Bss Commerce PWA - 1

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Statistical analysis of Mobile and Desktop Usage - In Need of a New Technology 04
What is PWA? 04
The History of Progressive Web Apps 06
PWA benefits for store owners 07

1. Low cost 08
2. Save Development Time 09
3. PWA Performance 09
4. Push Notifications 09
5. Increase in Conversion Rate 10
6. Offline Experience 11

PWA benefits for end-users 11

1. Add to Home Screen - Use as Native Apps 12

2. Better UX, UI, and Performance Experience 12
3. Deployable in App Store 12
4. Save Storage Space 13

PWA vs Native Apps vs Responsive Website 13

1. Responsive Website 13
2. Native Apps 14
3. PWA vs Native Apps vs Responsive Websites 14

PWA vs AMP 15
PWA vs Flutter 16
Companies Who Have Implemented PWA and Success 17
Ecommerce Websites 17

Lancô 17
Aliexpress 18
DW Shop 19

Social Media & Entertainment 20

Twitter 20
Pinterest 21 | 4
News Industry 22

Forbes 22
Infobae 23
The Weather Channel 24

PWA integration for Magento 2 24

PWA Studio 25
Magento 2 PWA Theme 26

Tips and Tricks For Better PWA Websites 26

Tips For Store Owners 26

Keep It Simple 26
Reduce frictions 27
Create smooth transitions 27
Offline Mode 27
Be careful with Push Notifications 27
Put PWA icon on the home screen 28

Tips for PWA users 28

Configure PWA push notifications 28
Don’t mistake between PWA and browser’s add to home screen function 29 | 3
Statistical analysis of Mobile and
Desktop Usage - In Need of a New Technology

There are 2.7 billion mobile users worldwide, which doesn't come as a surprise if the mobile industry is
flourishing. People prefer their ecommerce stores available on mobile apps, as they can access
them all the time, and are more convenient in tight spaces, or low connection situations.

And with 90% time of shoppers spend browsing products on their mobile devices, companies have
to find a way to convert their ecommerce website to be more mobile-friendly.

Although Responsive Web and building a Native App is a few ways that merchants can use to enter
the mobile ecommerce market, they all have limitations in terms of costs or SEO.

We are in need of new technology. And Progressive Web Apps happens to be an effective solution
to bridge the gap.

Mobile Web reach Mobile Web engagement Opportunity gap

What is PWA?

PWA or Progressive Web Apps are applications built on Javascript frameworks. Make no mistake,
they’re still built on website foundation, which means they’re still websites with URLs and are
findable on Google, and only include the app’s looks and functions.

And as an “app-like” website, PWA doesn’t limit to only mobile. On desktops, you might have come
across some PWA websites, and they all have filled the criteria: | 4
Reliable: - Load instantaneously, even in poor network connectivity conditions.

Speedy: - They respond quickly to user interactions with smooth transitions in pages.

Engaging Experience: - Looks and feels like actual apps on your device, allows for a smooth and
more engaging user experience.

The apparent difference between a regular website and a PWA website that you can spot right
away is the loading speed between the pages within a website. This is a useful tip if you want to use
PWA websites on your device.

With a typical website, there is a fraction of loading time when navigating from one page to another.
The example can be shown below:

The example can be seen via this link:

However, Progressive Web Apps are instant to load when moving from one page to another. This is
because the page view event only loads once when the user initially loads the website. After that, all
loads and caches are handled by service workers.

The website transitions also feel much smoother on the desktop screens, and in case you use your phone
or tablet, there should be a notification to add the site to your home screen as you access the store.
As you can see from the example of PWA Starbuck, the site can move between order, cards, and gift
with almost no lagging time.

View the example with this link: | 5
The History of Progressive Web Apps

The Progressive Web Apps has become a fairly well-known notion these days, and it also took a few
successful steps in ecommerce shopping. But the concept of PWA was actually dated way back in the
early 2000s.

The idea of PWA wasn’t introduced by Google but was the concept Steve Jobs presented during the
iPhone introduction in 2007.

Video: Steve Jobs introduced PWA technology concept in 2007

It was natural for the external apps to make the device popular in contemporary times, and Steve Jobs
thought that developers could build apps based on website technology.

