Chapter One

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1. Introduction:
A business is an organization or economic system where goods and services are exchanged
for one another or for money. Every business requires some form of investment and enough
customers to whom its output can be sold on a consistent basis in order to make a profit.
Businesses can be privately owned, not-for-profit or state-owned.

A business also known as enterprise. As a firm, is an organization involved in the trade of

goods, or both for consumers. An organization or economic system where goods and services
are exchanged for one another or for money. Every business requires some form of
investment and enough customers to whom its output can be sold on a consistent basis in
order to make a profit. First, businesses must be the result of individuals working together in
an organized way. Second, businesses must satisfy a societal need. Third, businesses must
seek to make a profit.

A grocery store is a retail store that primarily sells food. A grocer is a bulk seller of food.
Grocery stores often offer non-perishable food that is packaged in cans, bottles and boxes,
with some also having fresh produce, bakeries. Large grocery stores that stock significant
amounts of non-food products, such as clothing and household items, are called
supermarkets. Some large supermarkets also include a pharmacy and an electronics section.

1.1 Objectives of the study:

The objective of the report can be viewed in two forms:
 Broad Objective

 Specific Objective

1.1.1 Broad Objective:

The General Objective is to prepare & submit a report on the topic “Impact of grocery
business on income, consumption, savings and investment of grocery business at
College gate Market, TONGI, GAZIPUR”.

1.1.2 Specific Objective:

The specific objectives of the study listed in the below:

 To know the socio-economic condition of grocery shop business at College gate

Market, Tongi, Bangladesh.

 To examine the cost and return of different items of grocery business at College gate
Market, Tongi, Bangladesh.

 To examine the performance of grocery business at College gate Market, Tongi,


1.2 Importance of the study:

Grocery business plays an important role in our local economy. It is one of the profitable
businesses in our country that’s why some businessmen think that they will set up grocery
business in different areas in Bangladesh. Grocery shop fulfill the daily needs of the local
community so that customers don't have to go far distance to meet the needs. This study is
very much helpful for us to gather some field visit experience. Because, Grocery business is a
well renowned business among our country. It is well profitable business all over the country.
Grocery business may be three types small, medium and large. This research helps us to
apply our academic knowledge into practical field. By conducting this study we can
understand why grocery business is important for our economy.


2.1 Methodology:

Methodology means the state of order. The state of order in which the research planning
activities are conducted is called research planning methodology. These may be put in

sequence as identification of problem, prioritization of researchable problems, monitoring
and midway correcting evaluation, publication of research data and discrimination of research

2.2. Area Selection:

The survey was undertaken within the College gate market, Gazipur district of Bangladesh.
The following criteria were followed in the study area-

 The survey area was under within IUBAT area.

 Predominately Grocery business area.
 Easy Accessibility.
 Easy communication.
 Familiar within the market.

2.3 Population Selection:

Because of the short period of time, only 10 data of grocery businessman was collected as
population. Then the population was divided into three categories-small, medium and large

businessman. There was a wide variation in the population of three kinds of businessman.
The number of small, medium and large businessman was 3, 3 and 4 respectively. Hence
10% of small, medium, large businessman selected following simple random procedure.

2.4 Sample selection:

After collecting all the data, I took from each group 30% as a sample using the simple
random procedure.

Size NO.

Small 3(30%)

Medium 3(30%)

Large 4(30%)

2.5 Collection of data:

A survey questionnaire was devised for collecting the necessary information from the sample
businessman. The questionnaire was pretested in the area of investigation to determine the
most relevant items and to evaluate consistency of these items with the objectives. While
some items related to primary data about the cost and returns of businessman general
information. Performance of grocery business facilities, consumption, and investment for
different practice per businessmen were added. These are as follows:

1. Socio-economic condition of grocery businessman. As for example-

 Number of family members.

 Family member's age, occupation, education.
2. Cost & return of different items. Such as- Income and expenditure from

 Agriculture including livestock.

 Business (Expenditure of Business such as transport cost, labor cost, shop rent, tax,
electricity bill, and others.)
3. Consumption of businessman .Such as

 Basic Necessities (food, clothing, medical, education, repairing cost, housing cost,
 Luxurious Needs (TV, computer, cosmetics, etc.)
4. Investment of businessman. Such as

 Invest in bank deposit.

