Transvaginal Ultrasound For The Diagnosis of Adenomyosis: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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Review Article

Transvaginal Ultrasound for the Diagnosis of Adenomyosis:

Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Marina Paula Andres, MD, Giuliano Moysés Borrelli, MD, PhD, Juliana Ribeiro, MD,
Edmund Chada Baracat, MS, PhD, Mauricio Simões Abrão, MD, PhD, and
Rosanne M. Kho, MD
From the Endometriosis Section, Gynecologic Division, Hospital das Clinicas HCFMUSP, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo,
Brazil (Drs. Andres, Borrelli, Ribeiro, Baracat, and Abrão), and Benign Gynecology Surgery Section, Women’s Health Institute, Cleveland Clinic,
Cleveland, Ohio (Dr. Kho).

ABSTRACT Adenomyosis is characterized by the presence of ectopic foci of endometrial glandular tissue and/or stroma within the myo-
metrium. The diagnosis of adenomyosis is traditionally made through histologic evaluation of the postsurgical specimen.
More recently, imaging with transvaginal ultrasound (TVUS) has been used for the preoperative diagnosis of adenomyosis.
As yet, there is no consensus regarding the best imaging feature or combination thereof for the nonsurgical diagnosis of
adenomyosis. This study systematically evaluated the literature in the last 10 years to determine the accuracy of 2-dimensional
(2D) TVUS, different imaging features, enhancing methods such as 3-dimensional (3D) TVUS, elastography and color Doppler
in the nonsurgical diagnosis of adenomyosis. A total of 8 studies were included. Pooled sensitivity and specificity for 2D
TVUS for the diagnosis of adenomyosis for all combined imaging characteristics was 83.8% and 63.9%, respectively. Pooled
sensitivity for 355 total patients with use of imaging feature of heterogeneous myometrium with 2D TVUS was highest (86.0%),
and pooled specificity for 283 total patients with use of globular uterus was highest (78.1%). After including the “question
mark” sign with other TVUS features, higher sensitivity and specificity, of 92% and 88%, respectively, were noted. For 3D
TVUS, pooled sensitivity and specificity for all combined imaging characteristics was 88.9% and 56.0%, respectively. Poor
definition of junctional zone showed the highest pooled sensitivity (86%) and the highest pooled specificity (56.0%) for the
diagnosis of adenomyosis with 3D TVUS. There was no improvement in overall accuracy in 3D TVUS compared with 2D
TVUS. Preliminary results of TVUS with color Doppler showed a high sensitivity and specificity for the differentiation between
adenomyosis and myomas (95.6% and 93.4%, respectively). Also, TVUS elastography in 1 study showed an improvement
in specificity (82.9%) compared with 2D TVUS (63.9%), albeit with comparable sensitivity. Larger studies are needed to
advance our understanding of the different types of adenomyosis and their clinical impact. Journal of Minimally Invasive
Gynecology (2018) 25, 257–264 © 2017 AAGL. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Transvaginal ultrasound; Adenomyosis; Ultrasonography; Doppler; Color; 3D imaging; Meta-analysis

Adenomyosis is characterized by the presence of ectopic adenomyosis or adenomyoma) [1,2]. The gold standard for
foci of endometrial glands and/or stroma within the myo- the diagnosis of adenomyosis is histopathologic confirma-
metrium, which may be diffusely distributed (diffuse tion of the presence of ectopic endometrium within the
adenomyosis) or circumscribed as a nodular lesion (focal myometrium [3–6]. The absence of standardization for the
histologic diagnosis of adenomyosis is reflected in the varying
prevalence reported, ranging from 5% to 70% worldwide [7].
Conflict of Interest: The authors declare that they have no conflict of Patients with adenomyosis may be asymptomatic or may
present with pain and abnormal bleeding symptoms [8].
Corresponding author: Mauricio Simões Abrão, MD, PhD, Hospital das
Clinicas HCFMUSP, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Because adenomyosis lesions can be difficult to identify during
Av. Dr. Enéas de Carvalho Aguiar, 255 – 10° andar, 05403-000, São Paulo, surgery and their complete excision is challenging, hyster-
Brazil. ectomy often remains the definitive treatment. Accurate
E-mail: noninvasive diagnosis of the disease with imaging therefore
Submitted July 13, 2017. Accepted for publication August 22, 2017. becomes essential for medical therapy or surgical planning,
Available at and particularly in patients wishing to retain their fertility [9].
1553-4650/$ — see front matter © 2017 AAGL. All rights reserved.
258 Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology, Vol 25, No 2, February 2018

