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BBED 407

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Grade Level: 10th grade Content Area: Social Studies Language in which this content area is
Unit Essential Question:
To what extent can an individual play practicing civic discourse in our society to preserve democratic principles.
What students have already learned:
The students will have prior knowledge regarding essential functions of government, such as the branches of government and who is involved
within each branch. The students will also have some knowledge regarding civic engagement.

What students will learn in this unit:

This unit serves as an extension unit to the civic engagement unit. However, this unit places a greater emphasis on how students as democratic
citizens can contribute to our society. The students will also explore how the identity and experiences of an individual impact the ideologies and
biases within our democratic society.

What students will be able to do by the end:

At the end of the unit, the students will accomplish several things concerning civic engagement. The first being, evaluate sources along with the
biases present within texts. The students will also be able to analyze skills necessary to influence government affairs and then enact side skills.
The students will identify conflicting views within the government that may pose barriers when discussing a democratic society.

When analyzing the outcomes for language art, the students will identify central themes within a text. Students will also explore double meanings
within words and phrases and then identify the tactics used to create double meaning. Finally, the students will be able to write an informational
text using strategies to convey complex ideologies.

With the influence of civic engagement and language arts, students should understand the importance of their contributions to a democratic
society. Using the discussions within the class as the framework, students will be able to identify and enact essential strategies to deploy their
civic duties.

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Content Area Standards Language Arts Standards ACTFL Standards

Minnesota Social Studies Standards: Minnesota Social Studies Standards: for Connections
Citizenship and Government grades 9-10 Connect with other disciplines and acquire
Reading: information and diverse perspectives in
Civic Skills order to use the language function in
Democratic government depends on - academic and career-related situations.
informed and engaged citizens who exhibit Determine a theme or central idea - Making Connections
civic skills and values, practice civic of a text and analyze in detail its Learners build, reinforce, and
discourse, vote and participate in elections, development over the course of the expand their knowledge of other
apply inquiry and analysis skills and take text, including how it emerges and disciplines while using the
action to solve problems and shape public is shaped and refined by specific language to develop critical
policy. details; provide an objective thinking and to solve problems
- summary of the text. creatively.
demonstrate skills that enable people - - Acquiring Information and Diverse
to monitor and influence state, local, Determine the meaning of words Perspectives
and national affairs and phrases as they are used in the Learners access and evaluate
- text, including figurative and information and diverse
evaluate sources of information and connotative meanings; analyze the perspective that are available
various forms of political persuasion cumulative impact of specific word through the language and its
for validity, accuracy, ideology, choices on meaning and tone (e.g., cultures
emotional appeals, bias and prejudice how the language evokes a sense of
time and place; how it sets a formal Communication
Civic Values and Principles of Democracy or informal tone). Communicate effectively in more than one
The United States is based on democratice - language in order to function in a variety
values and principles that include liberty, Write informative/explanatory texts of situations and for multiple purposes
individual rights, justice, equality, the rule of to examine and convey complex - Interpersonal Communication
law, limited government, common good, ideas, concepts, and information Learners interact and negotiate
popular sovereignty, majority rule and clearly and accurately through the meaning in spoken, signed, or
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minority rights. effective selection, organization, written conversations to share

- and analysis of content. a. Introduce information, reactions, feelings,
analyze how the following tools of a topic; organize complex ideas, and opinions
civic engagement are used to concepts, and information to make - Interpretive Communication
influence the American political important connections and Learners understand, interpret, and
system: civil disobedience, initiative, distinctions; include formatting analyze what is heard, read, or
referendum and recall (e.g., headings), graphics (e.g., viewed on a variety of topics
- figures, tables), and multimedia - Presentational Communication
Analyze the tensions between the when useful to aiding Learners present information,
government’s dual role of protecting comprehension. b. Develop the concepts, and ideas to inform,
individual rights and promoting the topic with well-chosen, relevant, explain, persuade, and narrate on a
general welfare, the struggle between and sufficient facts, extended variety of topics using appropriate
majority rule and minority rights, definitions,concrete details, media and adapting to various
and the conflict between diversity quotations, or other information and audiences of listeners, readers, or
and unity examples appropriate to the viewers
audience’s knowledge of the topic.
c. Use appropriate and varied
transitions to link the major
sections of the text,create cohesion,
and clarify the relationships among
complex ideas and concepts. d. Use
precise language and domain-
specific vocabulary to manage the
complexity of the topic. e. Establish
and maintain a formal style and
objective tone while attending to
the norms and conventions of the
discipline in which they are writing.
f. Provide a concluding statement
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or section that follows from and

