Solution of The Differential Equation of Simple Harmonic Motion

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Lecture 6

Differential Equation of a Simple Harmonic Motion:

If F be the force acting on a particle executing simple harmonic motion and y is its displacement
from its mean or equilibrium position, then, . Again according to Newton’s law of
motion, , where m is the mass of the particle and a is its acceleration. Substituting –
for F and for a, we can write (for ),

( )

where, √ ⁄ is the angular velocity of the particle.

Equation (1) is called the differential equation of motion of a body executing simple harmonic
Solution of the Differential Equation of Simple Harmonic Motion:

To obtain a general solution of the differential equation of simple harmonic motion, let us
multiply both sides of equation (1) by when we get,

Integrating with respect to time, we have,

( ) ( )

where, C is a constant of integration.

The velocity is zero (or, K.E. is zero at maximum displacement or amplitude) or,
, when (amplitude).

Substituting these values in equation (2), we get,

Substituting the value of C in Equation (2), we get,

( ) ( ) ( )

√ ( )

√ √

Equation (4) can be rearranged as,

Integrating again with respect to time, we get

( )

( ) ( )
Equation (5) gives the displacement of the particle at an instant t in terms of its amplitude a and
its total phase ( ) and is the general solution of the differential equation of simple
harmonic motion.

* The displacement from zero at zero time of a body undergoing simple

harmonic motion. the displacement acquired by an oscillating body when the
time is, t = 0. It is thus measured in standard length units of m or cm
Velocity and Acceleration of a Body Executing SHM:

The displacement of a particle executing simple harmonic motion is given by,

( )
Hence, the velocity of the particle at any instant of time t is

( ) √ ( )

Now, ( ) ⁄

√ ⁄ √

At , it can be seen that maximum value of velocity, i.e. , i.e., when the
particle passing through its mean position.

The acceleration of the particle at any time t is given by,

( )

The maximum value of acceleration occurs when y is maximum. i.e., the particle is at the
position of one of its extreme displacements.
( )

Time period, Frequency and Angular frequency of a body executing SHM:

The frequency and time period of a vibrating particle can be calculated from equation (1)

Numerically √ √

Since ω = 2πf, √ √

and T = 1/f √ √

√ √
So for a body vibrating simple harmonically, the time period is given by √ , where K is
the displacement per unit acceleration.

Thus the simple harmonic motion is isochronous (the period and frequency are independent of
the amplitude and the initial phase of the motion).

Problem-1: A particle executes simple harmonic motion is given by the following equation:
( ). Calculate (i) amplitude, (ii) frequency, (iii) epoch, (iv) displacement at t =1.25
Solution: Here ( ) ……………………..…. (1)

The equation of displacement is, ( ) ..……………………… (2)

Comparing equations (1) and (2) we get
(i) Amplitude a = 12 units ( )
(ii)  = 2π/10
Frequency n = 2π = 1/10 = 0.1 hertz ( )
(iii) Epoch  = π/4 ( )
(iv) When t = 1.25 s

Then ( ) ( )

Problem-2: If the displacement of a particle is represented by , show

that the motion of a particle is simple harmonic and find the amplitude of the motion when

Solution: Given that ( )

Differentiating equation (1) with respect to time we get

( )

Differentiating equation (2) with respect to time we get

( )

This is the differential equation of simple harmonic motion. So, the body executes simple
harmonic motion.
Let ( ) ( )

( )
This will be maximum when ( )
So that we get

( )
Substituting the values of A, B and in the following equation we get

( ) ( )
( )
Problem-3: A body is vibrating with simple harmonic motion of amplitude 15 cm and frequency
4 Hz. Compute: i) the maximum values of the acceleration and velocity and ii) the acceleration
and velocity when the displacement is 9 cm.


( ) ( )

ii) when
√ √( ) ( )
( )

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