Magnetic resonance imaging and transvaginal ultrasonog- [Subheading] OR (“diagnostic”[All Fields] AND “imaging”
raphy (TVUS) have been used as preoperative imaging tools [All Fields]) OR “diagnostic imaging”[All Fields] OR “di-
for adenomyosis and have been shown to have similar diag- agnostic imaging”[MeSH Terms] OR (“diagnostic”[All Fields]
nostic accuracy [10]. Although TVUS has the advantage of AND “imaging”[All Fields])) AND (“adenomyosis”[MeSH
incurring less costs, it is operator-dependent [11,12]. Various Terms] OR “adenomyosis”[All Fields]).
ultrasonographic criteria have been used for the diagnosis of
adenomyosis, such as the presence of heterogeneous myo-
Selection Criteria and Eligibility
metrial areas, findings of anechoic areas of 1 to 3 mm in
diameter in the myometrium (known as myometrial cysts), Both retrospective and prospective studies were in-
and asymmetry of anterior and posterior uterine wall thick- cluded that assessed the accuracy of TVUS (considered here
ness [12]. Other sonographic markers of adenomyosis include as the index test) with or without enhancing techniques (3D,
the presence of echogenic striations in the subendometrium, color Doppler, elastography) as a diagnostic tool. All in-
subendometrial echogenic nodules, nodular endometrial– cluded studies used histopathologic examination (considered
myometrial interface, and poor definition of junctional zone as the gold standard) for confirmation of adenomyosis. We
[9,13–20]. At present, there is no consensus regarding the most excluded single case reports and review articles.
accurate imaging feature or combination of features for the
ultrasound diagnosis of adenomyosis [9,13–20]. Improved
Data Extraction
imaging recognition of adenomyosis could facilitate better
understanding of the natural progression of the disease and Two authors (MPA and JR) abstracted the data into tables,
advance its clinical treatment options outside of surgery. and another author (GMB) separately confirmed accuracy. In
Our main objective is to conduct a systematic review of cases of conflict resolution was achieved by discussion with
the literature in the last 10 years regarding the accuracy of the senior authors (ECB, RMK, and MSA). References of
TVUS in the preoperative diagnosis of adenomyosis. We also articles were also manually reviewed for other relevant studies.
aim to evaluate the accuracy of the specific imaging fea- Data obtained from the studies were first author, publica-
tures used and the role and efficacy of enhancing techniques tion year, sample size, study design, imaging tool, imaging
such as power Doppler, 3-dimensional (3D) imaging, and characteristics or features, types of tumors and stage.
elastography available with ultrasound. There were 7 main imaging characteristics, criteria, and
features assessed in this study: myometrial cysts, heteroge-
neous myometrial areas, myometrial hypoechoic linear
Methods striations, globular-appearing uterus, asymmetry of the myo-
metrial wall, poor definition of the endometrial–myometrial
Search Strategy
junction, and the “question mark” sign (Figs. 1 and 2). The
A thorough search of PubMed/MEDLINE for all avail- question mark sign is defined with ultrasound when the uterine
able current literature in English published in the last 10 years corpus is flexed backward, the fundus of the uterus faces the
was performed and a review based on Preferred Reporting posterior pelvic compartment, and the cervix is directed an-
Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis guidelines teriorly toward the urinary bladder.
conducted [21]. The quality of the individual studies was
judged using the QUADAS (Quality Assessment of Diag-
Statistical Analysis
nostic Accuracy Studies) criteria, a tool for the quality
assessment of studies of diagnostic accuracy included in sys- Data were extracted to construct 2 × 2 contingency tables
tematic reviews [22]. of diagnostic performance (numbers of true-positive, false-
We used the search terms “adenomyosis” and “ultra- negative, false-positive, and true-negative test results). Meta-
sound” and “adenomyosis” as well as “adenomyosis” and analysis was performed using the Meta-Disc (Clinical
“imaging” as key words to recover all possible publications Biostatistics Unit, Ramon y Cajal Hospital, Madrid, Spain),
using the PubMed database. MeSH terms used included ((“di- a Windows-based software for meta-analysis of test accura-
agnostic imaging”[Subheading] OR (“diagnostic”[All Fields] cy data [23]. Summary estimates of sensitivity and specificity
AND “imaging”[All Fields]) OR “diagnostic imaging”[All with 95% confidence intervals were calculated using the Der
Fields] OR “ultrasound”[All Fields] OR “ultrasonography” Simonian and Laird random-effects model.
[MeSH Terms] OR “ultrasonography”[All Fields] OR
“ultrasound”[All Fields] OR “ultrasonics”[MeSH Terms] OR
“ultrasonics”[All Fields]) OR (“diagnostic imaging”
[Subheading] OR (“diagnostic”[All Fields] AND From 648 initial ARTICLES obtained from the primary
“imaging”[All Fields]) OR “diagnostic imaging”[All Fields] computerized search, 595 studies were excluded (Fig. 3). All
OR “ultrasonography”[All Fields] OR “ultrasonography” reviews, studies not written in English, and studies not pub-
[MeSH Terms]) OR (“ultrasonics”[MeSH Terms] OR lished in the last 10 years were excluded. The abstracts of
“ultrasonics”[All Fields]) OR (“diagnostic imaging” the 53 remaining studies were read, and using the inclusion/
Andres et al. Review of TVUS for Diagnosing Adenomyosis 259