supports the information or
explanation presented (e.g.,
articulating implications
Demonstrate understanding of
figurative language, word
relationships, and nuances in word
meanings. a. Interpret figures of
speech (e.g., euphemism,
oxymoron) in context and analyze
their role in the text. b. Analyze
nuances in the meaning of words
with similar denotations
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Content Big Ideas: Time-Frame:

I want my students to understand: 2 weeks
1. Evaluate sources and the present biases
2. Enact skills necessary to influence government affairs
3. Analyze tactics used within the US political system
4. Identify confllicting views within the government (ie. unity vs diversity)

Language Arts Big Ideas:

I want my students to understand:

1. Identify the central theme of a text

2. Analyze words and phrases that have double meanings
3. Explain that there are various strategies to created double meaning
4. Demonstrate the aspects required to write an informational text

Unit Assessment:
Formative Assessment(s):
By the end of the unit, students will have…
Completed think-pair-share, venn diagrams, KWL chart, and Voxer

Summative/Performance Assessment:
For the culminating activity, students will…
Construct their poem using figurative language using civic engagement themes tied to their identity. Students will then perform and
discuss the double meaning and ties to the contribution to a democratic society.

Building Oracy and Background Knowledge

Identify strategies that build academic language and the background knowledge required to learn the big ideas of the unit
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Building Oracy:
- Vocabulary aids
- Inquiry based investigation
- In-class discussion
- graphic organizers

Background Knowledge:
Students will use their knowledge from other courses regarding identity and voice to apply to their findings of civic discourse.
Students will also apply their knowledge from previous units regarding basic government aspects such as procedures.

Content Area Instruction:

Identify the teaching points, inquiry, and experiences children will need in order to experience the content area. Identify formative assessments
to ensure students are on the right track for the content area
- Identity
- political concepts from previous units
- civic engagement
- participation in the health of democracy

Writing: Reading:
Identify the teaching points, strategies, activities and resources Identify the teaching points, strategies, activities and resources
necessary for students to arrive at the desired summative assessment necessary for students to have experience with in order to make them
successful writers
- Emphasing figurative language and double meaning
within texts - Two days of analysis of text
- Dictado - Inference
- Modeled writing - Guided readings
- Peer review
- work days for review
- Individual writing Process:
brainstorming web/ outline planning, venn diagram, T
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Word Study and Fluency:

Identify the focus for word study and fluency at the unit level.
The word study will reinforce vocabulary about government functions but also develop figurative language.

Fluency level: Intermediate mid/high

La Rima
La Aliteración
El Tono
El Repetición
El Símil
La Metáfora
La Ironía
El Lenguaje Corporal
Expresión del Rostro Semblante

Sin embargo,
Por el contrario,
Por otro lado,
Igualmente/ lo mismo
Estoy acuerdo
Además de/ aparte de
No estoy acuerdo
Además/ por otra parte
Tener en común
Parecido/ igual
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Diferente/ distinto

The Bridge The Bridge

i. Show learning + oracy ii. Metalinguistic Focus:
How students will actively engage in creating the first part of the What linguistic and/or cultural patterns will be developed into
Bridge (a representation of their learning) in the language learned, metalinguistic charts (phonology, morphology, syntax and grammar
and then the oracy needed in the other language to then add the and pragmatics).
equivalent of the other language to their Bridge.
Pragmatics (language use)
From Spanish to English students will analyze authentic texts - Cultural norms or contexts that are reflected in language
(American culture using Spanish Language to Latino culture use.
using English) to differentiate the following: - Use of overlapping cultural norms in a bilingual context.

