decade of t h e Kidn ey;
practically prohibited the development of new leading nephrologists in the non-profit Kidney
medicines,? says Lauren Lee, national director of Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) are
research and engagement at NephCure Kidney working to improve day-to-day disease management
International. ?We?ve reached a moment when through examination of current treatment guidelines;
academia and advocacy organisations can explore Black Health Matters is bringing attention to the
ways of bringing potential therapies to help patients disproportionate impact of kidney disease on African
faster. Clinical trials bring hope.? Americans.
Together, medical professionals, legislators, research
Federal focus
institutions, advocates, industry? and especially
In the summer of 2019, the US Department of Health patients? recognise the urgency to develop novel
and Human Services (HHS) advanced a vision for therapies that extend beyond the choices available
revolutionising the way people with chronic kidney today.
disease and kidney failure are diagnosed, treated, and
?We are humbled by the experience of rare patients
most importantly, live.15 That vision calls on industry,
and their families and are compelled to act,? says Dr
government agencies, providers and insurers to
Dube. ?At Travere Therapeutics, we?re focused on
improve outcomes for patients and to stave off ESRD.
improving the years between diagnosis and dialysis or
Significantly, HHS is now engaging with leaders in rare
transplant. We are focused on the children and adults
nephrology to understand the unique challenges
living with FSGS and IgAN who all deserve better
faced by rare kidney patients in diagnosis, treatment
therapies to protect their kidney function now.?
limitations and life impact? and to hopefully develop
policy recommendations to help shift the paradigm of Dialysis an d t r an splan t ar e n ot en ou gh .
kidney care treatment to ultimately save the most lives
and federal dollars. Focusing on rare kidney disease REFERENCES

would help HHS meet two of their identified goals: [1] MKT Chatzimanouil, et. al.JAm Soc Nephrol2019;30:13-22
[2] https://www.kidney.org/kidneydisease/global-facts-about-kidney-disease[Accessed May 29, 2020]
reducing the risk of kidney failure and improving [3] KDIGO Clinical Practice Guideline for Glomerulonephritis. Kidney Int Suppl 2012
[4] Gipson D. Semin Nephrol 2016;36(6):453-459
access to person-centred treatment options. Finally, [5] Coppo R, et al. JAm Soc Nephrol 2007;18:1880?1888
[6] Woo KT, et al. Kidney Int 2000;58:2485?2491
rare nephrology leaders and policymakers are [7]Gipson DS, Trachtman H, Kaskel FJ, et al.Kidney Int. 2011;79(6):678-685
[8] Carter, Simon A. et al.Kidney Int.2019;95(6):1280-1283
beginning to work with patient groups on solutions [9] Carter,et al. CJASN.2020;15:673-684
[10] Korbet SM.JAm Soc Nephrol.2012;23(11):1769?76
[11] Wyatt RJ, Julian BA.N Engl JMed.2013;368(25):2402?14
[12] Barbour SJ, et. al.JAMA Intern Med. 2019;179(7):942?952
[13] Troost JP, Trachtman H, Nachman PH, et al.Clin JAm Soc Nephrol. 2018;13(3):414?421
[14] Nephcure Kidney International, 2020

RARE Revolution [15] Advancing American Kidney Health Executive Order:

health-initiative.html [Accessed May 29, 2020].

with Lauren Lee

Lauren Lee, executive vice president,

stakeholder engagement, NephCure
Kidney International, talks about the
role of Nephcure Kidney International
in driving progress for kidney disease

Tell me a bit about why NephCure

1. was established and its mission.
NephCure Kidney International was
founded in 2000 by four sets of
parents whose children were
impacted by nephrotic syndrome.
They were looking for answers and
ways to help other families facing
similar challenges of being diagnosed
with a rare kidney disease. Soon after
registering the organisation as an
official 501c3 (non-profit), a group of
them travelled to the National
Institutes of Health in Washington DC
to seek guidance. It was there that
NephCure established itself as a
research-focused patient advocacy
group focused on expediting
treatments to patients living with rare
protein-spilling diseases like FSGS,
IgAN and other forms of nephrotic

