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Running head: Case Study on Therapeutic Communication 1

Case Study on Therapeutic Communication

Student’s Name

Institutional Affiliation
Case Study on Therapeutic Communication 2


The assignment aims to provide information about therapeutic communication and non-

therapeutic communication method. Moreover, it includes important information and congruency

between both non-verbal and verbal communication.



Therapeutic It is found from the case study that a nurse has

introduced herself. She has provided the basic information and

stated why they were there. It is important for making the

patient feel better and provide him comfort.

Furthermore, the nurse used the therapeutic

communication method, asked the patient his name, and got

information about his date of birth to confirm whether she was

dealing with the right patient. It is noted that this showed

professionalism from the nurse. Moreover, after knowing his

name and date of birth, she asked if he feels any better now to

analyze whether therapeutic communication worked

(Abdolrahimi et al., 2017). The nurse also allowed his patient to

speak without interrupting him to gather relevant information.

Non-therapeutic It was found that the nurse failed to pay full attention;

therefore, she asked a similar question with the patient twice.

Moreover, it is analyzed that she lacked empathy. The

Case Study on Therapeutic Communication 3

information provided by the nurse is considered as a false

reassurance, and she completely ignored his feelings. It is found

that she also discussed her personal experience to console the



It is observed that active listening can be a critical part of

dealing with depressed and sad patients to understand them.

However, false reassurance can break a trustworthy relationship

between patient and nurse.

Alternate Response The response to this client would be different. First and

foremost, it is important to pay full attention and listen carefully.

Secondly, note down important information and look for their

gestures, such as voice tone, hand movement, and body

language (Ntshuntshe, Gqeba, & Gqeba, 2020). Lastly, it is

essential to show empathy to the patient and help them cope

with their problems effectively.


Therapeutic The nurse has failed to show any non-verbal

communication while dealing with a patient.

Non-therapeutic It is observed from the video case study that she failed to

maintain eye contact with her patient. Moreover, she also starts

speaking about her own experience instead of listening to him.

Alternate Response The nurse must make eye contact with her patient
Case Study on Therapeutic Communication 4

(Alshammari, Duff, & Guilhermino, 2019). But, on the other

hand, the nurse has to show interest in the conversation and be

more empathetic.


I concluded from this case study that if I were the client, I would feel highly disappointed

by seeing the unprofessional behavior. Furthermore, this experience would give a negative

impression related to therapeutic communication.

Case Study on Therapeutic Communication 5


Abdolrahimi, M., Ghiyasvandian, S., Zakerimoghadam, M., & Ebadi, A. (2017). Therapeutic

communication in nursing students: A Walker & Avant concept analysis. Electronic

physician, 9(8), 4968.

Alshammari, M., Duff, J., & Guilhermino, M. (2019). Barriers to nurse–patient communication

in Saudi Arabia: an integrative review. BMC nursing, 18(1), 1-10.

Ntshuntshe, Z., Gqeba, N., & Gqeba, M. (2020). Verbal Communication in Counselling and

Therapy. In Counseling and Therapy. IntechOpen.

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