Content Big Ideas: Contrastive Analysis chart(s)

I want my students to understand: Pattern 1 Pattern 2
1. Evaluate sources and the present biases
2. Enact skills necessary to influence government affairs Double meaning in words and Double meaning in words and
3. Analyze tactics used within the US political system phrases, tools used to create phrases, tools used to create
4. Identify confllicting views within the government (ie. meaning, in Spanish meaning, in English
unity vs diversity)

Language Arts Big Ideas:

I want my students to understand:

1. Identify the central theme of a text

2. Analyze words and phrases that have double meanings
3. Explain that there are various strategies to created double
4. Demonstrate the aspects required to write an
informational text
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Transfer Chart:
Spanish Term English Term

La Rima Rythme
La Aliteración Aliteration
El Tono Tone
El Repetición Repetition
El Símil Simile
La Metáfora Metaphore
La Ironía Irony
El Lenguaje Corporal Body Language
Expresión del Rostro Facial Expression

Sin embargo, However,

Por el contrario, In contrast,
Por otro lado, On the other hand,
Cualquiera...o... Either...or….
Igualmente/ lo mismo Both…
Estoy acuerdo I agree…
Además de/ aparte de Likewise....
No estoy acuerdo I disagree..
Además Besides,
Además/ por otra parte Furthermore
Tener en común To have in common
Parecido/ igual Alike
Diferente/ distinto Different

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Identify how the literacy big idea will be extended in the other language
Remember, since a student is always experiencing two units consecutively being taught between the two languages at one time, it is important to
look at the content of the subsequent unit in the other language in the Grade Level Biliteracy Mapping Plan. Opportunities for speaking,
listening, reading, and writing should be provided to students, giving them the opportunity to practice the skills inherent in the literacy big idea
in the other language.

For the extension students will use English to analyze the selected Spanish Speaking country using the following framework:

Content Big Ideas:

I want my students to understand:
1. Evaluate sources and the present biases
2. Enact skills necessary to influence government affairs
3. Analyze tactics used within the US political system
4. Identify confllicting views within the government (ie. unity vs diversity)

Language Arts Big Ideas:

I want my students to understand:

1. Identify the central theme of a text

2. Analyze words and phrases that have double meanings
3. Explain that there are various strategies to created double meaning
4. Demonstrate the aspects required to write an informational text

Students will listen to selected videos to gain understanding of the overview of select Spanish speaking country’s government and
civic engagement.

Using debate style format, Students will debate their findings in connection to civic engagement
- describing certain tools used to create meaning
- biases found within information
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Standard(s) being met in this lesson:

What should students know, understand, and be able to do as a result of the lesson?
Language Arts Big Ideas:
I want my students to understand:
Analyze words and phrases that have double meanings
Explain that there are various strategies to created double meaning

- Obtener las habilidades para practicar discurso cívico para dar forma a las politicas públicas
- Usar tecnologia para mejorar mis ideas
- Aplicar las herramientas civicos para compartir mis ideas y perspectivas
- Analizar el texto para formar los temas conperspectivas diversos

Assessment evidence:
Performance task—What will students do to show what they have learned?
Performance criteria—How good is good enough to meet standards?

Performance task:
Students will complete an partner investigative activity where the students will dig into the figurative language at hand within a poem.

Performance criteria:
Students will be assessed based on a standards based rubric

Content Objectives Language Objectives

What content knowledge do students need to know or what skill What vocabulary or grammar must students know in order to
must students demonstrate by the end of the lesson? understand the content or demonstrate the skill successfully?
Students will need to understand the use of figurative language La Rima
and how it can impact the message and meaning of a passage La Aliteración
El Tono
El Repetición
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El Símil
La Metáfora
La Ironía

Materials or Resources
What materials, visuals, or resources will you and your student need in order to complete this lesson? List here.
Near pod
- vocabulary
- videos
- resources for investigation
- guiding graphic organizer

What steps should a teacher do in order to complete this lesson? Include any Formative Assessment to make sure students
understand as the lesson is progressing.
reflect on the day prior, ask what writers can use identity to influence writing, Figurative language
-Main Activity
go through nearpod:
-Formative Assessment
Graphic orangizer identifying figurative language within model poem
-Closure or Summative Assessment
Students make up their own sentence using figurative language

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