Fig. 1
Two-dimensional ultrasound imaging of a uterus in a longitudinal section with the sonographic signs associated with presence of adenomyosis. (A) Diffuse
adenomyosis with heterogeneous myometrium, asymmetry of posterior myometrial wall, hypoechoic linear striations, poor definition junctional zone,
and the “question mark” sign. (B) Globular uterus and heterogeneous myometrium. (C) Myometrial cysts (arrows).

exclusion criteria, 21 were selected to be read in full text. A With regards to the imaging tools and number of pa-
total of 8 papers were included in the final systematic review tients included in this review, 5 articles assessed 2-dimensional
for qualitative synthesis [9,13–19], of which 7 [9,13–18] were (2D) TVUS, 3 assessed 3D TVUS, and 1 evaluated TVUS
included for quantitative analysis (meta-analysis). with elastography (TVUS elastography) (Table 1). All studies

Fig. 2
Two-dimensional ultrasound imaging of a uterus in a longitudinal section with the sonographic signs associated with presence of adenomyosis. (A) Diffuse
adenomyosis with heterogeneous myometrium, myometrial cysts (arrows), and poor definition junctional zone. (B) Globular uterus, heterogeneous myo-
metrium, and asymmetry of posterior myometrial wall.
260 Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology, Vol 25, No 2, February 2018

Fig. 3 ranged from 34.0% to 73.6% and 23.6% to 94.3%,

Flow diagram showing selection of articles for systematic review.

Quality Assessment
Three studies [13–15] were of good quality, whereas 5
[9,16–19] were of fair quality using QUADAS scoring
(Table 1). In the 3 studies rated as good [13–15], patholo-
gists were blinded to the imaging results. All other studies
rated as fair included evaluators who were not blinded for
both the standard and index tests, which may have created
a review bias. Also, only 1 study [15] reported the
uninterpretable/intermediate results, which were excluded,
whereas in all other studies this information was not reported.