However, in 2008, Apple introduced the App Store, and the concept was frozen for almost a decade. It’s
not difficult to see why.

The native apps domination of the market helps develop the power of Google and Apple in mobile and
changed how we use the internet. The web owners also started switching to Responsive Web Designs,
which help display websites across multiple screens and devices using the proportion-based grid, and
media queries in CSS.

PWA websites are coming. | 6
Worldwide Gross App Revenue 2018

Frances Berriman and Alex Russell, the author of the term PWA, wrote in the foreword of Jason
Grigsby, Progressive Web Apps:
“The idea of native apps always seemed like a regression. Walled gardens with terrible search,
dubious security, and the endless tax of updates - it felt so 1990s.” - Frances Berriman and
Alex Russell.

In 2015, they observed a class of websites that provides a better user experience by gave up the
browser tab to live on its own, while still retaining ubiquity and linkability.

PWA benefits for store owners

PWA brings certain significant benefits to store owners, but they all boil down to saving costs and
time for businesses while increasing customers coming to the web by improving the site’s speed.
For both merchants who already own a website or small businesses and startups who are looking
into building your website, Progressive Web Apps bring out certain benefits: | 7
PWA websites help the store save at least 75% of the costs compared to native apps (both
development and maintenance costs). With a PWA site, you no longer need to spend money to
make a native app to make your store show up on all devices. That alone is enough reason to
change the storefront.

You can view the chart below to see the big picture between native apps development and PWA’s
costs. Remember that the price varies according to the site’s complexity, and therefore we only
give you the relative costs so you can have an overall comparison between projects:

Components Relative Costs

Responsive, full-featured website development $$$

Optimize Mobile Experience $$

Android native app development and maintenance $$$$

iOS native app development and maintenance $$$$

From the above, and base on the US market PWA research, we can see that while mobile native
is still the norm for your regular and loyal customers, it will drain your company to support
standalone applications an estimate of:
Small business, startups native app development: $50K - 100K
Enterprise native app development: $500K

Components Relative Costs

PWA website development and

optimization for app-like mobile experience.

PWA app launch in App Store as a native app $

PWA app launch in the Play Market as a native app $

For PWA, the costs are somewhat potential in cutting costs since merchants only invest once in
oppose to multiple independent apps development. | 8
Similar to saving cost, Progressive Web Apps (PWA) websites also lessen the time needed in
website development for store owners. Merchants who have already had a successful
ecommerce store and want to only need to rewrite the front-end of the store which often
took 2 - 4 months.

This is less than the time 4.5 / 5 months spent developing a native app, which would come close
to 10 months if building the apps for both Android and iOS.

If you choose to integrate through a PWA theme, like Magento PWA Theme, for example, then
the installation period is even shorter, and you can have your transformed website in a
matter of weeks, not even a month. Some of the PWA Themes providers you can consider
are BSSCommerce, Simicart, ScandiPWA, etc.

For businesses that have just started out or have a small budget, PWA can be a shortcut for
them to penetrate the market.
As small firms have limited financial resources, they will find it’s difficult to invest in a mobile app
right away, and many startups would just choose PWA instead.

PWA performance is another benefit the technology brings for store owners. The loading
time of PWA is at least 2 - 3x faster than responsive and m(Dot).

This point is important to merchants not only because customers will remain in the site with
a faster speed load, but also necessary because Google search indexes the faster websites
at higher ranks, which makes your store easier to discover.

Your customers have their own busy schedule, but they still want to receive notifications about
all the new updates or their favorite products that are in stock. PWA push notifications ensure
that your loyal customers won’t miss important messages from you.

You also don’t have to worry about interrupting your customers’ daily life, as you need their
permission to turn on notifications, and Google will make sure that PWA’s functions would
provide the best experience for ít’s users. | 9
Due to the seamless and smooth between interactions similar to native apps, Progressive
Web Apps help increase significantly in conversion rate.

Take the case of Petlove, for example, after the site adopted PWA integration.


2.8x increase in conversion

2.8x increase in time spent on site. | 10
Service Workers provide game-changing keys to PWA websites, allowing people to have a
customized offline page, and continue operating even when offline.

This works because the Service Worker pulls some cached browsing data, stores and
synchronizes the changes in a local server.

