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R .

Vol No. 3, Issue No. 1, 012 - 014

An Innovative procedure to minimize Boolean

R .Mohana Ranga Rao

Department of Electronics and communication Engineering

KITE college of Professional engineering sciences, JNTUH

Abstract— In this paper a simplification technique is products(SOP)and product-of-sums(POS) expressions to

introduced to minimize a Boolean function. Karnaugh map be obtained(Karnaugh,1953)[3]. The Karnaugh Map (K-
(K-map) and Quine-McCluskey methods are well Map) based technique breaks down beyond six variables.
established methods to simplify a logic function. Using Quine[6] and McCluskey[4] proposed an algorithmic-
this method the simplification is fast, also the number of based technique for simplifying Boolean logic functions
gates required to realize a function gets reduced to greater (McCluskey, 1956;Quine,1952).
extent with a minimum effort. In present discussion a new
method is introduced in which new terms called M-terms The Quine-McCluskey (Q-M) method is a computer-
obtained in order to improve the performance of based technique for simplification and has mainly two
conventional methods. The given method can be advantages over the K-Map method. Firstly, it is
implemented to any number of variables. systematic for producing a minimal function that is less
dependent on visual patterns. Secondly, it is available
Keywords- Boolean Function, Simplification, M-terms, scheme for handling a large number of variables. A
Quine McCluskey, Face value number of methods have been developed that can generate
optimal solutions directly at the expense of additional
computation time. Another algorithm was reported by
Petrick(1959)[5]. This algorithm uses an algebraic
I. INTRODUCTION approach to generate all possible covers of a function. A
Boolean function minimization using M-terms is a popular tool for simplifying Boolean expressions is the
modified Quine-McCluskey [4] [6] method; it is a very Espresso, but it is not guaranteed to find the best two-level
simple and systematic technique for minimizing Boolean expression (Katz,1994)[1]. The main advantage of
functions. Why do we want to minimize a Boolean proposed method over the conventional methods is the
expression? By simplifying the logic function we can entire simplification is based on the decimal values (E.g.
reduce the original number of digital components (gates) M-terms) which are well known to each and every
required to implement digital circuits. Therefore by designer, so in practice it is easy to implement this method
reducing the number of gates, the chip size and the cost to improve the performance.

will be reduced, and the speed will be increased. Logic

minimization uses a variety of techniques to obtain the II. RELATEDWORK
simplest gate-level implementation of a logic function. The digital gates (Logic gates) are basic
electronic components of any digital circuit. A logic gate
The heart of digital logic design is the Boolean algebra performs a logical operation based on one or more inputs
(Boole, 1954)[2].A few decades later C.E.Shannon and produces a single output voltage value (i.e. voltage
showed how the Boolean algebra can be used in the design levels high and low). Logically these voltage values can be
of digital circuits(Shannon,1938)[7].Using Boolean laws It referred to as 1s and 0s and are used in designing and
is possible to minimize digital logic circuits(Hunting- analyzing the operations of logic gates. A logic gate
ton,1904).Since minimization with the use of Boolean represents a Boolean function. A Boolean function is an
laws is not systematic nor suitable for computer algebraic expression formed with Boolean variables
implementation, a number of algorithms were proposed in (having values true or 1 and false or 0) and the logical
order to overcome the implementation issue. Karnaugh [3] operators (i.e. OR, AND, and NOT). These may be a large
proposed a technique for simplifying Boolean expressions number of Boolean algebraic expressions that specify a
using an elegant visual technique, which is actually a
modified truth table intended to allow minimal sum-of-

ISSN: 2230-7818 @ 2011 All rights Reserved. Page 12

Vol No. 3, Issue No. 1, 012 - 014

given Boolean function. It is therefore important to find easy to implement this method to improve the
the simplest one. performance.

A Boolean function can be represented by a truth The procedure for M-terms based
table. A truth table is a tabular arrangement of simplification is presented using the proposed algorithm:
representing all the input-output relationships of a digital
circuit. It displays all possible input values combinations 1. Enter the min terms which are to be simplified and
with their respective output values. Normally a Boolean obtain the binary notations for each min term.
expression can be given using two forms: SOP and POS. 2. Now obtain the face values of all the given min
SOP Boolean expressions may be generated from truth terms. (Usually it would be same for all the min
tables quite easily by forming an OR of the ANDs of all terms).
input variables (standard products or min terms) for which
the output is 1. POS expressions are based on the 0s, in a 3. Calculate the M-terms for the given min terms.
truth table and generated oppositely as SOP by taking an 4. Compare each M-term with provided input (min
AND of the ORs of all input variables (standard sums or terms), to identify the adjacent terms. If a M-term is
max terms). Equivalent to any min term of provided input then the