Five studies with a total of 568 patients addressed the ac-
curacy of 2D TVUS in the diagnosis of adenomyosis and were
included for quantitative analysis [13–17]. Three studies
were case series evaluating the accuracy of TVUS imaging [13,14,17] considered the diagnosis of adenomyosis when at
tool confirmed by histopathologic evaluation. All studies in- least 1 sonographic criteria was present and 2 studies [15,16]
cluded patients submitted to hysterectomy due to when 2 sonographic criteria were present. The reported sen-
dysmenorrhea, menometrorrhagia, or suspected adenomyo- sitivity and specificity of 2D TVUS in these separate studies
sis [9,13–19]. Only 1 study also included patients submitted varied greatly, ranging from 75% to 85% and 43% to 90%,
to myomectomy [16]. The prevalence of histologically con- respectively (Fig. 4). A meta-analysis was performed, and the
firmed adenomyosis and myomas in the included studies overall pooled sensitivity and specificity of all combined

Table 1
Included studies on TVUS imaging tools to access adenomyosis in the last 10 years

TVUS type Study Standard test Total no. Adenomyosis Myomas Quality Results characteristics
of patients n (%) n (%) rating
2D Kepkep, 2007 Hysterectomy 70 26 (37.1) 20 (28.6) Good Pathologist blinded
2D Sun, 2010 [14] Hysterectomy 213 85 (39.9) 93 (43.7) Good Pathologist blinded
2D Hanafi, 2013 Hysterectomy (130), 163 110 (67.5) 134 (82.2) Fair Not blinded; uninterpretable
[16] myomectomy (33) or intermediate results were
not reported
2D Di Donato, Hysterectomy 50 24 (48.0) NR Fair Not blinded; uninterpretable
2015 [17] or intermediate results were
not reported
2D/3D Exacoustos, Hysterectomy 72 32 (44.4) 17 (23.6) Good Pathologist blinded
2011 [15]
3D Luciano, 2013 Hysterectomy 54 36 (66.7) NR Fair Not blinded; uninterpretable
[18] or intermediate results were
not reported
3D/color Sharma, 2015 Hysterectomy 88 30 (34.0) 53 (60.2) Fair Not blinded; uninterpretable
Doppler [9] or intermediate results were
not reported
Elastography Acar, 2016 Hysterectomy 53 39 (73.6) 50 (94.3) Fair Not blinded; uninterpretable
[19] or intermediate results were
not reported

NR = not reported.
Quality of included studies evaluated using QUADAS scoring for included studies and evaluated imaging tools. All included studies were accuracy studies.
Andres et al. Review of TVUS for Diagnosing Adenomyosis 261

Fig. 4 Fig. 5
Pooled sensitivity and specificity off all combined imaging character- Pooled sensitivity and specificity off all combined imaging character-
istics of 2D TVUS evaluation of adenomyosis. istics of 3D TVUS evaluation of adenomyosis.