 Invest in business and other sector.
Some additional information were gathered by conducting personal observation which the
author visited the study area. Some of the information like national level and education level
that data was collected from secondary sources.

2.6 Cost function:

There are two categories of cost associated with Grocery Business. These are as follows-
2.6.1 Fixed costs:
A fixed cost is a cost that remains constant, in total, regardless of changes in the level of
activity (Bhabatosh Banerjee,2006-2007). Fixed costs are costs that are independent of
output. These remain constant throughout the relevant range and are usually considered sunk
for the relevant range. In Grocery business, good examples of fixed costs are –
• Labor cost, Shop rent, Purchase of Fan, Fridge ,T.V, Computer, etc
2.6.2 Variable costs:
A variable cost is a cost that varies, in total, in direct proportion to changes in the level of
activity (Samwelson, 1964). Variable costs are costs that vary with output. Generally variable
costs increase at a constant rate relative to labor and capital. Examples of variable cost in
Grocery Business are- Electricity cost, Cost on food,
• Transport cost, food cost, clothing cost, education cost, housing cost electricity cost

2.7 Limitation of Data:

People are very busy with their business so they get disturbed to face different types
of questions.
I have some lack of knowledge and lack of experience because this kind of work is
first time done by me.

Because of the shortage of time, it was not possible to collect information of huge
Sometimes they get angry to explain about their income and expenditure as it is a
part of personal question.

2.8 Analytical technique:

The data was collected from three samples, the average data was calculated in case of family
size, education level, occupation level, income, expenditure, business expenditure, business
constraints etc. Thus it is compared with the national level of data and determined the
background of the businessman and calculated the percentage of data as well.

The data was helpful to identify the impact of Grocery businessman on income, consumption,
savings and investment of the business owners. However, the overall economic condition of
Grocery businessman has been extracted through the survey.

Tabular analysis was used to classify the data and derived meaningful findings by employing
arithmetic mean, percentage and ratio.

2.9 Period of study:

I study approxiately 3 months for preparing this report. The time line for preparing the report
is 10th september, 2016 to 28th november 2016. First data was collected from the selected
area that is College gate market, then analyze those data and then I prepare this report.


3.0 Review of literature:
Review of literature means current and past available literature is available. Our literature
review current and past available literature pertinent to the problems are reviewed
exhaustively for the purpose of –

(a) Obtaining an idea about the current status of the problem- what is known and what is left
to be known
(b) determining a research problem based on gap identify whether a research problem lying in
the gap would be relevant and practicable
(c) Avoiding repetitions of study on which information already available.

1. According to Mondal (1980) observe that the benefits for large businessman was always
hire than small and medium businessman.
2. According to Lumpkin and McConkey, (1984) found that satisfied customers were willing
to pay higher prices for products and showed that cost and returns especially for business
purpose in the case of item of large size business perform better than small business purpose.
3. According to Fram and Axelrod, (1990) and Aylott and Mitchell (1998) found that
customers associated more stress with grocery shopping than with other forms of shopping.
4. According to Day,(1994) found that customer satisfaction led to greater customer
maintenance and research shows grocery customers are more concern about grocery shops
and quality.
5. According to T.Levesque and G.H.G. McDougall, (1996), the study investigated the major
determinant of customer satisfaction and future behavioral intensions in the retail banking
sector. The study identifies the determinants that include service quality dimensions. Service
features, service problems, service recovering and product use.
6. According to Baltas and Papastathopoulou, (2003) found that product quality and product
features were considered the most important product choice criteria in a study of Greek
grocery customers.

7. According to Gomez et al., (2004) showed that improvements in quality have a small
positive impact on satisfaction while reductions in quality of the same magnitude have a
significantly greater chance of reducing satisfaction for grocery shop customers.

10 | P a g e

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4.0 Result and discussion

In College gate market, there are lots of small, medium and large grocery businessmen they
provide grocery products such as: Rice, flour, dal, daily necessities, toiletries, and so on at a
reasonable price to the customer. Here I am trying to sketch the view of the economic
condition of grocery businessman, status of family, educational background and some
recommendations regarding its policy matter.

