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Self-care can reduce stress and anxiety
Making time for relaxing activities, such as
CHAPTER 8: MAINTAINING AND taking a warm bath, listening to music or
PREVENTIVE MEASURES practicing yoga or meditation, is another
Self-care common theme of self-care.
- “the ability of individuals, families, and - Any activity that makes you feel more
communities to promote health, prevent relaxed can help to reduce symptoms of
disease, maintain health, and to cope with stress and anxiety and to lift your mood.
illness and disability with or without the - Self-care can boost your self-esteem
support of a healthcare provider.” - World - As well as helping to calm your nerves,
Health Organization taking time to relax and look after yourself
- “Self-care is anything that you do for can have a positive impact on the way you
yourself that feels nourishing, that can be see yourself: treating yourself with kindness
something that’s relaxing or calming, or it can make you look upon yourself more
can be something that is intellectual or kindly.
spiritual or physical or practical or - Studies have found that people with higher
something you need to get done” - Marni self-esteem find it easier to deal with
Amsellem, PhD, a licensed psychologist setbacks and are more likely to achieve
based in Trumbull, Connecticut. goals of self-improvement.
- Self-Care includes health literacy as a pillar - Self-care protects your mental health
of self-care, meaning that any steps you - Self-care can help to manage mental health
take toward better understanding health issues and might even prevent them from
information you need to make appropriate getting worse.
decisions about your health and well-being - Self-care is not a substitute for professional
counts as self-care, too. - International help, and you shouldn’t feel you have to
Self-Care Foundation tackle your problems alone.
- Self-care describes a conscious act one - If your mental health is suffering, you should
takes in order to promote their own always talk to someone.
physical, mental, and emotional health. - However, if you’re looking to improve your
Benefits of Self-care mental wellbeing, taking the time to care for
- Self-care can improve your physical yourself both mentally and physically is
health really important.
- A big part of self-care is committing to - Self-care can lead to better relationships
looking after your body and becoming more - The happier and healthier you are, the more
attuned with its needs. you can give to a relationship.
- Whether it’s brushing your teeth, exercising - This is especially important if you are a
more or getting enough sleep each night, parent or carer. It can be so easy to put
part of any programme of self-care should someone else’s needs first, but you must
focus on looking after your physical health. look after your own health too.
Lack of self-care - What are the costs? threats, or significant sources of stress—
- We run a risk of depletion,losing perspective such as family and relationship problems,
and burn out if we do not focus on activities serious health problems, or workplace and
that truly renew us. financial stressors. - American
- Burnout - what happens when you try to Psychological Association, 2014
avoid being human for too long - Resiliency is not …
Burnout leads to... - Being resilient doesn’t mean that a person
- Inflexible, cynical, negative, and rigid won’t experience difficulty or distress.
personality - People who have suffered major adversity or
- Depressive symptoms trauma in their lives commonly experience
- Turnover rates in work will increase in the emotional pain and stress.
workplace - In fact, the road to resilience is likely to
- Negative student academic outcomes, involve considerable emotional distress.
negative student- teacher relationships, and - How to Develop Resiliency?
lower quality classroom climates in the - Build your connections
academe. - Foster wellness
Self-Love Language - Find purpose
- Embrace healthy thoughts
- Seeking Help
- Develop Resiliency – Build Your
- Prioritize relationships
- Connecting with empathetic and
understanding people can remind you that
you’re not alone in the midst of difficulties.
- Focus on finding trustworthy and
- Lessons we learn from Bamboo
compassionate individuals who validate
- To bend but not break
your feelings, which will support the skill of
- To bounce back
- To grow amidst adversities
- Join a group
- The word “resilience”, from the Latin verb
- Along with one-on-one relationships, some
resilire (re-salire: to jump back), means
people find that being active in civic groups,
literally the tendency or ability to spring
faith-based communities, or other local
back, and thus the ability of a body to
organizations provides social support and
recover its normal size and shape after
can help you reclaim hope.
being pushed or pulled out of shape, and
- Develop Resiliency – Foster Wellness
therefore figuratively any ability to recover to
- Take care of your body
normality after a disturbance (K. Wolter et al.
- Promoting positive lifestyle factors like
proper nutrition, ample sleep, hydration, and
- Resiliency is the process of adapting well in
regular exercise can strengthen your body
the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy,
to adapt to stress and reduce the toll of - Instead of focusing on tasks that seem
emotions like anxiety or depression. unachievable, ask yourself, “What’s one
- Practice mindfulness thing I know I can accomplish today that
- Mindful journaling, yoga, and other spiritual helps me move in the direction I want to
practices like prayer or meditation can also go?”
help people build connections and restore - Look for opportunities for self-discovery
hope, which can prime them to deal with - People often find that they have grown in
situations that require resilience. some respect as a result of a struggle.
- Avoid negative outlets - For example, after a tragedy or hardship,
- It may be tempting to mask your pain with people have reported better relationships
alcohol, drugs, or other substances, but and a greater sense of strength, even while
that’s like putting a bandage on a deep feeling vulnerable.
wound. - That can increase their sense of self-worth
- Focus instead on giving your body and heighten their appreciation for life.
resources to manage stress, rather than - Develop Resiliency – Embrace Healthy
seeking to eliminate the feeling of stress Thoughts
altogether. - Keep things in perspective
- Develop Resiliency – Find Purpose - How you think can play a significant part in
- Help others how you feel—and how resilient you are
- Whether you volunteer with a local when faced with obstacles.
homeless shelter or simply support a friend - Try to identify areas of irrational thinking and
in their own time of need, you can garner a adopt a more balanced and realistic thinking
sense of purpose, foster self-worth, connect pattern.
with other people, and tangibly help others, - You may not be able to change a highly
all of which can empower you to grow in stressful event, but you can change how
resilience. you interpret and respond to it.
- Be proactive. - Maintain a hopeful outlook
- It’s helpful to acknowledge and accept your - It’s hard to be positive when life isn’t going
emotions during hard times, but it’s also your way.
important to help you foster self-discovery - An optimistic outlook empowers you to
by asking yourself, “What can I do about a expect that good things will happen to you.
problem in my life?” - Try visualizing what you want, rather than
- If the problems seem too big to tackle, worrying about what you fear.
break them down into manageable pieces. - Along the way, note any subtle ways in
- Move toward your goals. which you start to feel better as you deal
- Develop some realistic goals and do with difficult situations.
something regularly—even if it seems like a - Learn from your past
small accomplishment—that enables you to - By looking back at who or what was helpful
move toward the things you want to in previous times of distress, you may
accomplish. discover how you can respond effectively to
new difficult situations.
- Remind yourself of where you’ve been able
to find strength and ask yourself what
you’ve learned from those experiences.
- Develop Resiliency – Seeking Help
- Getting help when you need it is crucial in
building your resilience.
- It is important to get professional help if you
feel like you are unable to function as well
as you would like or perform basic activities
of daily living as a result of a traumatic or
other stressful life experience.
- A licensed mental health professional such
as a psychologist can assist people in
developing an appropriate strategy for
moving forward.
“I never lose. I either win or learn.”
- Nelson Mandela

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