RARE Revolution www.nephcure.or g


regularly in contact with patients and family

2. Can you describe your new Kidney Health
Gateway initiative regarding clinical trials and members on other social media outlets
including Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
What would you like others to knowabout living
In the last four years, there has been an
explosion in clinical trials for many of these rare, 4. with a rare kidney disease?
protein-spilling glomerular diseases. No matter
the disease state, one of the biggest challenges For families diagnosed with FSGS, IgAN or
facing pharma and biotech companies is finding another rare protein-spilling disease, their story
volunteers to participate in trials. The Kidney is riddled with unique complications that are
Health Gateway initiative was launched in often unrecognised or misunderstood by
response to the current landscape as a outsiders.
multi-stakeholder, multi-pronged approach to
First, these diseases are ?invisible?other than the
connecting more patients to clinical research
oedema experienced by patients taking
opportunities by addressing the central barriers
steroids/prednisone. ?You don?t look sick? is a
to participation and access.
common refrain from friends and family without
The most tangible outcome of the Gateway appreciation for the exhaustion, pain and
initiative is the website, which serves as a unseen side effects of the medications many
patient-friendly clinical trial matching tool. patients are taking.
w w w.Kidn eyHealt h Gat ew ay.com Second, in addition to being rare, these
Beyond the trial finder, the Gateway programme protein-spilling diseases are chronic. Patients
includes workstreams around the role of renal are on a roller coaster between remitting and
pathology, paediatric inclusion in trials, and relapsing states, affecting them both physically
creating a research-ready community. when relapsing and plaguing them with
emotional anxiety when they are in remission.
Collectively, Gateway has instilled a newfound
sense of urgency and purpose among patients, Thirdly, there are currently no approved
researchers, physicians, industry representatives, therapies for these diseases. Instead, physicians
and government agencies, all keen on fulfilling prescribe off-label treatment options that bring
NephCure?s mission of bringing new treatments with them a host of side effects and insurance
to market. headaches. And, lastly, one of the most pressing
challenges of living with rare kidney disease is
finding an expert who is well-versed in how

3. Howis NephSpace benefiting rare nephrology

patients and caregivers?
these diseases present and progress. For
anyone diagnosed with FSGS, IgAN or other
forms of nephrotic syndrome, it is so important
NephSpace is an online community for patients to find a specialist. It can truly make the
and families impacted by glomerular disease. difference between preserving the function of
Accessed through w w w.Neph Cu r e.or g, the site the kidneys or quickly progressing to end stage.
is a ?walled garden?for patients and their loved
ones to connect privately, share information,
How have you partnered with the biotech
and seek support. For many in our community,
they have never met another person living with
5. industry to make a difference to patients?lives?
these illnesses due to the rarity in numbers.
Wonderfully, NephCure has positioned itself not
NephSpace offers these individuals a place to only as the home for families and loved ones
go to find others like them and to engage in an living with rare forms of nephrotic syndrome,
online conversation about medical and but also as an anchor for other stakeholder
emotional challenges unique to them. In groups who are passionate about helping bring
addition to NephSpace, NephCure staff are new treatments to patients.

From our perspective, it?s about understanding

the Revolution
policies that can help leverage our alliance?s
www.nephcure.or g
key messages.

In recent years, we have deepened our visionary leaders and others genuinely invested
connections with biotech to educate patients in our mission.
about the importance of clinical trials as a
Every day, new patients find NephCure, and
symbol of progress and hope, as well as to
their stories, their worries, their fears and their
connect patients to opportunities they may
potentially qualify for and benefit from as a courage motivate me to come to work every
participant. Because nephrology is not an day. It is an honour to represent their collective
?on-study?specialty, NephCure has worked with voice in interactions with doctors, researchers,
companies to help increase disease knowledge government agencies and pharma. Add to this
and trial awareness in both the patient and the incredible progress we?re seeing in the form
physician domains. As a nimble organisation of trial opportunities, genetic advancements
charged with moving the needle forward on and precision medicine breakthroughs. I feel
behalf of our patients, we are grateful for the lucky to be part of such extraordinary forward
support of many industry partners invested in movement and a moment in time that has the
our programmes and community! potential to be a game changer for rare kidney
patients and families everywhere.

To f in d ou t m or e, please visit
What is your ?why?? (Why do you come to work
6. each day? What is your passion? Your purpose? w w w.Neph Cu r e.or g
What drives you?) an d f ollow u s on ou r socials

Since joining NephCure seven years ago, I have

been fortunate enough to meet so many
inspirational patient families, dedicated doctors,

NephCure has
positioned itself not
only as the home for
families and loved
ones living with rare
forms of nephrotic
syndrome, but also
as an anchor for
other stakeholder
groups who are
passionate about
helping bring new
treatments to

From our perspective, it?s about understanding

the Revolution
policies that can help leverage our alliance?s
www.nephcure.or g
key messages.

Bor n fighter
Marc Coronel had his sights set on becoming a professional boxer. He was well
known on the amateur scene and pur suing his dreams with passion when a
routine physical examination delivered an unexpected blow that would leave
Marc fighting for his life, leaving him down but most cer tainly not out

