Acc 4003 - Group Project (Rubric)

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Higher Colleges of Technology

Course ACC A003- Accounting Information Systems

Due Date of Week 14 Weighting 30%


Number of the 3 or 4 students in each group

CLO 1: Explain the concepts and components of an AIS and its role in the
CLO2: Explain the sales and collections and purchase and payments
business processes
CLO3: Explain data analytics in AIS
CLO4: Manage, control and evaluate AIS
Assessment III- Group Project

Instructions to students
The project is a group activity on creating databases at Microsoft Access for existing business or
your own business, Microsoft Access is a program that is very useful to work with database.
Microsoft Access is a program that can be used for business. If you start a business, you certainly
often work with database. For example, you want to make the data of financial report of your
business. It will be much easier and better with Microsoft Access. Therefore, this project practice
to use it.

Academic Honesty Statement

In accordance with HCT policy LP201- Academic Honesty
• Students are required to refrain from all forms of academic dishonesty as defined and explained
in HCT procedures and directions from HCT personnel.
• A student found guilty of having committed acts of academic dishonesty may be subject to one
or more of the disciplinary measures as outlined in Article 33 of the Student and Academic
‫األمانة األكاديمية‬
‫ األمانة األكاديمية‬LP201 - ‫وفقًا لسياسة كليات التقنية العليا‬
‫) كما هو مبيّن وموضح في السياسات واإلجراءات الخاصة‬،‫• يُطلب من الطلبة االمتناع عن كافة أشكال سوء األمانة األكاديمية‬
.‫ والتوجيهات الصادرة من موظفي الكليات‬،‫بكليات التقنية العليا‬
‫• في حالة ارتكاب الطالب أي شكل من أشكال سوء األمانة األكاديمية) سوف يتعرض الى واحد أو أكثر من التدابير التأديبية على‬
.‫ من األنظمة األكاديمية‬33 ‫النحو المبين في المادة‬



Part 1:  Group Project, (80 marks)

Company description
 Create your own company, a service , retail or manufacturing
 Give a suitable name to your company,
 Describe the nature of the business

Group students, through using the Microsoft Access, have to

1. Create tables with the following instructions (40 marks)
 Crate at least 5 tables
 Each table consists at least 5 attributes (fields).
 Each table consists at least 5 records.
 Should identify the PK and FK (if any) in each table.

2. Prepare quires (SQL) , (30 marks )

 At least 5 SQLs based on the tables created.

3. Prepare Report (10 marks)

 Income statement

After finishing the creation of the databases and preparation of the SQL and income
statement, each group has to submit screen shoot report to all the results of the project
companion with the databases created.

Part 2:  Individual oral defense ( 20 marks):

Each student in each group subject individually at least to answer orally 4 questions from the

 How to create a Microsoft database.

 How to create a table
 How to add or delete a filed to a certain table.
 How to add or delete a record to a certain table.
 How to insert value data in certain table.
 How to do a SQL.
Note: The above questions are presented as an example, and are not exhaustive.
Team members have the flexibility to assess any student individually, until they are
satisfied with the student's work.


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