Succeeding With Your Creative Market Shop: The Essential Guide To

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the essential guide to

Succeeding With Your

Creative Market Shop
part 1
Introduction to the Shop Owner Community
Helping Shop Owners Succeed 05
How the Community Helps Shop Owners 06

part 2
Getting Your Shop Up and Running
Understanding Your Potential Customers 08
Coming Up With Product Ideas 10
Choosing Product Names 16
Branding Your Storefront 17

part 3
Creating, Uploading and Editing Products
Start with a High-quality Product File 21
Uploading Your Product 21
Create Effective Descriptions 23
Create Ideal Product Screenshots 24

part 4
Licenses, Taxes and Customer Service
How Creative Market’s Licenses and Terms Work 26
How Taxes Work for Creative Market Sellers 27
How Customer Service Works at Creative Market 28
Customer Service Provided by Creative Market 29

part 5
Getting More Exposure for Your Products
Promoting Your Products in the Creative Market Platform 31
Get Featured by the Creative Market Team 31
Promoting Your Products Beyond Creative Market 32

part 6
Tracking Your Progress and Finding Help
Using Your Shop Dashboard To Track Sales 35
Finding Help 36
i'Ve been approved, now what?
A Checklist for Launching
Your Creative Market Shop
Name your shop

Upload a compelling avatar and shop banner

Fill out your shop bio and tax information

Include social media links and/or a website in your profile

Research what your first product might look like

Create your first product making sure that:

File names are clear

Folder structure is organized

The zipped file contains everything the buyer needs

You’ve provided instructions on how to use the product

Upload your first product making sure that:

Screenshots are clear and compelling

The name is descriptive

You have described it thoroughly, explaining why it’s useful

Proper tags are in place

You’ve clarified frequently asked questions

Share your first product with friends and colleagues via

Social media



Monitor your shop dashboard to track important metrics like

views and sales.
part 1

Introduction to
the Shop Owner

When you open your shop on Creative Market, you’re becoming part of
a thriving community of independent designers who share inspiration,
ideas, and support to bring each others’ ideas to life. Opening your shop
and getting active in the community connects you with like-minded
creators from all over the world, and it can also change your life.

Helping Shop Callie had been making and selling digital

assets on other platforms before she opened
Owners Succeed her Creative Market shop in 2013, she credits
the marketplace and the community for
Creative Market is dedicated to empowering
providing the platform that she needed to go
independent creators like you to make a
from a relative unknown in the world of digital
living on your own terms. By selling unique,
design to a successful independent entrepre-
inspired design assets, you are also making
it easier for other creators at every skill level
to bring their own projects to life. That is no Saddled with $35,000 in debt and about to
small feat! With your help, our team aims to become a new dad, Dustin Lee turned to
change the very way people create. Just ask selling Photoshop actions, design templates
a few of the Creative Market shop owners and other digital goods on Creative Market.
whose growing success changed their lives His first month in the marketplace brought in
in wonderful and dramatic ways. Let’s look at $800, and by the end of his first year Dustin
some of their stories. had made $117,000 USD! He squeezed in
With a product line that includes fonts, logos, time around a day job and being a parent to
actions and mockups, Tom Anders Watkins develop his business, and he says having a
has created some of the most popular design community to listen and offer feedback for
assets on Creative Market. And he did it ideas has helped him grow and develop as a
all in his spare time as a college student. designer and entrepreneur.
Since opening his shop, Tom has made over A graphic designer with a passion for creating
$50,000 - and paid his way through college fonts, logos, and mockups, Skyla Design left
as well. her full-time job to take a job cleaning toilets
two days a week in order to be able to create
Callie Hegstrom credits the Shop Owners
and sell her own designs. Six months later,
Community for the support and feedback that
she was making enough passive income from
has helped to make her shop, MakeMediaCo.
her Creative Market shop, Skyla Design, to
a featured shop on Creative Market. Although



leave the cleaning job and focus exclusively can start something as simple as a conver-
on selling designs online. As an independent sation or as long-lasting as a friendship.
creative, she can structure her schedule to
2. Get involved in a discussion thread
create new projects and spend more time
or start a new one. Share your own
with her children too.
experiences and knowledge with other
Jen Wagner specializes in type design, hand shop owners by contributing to ongoing
lettering and branding. Her Creative Market discussions, or introduce a new topic
shop, Jen Wagner Co, has given both Jen and thread for others to join.
her husband the freedom to live their dreams
3. Comment on a blog post. The Creative
- Jen to be a creative entrepreneur and her
Market blog features articles, tips and
husband to pursue a career in music. With the
how-tos for designers of all kinds. Browse
financial stability provided by her shop, Jen
the “Shop Talk” and “Community”
and her family were able to move to Nashville
categories for ideas and inspiration, and
to take advantage of its thriving music scene.
join the discussion by leaving a comment.
Working from her home in South Africa,
4. Join the Creative Market Partner
designer Nicky Laatz specializes in fonts,
Program. When you become a Creative
lettering and illustration. Her passion for
Market affiliate partner, you can extend
design and the support of the Creative Market
your brand’s reach and make money just by
community helped her shop hit $1,000,000
letting others know about Creative Market.
USD in sales. Now, Nicky’s husband also
As an affiliate, you’ll earn 10 percent of
works to support her design business, which
every purchase from an entire year from
means more time for both of them to spend
every new customer you refer to Creative
with their son.
Market. Every new customer you refer
helps to grow your partner empire and
How the Community gives you new ways to let people know
Helps Shop Owners about your own Creative Market shop.

