Bees Unit Plan English Language Arts

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Rivier University

Subject: English Language Arts
Why Are Bees Important?

Common Core Standard(s):

Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence.

Introduce claim(s) and organize the reasons and evidence clearly.

Support claim(s) with clear reasons and relevant evidence, using credible sources and
demonstrating an understanding of the topic or text.

Develop the topic with relevant facts, definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other
information and examples.

Determine a central idea of a text and how it is conveyed through particular details;
provide a summary of the text distinct from personal opinions or judgments.

At the end of this lesson students will be able to understand the body of a bee, their
functions to society, and why they are important.

Resources/Materials List:
- “Why Bees Are Important” Reading Packet from
- Computer
- Poster board
- Markers
- Highlighters
- Scissors
- Glue

1. Put students in pairs.
2. Have students participate in choral reading with one another, taking turns for each
bolded paragraph.
3. After reading, ask the pairs of students to complete the “reading comprehension
questions” section. Be sure to walk around the room and encourage conversation
before writing their answers.
4. Have the class come together to share after their “think & pair” with their partner to
go over the reading comprehension questions to make sure all students have an
understanding of bees.
5. Combine two pairs of partners to make a group of four. Once students are together,
they will be able to tackle the “extension questions.”
6. Ask students to pause for question #10 and create an outline for what they will
include on their poster.
7. Once groups have a completed outline and plan for the poster, ask the group to get
approval from the teacher.
8. Once groups have approval, allow them to create a poster.
9. After a few class sessions, all groups will share their poster with the class.
10. Follow-up on the presentations by emphasizing the different important facts and
information about bees to segway into the “what’s next” persuasive essay.

Plans for differentiation:

- Have the “Why Are Bees Important” reading packet available online for students who
need enlarged text or work better on computers.
- Provide highlighters for students who need help highlighting important concepts and
guide their reading

Plans for accommodation/modification:

- Student A (Speech & Language) Students may use a computer to create a poster on
Google Docs. Student will have access to a text-to-speech program to access the text
- Student B (Autism) will be put in a group/pair with peers the student feels
comfortable with.

Students will have met my objective when they can create a “Saves the Bees” poster that
outlines their understanding of concepts from the article such as: the body of a bee, their
functions to society, and why they are important.

What’s next?
After creating the group “Save the Bees” Poster, students will write a persuasive essay on
the topic of “Save the Bees” stating specific reasons why bees are important and their
function to society.

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