Written by Nicola Miller


It was on his 26th birthday, when on the advice of his FSGS causes scarring to the kidneys which can lead to
father, Marc went for a routine physical examination kidney failure. In Marc?s case the biopsy revealed the
to align with a change in insurance policy. But after he presence of scar tissue. In time, as his disease
received an unexpected call back. ?I was advised that progressed, Marc found he had gone from a ?fighter
my creatinine levels were elevated, and they wanted to fighting a sport, to a fighter fighting for his life?. After
rerun them to check this anomaly,? Marc explained. eight years of managing his condition Marc found
himself in need of dialysis, which would have big
Further investigation and a biopsy resulted in a implications for his health and life. ?Dialysis became
diagnosis of focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) everything. Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday I
kidney disease. Marc was a healthy, active young man was in hospital, for hours at a time. As an athlete I was
at the peak of fitness as an amateur athlete, so the used to drinking litres of water a day, and now I had to
diagnosis came as a shock. ?When I look back now I limit my intake considerably which I found challenging.
can see there were signs of the disease before this I felt I could no longer maintain a normal life which
point, but I felt in great shape so overlooked them as really depleted me of my soul.?
being no big deal? frothy urine was something I had
experienced for some time, which I now know to be a With Marc?s dream of sporting prowess fading, his
sign of excessive protein in my urea, also called energies turned to staying alive. ?I had to learn to use
proteinuria.? my physical and mental strength to beat my
weakness, which in this case was FSGS. One of the
best pieces of advice I was given was to not look at
winning the war, but rather concentrate on the
individual battles, and with the battles seeming
What is FSGS? relentless I was grateful for every small victory.?
After a year and a half of dialysis, a decision was made
FSGS is a rare disease that attacks the kidney?s
by Marc?s consulting team that a transplant was the
filtering units (glomeruli) causing serious
best option, a decision which would have another
scarring which leads to permanent kidney
unexpected twist for Marc. ?My dad called me to say I
damage and even failure. FSGS is one of the
had a brother? a brother I was until this point entirely
causes of a serious condition known as nephrotic
unaware of.? While ultimately, Marc?s long-lost brother
proved not to be a suitable match for Marc, it had
www.nephcure.org brought the two together in a remarkable reunion, at
a time when family really mattered like never before.

RARE Revolution www.MarcCoronel.com


?Dialysis teaches you patience and a transplant

teaches you gratitude,? Marc explains, and gratitude is
?It is about eating the r ight things,
more than a sentiment to him, it is a practice which he looking after your self and making
now builds into his daily life. Less than a year ago Marc
was lucky enough to find his match and be approved
sure you are mentally prepared for
for a life-saving transplant. the fight of your life, for the best
?Post-transplant, I felt improvement immediately? I chance of receiving a kidney.
felt energised; it really was a new lease of life. But it is
important to remember that a transplant is not a cure. "Many don?t appreciate that a
While I may no longer be fighting for my life, it is
important that I maintain my health as best I can and tr ansplant isn?t a done deal. You
make all the right choices to remain in recovery from
my disease.?
have to be approved as being a
Just one month post-surgery, Marc was running again
suitable candidate and this means
and nearly six months in, he now trains six days a patients need to be educated on
week for over two hours a time. While his future may
no longer lay in his being in the ring, he now trains
this fact so that they are in an
others through his lifestyle athletics company which optimum position for this.?
teaches people to achieve wellbeing by connecting
with their physical and mental health through the ?I want to change lives, empower people and show
practice of yoga, exercise and sports massage. others how to harness their own inner strength and
Undeterred he is now building a new dream. vulnerabilities to drive change, while learning how to
count our daily blessings.?
But for Marc his new kidney has given him so much
more than improved health and a return to sport and As a symbol to others of personal growth, Marc sees
work. ?When you experience something like this, it has himself as a spokesperson for those who don?t have a
a profound effect on you, and you really learn to smell
the roses and enjoy the simple pleasures of life. For
almost one and a half years I wasn?t able to urinate for
myself, so the simple act of being able to stand up and
urinate on demand was truly liberating and something
which I, like most, took for granted before my rare
?I have learnt what is important in life: you can?t take
wealth and material possessions with you. Your sanity,
soul and being are what truly matter. I have a glow
and an energy now and a gratitude to be alive that I
will never take for granted, and I want to use that to
give hope to others with kidney disease. I have my
career job and I love it, but t h is is my journey.?
By speaking his truth and sharing his vulnerability,
Marc hopes to empower others to live to their fullest
potential with kidney disease.
Marc engages in public speaking and works with
industry and charities to help define the roadmap to
hope for those affected by rare kidney disease. He is
working on a schools programme, as well as
community education and outreach projects, and has
a drive to educate all on his passion.

RARE Revolution www.MarcCoronel.com


voice in the kidney world, and he wants to take

awareness to the global audience. ?I couldn?t
have imagined I could do so much. To be
talking to a magazine like RARE Revolution
sharing my story to a worldwide audience,
working with non-profit organisations such as
NephCure and the UCLA Core Kidney Program
to reach individuals, and working with industry and
patients, advocating? fighting the fight now for
others? is all incredible.?
Marc uses his growing Instagram following and
podcast channel to engage others in important
discussions around kidney disease and aims to be a
beacon of hope for others on a similar journey.
?Don?t get me wrong. I have down days too, but by
sharing my story and truth, I hope others can see that
it?s ok to have up days, and it?s ok to have down days.
Wh at is im por t an t is t o n ever h ave give-u p days."
When asked how Marc saw his future, one word came Follow Marc
out loud and clear? ?bright!? @kidney_fighter

To learn more about Marc' s mission please visit

and check out his podcast on Spotify: The Kidney Fighter Show

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Produced by RARE Revolution Magazine

on behalf of Travere Therapeutics

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