Creative Market gives every shop owner a Starting your Creative Market shop can be
place to share, learn, and find inspiration, and both exciting and scary. But you don’t have to
there are plenty of ways to get involved. Here go it alone. There is a dedicated community
are a few ideas: of creatives ready to share their expertise and
experience, or just to chat when you need a
1. Comment on other shops’ products. friend. Jump in and get involved — community
Browse the marketplace and take a look at is the key to success!
the products being offered in other shops.
Leave a comment for the shop owner, or
ask a question about their products. That


part 2

Getting Your
Shop Up and

Your Creative Market shop is a place for

creative dreams to flourish and reach a
worldwide audience of designers and
artists in search of the perfect design
element for a new project. Shop owners
love the freedom they have to make a
living from their own creative vision, but a
successful shop needs to be a combination
of an artist’s inspiration and a customer’s
aspiration to find products that offer not
only beauty but also practical value.

To find and reach the customers who will you’ll need to find ways to understand who
want to buy your products, you’ll need to those customers are and adjust your creative
shift gears from “designer” to “marketer.” vision toward giving them the products, and
Successful selling starts with figuring out who shopping experience, they’re looking for.
your potential customers are, what kinds of
products might appeal to them and how to Understanding Your
brand your store to be the go-to source for
the kinds of products you offer.
Potential Customers
One reason that businesses and shops fail
If you’re a new shop owner taking the first
is that they don’t clearly identify exactly who
steps toward being a creative entrepreneur,
their potential customers might be, and that
that can seem like a tall order. But Creative
makes it hard (if not impossible!) to design
Market provides tools and tips to help you get
products to appeal to them. You don’t need
started, including this very guide. Here are
sophisticated marketing tools to create a
a few suggestions for finding your potential
customer profile and learn what that ideal
customers, coming up with a viable product
customer needs and wants from your shop.
idea, and branding your storefront with a look
Some imagination and a few free online tools
and feel that’s uniquely and distinctively you.
can give you all the insights you need.
It may be tempting to quickly stock your
store’s shelves with every product you’ve
worked so hard to create. But to attract Who might want your product? While it’s
customers and keep them coming back, tempting to say, “everybody,” that simply isn’t



true. A customer searching for business logos JOBS, PAINS & GAINS
isn’t likely to stop by a shop that specializes
The map is based on three key proposi-
in wedding fonts and invitations. Take some
tions: jobs, pains and gains. The jobs value
time to reflect on the characteristics of your
focuses on what kind of jobs a customer is
ideal customer. Write up a profile of that
person. You can even give them a name. Ask
yourself what they’d think of any new ideas
or products you have planned, and how they
might use them.

A customer profile can help you plan future

products, and it can also help you design the
look and feel of your store in order promote
your products in a way that appeals to that
kind of shopper. But along with knowing who trying to get done, while pains represent the
your customer is, it’s important to understand negatives surrounding the experience, such
what they want. as annoyances, disadvantages, or inconve-
niences. For design asset buyers, consider
FIND FOCUS WITH THE VALUE the types of tasks that they face on a daily
PROPOSITION CANVAS basis. These are the kinds of activities where
Among the many marketing tools available for your products will come in handy. Gains, in
getting insights into a customer’s motivations turn, are positive outcomes the customer
to buy, the Value Proposition Canvas is might envision as a result of this transaction.
a simple way to map out the relationship Consider how the purchase of any of your
between what you offer and what a customer design products might help the average buyer
needs and wants from your shop. achieve something he or she has been waiting
for. Successful market research produces
The Value Proposition Canvas was products that appeal to these three values.
developed by Swiss management theorist
Alexander Osterwalder to help businesses The Value Map contains a section called
design products that meet a clear customer “Products and Services,” where you can
demand. This tool helps business owners shift brainstorm potential design products that can
focus from what they think customer’s need to resolve a customer’s pains, gains, and jobs
what a customer really wants from them. to be done. If you’ve done your customer
research, you may already know, or can
This Value Map breaks down the relation- envision, what those three things are for your
ship between a “supplier,” who creates target audience.
and provides goods and services, and the
customer who might need them. For example, if your ideal customer is a
wedding planner, you might list their jobs,



pains and gains and then design the kinds of products within your niche that can address all three.
Here’s what that example might look like in a Value Proposition Canvas:

Paper Lark’s Wedding Planning Forms are a great example

of honing into your ideal customers’ specific needs and
satisfying them.

Coming up with product ideas is another aspect of your

market research, though, and Creative Market has several
features that can help you figure out what kind of product
might be a top seller in your shop.

Coming Up With Product Ideas

There are plenty of ways, both external and internal to Creative Market, to research great product
ideas for your design assets.


To do external research for product ideas, browse design sites, forums and tutorials for insights
into what kinds of products experts use and recommend. Watch for roundups of the best fonts,
most popular templates and themes or other kinds of assets. You might also want to visit a few
forums and groups for designers and artists for insights about features users like and dislike about
currently trending products in their field. Watch for areas where your products could fill a specific
need that isn’t being addressed.