4.1 Table 1 shows that the average family size sample is 6.67 and the national level is 5.06.
So, average family size is higher than the national level. In here adult male are 40.03 %, adult
female are 34.93 %, below 18 years 25.04% and 0% no educated 25.04% is primary level,
25.04% is secondary level, and 49.93% is above secondary level. In this table, businessmen
are 14.99%, service 19.94% and other is 64.92% that means housewife, students etc.

Table 1: Socio economic status of Grocery shop business at College gate Market,
Bangladesh, 2015

Study area (%) of study (%) National

average area level
A. Family size 6.67 100 5.06
B. Distribution of family
Adult Male 2.67 40.03%  
Adult Female 2.33 34.93%  
Below 18 Years 1.67 25.04%  
C. Education      
No education 0 0.00%  
Primary 1.67 25.04%  
Secondary 1.67 25.04%  
Above secondary 3.33 49.93%  
D. Occupation      
Business 1 14.99%  
Service 1.33 19.94%  
Others 4.33 64.92%  
Total 6.66 100%  

*Others means housewife, students

This table shows about their conscious on education.

12 | P a g e
4.2 Table 2 shows that yearly Income and Expenditure and net income of grocery businessmen in the
study area, 2015. Here Total income of three businessmen is BDT. 1376666.67 From business,
agriculture and others sector and total expenditure is BDT. 601666.67 so total net income are BDT.

Table 2: Per family net income from different sources of Grocery shop business at
College gate Market, Bangladesh, 2015

Item Income(TK) Expenditure(TK Net Income (TK) Percentage %

(a)   On farm/year
Agriculture 250,000.00 63,333.33 186,666.67 24.09
Others 66,666.67 33,333.33 33,333.33 4.30
(b)   Off farm/year -
Livestock 110,000.00 38,333.33 71,666.67 9.25
Others -
(c) Non-Farm/Year -
Business 816,666.67 450,000.00 366,666.67 47.31
Service 133,333.33 16,666.67 116,666.67 15.05
Others - - - -
Total = 1,376,666.67 601,666.67 775,000.00 100.00

This table shows that the average total net income is 24.09% and 4.30% which comes from on
farm income and about 9.25% comes from off farm sector. So, the findings of this income
and expenditure table income come from business sector that is 47.31% and 15.05%.

13 | P a g e
4.3 Figure 1: Item wise Business expenditure of Grocery business at College gate
Market, Bangladesh 2015

The figure shows the average business expenditure of grocery businessmen in different
sector, where transport cost is 17%, Labor cost is 16%, Shop rent is 44%, and electricity bill
is 10%, tax is 8% and other is 5%. In here, transportation cost is very high in this area.

4.4 Consumptions the amount spend on consumption at a given level of income.

C=C0 + C1 + Yd

Where, C = Total consumption.

C0 = Autonomous consumption.

C1 = Marginal propensity to consume.

Yd = Disposable income.

Table 3: Per family yearly consumption of Grocery Business at College gate Market,
Bangladesh, 2015.

Item of Expenditure (Yearly) Amount (Tk) Percentage %

14 | P a g e
A. Basic Necessities:
Food 316,666.67 46.00
Clothing 26,666.67 3.87
Education 63,333.33 9.20
Medical cost 22,333.33 3.24
Housing 119,000.00 17.29
Repairing cost 8,333.33 1.21
Others 22,000.00 3.20
Sub Total= 578,333.33 84.02
B. Luxurious Needs:
TV 25,000.00 3.63
Fan 2,666.67 0.39
Computer 30,000.00 4.36
Refrigerator 24,000.00 3.49
Cosmetics 13,333.33 1.94
Others 15,000.00 2.18
Sub Total= 110,000.00 15.98
Grand Total= 688,333.33 100.00

*Only Depreciation Cost

Table 3 shows that the total consumption on an average is BDT. 688333.33. Basic necessities
are BDT. 578333.33 Which are 84.02% of total consumption and luxurious needs is
BDT.110000 which is 15.98% of total consumption. Under basic necessities, expenses of
food is 46.00%, clothing is 3.87%, education is 9.20%, housing is 17.29%, repairing cost is
1.21%, medical cost is 3.24% and others 3.20 It indicates that they spend more money for
food and housing cost because this area has higher food price and house rent. Under
luxurious needs, tv is 3.63%, fan is 0.39% and Refrigerator e is 3.49%.

