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Herz 2021 · 46:138–149 Renate B. Schnabel1,2 · Gert Hasenfuß3 · Sylvia Buchmann4 · Kai G. Kahl5 · Stefanie Aeschbacher6 · Stefan Osswald6 · Christiane E. Angermann7,8
Accepted: 8 January 2021 1
Universitäres Herz- und Gefäßzentrum Hamburg, Klinik und Poliklinik für Kardiologie,
Published online: 5 February 2021 Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany
© The Author(s) 2021 2
Standort Hamburg/Kiel/Lübeck, Deutsches Zentrum für Herz-Kreislaufforschung (DZKH e. V.), Hamburg,
Herzzentrum, Klinik für Kardiologie und Pneumologie, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Göttingen,
Klinik für Anästhesie, operative Intensivmedizin und Schmerztherapie, Vivantes Klinikum
Spandau—Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Klinik für Psychiatrie, Sozialpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie, Medizinische Hochschule Hannover (MHH),
Hannover, Germany
Klinik für Kardiologie, Universitätsspital Basel, Basel, Switzerland
Deutsches Zentrum für Herzinsuffizienz, Universität und Universitätsklinikum Würzburg, Würzburg,
Zentrum für seelische Gesundheit, Klinik für Psychiatrie, Psychosomatik und Psychotherapie, Universität
Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany

Heart and brain interactions

Pathophysiology and management of
cardio-psycho-neurological disorders

Mental health disorders (MHD; includ- For example, autonomic dysfunction the management of MHD in patients
ing depression, anxiety and/or cognitive and inflammation may contribute to with these conditions. Multidisciplinary
dysfunction) and cardiovascular diseases the increased cardiovascular mortality research that crosses organ borders is
(CVD) are both highly prevalent condi- risk associated with depression [3], and essential to uncover new disease mech-
tions and are among the leading causes a mutation of the ryanodine receptor anisms and allow for translation of new
of death worldwide [1, 2]. The cur- sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium release technologies, diagnostic procedures and
rent changes to worldwide population channel has been shown to result in preventive or innovative treatments from
demographics mean that the prevalence both cardiac arrhythmias and seizures research settings into clinical practice to
of common diseases affecting the heart [4]. Against this background, a bi-direc- provide effective management and fa-
and the brain will increase, placing an tional relationship between MHD and cilitate better outcomes in patients with
even greater burden on healthcare sys- CVD is not surprising. cardio-psycho-neurological disorders.
tems and societies. This highlights the Here, we review interactions between
importance of strategies to prevent and CVD and MHD. This includes CVD Links between cardiovascular
manage these conditions. and MHD in general, along with specific diseases and mental health:
There are considerable interactions syndromes in which pre-existing neuro- general considerations
between the heart and brain, which is logical or psychiatric illnesses may pre-
partially explained by similarities in tis- dispose and contribute to CVD develop- Mental health disorders and CVD are
sue properties. These include the fact that ment (as in Takotsubo syndrome [TTS]), common comorbidities [5]. The former
both are electrically active organs, and or in which psycho-physical stress, dys- are major causes of morbidity, mortality
have high energy requirements and a low regulation of the interplay between in- and poor quality of life in patients with
capacity for regeneration after cell death. nate immune and central nervous sys- CVD and are also independently associ-
From a pathophysiological perspective, tems, and/or pre-existing CVD lead to ated with future CVD development [6, 7].
comorbidities such as hypertension, di- secondary MHD and brain damage (as Similar to the general population, MHD
abetes, hyperlipidaemia and systemic in peripartum cardiomyopathy [PPCM] (especially depression) are more preva-
inflammation as well as age and multiple and atrial fibrillation [AF]). lent in women and younger people with
stressors may impact on both cardiac and Awareness of the complex bidirec- CVD [8]. Importantly, MHD prevalence
mental health conditions, and genetic or tional disease mechanisms in these rates vary with CVD type and severity [5].
epigenetic mechanisms may affect the settings is growing rapidly, but knowl- For example, depression was reported in
heart and brain in a comparable fashion. edge gaps remain, especially regarding 20% of patients with New York Heart As-