Our Team’s Favorite at well-designed brand packaging around

the world and publishes a detailed recount of
Sources to Spot Up & the rationale behind each project as well as
Coming Design Trends: lessons learned. You can even filter articles by
packaging substrate if you’re only interested
BRANDING & PRINT DESIGN TRENDS in trends related to paper, plastic, wood, or
metal — for instance.
UnderConsideration’s Brand New is an
all-time designer favorite, and with good NEW ILLUSTRATION & GENERAL
reason. Edited and written by Armin Vit, GRAPHIC DESIGN TRENDS
co-founder of UnderConsideration, Brand
Best of Behance displays the latest work from
New covers and reviews outstanding brand
popular creative portfolios around the world.
identity projects. The blog has built such an
You can also filter it by field (Graphic Design,
engaged community of designers that some
Photography, Illustration, etc.) and then sort
of the most interesting insights can be found
it by “Featured”. The result is a list of projects
in the comments section. If you’re constantly
curated by the Behance team, in a timeframe
working on print design, make sure you also
of your choice (this month/week/today/all
check out Art of the Menu, a specialized
division by UnderConsideration.
Dribbble’s Hot Shots of the Week is a special
The Dieline is another classic resource for
view within Dribbble that lists each week’s
those who find inspiration in innovative
most popular uploads. Just navigate to the
packaging. The team behind this site looks
week you’re interested in and check out



the most viewed or commented shots (your USER EXPERIENCE DESIGN TRENDS
choice). With Dribbble’s unobtrusive grid,
you can easily appreciate the types of color Pattern Tap, by Zurb, is a handpicked
palettes and visual styles that are dominating collection of user interaction patterns to
the platform. Some of these shots are also inspire designers to do more of what works.
featured in their Weekly Replay blog series, The Zurb team offers it as part of their larger
under a section called Hot Shots. library, which in their words has “accumulated
an arsenal of tools and knowledge that serve
Abduzeedo’s Weekly Roundup and Daily as an invaluable resource to both inspire and
Inspiration Series are both great recounts empower designers around the world.”
of emerging creative work that is worth
noting. Their selection is diverse, and spans UI Interactions of the Week is an inspiring
everything from 3D work to architecture and weekly series published on Muzli’s Medium
fine arts. Aside from subscribing via RSS, blog. You can also download their Chrome
you can now sign up for their newsletter to extension and get noteworthy creative
receive inspiration periodically. projects served every time you open a new
tab. Muzli joined InVision in 2016. curates the top 5 design-related
links that you should check out every day and EMERGING WEB DESIGN TRENDS
serves them in a clean interface. You can also
Httpster is where you go to spot inspiring
choose to receive these picks in your inbox
page grids and unique typographic
every day by subscribing to their email list.
treatments. The site does tend to lean towards



a minimal aesthetic, but is equally helpful if has always characterized Jeremiah Shoaf (@
you’re working on a more elaborate design. typewolf himself), you can rest assured there’s
Interestingly enough, it was born when two always something fresh to trigger new ideas
colleagues (@guvnor and @dominicwhittle) for your own work. Also interesting is the
found they were losing inspiring links for not ability to find inspiration by font, which might
having a better way to capture them. Httpster be useful when you’re trying to visualize how
is their better way. a certain type family is used in context.

Siteinspire is another place to find innovative BIG PICTURE, INTERDISCIPLINARY

web layouts created by designers around the DESIGN TRENDS
world. The websites listed here are curated by
The Friday Link Pack by Swissmiss is a great
Howell Studio. Just browse by “latest” to get
resource for ongoing inspiration in many
a sense of what’s trending in the web design
different creative fields. Swissmiss is a popular
design blog run by Tina Roth Eisenberg,
TYPOGRAPHY TRENDS who is also the talented mind behind
Creative Mornings. If you identify as more of
Typewolf’s Favorite Sites of the Month a generalist, make sure to check out Tina’s
Series provides a detailed description of the suggestions — they go from everything to
typographic details behind compelling new designer life to random tidbits that will make
websites. With the keen eye for type that your weekend.



CO.DESIGN is where creativity, management, rounds up an assortment of interesting links

and design news come together in a more to inspire designers from any field. The series
business-driven publication. Edited by Fast includes a section called Who to Follow where
Company, this site helps you understand the team recommends a list of creative social
how design decisions and business shifts media accounts worth looking at.
coexist, why certain companies go down new
Creative Market’s blog is our bonus source
creative paths, and how to apply lessons from
number 16. Our team is constantly scouting
divergent creative fields. Instead of telling
the web for extraordinary design ideas and
you that poly, 3D objects are on trend in icon
analyzing them for the creative community.
design, for instance, CO.DESIGN will explain
Head over to our Trends section to check out
why Google is investing in that direction.
an ongoing library of inspiration roundups and
A definite must-read if you’re trying to catch
trend alerts.
broader trends that have immediate business
Product Hunt’s Design Tools and Design
Books topic pages are great resources to You can do some important market research
find new products impacting our space. They on Creative Market without ever leaving
include a top section labeled “Popular this the site. Our team lists internal site search
month” that comes in handy when you’re trends in the Shop Owner discussion area
trying to detect the latest and greatest, but every month. The “Top 100 Search Terms on
it’s also possible to sort listings by popularity, Creative Market” can provide useful insights
date added, comments, or upvotes. into the kind of products people are searching
The Best of the Web Series by It’s Nice That for, and you might see some trends worth
following with products of your own.


Seasonal Calendar
for Creative Market Products
Use this calendar to inspire your production month in advance of their commercial peak.
and promotion tactics. We have created it To facilitate the planning process, you will
based on a combination of the seasonal find advice on when to “Create and Upload”
interest Creative Market users have and when to “Promote” certain seasonal
displayed over the years as well as general design products below. In the “Promote”
market trends that affect our industry. column, you’ll see a star ★ next to important
events to plan your sales. Also worth noting
Note that certain months might be ideal to is that a given season’s commercial peak
market certain products, but those products doesn’t always coincide with the actual
must actually be created in advance in order month in which its holiday takes place:
to be ready for sale when their seasonal Christmas products, for example, start
rise comes. Therefore, our advice is to start getting popular around November, and have
creating and uploading products around one an unexpected surge in July.