4.5 Savings: According to Keynesian economist the amount leftover when the cost of
person’s consumer expenditure is subtracted from the amount of disposable income that he or
she earns in a given period of time.

S = I (r) where, S = Savings

I = Investment

r = Rate of interest

Figure 2: Net Saving position of Grocery Business in College gate Market, Bangladesh,

15 | P a g e
Net Saving positi on of GROCERY Business





400,000.00 775,000.00


Net Income Total Consumption Net Savings=

This figure shows that net income of grocery businessmen is BDT 775000 and total
consumption is BDT 688333.33. Net savings position is BDT 86666.67

4.6 Investment: Investment is the commitment of money or capital to purchase financial

instruments or other assets in order to gain profitable returns of the investment. Investment is
related to savings.

I = GDP – C – G – NX

Where, I = Investment,

G = Government purchase,

NX = Net export,

GDP = Gross domestic product,

C = Consumption.

Figure 3: Average Investment of grocery business in College gate Market, Bangladesh,


16 | P a g e
Bank Land Business

31% Bank


This figure shows that, grocery businessmen are more interested to invest money in their
bank and land sector because they are more concern about their future savings and housing
.Besides they think that this is a more secure place for them and think that by depositing
money in bank they can able to earn more profit. So they invest 69% money from savings.
Then they invest 31% money to business in order to earn more profit

4.7 Table 4: Problems of Grocery Business in College gate Market, Bangladesh, 2015

SL. No. Problems Percentage (%)






The table shows, on an average 100% businessmen have said that lack of capital is a problem,
about 66.67% said that labor cost is high and 100% businessman said that lots of competitors,
33.33 % said that transportation cost is high 66.67 % said that HIGH electricity problem in this

4.8 After consulting businessmen with their problems, i am trying my best to give a solution
to overcome this sorts of problem that grocery businessmen faces to do their business. After
reviewing my suggestions they give some opinion base on this.

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Table 5: Opinion to overcome the problems of Grocery Business in College gate
Market , Bangladesh,2015

SL. Opinions Percentage (%)

1 An easy long term loan from bank with lower interest rate can solve the 100
problem of capital.  
2 Buy a new generator for electricity backup. 100
3 Do a market analysis according to the competitors’ performance. 100
4 Better to buy as a whole to reduce the transportation cost 33.33
5 Reduce the expenditure and increase the payment to the employees 33.33

This table shows that about 100% businessmen agree that taking loan from different sources
like bank, NGO etc. capital problem will be solved. About 100% businessmen agree that Buy
a new generator for electricity backup can be the greatest solution and about 100% businessmen
agree that do a market analysis according to the competitors’ performance make them more
competitive and 33.33% agree that it’s Better to buy as a whole lot to reduce the transportation cost
and they can reduce the expenditure and increase the payment to the employees to motivate the

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Chapter Five
Summary & Conclusion

5.1. Summary:
The above survey is a case study of College gate Market. There are three types of business
such as small, medium and large business are categories according their total paid up capital.
In this research. In this research report, there are seven chapters and each of the chapter
discusses lots of information about Grocery Business in College gate Market. In the first
chapter, introduction, objectives of the study and importance of the study are described. In
chapter 2, review of literature is given. In chapter 3, methodology, in chapter 4, result and
discussion, in chapter 5, summary and conclusion, in chapter 6, references and in chapter 7,
appendix are described. This study tells about the socio-economic condition, income and

19 | P a g e
expenditure, saving and investment of the businessman of College gate market area who are
involve in grocery business. In this report I have found some problems of grocery business
and gives some solution how to solve those problems based on this area. In this report, both
qualitative and quantitative method was applied to conduct this research. I can say that this
survey will help further entrepreneurs who wants to run grocery business in college gate area.