138 Herz 2 · 2021

Fig. 1 9 Pathophysiolog-
ical links and biological
and behavioural disease
mechanisms potentially
implicated in the devel-
opment and progres-
sion of cardio-psycho-
neurological disorders.
ACS acute coronary syn-
drome, PPCM peripartum
cardiomyopathy, CV car-
diovascular, CAD coronary
artery disease

sociation (NYHA) class I/II heart failure between MHD and incident CVD [11]. flammation and neurotransmission. For
(HF), but in 42% of those with NYHA Bi-directional interrelations between example, covariation of depressive symp-
class III/IV HF in a study of 682 pa- major depression and CVD suggest toms and coronary disease may in part be
tients hospitalized with HF [9]. Fur- that both diseases may share common attributable to common genetic vulnera-
thermore, in addition to being correlated pathophysiological pathways [12]. These bility potentially related to inflammation,
with NYHA class, depression prevalence include lifestyle factors (e.g. physical ac- serotonin pathways or mitochondrial en-
and severity were also inversely related tivity, smoking behaviour), dysfunction ergy metabolism [13, 14]. Associations
to quality of life [10]. of endocrine systems (e.g. hypotha- between a functional sequence variant
lamus–pituitary–adrenal axis), and an of the neuropeptide S receptor-1 gene,
Pathophysiology imbalance of pro- and anti-inflamma- which regulates anxiety, and clinical
tory factors. Both MHD and CVD share outcomes and healthcare utilization in
Several studies, including large popula- genes involved in energy metabolism, HF patients suggests the possibility that
tion-based analyses, report associations stress system, circadian rhythm, in- psychogenetic determinants may modu-

Herz 2 · 2021 139

Abstract · Zusammenfassung

Herz 2021 · 46:138–149

© The Author(s) 2021

R. B. Schnabel · G. Hasenfuß · S. Buchmann · K. G. Kahl · S. Aeschbacher · S. Osswald · C. E. Angermann

Heart and brain interactions. Pathophysiology and management of cardio-psycho-neurological

Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and mental which pre-existing neurological or psychiatric collaborations should be established to allow
health disorders (MHD; e.g. depression, illness predisposes and contributes to CVD for more comprehensive understanding of
anxiety and cognitive dysfunction) are development (as in Takotsubo syndrome), the pathophysiology as well as appropriate
highly prevalent and are associated with or in which the distorted interplay between and targeted diagnosis and treatment. In
significant morbidity and mortality and innate immune and central nervous systems addition, we summarize current knowledge
impaired quality of life. Currently, possible and/or pre-existing CVD leads to secondary on the complex interactions between the
interactions between pathophysiological MHD and brain damage (as in peripartum cardiovascular and central nervous systems
mechanisms in MHD and CVD are rarely cardiomyopathy or atrial fibrillation). Clinical in Takotsubo syndrome and peripartum
considered during the diagnostic work- manifestations and phenotypes of cardio- cardiomyopathy, and on the neurological and
up, prognostic assessment and treatment psycho-neurological diseases depend on the psychiatric complications of atrial fibrillation.
planning in patients with CVD, and research individual somatic, psychosocial, and genetic
addressing bidirectional disease mechanisms risk profile as well as on personal resilience, Keywords
in a systematic fashion is scarce. Besides some and differ in many respects between men and Heart-and-brain axis · Mental health
overarching pathogenetic principles shared by women. In this article, we provide arguments disorders · Takotsubo syndrome · Peripartum
CVD and MHD, there are specific syndromes in on why, in such conditions, multidisciplinary cardiomyopathy · Atrial fibrillation