Choosing Product Names

Coming up with an idea for an exciting new product your clients would love is the first step, though.
Your new product needs a name that instantly communicates to potential customers what it is,
what it does and why they should buy it.

And because naming a product properly is a key part of selling successfully, here are a few tips to
find a name that gives you a head start.


It’s a good idea to keep search terms in mind when naming products and using words that are
both specific and evocative. Naming with SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, in mind can help
products to turn up quickly when people are searching for a specific kind of asset. Try using
Google’s free Keyword Planner to see which words and phrases have high monthly search
volumes and adjust product names to match the search terms people are using.

PowerPoint templates, for example, are some of the most widely searched products that drive
traffic to our marketplace. Understanding the importance of making his products easy to find,
Jean-Francois Robert, the shop owner behind Reshapely, uses the terms “modern powerpoint
template” in some of his product’s names.

A simple Google search is a quick way to see what kinds of products are trending now. Try out
possible product names and check the number of search results around each potential name. You
can also attract customers by giving products short, catchy names that suggest quality, craft and
an artisanal feel, such as “Kit,” “Studio” or “Shoppe.”

Making products part of a series can also boost their appeal and also help sell related products.
Make it clear right away what the product does and how it connects to other product lines.



Although SEO is important, making a product name

original and memorable helps it stand out from the


Even intangibles like the product’s “personality” can
help to create a memorable product name. Though
that’s especially evident with fonts and illustrations,
it’s important to keep names of all products clear and
functional while also capturing the unique characteristics
that make them stand out.

Even if you aren’t selling fonts, the evocative and often whimsical names used in today’s
typography can offer ideas for naming your own products too. Originality is essential, but so is
appropriateness: finding a name that fits both the form and the function of the product. Take
shop owner Callie Hegstrom’s Ink Bandits font, a clear example of how to infuse a design asset’s
personality into its actual name.

Branding Your Storefront

Finding names for your products is only one of the decisions you’ll need to make about going
public with your shop. Your products are a part of your store’s overall brand: the way you want your
business to be perceived by others and a reflection of your “brand promise” — the value that you
offer to the customers whose jobs, pains, and gains you defined in your Value Map.

From the name you give to your shop to the colors and style of your logo and the look of your
products, every aspect of your shop’s appearance and feel should support your brand identity, and
you’ll want to take some time to consider what that is.


Just as you did when thinking about names for your products, you’ll need to research and reflect
on a name for your shop that reflects aspects of yourself and the creative vision you hope to share.



Many shop owners opt to use their own appeals to you and design your banner with
names but style them in a way that reflects the colors and styling to reflect that kind of
their brand: others, like Feather & Sage, product. Consider showcasing your best
choose a name that conveys a distinctive products in your banner for an easy way to
message about their brand. show customers what you do.

Since your shop is a reflection of your own Text is important when setting up your
personality and creative vision, don’t be afraid banner, too. By default, your name appears
to let that shine through. Letting customers beneath your shop banner in a readable,
get to know you is a way to build trust and a sans-serif font. But this may not fit the look
personal connection, and your Shop Owner and feel of your brand. Many Creative Market
Kit includes all the tools you’ll need to make shop owners stylize their shop name with a
your shop visible. different font that’s more reflective of their
Use your banner to showcase your best
Creative Market includes space for a 300-
work and attract the attention of your ideal
character bio, so use it to describe your main
customer. Creative Market makes it easy
value offer. Add keywords for the products
by including templates for both the banner
and services you offer so customers can find
image and avatar in your new shop owner kit.
you when they search. Don’t forget to add a
Our shop owner community is also there for
bit of personal information to appear real and
feedback, tips, and inspiration.
relatable. Be sure to add your avatar and all
your social media sites. If you have your own Carefully crafting your shopfront to sell your
website, include its URL. brand and your products is a key to your
shop’s success. Your Creative Market shop
is a blend of your vision and personality, the
Your shop includes space for your avatar, the value you bring to customers in your niche
image that represents you online, or your and the products you provide to help them
logo. Add one that reflects your brand and the get jobs done, avoid pains, and reap great
value you offer, so that it’s easily recognizable gains.

The banner is key to showcasing your shop
identity. It’s the first thing your customers
will see when they find your shop. Use it to
tell them a bit about you, what you offer and
the niche you’re filling. Choose a niche that


How to Brand Your Storefront
There will be 5 key areas to consider when branding your Creative Market shop. Locate them in
the diagram below and explore ways to make a great first impression when users interact with
each of the elements.

➋ ➌

➊ A Horizontal Banner. This is your shop’s cover ➌ The Shop's Name. It will appear on branded
photo, often the first graphic users see when they areas like your shop’s header. Go for a name that
land on your storefront. Create a 1020x250px captures your aesthetic, personality, and gives
image that communicates what you’d like to let users a hint of what type of design discipline
users know about your shop. Think about it as you’re in.
a physical retailer would think about an outdoor
sign. Many shop owners use this space to display ➍ A Brief Shop Bio. You have 300 characters
their brand promise or slogan, a preview of their to describe who you are and what you do. You
preferred aesthetic, or even feature a seasonal could use this space to talk about your personal
promotion buyers should be aware of. expertise or describe what the shop is about with
a more brand-centric point of view.
➋ A Square Avatar. This thumbnail will identify
your profile virtually everywhere on the site. ➎ Social Media & Website Links. Don’t miss
Whether you participate in discussion areas, out on the opportunity to connect with potential
comment threads, publish a shop update, or even buyers by sharing links to other channels where
write a blog post, this small graphic will often be you publish great content. Our social profile fields
the first thing potential customers see when they allow you to connect a wide variety of networks to
aren’t familiar with your work yet. Many shop owners point your followers to other spaces where they
go for a headshot or small logo as their avatar. may learn more about you.
Whatever you decide, make it friendly, professional,
and under 5mb.
part 3

Uploading and
Editing Products

Your shop’s success depends on the quality of the products you sell and
the ease with which your customer can access them. From creating the
product itself to uploading and listing it on your site, careful attention to
each step can improve customer satisfaction and boost your sales.