This helps app users to continue surfing even when they go offline or in bad connectivity
conditions. Of course, the PWA website offline mode doesn’t offer the full offline experience
(It’s possible, but doing so would be at great risk for your UX.)

When you hit the back button, instead of seeing the connection failure message like on
traditional websites, the service worker will deliver a cached page with previously retrieved

Your users can still add their product to cart in offline mode, however, the order will not proceed
until they come back online.

PWA benefits for end-users

Not only for store owners but people who bought online will also benefit from more and more
online stores changing their websites in PWA. However, not many end-users know how to use
PWA to the fullest, which means it is your job to let them know about your website’s benefit
through subtle ways. | 11
One of the biggest advantages of PWA websites is the ability to add the website on the home
screen similar to a native application. This brings significant improvements to users’ experience
with a better interface, faster performance, and smoother navigation.

But the more distinguishing thing PWA possesses over regular and responsive websites is they
can be added as an icon among the apps, make it convenient for users to come back.

Maybe you didn’t notice it, but I’m sure that all of us has at least once wish that we have an app
version for that particular store, instead of digging around Google Search to find the URL
among thousands of results.

This PWA aspect benefits both businesses and shoppers who visit the site. Better and faster PWA
performance means shoppers can save time browsing and finding the products they need,
while the store benefits from more customers ordering products.

The UX and UI enhancements also assist visitors navigating in ecommerce websites. Fewer
frictions and bugs reduce the buying process’s confusion, make our online shopping easier,
and increase the store’s conversion rate.

Native apps have become natural to our internet’s life, and it’s valuable for your store to be
listed on the Android or iOS app store. The Trusted Web Activity opens a whole new possibility
when it allows wrapping a web tab into applications, which you can use to convert your
Progressive Web Apps into native apps and then deploy it in both Google Play and Apple App
Store within a few hours.

There is no need to develop your native apps

from scratch to get your brand’s name known in
the mobile apps competition. | 12
PWA apps are considerably lighter than their counterparts, with the weight of an app decrease
at least 80 - 90%. This is a suitable and economic solution to reach customers with low storage
smartphones and tablets, and users don’t have to worry about packing many stores would take
a toll on their device performance.

PWA vs Native Apps vs Responsive Website

When Progressive Web Apps came to the market, it has competition with existing technologies that
are Native Apps and Responsive Websites. And merchants who want to step into mobile would
probably also considering these two options, so you should know the difference between them,
how PWA is compared to them before making a decision.

Responsive websites are the reasonable next step for merchants who wish to get into the mobile
market but don’t have much to spend on developing native apps. The responsive website often is
the indication that your website is created for mobile devices.

It locates under a separate URL (like, for example.) and was develop to adapt to
different screen sizes.

IHowever, there are some limitations with responsive designs, because while it’s affordable, it
doesn’t have the ease of use, availability, and performance comparable to native apps.
Responsive websites still require time to find and access the mobile website from your browser,
in contrast to the ease of an app on your home screen. | 13
Native apps are the application we have all been familiar with on apps stores such as Google Play
or Apple App Store. Native apps are specifically designed for one operating system and a range of
operating systems updates.

Because it utilizes the phone’s built-in component, they’re easier to control and operate much
quicker than websites on the device.

On the downside, the development of native apps are expensive, users require downloading
updates to keep the apps from bugs and security issues, and native apps also take up much space
from your device.

Below is the comparison table between PWA vs Native Apps vs Responsive websites. It will give
you the big picture and see why you should use PWA as your choice for mobile market.

Assessment Criteria Native Apps Relative Costs
Web Apps (PWA)

Installable on the home screen

Push Notifications

Offline Support

Mobile Navigation

No Download Required

No Update Needed

Cross-platform Compatible

Enter Content In One Place

Indexed by Google

Full - Screen Experience | 14

Unlike the two options listed above, AMP doesn’t always come first in mind when people choose
how their website should be integrated for a more mobile-friendly experience.

Since PWA and AMP are both front-end solutions to speed up the loading time and increase user
experience, we will compare the two, so you can have an idea of which solution is suitable for you.


Both technologies help reduce loading page and

Google supports the technology and indexes them on Google Search Results.

