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Ashlesha Mahawadiwar et al.


Vol No. 4, Issue No. 1, 010 - 014

A software framework for authentication of

interacting data between different mobile

.Ashlesha Mahawadiwar Dr. N.G Bawane

M.E IVsem(Embedded system & Computing) Professor, Computer Science & Engineering
G.H.Raisoni.College of Engineering. G.H.Raisoni.College of Engineering.
Nagpur, India Nagpur, India


The security of mobile communication has aily benefit. These applications may range from simple e-
become increasingly important with the development of mail systems to complex applications, such as intelligent
devices that features more and more versatile
communication functionality. Third party software in
mobile phones has expanded into areas where the user
expects security in forms of confidentiality and integrity
Personal Digital Assistants, interactive multiplayer games, e-
commerce, location-sensitive transactions systems, and so
of data.
At the same time this development has lead into Some of these applications require the intelligent
a situation where mobile communication is used in areas behavior typically provided by agents, since they must
such as mobile commerce and mobile payments. exhibit capabilities such as autonomy, goal-driven reasoning
Persistence and distribution of data is crucial for these ,reactivity, adaptation, as well as communication,
systems, as the small handheld devices are not as coordination and cooperation with other software entities.
powerful as that of the desktop computers. Different m-commerce applications are being deployed on
In this paper , the proposed work is targeted to
small handheld devices, to facilitate the transactions and data
overcome the problem in data sharing in distributed
applications through the concept of Multi-Agent processing in wireless environment [3]
Systems by providing a shared storage. And also, to
provide explicit access to authenticated & authorized In a wireless environment, there is a need for a
MIDlets. With this mechanism, it is possible to share the secure exchange of information between different wireless
data among specific MIDlets safely. devices. Often it is required to have distribution and

sharing of data among various clients. But enabling

distributed applications opens the data to be accessible for
Keywords:J2ME, Mobile business, MIDlets, RMS,
all MIDlets (small applications running on mobile devices)
present on the device, hence creating a number of
vulnerabilities to the confidential information that is
I.INTRODUCTION intended to be shared with specific MIDlets. Hence a
MIDlet needs to have a secure storage system.[1]

The integration of novel handheld devices’ capabilities, The information can be susceptible to an attack
such as location, storage, processing and communication, from a malicious user i.e. it can be accessed and manipulated
has opened a myriad of applications from which users can by other MIDlets(from the same device or from a different
device). Sharing the data among different MIDlets creates a
lot of vulnerabilities to the confidential information ,

ISSN: 2230-7818 @ 2011 All rights Reserved. Page 10

Vol No. 4, Issue No. 1, 010 - 014

therefore some mechanism is needed to overcome this A Java virtual machine together with core libraries,
problem and to prevent unintended access of the stored data. classes and Application Programming Interfaces (API)
forms a “J2ME configuration”. “Profiles” define J2ME
The proposed plan for implementing the multi agent environment furthermore, specifying Java platform suited
systems approach consists of implementing the following for “specific” devices . The MIDP profile is the core profile
things : for the CLDC configuration. See fig.1.

1.To overcome the problem in data sharing through the J2ME has a Record Management System (RMS),
concept of multi-agent systems by providing shared storage an Application Programming Interface (API) that provides
among specific MIDlets persistent storage on local device. RMS (kind of a database)
2..To restrict the actions (save, delete, search etc) that can
is the only feature in J2ME for local data storage and is
be performed on the data by invoking the services of agents
along with limited access of data to specific MIDLETs. essential to writing any application that relies on local
3. To enable the record stores of a MIDLET to be shared persistent data . RMS stores all the records in a file with
not only on local device but also across remote devices. extension “.db” called record store. The application
4. To authorize the shared storage of data for a particular developed in J2ME for mobile devices is called a MIDLET
MIDLET. and each MIDLET suit (group of related MIDLETs) can
5. The multi agent system should provide features such as own one or more record stores.
context awareness, object persistence and scalability.

Due to the limitations of J2ME Record
Management System (RMS), when the data of record store
is set to shared mode then it can be accessed by all the
II TECHNOLOGY CONSIDERATION MIDLETs present on the device and hence creating a
number of vulnerabilities to the confidential information.
Also, there is no restricted access for intended users.
J2ME is targeted to developers of intelligent
wireless devices and small computing devices who need
incorporate cross-platform functionality into their products.
The consumers of these small devices have high
performance expectations. They expect the same software
and capabilities fond on their desktop and laptop computers
to be available on their cellphones and PDAs.[20]
J2ME slims down the Java Standard Edition
(J2SE) by removing or rewriting key parts of the core
runtime environment in order to fit it into small devices. As
an outcome of a consortium involving Sun Microsystems
Inc. and the major telecommunication devices manufactures
(e.g. Motorola, Nokia, Sony, Samsung and Ericsson), J2ME
broadens application perspectives in this area. In fact, it
allows the developers to write their own software for
handheld devices, which was unfeasible before since the
software and platforms for these devices were proprietary.
One of the J2ME features is that it provides built in

caching mechanisms for locally storing data on a mobile

device. The Mobile Information Device Profile (MIDP)
adds APIs (Application Programming Interface) for user Fig 1. Java2 platforms
interaction, network connectivity, and persistent storage.
Java 2 Micro Edition (J2ME) is a runtime environment for
resource-constrained environments. To achieve the desired target, the methodologies
J2ME includes specific virtual machines, which are already implemented are given as:
configurations and profiles for various environments and
needs. With an appropriate configuration and profile, J2ME - JavaSpaces implements the concept of tuple space through
applications could be executed within pagers, mobile Java programming language. It is a service of Jini , which
phones, PDAs, set-top boxes and automobile navigation forms a distributed network of clients and services.
systems. JavaSpaces provide an easy way for communications facility
in mobile distributed applications. Due to the fact that Jini
technology is dependent on Remote Method Invocation