Start with a High Quality guide. Some shop owners also link to tutorials
and video demonstrations of their products.
Product File Although these things aren’t necessary, they
can definitely go a long way toward helping
Even before you upload a product to the
customers make the best use of your product.
site, it’s essential to be mindful of a few basic
For a great example of a video user guide,
considerations for creating a quality file that
check out the one Lisa Glanz created for her
customers can use efficiently. These consider-
Personalized Portrait Creator.
ations include:


Be sure to include a descriptive file name
that lets your customers know what to expect
when they open it. Try to include your shop's
name in file names to avoid confusion with
similar products. Avoid special characters
((like / | \ @ ©) that may not be supported by all


Make sure that all elements of your files
are easy to identify and access before you
compress them into a .zip file. We highly
recommend the .zip format for its universality. Uploading Your Product
RAR or 7z aren't as easy to handle and open,
When you’re ready to list a new, single
especially for less savvy customers.
product, you’ll be taken to the Product Editor
USER GUIDES OR DOCUMENTATION to get started. You can also upload multiple
products with the Bulk Editor if you have a
Provide customer support in the form of number of new listings to post at once.
instructions for using your design product.
You may want to include a downloadable user CATEGORIZING YOUR PRODUCT



Place your product in the most relevant to use as a live preview or a tutorial for using
category to help your customers find it easily. your product. Your video must be a public
The category you select will also define the video, not an unlisted or private one. First,
licensing options that apply to the product. upload the video and click Share. Then, copy
For products listed in the Fonts or Add-Ons the link and embed it into your product listing
categories, you will not be able to add an using the field for Embed YouTube Video or
extended license. And if you choose to list a Vimeo URL.
3D item, note that the 3D category will not be
available unless you apply to open a 3D shop. CREATE IDEAL PRODUCT SCREENSHOTS

Your product description and the images that

go along with it can be potent selling tools
Once you’ve selected your product’s that showcase all the important features of
category and subcategory, the Product Editor your product. Create product screenshots that
offers a suggested price range for the item help to sell your products.
based on an average of all products in the
same category as yours. But this is only a BE CUSTOMER-FOCUSED
suggestion. Choose a price for your item that Your product’s cover needs to grab attention
fairly reflects your time, expertise and effort. and clearly communicate the main benefit of
the asset. One way to do that is to show
YOUR PRODUCT LICENSE results achieved with the product. In the world
Creative Market provides all the licenses, of design, that could mean showing a finished
so you don’t have to write the license terms project done with the product, such as a
yourself or include license files or end-user poster created with the font you are selling. In
license agreements in your listing. Your the example below, shop owner Andrey
customers will see the license that applies to Sharonov displays how his Aurora script font
the product when they make a purchase. can be used to create stunning wedding

Live preview is available for the Themes,

Add-Ons/Actions and Add-Ons/Plugins, and
Templates/Websites categories. To add this
feature, first select the appropriate category
and subcategory. Then, click Add Property
and select Preview URL to add a link that
shows your product in action.

You can add a video from YouTube or Vimeo



Before and after pictures offer dramatic evidence of how a product works. While this won’t work
for every product or shop, taking screenshots of projects before and after using the product can
bolster your claims about what it can do. This is particularly effective for items that transform
original artwork, such as brushes and actions. Here are a few examples of such before/after
product shots:


Your screenshots can function almost like a presentation that quickly reveals the key points buyers
want to know. Your screenshots can reflect your unique voice and brand identity, too.

Dustin Lee from RetroSupply Co. shows us how his Subtle Filtercrave demonstrates how Blog Photography Presets
Ink Brush Set adds retro-inspired textures to flat artwork. enhance a scene with three different “after” shots.

Create Effective Descriptions

Your product description is a place to answer your customers’ questions, showcase your brand,
and highlight key features of your product.

Keep the sentences short. People are scanning quickly, so help make it easy for them find the
information they need. Use bullet points and lists of key features, and keep the tone conversational
and easy to read. Make sure you clarify which software is compatible with the product you offer;
in certain cases, it might be useful to also mention the software that won't support it. If there's
content related to your product on other sites, make sure those links are easy to find and click.

Include testimonials from users of your product, reviews, and positive comments to show that
people are using your product and finding it helpful. Don’t forget to add a call to action (invitation
to do buy/download) in your description too — it can help turn a wavering customer into a buyer.

As a Creative Market shop owner, you have complete control over creating and marketing your
design assets. The decisions you make in the process of creating your product and posting it to
your shop are your own to make - so have fun and enjoy the process.


How to Create the Ideal Product
Image & Description

➊ Name your product with the end ➌ Introduce the inspiration behind the
customer in mind. You can combine literal product, its technical specifications,
and creative terms, preserving the product’s aesthetic style, potential uses, related
personality as well as its searchability. product links (optional), software require-
ments, and testimonials if you have them.
➋ Upload several 1820x1214 graphics that
show the product’s main benefit, potential ➍ Add labels to help your product get
uses, and key features. You can also embed found by the users who need it. Think in
a YouTube or Vimeo video by just pasting terms of how an average user would go
the URL in the video field. about finding this item including tags around
its visual style, design trend, use cases,
related holidays, design discipline, materials
involved, top features, among others.
part 4

Licenses, Taxes
and Customer

Along with creating great products for hungry customers, the success of
your Creative Market shop also depends on some nuts and bolts practi-
calities: understanding what the site’s licenses look like, staying compliant
with taxes, and providing the best possible customer service through
your own means and the Creative Market system.