imaging characteristics of 2D TVUS evaluation of adeno- 3D TVUS studies, ranging from 86.7% to 91.7%. However,
myosis were 83.8% and 63.9%, respectively (Fig. 4). specificity of 3D TVUS varied greatly, ranging from 44.4%
Multiple 2D TVUS imaging characteristics were used in to 86.7%. When all 3 studies were subjected for quantita-
these studies. Asymmetry of myometrial wall, myometrial tive analysis, the overall pooled sensitivity and specificity of
cysts, hypoechoic linear striations, and heterogeneous myo- all combined imaging characteristics of 3D TVUS evalua-
metrium were evaluated in 3 studies; globular-appearing uterus tion of adenomyosis were 84.7% and 81.0% (Fig. 5).
and poor definition of the endometrial–myometrial zone in The imaging characteristics evaluated in all 3D TVUS
2; and the question mark sign in only 1 study (Table 2). studies were presence of myometrial cysts, heterogeneous
The sensitivity and specificity of each 2D TVUS charac- myometrial areas, asymmetry of the myometrial wall, and poor
teristic reported in the 5 studies varied greatly. For presence definition of the endometrial–myometrial junction. Poor def-
of myometrial cysts, sensitivity ranged from 53.1% to 82.4% inition of junctional zone was noted when the sonographer
and specificity from 45.3% to 97.5%. For hypoechoic linear was unable to visualize a clear distinction between the
striations, sensitivity ranged from 30.8% to 91.8% and speci- endometrial–myometrial layers. This last criterion showed the
ficity from 71.1% to 95.5%. Asymmetry of the myometrial highest pooled sensitivity (86%) and the highest pooled speci-
wall was found to have sensitivity ranging from 46.9% to ficity (56.0%) for the diagnosis of adenomyosis with 3D
61.5% and specificity from 63.6% to 80% (Table 2). A meta- TVUS. However, its specificity varied greatly among the
analysis was performed for each of the ultrasound studies, from 22.5% to 82.8%. Similarly, accuracy of the use
characteristics (summarized in Table 2). The overall pooled of myometrial cysts varied greatly between studies, with sen-
sensitivity for 355 patients for heterogeneous myometrium sitivity ranging from 33.3% to 83.3% and specificity from
with 2D TVUS was highest (86.0%), whereas the overall 5% to 88.9%. Hypoechoic linear striations were evaluated by
pooled specificity for 283 patients was highest for globular only 1 study [18], showing a sensitivity and specificity of
uterus (78.1%). 52.8% and 61.1%.
The efficacy of the use of the question mark sonographic
sign for the presence of adenomyosis was first reported in a
2015 study [17]. This study reported that the overall sensi- TVUS with Color Doppler
tivity and specificity of 2D TVUS was 83% and 88%, One study [9] compared 100 patients with adenomyosis
respectively. After including the question mark sign with other with patients with myoma using TVUS with color Doppler.
ultrasound features in the imaging diagnosis, higher sensi- The lesions were evaluated for morphology, vascularity,
tivity and specificity, 92% and 88%, respectively, were noted. pulsatility index, resistive index, and maximum velocity.
For adenomyosis lesions, a central vascular pattern was
observed in 93% of cases compared with a peripheric vas-
cular pattern in 89% of patients with myoma. Doppler
Three studies with a total of 214 patients addressed the pulsatility index (9.0 ± .20 vs 1.5 ± .20), resistive index
accuracy of 3D TVUS in the diagnosis of adenomyosis (.50 ± .15 vs .9 ± .15), and maximum velocity (12.0 ± 2.5 vs
[9,15,18]. The diagnosis of adenomyosis was defined by the 7.0 ± 2.5 cm/sec) were significantly different between ad-
presence of 1 sonographic feature in 1 study [9] and by 2 fea- enomyosis and myoma groups. Using a cut-off value of a
tures in 2 studies [15,18]. The sensitivity was similar between pulsatility index > 1.2 and a resistive index > .7, sensitivity
262 Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology, Vol 25, No 2, February 2018
Andres et al. Review of TVUS for Diagnosing Adenomyosis 263