Provide a rich environment and multiple Get the content for users fast, but limited
features such as push notifications, add in contents display.
to the home screen, etc. Everything aside from content is either
absent or downgraded because there is
no Javascript allowed.

Suitable for all websites and especially Suitable for content-heavy websites
ecommerce websites which keeps the such as blogs, news websites, etc.
site more appealing in aesthetics.

Capable of being integrated into mobile Only works as online websites.

phones to look and feel like an Android or
iOS native app.

Have offline functions. Only works online.

Accessible through browsers, app-like Accessible through browsers.

icons, and app stores if the PWA app was
uploaded to the app store using Trusted
Web Activity. | 15
PWA vs Flutter

If you want to build your app cross-platform, PWA isn’t the only option. Flutter and the other
cross-platform frameworks built for both Android & iOS have also broadened to the web, with
Flutter for Web, which runs the same code on Android, iOS, web, Mac, and Chrome OS.

Here are the PWA and Flutter basic comparisons.

Flutter PWA

Install directly on the device. Browse the website and then add the
icon to the device’s home screen.

The update is delivered to users when Will automatically update to all

the current version is compared to customers without going through
Update Delivery
the new version on Firebase. the app store update release, since
all updates are done on the website.

Doesn’t index since it’s essentially a Because PWA is a website, it was

mobile app. indexed on Google Search Results,
which benefits firms’ SEO.

Web application Flutter for Web is still in beta. Already deployed, and was used by
stage companies such as Uber, Twitter,
Android Messages, Telegram, Tinder,

Utilize Native Can use native features such as Can’t utilize related built-in features
Features fingerprint scan, camera, etc. of the device. | 16
Companies Who Have Implemented
PWA and Success

When PWA first came, it offered the opportunity for businesses to have a superior user experience,
lightweight and budgeted solution in the mobile market. The early-adopters started racing to
adopt this mobile-friendly technology, and many of them have gained significant business
advantages over others.

We demonstrate below 8 examples belong to 3 industries to show you that no matter which industry
your company is in, PWA can maximize your coverage to different channels and help your site improve
in both UX, UI, and performance.

Ecommerce Websites

Lancôme was one of the first companies to reach out Results:

and embrace the PWA technology. In 2016, they

noticed the mobile trend when the mobile traffic 50% website performance increase
surpassed desktop and don’t so sign of going down.

Their first option to expand their mobile market is build-

16% website performance increase
ing a native app, but the app is expensive to build, and

customers need convincing to download another app

16% Google SEO
to their mobile device.

In the summer of 2016, Lancôme took chances and launched its new PWA-based site, and the result immediately

tells that they’ve made the right decision.

The faster site’s speed gives Lancô a boost in Google SEO, said Malik Abu-Ghazaleh, Global Head of

Digital at Lancôme. Of the 26 brands L'Oréal Paris owns, Lancôme has the fastest site. | 17 has a fast-growing mobile commerce Results:
community, which is three times faster than e-com-
more new users
merce. However, because they’re more focused on 104% across all browsers
the mobile web, which is their primary platform for

discoveries, they are struggling to create an engag-

82% up in iOS conversion rate
ing platform on the web which could rival the speed

they have on their mobile app. more pages visited per session
2% per user in all browsers
So Aliexpress implemented a Progressive Web

App to combine its app's best qualities and still in time spent per session
74% across all browsers
reach the wide desktop website users. The result

they’ve achieved show significant improvements. | 18
Selling on desktop sites for eCommerce websites is not enough anymore as the mobile gap increase.

In 2019, a US adult spent 3 hours and 43 minutes on mobile devices and was forecast to be just under

4 hours in 2021.

The same as other eCommerce sites trying to seek out a way to bridge the gap between desktop and

mobile, DW Shop also tries to overcome the challenge. DW brand has already had a mature and growing

community on Instagram, and 90% mobile traffic, so it is necessary to adjust to the preference and

behaviours of smartphone users.

PWA technology is a feasible technology to achieve that goal for DW to consider.

By October 2018, the DW Shop PWA site launched put 100% focus on Instagram and using this social

media as an advertising medium to engage customers to their site.