How Creative Market’s Customers who purchase your product are

free to manipulate it, alter it, or incorporate
Licenses & Terms Work it into their own original work; however, they
may not resell, sublicense, share or transfer it
Our comprehensive set of licenses and terms
in its original form, even for free. These terms
protect you and your products from misuse
constitute an agreement among you (the shop
and misappropriation and establish clear
owner), the purchaser, and Creative Market,
limits on what your customers can do with the
and they are legally binding. Under these
products they purchase from you.
terms, the customer assumes all risk related to
END PRODUCTS the use of your product in an End Product of
their own.
When a customer buys a product from you,
they typically do so with the intent to create PERSONAL, COMMERCIAL, AND
an End Product - a unique item that is sub- EXTENDED COMMERCIAL LICENSES
stantially different from your original product.
On Creative Market, when a customer buys
End Products can be created for a variety of
a product from your shop, they are actually
purposes, too, so your customer will choose
purchasing a license to use your product.
the license that best fits the type of End
You, the shop owner, retain full ownership
Product they intend to create.
of the item, but you grant your customer
In all cases, though, End Products must certain rights to use the product under
be significantly different from your original specific circumstances. Those circumstanc-
product and take skill and time to produce, es are established both in the Terms and
and they can’t be sold or distributed in such by the specific license a customer selects,
a way that they constitute direct competition Depending on how customers will use your
to your original product. End Products also product, your customers may purchase a
may not allow third parties to extract your Personal License, a Commercial License, or
original product for their use, and customers an Extended Commercial License.
are prohibited from selling or distributing your
Personal Licenses allow customers to use
original product to others in any way.
your product in an unlimited number of



personal projects. Use in both personal include multiple social media accounts- such
projects and one personal social media as Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter- that
account is permitted. Purchasers of this all forward the same business.) Extended
license type are not permitted to use your Commercial Licenses also allow the customer
product to make an End Product for sale, nor to use your product in one native app, web
use it for any business-related purposes. app, or game purchased or downloaded up to
250,000 times.
Commercial Licenses allow your customers to
use your products in an unlimited number of To read the comprehensive details about our
projects with up to 5,000 total End Products licenses, please visit our full License Terms
for sale, as well as in one business social here. You can also read more Frequently
media presence (owned by the licensee). Asked Questions in our Help Center.
(A social media presence might include an
Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook account that FONT LICENSES
all forward to the same business.) Commercial Creative Market handles licenses for fonts
License holders can also use your product differently than it does for the rest of its
to create unlimited physical advertisements products because of the way fonts are used
in local markets and digital advertisements by customers. Customers can choose from
with unlimited impressions. For broadcast and four different font licenses from your shop on
streaming purposes, the Commercial License Creative Market.
limits impressions at 500,000 lifetime viewers.
Creative Market’s Desktop Font License
Commercial Licenses prohibit the customer
permits customers to use your fonts in
from using your product in native apps, web
most graphic design tools like Photoshop,
apps, or games. It’s also important to note
Illustrator, etc. while working on an unlimited
that with the Commercial License, any End
number of personal and commercial projects.
Use must: (i) be significantly different than the
With the Desktop license, only the rasterized
original Licensed Asset, (ii) require time, effort,
version of the font may be used in websites,
and skill to produce and (iii) not derive its
web apps, or games. Additionally, only the
primary value from the Licensed Asset itself.
Licensee may use your font to create a
Extended Commercial Licenses allow your completed end product in design or print-on-
customers to do the most with your products. demand applications.
They can use your product in an unlimited The Webfont License allows the customer
number of projects with up to 250,000 total to use your font in an unlimited number of
End Products for sale. They can use the websites or web apps that he/she owns - up
product in an unlimited number of social to an agreed upon number of pageviews.
media presences (owned by the licensee), as Customers will be able to select and pay
well as in an unlimited number of advertising for the pageview limit that applies to their
and broadcast or streaming impressions. predicted use during the checkout process.
(Again, one social media presence might



An App License allows a customer to use product that contains it as a trademark. None
your font in one application, like a game or of the licenses on Creative Market offer
a desktop app. However, the customer can exclusive rights, so you are free to sell that
never use the font in a way that allows others same product to anyone else as well. Your
to extract or download it. customer also agrees that if they breach any
terms of the agreement, the license to use
Lastly, the E-pub License allows a customer
your product can be terminated. The Terms
to use your font in one E-pub title. The font
also place all the risk for using the project
can be embedded in an E-pub, but it can’t be
solely on the customer, and frees you and
extractable. An E-pub (electronic publication)
Creative Market of any liability related to the
might include an e-book, e-magazine, or
product’s use.