min term and the M-term has to be grouped together
III. DEFINITIONS to make a pair (prime implicant).While grouping the
A. Sum of products(SOP): This is the more common two terms follow ascending order.
form of Boolean expressions. The expressions are 5. Repeat the above step until it is impossible to compare
implemented as AND gates (products) feeding a single the terms, and exclude all the repeated pairs.
OR gate (sum). 6. Compare Prime implicants with each other such that
ES the difference between the elements of a prime
B. Product of sums(POS): This is less commonly used implicant should be same and it should be equal to the
form of Boolean expressions. The expressions are 2L , L=0,1,2…..N. While comparing make sure that
implemented as OR gates (sums) feeding into a single the comparison is done between like elements i.e. the
AND gate (product). first elements of two pairs and the second elements of
two pairs has to be compared. Once there are any two
C. Face value: List the powers of two from right to left.
terms that differ by 2 L ,then group the two pairs as a
Start at 20, evaluating it as "1". Increment the exponent
single Quad. Now repeat the same procedure among
by one for each power. Stop when the amount of
elements in the list is equal to the amount of digits in all pairs.
the binary number. 7. Swap all the combined terms, and terms that were not
combined at all and the prime implicants which are
The example number, 10011011, has eight digits, so not a part of any single quad.
the list, to eight elements, would look like this: 128, 8. Now repeat the VI & VII steps to minimize the given
64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1 these elements are called face Boolean function/min terms until it is impossible to
values of corresponding elements of respective combine the terms.
positions. 9. Now eliminate the redundant prime implicants by
using Prime implicant chart as in Quine-McCluskey
D. M-terms:M-terms are generated by
addition/subtraction of corresponding min term with its

face values. [addition (if the Binary value is a ‘0’) or V. EXAMPLE

subtraction (if the Binary value is a ‘1’].
Simplify Єm (0,1,2,3,4,5)
For example: 5 is the given min term
1. Min term Binary notation
Minterm Binary notation face value M-terms
0 0000
5 0101 8 4 2 1 13 1 7 4
1 0001
2 0010

The main advantage of proposed method over the 3 0011

conventional methods is, the entire simplification is
based on the decimal values (E.g. M-terms) which are 4 0100
well known to each and every designer, so in practice it is
5 0101

ISSN: 2230-7818 @ 2011 All rights Reserved. Page 13

Vol No. 3, Issue No. 1, 012 - 014

9. By using Prime Implicant chart we can eliminate the

2. Min term Binary notation Face Value redundant pair (1, 5)

0 0000 8421 VI. CONCLUSION

In this paper a new method called M-term based
1 0001 8421
Boolean Simplification is introduced by using which
2 0010 8421 performance of a digital circuit can be increased by
reducing the number of literals in a Boolean function. As
3 0011 8421 we are using M-terms instead of comparing the binary
values as in Quine McCluskey method we can avoid the
4 0100 8421 possibility of errors such that we can improve the
performance of conventional methods by using the present
5 0101 8421 method.

[1] SP Tomaszewski(2003):WWW-based Boolean

Min term Binary notation Face Value M-terms
function minimization-International journal of applied
0 0000 8421 8 4 2 1
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1 0001 8421 9 5 3 0
No. 1,577-583
2 0010 8421 10 6 0 3
3 0011 8421 11 7 1 2 [2] Boole G.(1954): An Investigation of the Laws of
4 0100 8421 12 0 6 5 Thought. Newyork
5 0101 8421 ES 13 1 7 4 [3] Karnaugh M.(1953):The map method for synthesis of
combinatorial logic circuits.—
4. Comparing M-terms with Input Єm(0,1,2,3,4,5) Trans.AIEEComm.Electron.,Vol.72, No.4, pp.593–
Comparing the M-terms of the first min term i.e. ‘0’ [4] McCluskeyE.J.(1956): Minimization of Boolean
with input the possible prime implicants are functions.—BellSystemTech. J.,
(0, 1), (0, 2), (0, 4)
[5] PetrickS.K.(1959): On the minimization of Boolean
Similarly by comparing the other terms we will have functions Proc.Int.Conf.
the following prime implicants InformationProcessing,Paris:Unesco,pp.422–423.
[6] QuineW.V.(1952): The problem of simplifying
(5,4) Amer.Math.Month.,Vol.59,No.8,pp.521–531.
[7] ShannonC.E.(1938): symbolic analysis of relay and
5. Excluding the repeated terms which satisfies switchingcircuits.—Trans.AIEE,
associative law [(x,y)==(y,x)] and making the Vol.57,No.6,pp.713–723.
elements in ascending order

About Author:
6. Now compare (0,1) with all other prime implicants
(such that the difference between the corresponding
elements should be same and it should be equal to 2L)
(0, 1) and (0,2) -- 0-0=0 & 1-2=1(ignore the negative R.Mohana Ranga Rao is an
values) here the difference is not same Asst professor in KITE college of
(0, 1) and (2, 3) -- 0-2=2 & 1-3=2(ignore the negative Professional engineering sciences,
values) here the difference is same and is equal to21 JNTUH & Pursuing M.Tech from
So they can be combined as a group (0, 1, 2, 3) St.Mary’s college of engineering and
technology, Hyderabad & completed
7. On swapping, the terms remained are his B.Tech from sree kavitha
(0,1,2,3),(1,5) and (4,5) engineering college, khammam

8. (0,1,2,3),(1,5) and (4,5)

ISSN: 2230-7818 @ 2011 All rights Reserved. Page 14

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