75% traffic achieved | 19
Social Media & Entertainment

Twitter is a well-known and widely used social media platform, and in 2017, Twitter Progressive Web

Apps brings a more effective way to re-engaging users in the platform.

After the PWA site launched, Twitter has seen 250,000 unique daily visitors launch Twitter PWA on the

home screen, four times a day on average.

Twitter Lite is now the fastest, least expensive, and is the most data

saving method to use Twitter.


70% data consumption reduced

600KB vs 23.5MB native app version on Android. | 20
Pinterest is a social media service where you can find ideas and inspirations in the form of pinboards.

After analyzing mobile devices’ usage, they realized that their old website only converted 1% of

customers to sign in to the native app.

Pinterest decided to invest in a PWA solution, which both reduces costs and improves perceived

performance, as well as adding a few features such as push notifications, etc.


40% up for time spent on new mobile website +5% comparing web/native

up user generate ad revenue+ 2% comparing web/native

ad clickthroughs

60% core engagements + 2 - 3% comparing web/native | 21
News Industry

Forbes is well known as an American business magazine. By utilizing PWA technology, the
website delivers visual faster to visitors and guarantee no frictions. The few features of PWA
help Forbes notify users about news in finance, industry, investing, and marketing topics all
the time.


43% increase in session per user

20% ad viewability up

3x in scroll depth

100% engagement | 22
Infobae is one of Argentina’s first major digital-only news outlets. The news outlet is the
most Spanish language news outlet read globally, with 38 monthly active users.
However, their mobile engagement hasn’t meet desktop, as the session was 9th times
longer than mobile readers. Also, the mobile bounce rate is also high on mobile devices
than their desktop counterparts, which leads the company to use PWA technology.


230% longer session compared to the previous mobile

3x more page views per session than the previous site mobile

5% bounce rate as opposed to 51% previously | 23
The Weather Channel looks for progressive
web app technologies as they want to push
vital information for mobile users. Because
immediacy is nature in weather news delivery,
users can benefit from push notifications in
case severe weather hits.

They also wanted to re-engage mobile users

who hadn’t downloaded their app.


80% improvement in loading time

178 countries covered

PWA integration for Magento 2

For Magento 2 merchants who already have an established online store, their main
concern would be how to integrate PWA technology to Magento 2. Below we listed
three ways in which you can use to turn your desktop websites into responsive, mobile
interface-friendly, and fast Progressive Web Apps. | 24
Using PWA Studio is the first way for you to integrate PWA with your Magento 2 store. Because
each PWA Studio version is compatible with a different Magento core version, so make sure
to check your Magento backend version before deploying PWA integration.
Here is the list of PWA - Magento version compatibility for you to check.

As PWA's method requires rewriting the Magento storefront, you will need experienced
Magento and PWA developers and experts to help you in both fields. The method is also
time-consuming, as the process of development can take up to 6 months.

Pros: Your store fully transforms into a PWA version which connects to the store backend
through API. There is no limitation on how customized you can be to suit your unique business
advantages and make it shine in the marketplace.

Cons: Having a PWA storefront does bring you a lot of advantages over competitors. However,
the PWA store will not have everything you need, and you might find some PWA studio demo
lacking certain features that are necessary for your store.

You can find the tutorial for using the PWA studio with Magento here. | 25
The third way to make a Magento 2 store into a PWA website is by using Magento 2 PWA Theme.
Magento Theme is a progressive web app built using PWA Studio tools, which means this is
technically not new, but worth considering since you don’t have to build your storefront from
Magento PWA Theme consists of two parts, a PWA storefront, and a built-in API which relate
the website frontend with it’s Magento backend.
Because you have already had the storefront built and only need to customize to suit your
business, it will save you some time. The time you need to complete changing to PWA and
customize your business outlook is estimated from about a week to a month, which is less
than building from scratch using PWA Studio.

Pros: The theme will provide you with all features you need from PWA: Download from the
home screen, push notifications, faster loading time, etc.

Cons: The design need to be customized to suit your business. You’ll have to check the com-
patibility of it to your Magento version, in case the design you’ve rushed in to make might be
incompatible with the store, then you will have to start the project all over again.

Tips and Tricks For Better PWA Websites

If you have already set your track for a Progressive Web App, we can give you some
experts' practices to make your PWA more successful.