For a comprehensive look at our licenses, HOW TAXES WORK FOR CREATIVE
take a look at our Font License FAQ page, MARKET SELLERS
or our full License Terms. You can also read According to US tax law, the government can
Frequently Asked Questions in our Help collect taxes for US-sourced royalty income.
Center. Royalties are considered to be US-sourced
when a sale is made to any person residing
in the US. But the US government does not
When a customer purchases an item from you, assess tax on a sale between two non-US
they also agree in full to Creative persons. To comply with tax laws relating
both to US persons and those outside the
Your customer is also prohibited from claiming
US, Creative Market withholds taxes from the
that your product is their own creation and
earnings from your Creative Market shop.
from registering your product or an End



If you are considered a US person for tax your Creative Market shop on your personal
purposes, Creative Market requires you to taxes with a Form 1042-S.
fill out a W-9 form for withholding. Before
For more information on taxable income and
making a payment to the IRS for you, Creative
withholding for your individual circumstances,
Market must have your US taxpayer iden-
please consult the IRS directly or check with a
tification number, or TIN - either a Social
tax professional.
Security Number or Employer Identification
Number. If you do not provide a valid SSN or
EIN, Creative Market is required to withhold AT CREATIVE MARKET
30 percent of your gross sales income and
deposit it with the IRS. Providing great customer service in all cir-
cumstances helps to establish your shop
You are not required to pay the IRS directly as trustworthy and reliable and can keep
for taxes on your Creative Market income; customers coming back. Responding promptly
Creative Market itself does that. But as an and attentively to customer questions,
independent shop owner, you are required to problems, and complaints can also create
fill out a Form 1099-MISC to report your gross opportunities for generating even more
Creative Market earnings on your personal business. Along with repeat business from
income taxes. customers who want more of the products
they’ve purchased, good customer service
If you are not a US person for tax purposes,
also opens doors for other selling strategies
royalty income that Creative Market pays to
such as cross-sells (selling a different product
you for creative content used in the US is
to an existing customer) and upsells (selling
subject to a 30 percent withholding tax. But
an upgrade, add-on or a higher priced
if you reside in a country that has an income
tax treaty with the US, you could be eligible
for a reduced tax rate or an exemption from There’s a lot you can do to provide quality
withholding. If a transaction takes place customer service right from your Creative
between two non-US persons, though, the US Market shop, but Creative Market also offers
government does not levy any tax against the its own customer services through the
sale. marketplace itself to help your customers
have the best buying experience.
Non-US citizens or entities must complete and
submit a W-8 form. Without this information, CUSTOMER SERVICE YOU CAN
Creative Market is required to withhold 30 PROVIDE AS A SHOP OWNER
percent of your gross income from sales. If
You can create a positive buying experience
your country has a tax treaty with the US,
and prevent customer dissatisfaction simply
you may be eligible for a reduced rate of
by setting up your shop in a buyer-friendly
withholding or no withholding at all. You will
way. Including features that make purchasing
be required to report your gross earnings from


part 5

Getting More
Exposure for
Your Products

Opening a shop on Creative Market puts your products in front of a

worldwide audience of artists and designers looking for the very best in
digital design goods. But there are also plenty of other things you can do
get more exposure for your products and extend the reach of your brand.
You can promote your products both on the Creative Market platform
itself and beyond the marketplace to attract more customers and make
more sales.

Promoting Your Products your post — you have 36 characters or less.

in the Creative Market Next, write a brief message to your followers

that tells them what the update is about. You
Platform have 200 characters for this, and it should
describe the most important details about
The Creative Market platform itself provides
your update. You can even add emoji if you
opportunities for shop owners to promote
products and share information about their
shops. Shop updates can also be posted directly
from a product page itself, an important
feature for those who have just made updates
The Shop Updates feature lets you promote to products. Click "Update Followers" to share
your products to all your followers and let your update with all your followers on the
them know what’s new in your shop. Use site. Your shop updates appear in the Shop
Shop Updates to let everyone know about Updates feed of your followers, and every
your latest new product, announce a product Sunday, your followers who have subscribed
update or run a limited time sale or discount to Shop Updates will receive an email that
on a product. notifies them of news and updates from the
shop owners they follow.
Posting a Shop Update is easy and takes just
a few minutes. Visit Shop Updates from your GET FEATURED BY THE CREATIVE
shop dashboard and click on the option that MARKET TEAM
says, "Got an update to share?" then choose
Creative Market actively works to promote
a post type depending on the reason for your
and market outstanding products and shops
update: New product, Discount or Product
in the marketplace. Your shop can be featured
Update. Add an attention-grabbing title to
by the Creative Market team on several




EMAIL NEWSLETTERS Your products can be included in the

Handpicked Goods feature of curated design
Creative Market’s regular email newsletters products, both on the site’s homepage and on
feature products in several categories: New each category page.
Products, Free Goods, Trending Goods and
Popular Products. SOCIAL MEDIA

THE CREATIVE MARKET HOMEPAGE Creative Market promotes its shops and
products on its own social media platforms
Your shop and products can also appear on too, with updates and announcements
the Creative Market homepage if they've appearing on leading sites such as Twitter,
become popular among buyers. Facebook, Pinterest and Google+. In that
way, mentions of your shop and products
can quickly reach a large pool of potential
Each week Creative Market produces a customers.
roundup of products offered for free. If you'd
like, you can submit one of your products to Promoting Your Products
be considered as a Free Good.
Beyond Creative Market
You can promote your products on your own,
Along with a wealth of design tips and too, with tools such as social media platforms
inspiration, the Creative Market blog features and your own blog.
articles by and about its Shop Owners. This is
a great way to showcase your shop to a wide SHARE ON SOCIAL MEDIA
audience of readers. Create social media accounts for your



business on leading platforms, such as Twitter, Pinterest, and Facebook, and begin following
influencers and tastemakers in your niche. Offer comments and participate in discussions and
reach out to these influencers and their followers with updates about your shop and products.

Creative Market makes sharing your products on social media easy. From the Marketing Tools
section of your Shop Analytics Dashboard, you can easily share your products directly to
Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and more. To learn more about this sharing functionality, read our
blog post on the feature.