5.2. Conclusion:

This study refers the family size, education status and profession of grocery business men in
college gate area and their average socio-economic condition, income and expenditure,
saving and investment of the businessman of college gate market who are involve in grocery
business. I find the different type of obstacles and give some opinion to remove the obstacles.
If some investors (like- government, private financial institutions, NGOs, and foreign
investors) invest their money, then grocery businessmen will get financial support from those
investor and grocery businessmen will earn more profit. Many researcher are trying to find
out the pros and cons of grocery business and I think my research also help to find out this
because in here they can find some barriers that are facing grocery shop owners and
according to this problems they can solve the problem. The grocery businessmen and the
concerned authority should take proper step to solve the problem for the better output and
survival of grocery business in this area.

20 | P a g e

Baltas, G. and Papastathopoulou, P. (2003), “Shopper characteristics, product and

store choice criteria: a survey in the Greek grocery sector”, International Journal of
Retail & Distribution Management, Vol. 31 No. 10, pp. 498-507.

Day, G.S. (1994), “The capabilities of market-drive organizations”, Journal of

Marketing, Vol. 58 No. 4, pp. 37-52.

Fram, E.H. and Axelrod, J. (1990), “The distressed shopper”, American

Demographics, Vol. 12 No. 10, pp. 44-55.

21 | P a g e
Gomez, M.I., McLaughlin, E.W. and Wittink, D.R. (2004), “Customer satisfaction
and retail sales performance: an empirical investigation”, Journal of Retailing, Vol. 80
No. 4, pp. 265-278.

King, C.W. and Ring, L.J. (1980), “Market positioning across retail fashion
institutions: a comparative analysis of store types”, Journal of Retailing, Vol. 56 No.
1, pp. 37-55.

Lumpkin, J.R. and McConkey, C.W. (1984), “Identifying determinants of store choice
of fashion shoppers”, Akron Business & Economic Review, Vol. 15 No. 4, pp. 36-55.
Samuelson, P.A. 1964, Economics: An inductor analysis, 6th Edition.

22 | P a g e

Impact of Grocery Business on Income, Consumption, Saving and Investment at College gate
Market based on 2015


1.Identification of Business

1. Identification of Businessman

Name (CAPITAL LETTER): Forhad Ahmed

23 | P a g e
Father’s Name: Aziz Ahmed

Address: Bus Stand , College gate ,Tongi , Gazipur.

Capital=90,000 (small Business)

2. Socio economic condition

Category Age Education Occupation

Forhad Ahmed 38 M.Com Business
Wife 34 B.Com Housewife
Father 62 H.S.C No
Mother 55 S.S.C Housewife
Son-1 18 H.S.C Student
Son-2 16 S.S.C Student
Daughter 8 primary Student
3. Income & Expenditure

Item Income Expenditure

(a)   On farm/year

Agriculture 150,000 40,000

Others 50,000 10,000

(b)   Off farm/year

Livestock 100,000 35,000

Others _ _

(c ) Nonfarm/year

Business 500,000 250,000

Service (Distributor) 100,000 10000

Others _ _

Total = 900,000 345,000

4. Business Expenditure

Item Amount (Tk)

Transport Cost (Per Month) 60,000
Labor Cost (Per Month) 20,000
Tax (Per Month) 25,000
Shop rent (Per Month) 120,000
Electricity (Per Month) 10,000
Others*(Per Month) 15,000

24 | P a g e
Total = 250,000
5. Consumption of Businessman

Item Amount (Tk)

(a)   Basic necessities:  

Food (Per Month) 250,000

Clothing (Per Month) 20,000

Education (Per Month) 40,000

Medical cost (Per Month) 20,000

Housing (Per Month) 90,000

Repairing cost (Per Month) 10000

Others 6000

Total Basic necessities = 436,000

(b)   Luxurious Needs:  

TV 10,000

Fan 2,000

Computer 20,000

Refrigerator 22,000

Cosmetics (Per Month) 10000

Others : 10000

Total Luxurious Needs = 74,000

Total Consumption = 510,000

6. Net Income

Item Amount (TK)

Net Income 555,000
Consumption -510,000
Net Savings 45,000
7. Investment

Item Amount(Tk)
Bank 10,000
Business 15,000

25 | P a g e
land 20000
Total = 45,000

8. Constraints of business:

 Lack of capital
 Political unrest
 Transport issues
 Electricity problem
 Lots of competitors

9. Opinion to overcome the problems:

 An Easy long term loan from bank with lower interest rate can solve the problem of Capital.
 Buy a new generator for electricity backup.
 Do a market analysis according to the competitors’ performance.