Wechselwirkungen zwischen Herz und Hirn. Pathophysiologie und Behandlung kardio-psycho-

neurologischer Gesundheitsstörungen
Kardiovaskuläre und psychische Erkran- psychiatrische Krankheiten das Risiko für die Artikel wird erörtert, warum zum besseren
kungen (z. B. Depression, Angststörung, Entstehung der Herzerkrankung erhöhen oder Verständnis der Krankheitsentstehung und für
Kognitionsverlust) gehören zu den häufigen zum Krankheitsgeschehen beitragen (wie die gezielte Diagnose und Behandlung solcher
Volkskrankheiten, sind jeweils mit schlechter beim Takotsubo-Syndrom) oder bei denen komplexer Erkrankungen multidisziplinäre
Lebensqualität und hoher Morbidität und eine gestörte Interaktion von angeborenem Kooperationen wichtig sind. Außerdem wird
Mortalität assoziiert und kommen häufig Immunsystem und zentralem Nervensystem der aktuelle Wissensstand zu den Wechselwir-
gemeinsam vor. Mögliche Zusammenhänge und/oder vorbestehende Herzkrankheiten zur kungen zwischen kardialen und psychischen
zwischen kardiovaskulären und psychischen Entstehung von sekundären psychiatrischen bzw. neurologischen Gesundheitsstörungen
Gesundheitsstörungen und ihre prognos- oder neurologischen Krankheiten führen (wie beim Takotsubo-Syndrom, der Peripartum-
tischen Implikationen bleiben bisher bei bei der Peripartum-Kardiomyopathie oder Kardiomyopathie und dem Vorhofflimmern
Diagnostik und Therapie kardiovaskulärer dem Vorhofflimmern). Klinische Manifestation zusammengefasst.
Patienten weitgehend unberücksichtigt, und und Phänotyp kardio-psycho-neurologischer
systematische wissenschaftliche Untersu- Krankheiten hängen vom individuellen Schlüsselwörter
chungen dazu sind selten. Neben prinzipiellen somatischen, psychosozialen und genetischen Herz-Hirn-Achse · Neuropsychiatrische Erkran-
systemischen Wechselwirkungen gibt es Risikoprofil und von der Resilienz des Einzel- kungen · Takotsubo-Syndrom · Peripartum-
syndromale Krankheitsbilder, bei denen nen ab und sind bei Männern und Frauen in Kardiomyopathie · Vorhofflimmern
entweder vorbestehende neurologische oder mancher Hinsicht unterschiedlich. In diesem

late also such endpoints [15]. . Figure 1 presence and severity of the somatic mation may induce a procoagulatory
shows a simplified schematic of key illness [16]. state and endothelial dysfunction/injury.
heart–brain interactions, which may in- Similar to external stress, negative All these contribute to the development
duce systemic organ dysfunction and emotions might impact adversely on and progression of atherosclerosis, and
promote development and progression neurohormonal regulatory circuits. Au- increase the risk for arrhythmias such as
of different clinical phenotypes of both tonomic nervous dysfunction may trig- AF, cardiac and cerebral clinical events
CVD and MHD. The pathogenetic ger multiple biological changes, includ- and systemic disease in general [12, 18].
importance of each factor varies in in- ing increased sympathetic tone, innate For example, recent evidence suggests
dividual patients, and likely depends on and adaptive immune system activa- that epicardial adipose tissue is a direct
the overall risk profile and personal re- tion, higher circulating levels of stress source of pro-inflammatory cytokines
silience (i.e. the capacity to adapt swiftly hormones (e.g. cortisol and pro-in- and could mediate various deleterious ef-
and successfully in the face of physical flammatory cytokines) and metabolic fects of systemic inflammation on cardiac
and/or emotional challenges), plus the dysregulation [17]. Systemic inflam- structure and function, thus contributing