Keep It Simple

PWA focus on improving users’ experience, which means you want to keep anything
distracting them from the information to the minimum. The less is more principle
applicable in this case.

This includes putting just enough features on your Progressive Web App, compact the
content and prioritize simplicity in design so customers can be free from any distracting
elements. | 26
Reduce frictions

Another perk of PWA is page loading performance. That, however, can be ruined if your
site frictions prevent buyers from finishing the buying process.

Of course, fast speed does help with the frictions. However, if visitors were out of your
website due to the lengthy checkout process, then all things you have done would be for
nothing. When designing the page, look out for frictions such as long processes, insufficient
information, readability problems, uncertainty, and doubts regarding product information.

Create smooth transitions

Sometimes there’s only so much you can do with the PWA website speed, and while it
improved considerably compared to a regular site, it will not be instantaneous loading.
You can make the transition seem smoother by letting users see that they’re making
some progress.

Preloading some skeleton screens or transitions will make the waiting less irritating to
customers, and overall, will give them a feeling of a speedy and seamless transition on
your website.

Offline Mode

You should make sure that you utilize all PWA potential by making the offline feature
available and implementing caching options. The offline mode might help saving carts
for your customers in poor internet conditions, which they will proceed to purchase when
back online instead of leaving the site when the connection is interrupted.

Be careful with Push Notifications

Push notification is an efficient means to keep your customers up-to-date. But if you
get carried away and make a mistake, either ask them for notifications too soon, send
short or repeated messages, you will see that they will never sign up to ger your push
notifications again.

This might hurt your sales since they will miss the actual important product news you
want to send to them. | 27
There are a few practices when it comes to sending push notifications to customers:

Don’t ask your customers upfront to receive messages or not. They’ve just arrived
and added your PWA icon, which means they don’t know much about your store, and
probably not welcoming the idea of getting notifications from a strange store.

Write short push notifications. Make sure to hook customers within a few words. Keep
them concise, so your subscribers don’t have to spend too much time reading them.

Segment your subscribers, so they don’t receive the same message over and over again

Put PWA icon on the home screen

This is where PWA set the difference from traditional mobile websites. However, not
many people are aware of this as they don’t have much knowledge about PWA and
how the technology works.

It will ultimately defeat the purpose if your customers don’t know how to use your site to
its fullest potential. Even for people who have already known about PWA websites, since
the number of PWA sites is still small, it’s hard for them to notice your PWA online store.
You can consider displaying a notification or pop-up to ask whether your visitor likes to
add the PWA icon on their home screen to get them to experience what’s unique about
your site.

Tips for PWA users

Configure PWA push notifications

While some people might be interested in getting the latest alerts on their favorite
products, not all of us want to be interrupted in our busy schedules.

Configure PWA push notifications can help give you a break from the distracting messages
from PWA apps and focus on your work, and then you can enable them again in your free
time to get updates on your favorite products.

Your PWA site browsing experience shouldn’t be hindered by lousy timing messages. | 28
Don’t mistake between PWA and browser’s add to home screen function

PWA add to home screen is different from Chrome’s add to home screen function with
standard websites. Maybe you have heard about the exciting user experience PWA
can offer and disappointed when seeing no headless technology. In fact, you might be
mistaken between the PWA icon and Chrome add to home screen icons.

On the PWA icon, there will be no chrome browser tiny icon indicates the shortcut,
while for Chrome shortcuts, there is a small Chrome icon in the corner.

Also, there are multiple places where you can find your PWA site, and see what other
PWA apps are available such as FindPWA, PWAStore, PWA Directory, etc. | 29
BSSCommerce is one of the leading Magento development services providers
in the world. With 8+ years of experience, certified Magento developers, and
specialists, we guarantee high-quality and commitment to satisfying your
business requests.

We covered a wide range of Magento services such as website development

and optimization, maintenance, speed-up consulting package, etc. Our PWA
Magento website development service and Magento 2 PWA Theme will give
your site significant improvements in UX, UI, performance, and overall, a better
mobile experience.

We also provide a library of 178 free & paid Magento and Magento 2 extensions,
and offer FREE Installation – FREE 1-year Support and FREE
Lifetime Update for every Magento extension.

Check them out at our website: |

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