Impact of Grocery Business on Income, Consumption, Saving and Investment at College gate
Market based on 2015


1.Identification of Business

1. Identification of Businessman:


Father’s Name: abdur Rahman


Capital=2, 40,000 taka (Medium Business)

2. Socio economic condition

Category Age Education Occupation

TOPON RAHMAN 48 H.S.C Business

Wife 39 S.S.C Housewife

Father 75 Class eight No

Mother 62 Class five Housewife

Son-1 26 MBA Bank Job


26 | P a g e
Daughter 16 ssc Student

3. Income & Expenditure

Item Income Expenditure

(a)   On farm/year    

Agriculture 200,000 50,000

Others 50,000 40,000

(b)   Off farm/year    

Livestock 80000 40,000

Others _ _

(c ) Nonfarm/year    

Business 950,000 400,000

Service (Decorator) 100,000 10,000

Others _ _

Total = 1,380,000 540,000

4. Business Expenditure

Item Amount (Tk)

Transport Cost (Per Month)


Labor Cost (Per Month) 70000

Tax (Per Month)

Shop rent (Per Month)


Electricity (Per Month)


27 | P a g e
Others*(Per Month)

Total = 400,000

Note: Others means water bill, service charge etc.

5. Consumption of Businessman

Item Amount (Tk)

(a)   Basic necessities:  

Food (Per Month) 400000

Clothing (Per Month) 30,000

Housing (Per Month) 117000

Education (Per Month) 50,000

Medical cost (Per Month) 20000

Repairing cost (Per Month) 5000

Others 10000

Total Basic necessities = 632000

(b)   Luxurious Needs:  

TV 25000

Fan 3,000

Computer 40,000

Refrigerator 20,000

Cosmetics (Per Month) 15,000

OTHERS 15000

Total Luxurious Needs = 118000

Total Consumption = 750000

6. Net Income

Item Amount (TK)

Net Income 840,000

Consumption -750000

Net Savings 90000

28 | P a g e
7. Investment

Item Amount(Tk)

Bank 40,000

Land 20,000

Business 30000

Total = 90,000

8. Constraints of business:

 Political unrest
 Labors are unhappy with their salary, so they frequently switch their job
 Lots of competitors

9. Opinion to overcome the problems:

 Easy loan from bank with lower interest rate and with long term to repay the loan to solve the
problem of Capital.
 Do a market analysis according to the competitors’ performance.
 Reduce the expenditure and increase the payment to the employees

Impact of Grocery Business on Income, Consumption, Saving and Investment at College gate
Market based on 2015


1. Identification of Business


Father’s Name: Md. MONIR SARKER

Address: Bus Stand, College gate , Tongi , Gazipur.

Capital=500,000 (Large Business)

2. Socio economic condition

Category Age Education Occupation

29 | P a g e
40 B.Com Business
Wife 30 H.S.C JOB
Father 70 PRIMARY No
Mother 60 PRIMARY Housewife
Son-1 16 SSC Student
Son-2 14 SSC Student
Daughter 22 BBA job
3. Income & Expenditure

Item Income Expenditure

(a)   On farm/year    
Agriculture 400,000 100,000
Others 100,000 50,000
(b)   Off farm/year    
Livestock 150,000 40,000
Others - -
(c )Nonfarm/year    
Business 1,000,000 700,000
Service (Rent a car) 200000 30,000
Others - -
Total = 1,850,000 920,000

4. Business Expenditure

Item Amount (Tk)

Transport Cost (Per Month) 120,000
Labor Cost (Per Month) 120000

Tax (Per Month) 50000

Shop rent (Per Month) 300000
Electricity (Per Month) 90000

Others*(Per Month) 20000

Total = 700,000
5. Consumption of Businessman

Item Amount (Tk)

(a)   Basic necessities:

Food (Per Month) 300000

Clothing (Per Month) 30000

Education (Per Month) 100000

Medical cost (Per Month) 27000

30 | P a g e
Housing (Per Month) 150,000

Repairing cost (Per Month) 10000

Others 50000

Total Basic necessities = 667,000

(b)   Luxurious Needs:

TV 40000

Fan 3000

Computer 30,000

Fridges & Freezers 30000

Cosmetics (Per Month) 15000

Others 20000

Total Luxurious Needs = 138,000

Total Consumption = 805,000

6. Net Income

Item Amount (TK)

Net Income 930,000
Consumption 805,000
Net Savings 125,000
7. Investment

Item Amount(Tk)

Bank (Per MONTH) 40000

Land 50000

business 35000

Total = 125,000

8. Constraints of business:

 Political unrest
 Slow delivery of product from the whole sellers
 Lots of competitors
 Transportation cost is too much higher
 Electricity problem

31 | P a g e
9. Opinion to overcome the problems:

 To reduce the risk of competitors the business should make proper planning and hire efficient
labor in shop.
 Easy loan from bank with lower interest rate and with long term to repay the loan to solve the
problem of Capital.
 Better to buy as a whole to reduce the transportation cost

Calculation of Table 1:

Small Family
Medium Family 6

Large Family 7

Total = 20

Average = 6.67

    Adult male A. Female Below 18

Small Family 7 3 2 2
Medium Family 6 3 2 1
Large Family 7 2 3 2
Total = 21 8 7 5
Average = 6.67 2.66666667 2.333333333 1.66666667
    No. Edu Primary Secondary Secondary
Small Family 7 0 1 2 4
Medium Family 6 0 2 2 2
Large Family 7 0 2 2 3
Total = 20 0 5 6 9
Average = 6.67 0 1.666666667 2 3

32 | P a g e
    Business Services Others
Small Family 7 1 1 5
Medium Family 6 1 1 4
Large Family 7 1 2 4
Total = 20 3 4 13
Average = 6.67 1 1.333333333 4.33333333
Calculation of Table 2:

33 | P a g e
Calculation of Figure 1:

    Transport Labor Tax rent Electricity Others
Family 7 60,000 20,000 25,000 120,000 10,000 15,000
Family 6 50,000 70,000 40,000 180,000 30,000 30,000
Large 120,00
Family 7 120,000 0 50,000 300,000 90,000 20,000
Total = 20 230,000 0 115,000 600,000 130,000 65,000
6.6 76666.666 38333.333 43333.3333
Average = 7 7 70000 3 200000 3 21666.667

Item (Yearly) Amount (Tk) Percentage %

Transport Cost 76,666.67 17
Labor Cost 70,000.00 16
Tax 38,333.33 9
Shop rent 200,000.00 44
Electricity 43,333.33 10
Others* 21,666.67 5
Total = 450,000.00 100.00
Calculaton of Table 3
Housin Reparing
    Food Clothing Education Medical g cost Others

Family 7 250,000 20,000 40,000 20,000 90,000 10000 6000

Family 6 400000 30,000 50,000 20000 117000 5000 10000

Family 7 300000 30000 100000 27000 150,000 10000 50000

Total = 20 950,000 80,000 190,000 67,000 357,000 25,000 66,000

Average = 6.6 316666.667 26666.66667 63333.3333 22333.33333 119000 8333.333333 22000

34 | P a g e


Small Family 7 10,000 2,000 20,000 22,000 10000 10000

Family 6 25000 3,000 40,000 20,000 15,000 15000

Large Family 7 40000 3000 30,000 30000 15000 20000

Total = 20 75000 8000 90000 72000 40000 45000

Average = 6.67 25000 2666.666667 30000 24000 13333.33333 15000

cost=     133.3333333 1500 4000    

Calculation of Figure 2

Net Income 775,000.00

Total Consumption 688,333.33

Net Savings= 86,666.67

Calculation of Figure 3

Average Investment        
    Bank Land Business
Small Family 7 10,000 20000 15,000
Medium Family 6 40,000 20,000 30000
Large Family 8 40000 50000 35000
Total = 21 90000 90000 80000
Average = 7 30000 30000 26666.6667

Item (Yearly) Amount(Tk) Percentage %

Bank 30,000 34
Land 30,000 35
Business 26,667 31
Total = 86,666.67 100.00

35 | P a g e

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