140 Herz 2 · 2021

to the pathogenesis of CVD, including Given the close correlation between melatonergic agonists (agomelatine) and
calcific aortic stenosis [19]. Interestingly, CVD severity and the prevalence and norepinephrine and dopamine reuptake
transcatheter aortic valve replacement severity of MHD, especially depression inhibitors (bupropion) in patients with
was shown to persistently improve de- [12], treatments that improve cardio- CVD. Adverse clinical effects such as
pression and anxiety in such patients vascular function should also benefit changes in adiposity and insulin sen-
[20]. Other studies have demonstrated coexisting mood disorders. The recent sitivity, or (in experimental models)
increased intra-abdominal and epicar- MEMS-HF study evaluating haemody- endothelial nitric oxide depletion and
dial adipose tissue in individuals who namic-guided HF management based on augmentation of oxidative stress, have
are physically healthy but depressed, and remote pulmonary artery pressure (PAP) been observed with some of the newer
in cardiac patients (e.g. congenital heart monitoring demonstrated that decreases antipsychotics (e.g. risperidone, olanza-
disease) with major depressive disorder in PAP were associated with significant, pine or clozapine; [31, 32]). These agents
[14, 21]. Lastly, MHD may influence persistent remission of depressive symp- therefore seem to have the potential to
behavioural factors such as lifestyle, toms, and that larger PAP decreases cause complications that contribute to
self-care and adherence to evidence- resulted in greater depression remis- increased cardiovascular risk, necessi-
based therapies [22], which further con- sion and quality of life improvement tating careful benefit-to-risk assessment
tributes to a vicious circle of declining [24]. This is the first time that an MHD before use.
health, functional capacity and personal (depression) has been linked with a treat- More advanced immune dysregula-
socioeconomic status. able biological variable (haemodynamic tion as the major underlying cause of
congestion). Accordingly, standard care MHD, especially depression, might ex-
Management approaches should include disease-mod- plain both the higher prevalence rates
ifying treatments for CVD and associated and the relative lack of benefit from an-
Mental health disorders can be easily comorbidities as well as MHD, and in- tidepressants, particularly at more severe
overlooked or misinterpreted by physi- tegrate needs-adjusted management of CVD stages. Thus, before antidepressant
cians and patients [6] because signs and stressful signs and symptoms (e.g. sleep therapy is initiated, possible benefits
symptoms such as physical disability/ optimization, pain management) while should always be jointly evaluated by
fatigue, loss of interest, anhedonia and improving patients’ psychosocial func- cardiologists and psychiatrists. Medica-
sad mood, or eating and sleep disorders tioning, healthcare competence and self- tions with anti-inflammatory properties
may be associated with both MHD and monitoring/empowerment [12]. (e.g. non-steroidal anti-inflammatories,
CVD, particularly at more advanced Specific antidepressant and anxiolytic cytokine inhibitors) have been shown
disease stages. Systematic screening for treatments, including pharmacotherapy, to alleviate signs and symptoms of both
MHD using simple validated self-report psychological or behavioural interven- CVD and depression [33]. In addi-
tools offers the potential for early identi- tions and/or physical exercise, have tion, recent clinical trials demonstrated
fication and targeted management, and shown disparate effects on symptoms that canakinumab and colchicine sig-
is widely recommended [5]. Screen- and clinical outcomes in patients with nificantly reduce cardiovascular event
ing for MHD in cardiologist practices CVD, including post-stroke depression rates in patients with coronary disease
and hospitals would require minimal [25, 26]. Due to their overall safety profile (reviewed by Nidorf et al. [34]). To what
resources and efforts, but identification and effectiveness, selective serotonin re- extent these drugs classes may also im-
of MHD might necessitate increased uptake inhibitors (SSRI) have emerged as prove concurrent MHD requires further
downstream support from mental health first-line therapy for depression and anx- study.
providers, including immediate evalua- iety in patients with CVD [25]. Evidence
tion of suspected suicidality, and thus suggests that SSRI are safe in patients Takotsubo syndrome:
impact significantly on routine CVD with stable CVD and after myocardial neurological and psychiatric
management algorithms [5]. This could infarction, and may improve depres- comorbidities
be one reason why MHD screening has sive symptoms and possibly prognosis
not been widely implemented in CVD (overview in [5]). However, SSRI had no Takotsubo syndrome (TTS), also termed
care settings, and why MHD remain effect on either depression or outcomes “stress cardiomyopathy” or “broken heart
underdiagnosed and undertreated. Ad- compared with clinical management syndrome”, represents an acute reversible
ditional research is needed to better alone in patients with symptomatic HF form of myocardial injury characterized
determine the benefit of screening CVD in two large randomized trials [27, 28], by transient myocardial wall motion
patients for MHD [23]. Guideline-sup- and dose-dependent QTc prolongation abnormalities, and is often accompanied
ported screening algorithms for MHD, indicates increased risk for torsade-de- by symptoms of acute heart failure [35].
especially depression, and additional pointes arrhythmias [29]. Meta-analy- “Takotsubo” refers to an apical balloon-
diagnostic steps needed after a positive sis data suggest that SSRI may increase ing pattern of the left ventricle during
screening result are detailed in the work mortality risk in HF patients [30]. Few systole, which is the most common car-
of Jha et al. [5]. data are available on the safety and ef- diac wall motion abnormality in patients
ficacy of newer antidepressants such as with TTS and resembles a Japanese octo-