for the diagnosis of adenomyosis with TVUS with color racy varied greatly between studies, with the greatest variability
Doppler was 95.6%, specificity was 93.4%, positive predic- observed in presence of myometrial cysts and hypoechoic
tive value was 88.6%, and negative predictive value was 97.6%. linear striations for both 2D TVUS and 3D TVUS studies.
This study suggested benefit with the use of TVUS with color This finding highlights the fact that further studies compar-
Doppler in differentiating adenomyosis from myomas, with ing each of these features for diagnosis performed by larger
an overall diagnostic accuracy of the use of TVUS with color and multiple centers would be helpful. Future studies should
Doppler for adenomyosis of 93.8%. also determine if characterization of the extent of disease (such
as depth of myometrial infiltration, amount of myometrial
cysts, or even amount of discrepancy between anterior and
TVUS Elastography
posterior myometrial thickness) may improve on diagnostic
Acar et al [19] evaluated 53 patients submitted to hyster- performance.
ectomy for menorrhagia with TVUS elastography. In this review, specificity of 2D TVUS for adenomyosis
Adenomyosis was confirmed in 39 cases. Color and numer- was significantly enhanced with the use of 3D TVUS (64%
ical values of Young’s modulus in the areas of maximum vs 81%, respectively), whereas the sensitivity was not af-
myometrial stiffness was measured. TVUS elastography fected (84% vs 85%). Also, the pooled sensitivity and
imaging (color window) with adenomyosis was character- specificity for each of the imaging characteristics used in 3D
ized by red, green, and yellow colors (showing predominately TVUS were similar to those used in 2D TVUS, with the ex-
heterogeneous staining due to high stiffness), whereas un- ception of the use of poor definition of junctional zone where
remarkable myometrium was mapped by blue color. Comparing greater sensitivity was noted when used in 3D TVUS com-
the mean value ofYoung’s modulus in patients with and without pared with 2D TVUS (sensitivity 87.8% vs 58.6%, specificity
adenomyosis, significant difference was noted (72.7 kPA vs 56.0% vs 71.5%, respectively).
28.3 kPA; p < .05). Also, whenYoung’s modulus value higher The use of color Doppler to differentiate adenomyosis from
than 34.6 kPa was used as the threshold, the sensitivity and malignancies and uterine leiomyoma has been suggested pre-
specificity of TVUS elastography in adenomyosis diagnosis viously [9,13]. In this review 1 study was conducted showing
were 89.7% and 82.9%, respectively. the potential of the use of color Doppler in identifying the
vascular pattern of adenomyomas, showing a high accuracy
in differentiating these lesions from myomas. Because only
1 study has shown a difference in vascular pattern com-
The prevalence of adenomyosis is considerable in women pared with myomas, larger comparative studies are needed
of reproductive age, ranging from 20% to 35%. The preva- to further delineate the role of the use of TVUS with color
lence of adenomyosis is likely underestimated because of the Doppler and other enhancement tools such as TVUS
lack of standardized criteria in both imaging and histologic elastography for the differentiation between myomas and
confirmation [7]. To illustrate, it has been estimated that his- adenomyosis.
tologic confirmation of adenomyosis ranges from 5% to 70% This systematic review confirms that 2D TVUS is effec-
of patients who undergo hysterectomy [12]. tive and should be considered as the first-line ultrasound
The availability of better imaging tools and determina- imaging method for the diagnosis of adenomyosis. Enhanc-
tion of the best diagnostic feature(s) for adenomyosis would ing tools such as 3D TVUS improved on sensitivity when
provide greater understanding of the disease. Studies evalu- used with poor definition of junctional zone, whereas no im-
ating multiple TVUS imaging characteristics have suggested provement was noted in the overall sensitivity compared with
different types of adenomyosis to be associated with other 2D TVUS. A lack of consensus remains in the imaging cri-
conditions and with varying clinical presentations [11]. To teria used for nonhistologic confirmation of adenomyosis.
illustrate, external adenomyosis has been associated with deep More robust comparative studies are needed to advance our
endometriosis in 49% to 60% of cases [24]. Diffuse adeno- understanding of the disease and, ultimately, to expand the
myosis was noted to be more frequently associated with nonsurgical treatment options for patients with adenomyosis.
menorrhagia compared with nodular adenomyosis (84% vs
37%; p = .001) [10]. Indeed, more recent findings showed that
the presence of more ultrasound features of adenomyosis in Acknowledgment
the patient was positively associated with more severe men- We thank Manoel Orlando Gonçalves, Leandro Accardo
strual pain scores [25,26]. de Mattos, and Ana Luiza Marques for the ultrasound imaging
In the present systematic review 8 qualified studies showed figures.
that, overall, 2D TVUS and 3D TVUS are effective methods
for diagnosis of adenomyosis with pooled sensitivity of 84%
and 89% and pooled specificity of 64% and 56%, respec- References
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