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Vol No. 4, Issue No. 1, 010 - 014

(RMI), which is not supported by number of handheld MIDlets are packaged together in suites inside a .jar
devices,so JavaSpaces is not suitable for distributed mobile file with a Manifest file indicating which classes implement
applications. Moreover, JavaSpaces requires a resource rich which MIDlet. As well as the Java classes, the .jar file can
contain other resources such as images or sound files. A .jad
-applications developed using MobileSpaces capture events file contains the location of the .jar as well as the list of
through notify() method which resulted in demand of more MIDlets in the suite and other attributes.
The Record Management System (RMS) is a simple record-
-lightweight storage system based on serialization oriented database that allows a MIDlet to persistently store
framework allows MIDP enabled J2ME devices to store data information and retrieve it later. Different MIDlets can also
on local as well as remote storage spaces requiring similar use the RMS to share data.
semantics., so this framework does not support
heterogeneous environment.
Each record store can be visualized as a collection of
-Existing multi agent system frameworks (JADE-LEAP, records, which will remain persistent across multiple
Grasshopper, Micro FIPA-OS etc.) do not provide invocations of the MIDlet. The device platform is
robustness, context awareness and persistence. responsible for making its best effort to maintain the
integrity of the MIDlet's record stores throughout the normal
use of the platform, including reboots, battery changes, etc.

A record store is created in platform-dependent locations,
III.EXAMPLE like nonvolatile device memory, which are not directly
exposed to the MIDlets. The RMS classes call into the
The problem can be illustrated by giving an example. platform-specific native code that uses the standard OS data
manager functions to perform the actual database operations.
A person arrives at an airport. He wants to book
hotel , book a taxi ,and also book the ticket for his return
journey all from his mobile phone. He wants to do this thru
the agent.
Record store implementations ensure that all
individual record store operations are atomic, synchronous,
and serialized, so no corruption of data will occur with
multiple accesses. The record store is timestamped to
denote the last time it was modified. The record store also
The information about hotel is present on the maintains a version, which is an integer that is incremented
database of the mobile of the hotel manager. Also, taxi for each operation that modifies the contents of the record
booking office owner contains details about the taxis in the store. Versions and timestamps are useful for
database of his mobile. synchronization purposes.

The person after arriving , makes a call to the agent. When a MIDlet uses multiple threads to access a
The agent ,in order to seek info. about the hotel contacts the record store, it is the MIDlet's responsibility to coordinate
hotel manager . The manager asks about the authentication this access; if it fails to do so, unintended consequences may
of the agent. The agent provides the user name and result. Similarly, if a platform(ex. like a multi-agent system)
performs a synchronization of a record store with multiple
password and confirms his identity. The manager after threads trying to access the record store simultaneously, it is
authenticating the agent, provides him with the latest the platform's responsibility to enforce exclusive access to
availability. The agent then makes a booking and provides it the record store between the MIDlet and its synchronization

to the customer. This is repeated for booking the taxi and for engine. Each record in a record store is an array of bytes and
the return ticket also. has a unique integer identifier.

Hence, the manager will send the information to the B. Developing an agent management system
registered users only (agent in this case ) but not to any
other persons as the malicious user can damage or change An agent is an intelligent system which has certain
the data . Hence ,protection to the information is provided. set of goals that act on the environment. This agent system
will be above the RMS for giving specific access. Its a kind
of wrapper layer which will guard all the actions related to
record database.
C. Developing message transport service
A. Design of RMS and design the query parser

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Vol No. 4, Issue No. 1, 010 - 014

-Bluetooth. connectivity
customer Shop
Developing the protocol for Bluetooth connectivity owner
has following steps: System Raise a query
- Locating device flow
-Establish connection
-Make data transfer between client & server phones
Asks for auth. ,needs
D. Implement authorization & authentication
It will make the agent system do the work of
authentication and authorization in the following way:

- check for the validity of the user Usernm,pwd

-based on that , take a decision to grant the access .

-provide authorization by giving privileges to access
certain services. confirmation user
The test bed we are planning to use is Nokia series of
The flow of the system will be as given in fig.2

Response to Collect
query info from
Fig.2:secure client-server interaction

Software security will become a more important
concern in mobile business applications because more and

more data will be stored or can be accessed with a mobile

device. Also, more services will be provided by the system
through different data connections, like Bluetooth. This
requires Confidentiality, Integrity and Authenticity. The
proposed solution implements these concepts using the
Bluetooth protocol and the Java ME platform.

As the security level is increased, so the growing

processing volume of the application becomes an overhead
for the mobile device processor and battery lifetime.
Because performance and quality are important software
characteristics mainly for users and the security has same

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Vol No. 4, Issue No. 1, 010 - 014

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