Additionally, Creative Market has made it easy to set goals for sharing your products on social
media. The more Shop Owners share their products, the more sales they get, and so set a goal
and start sharing your products on social media today!


Consider starting a blog. Your blog can be a way to keep your customers and followers engaged
with your shop and your brand on a regular basis. Your blog can be a part of your business website
or stand alone on platforms such as Medium or Tumblr. Use the blog to tell readers the stories
behind your products, share your creative process and explain how you use various tools. Be sure
to link back to your Creative Market store.

Your blog can be a good way to build an email list of interested readers who want to receive
information from you. Urge your readers to sign upon your site to get regular updates and special
offers. Direct them back to your Creative Market shop with a link and a call to action. Your blog
can be a key tool for building authority and establishing yourself as trustworthy. It’s a way to keep
connected with people interested in your shop and products by consistently delivering information
that’s of interest to people in your design niche.

Your Creative Market shop showcases your products to the world. With the support of the Creative
Market platform and your own marketing efforts, you can get more exposure for your shop and
promote your products to this worldwide audience of customers who love good design.


part 6

Tracking Your
Progress and
Finding Help

When your shop is up and running, you’ll need to be able to track your
progress. With easy access to your shop’s key metrics, you can make any
needed changes to reach customers and boost sales.

Using Your Shop Dashboard to Track Sales

Along with managing your shop and products, your shop dashboard allows you to track sales
stats, taxes, payouts and important metrics such as total earnings, products sold and the all-impor-
tant conversion rate.


Your Sales dashboard provides a view of your shop’s total revenue and earnings along with other
sales statistics. Revenue is the total amount of money your shop makes from your products, and
your earnings are the bottom line amount you make after any taxes and fees are taken out. If you
have affiliate income, that total also appears next to your earnings and revenue totals.

The sales dashboard also allows you to view statistics from a specified period in graph form for an
easy visual snapshot of your shop activity in any given time frame.




The dashboard also tracks activity around
your products, which allows you to see at a Your Shop’s Dashboard also includes a Traffic
glance what products are selling best. The section that displays the sources of traffic to
Recent Sales table includes data such as your shop. You can use this information to
the date a product was sold, the name of understand where your customers are coming
the customer, the name of the product, its from - both from within Creative Market, and
total price and your earnings from the sale. from external sources. The graph includes
Select View All Sales to see a listing of every information about traffic from Creative Market,
transaction your shop has made. External Search (like Google or Bing) and
Social Media. Using this information helps
VIEWS AND CONVERSIONS you see how changes you make to your shop,
Your dashboard also shows your shop’s total social sharing, and other marketing efforts are
views: how many times your shop page has impacting your traffic and sales. To learn more
been visited. This information can provide about how Creative Market’s Traffic tool can
important insights about your shop’s visibility help you better optimize your Shop, visit this
and the reach of your brand. Along with blog post to understand the Creative Market
your views, your dashboard also tracks your traffic sources, and this blog post to learn
product likes, a useful indicator of your shop’s how to monitor external traffic sources.
overall appeal.

You’ll also see your conversion rate, an

important metric for tracking what visitors do
when they go to your shop. The conversion
rate indicates the percentage of prospective
customers who “convert,” or take a specific
action you have asked them to do. In our case,
this conversion rate refers to actual product
sales: the percentage of people who made a
purchase out of the number of total visitors.

You dashboard calculates your conversion

rate for you and displays it along with your
views and likes on the right side of the page.
Low conversion rates typically mean low
revenue, so tracking this metric can help you
develop a plan for promoting your shop and
products for more sales.



CREATING SPREADSHEETS FROM they’re happy to share what they know about
YOUR SALES STATS solving it. When you open your shop, you’ll
have access to the discussion forums and
The Sales page also allows you to generate
other resources just for owners of Creative
a spreadsheet in CSV (comma separated
Market shops.
values) format for your records. Sort the data
you want to add to the spreadsheet by shop Being active in the shop owner community
sales or referral (affiliate) commission. Then allows you to make connections and get new
choose the date range you want to capture ideas - and to feel less alone in your new
and click the Export as CSV box on the left of endeavor. And even if you’re a new shop
your sales stats to generate a spreadsheet in owner, your experiences and expertise can
.csv format. help others solve problems, too.


The Creative Market Shop Talk blog category
is a rich source of tips, tricks and tutorials for
shop owners. It features articles and how-tos
on topics, such as how to price your designs,
tips for running a successful shop, easy
ways to promote your business and more.
Finding Help With categories for Shop Tips and Tricks
Your shop owner’s kit and shop dashboard and Community, the blog offers practical
provide a comprehensive collection of tools to information about running your shop along
get your shop up and running and track your with inspiration and insights from successful
progress and sales. If you need more help, shop owners.
though, the Creative Market community has a
number of ways to support shop owners and
help them succeed.
The Help Center has an extensive set of
ASK YOUR PEERS FOR HELP FAQs for shop owners, with information on
The shop owner discussion forums give all aspects of running a shop, from finances
shop owners a place to share ideas, answer and taxes to issues related to managing sales,
questions and help each other solve promotion, and marketing.
problems. If you’re struggling with a particular
For specific questions not covered in forums
issue in your shop, it’s likely that someone
or FAQs, the Creative Market support team
else has experienced a similar problem - and
is ready to help. Submit a support request



with detailed information through the Contact

Support form for a direct response to your
question. You can add screenshots, files, or
links to products and sites if necessary to help
the support team solve the problem.

Creative Market is committed to the success

of all shop owners. With detailed reporting on
your dashboard and a rich store of resources,
the marketplace provides support and
inspiration to get your shop up, running, and


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