Herz 2 · 2021 141

Main topic

Fig. 2 9 Possible patho-

genic mechanisms, clini-
cal course and complica-
tions of Takotsubo syn-
drome. COPD chronic ob-
structive pulmonary dis-
ease; SNRI serotonin-nore-
pinephrine reuptake in-
hibitors, ECT electroconvul-
sive therapy, WMA wall mo-
tion abnormality, ECG elec-
trocardiogram, LV left ven-
tricular, TTS Takotsubo syn-

pus trap. Other parts of the myocardium with suspected ACS is 1–2%, but TTS is observational studies reported rates of
may also be affected; typically, wall mo- likely to be underdiagnosed [37]. The In- complications (e.g. cardiogenic shock)
tion abnormalities extend beyond the ternational Takotsubo Registry showed and clinical endpoint events that were
perfusion territory of one vessel [35, 36]. that almost 90% of patients were female comparable to or even worse than those
. Figure 2 shows predisposing condi- [38], although TTS may occasionally of ACS. For example, in a German series
tions and risk factors for TTS. Typically, occur in males. The most common of 286 patients with TTS, the 1-year
TTS occurs in post-menopausal women, symptoms of TTS are acute chest pain mortality rate did not differ from that in
and there is a strong association with and dyspnoea, which at first glance re- a matched group of 286 patients with ST-
pre-existing psychiatric or neurological semble ACS. However, in contrast to segment elevation myocardial infarction
illnesses or with substance abuse. Fre- ACS, no relevant obstructive coronary (STEMI), while the mortality rate after
quently, but not always, TTS is preceded lesions are seen on coronary angiogra- a mean 3.8 ± 2.5 years of follow-up was
by physical or emotional triggers [36]. phy [35]. Although TTS is generally even higher in patients with TTS versus
The estimated incidence in all patients considered a benign disease, several STEMI (24.7% vs. 15.1%, p = 0.02; [39]).

142 Herz 2 · 2021

available to facilitate conclusive diagno-
sis of TTS. Instead, cardiac catheteriza-
tion is the method of choice to exclude or
confirm TTS. The InterTAK Diagnostic
Score was developed by the International
Takotsubo Registry to aid physicians in
assessing the likelihood of TTS (. Fig. 3;
[44]), but diagnostic criteria continue to
be disputed (see Ghadri et al. for more
details; [35]). All components of this
score can be obtained in the emergency
department and do not require cardiac
imaging. However, without invasive as-
sessment, a definitive diagnosis is only
possible by demonstrating reversibility of
the condition.
The aims of treatment for TTS are de-
congestion and haemodynamic support,
and interventions need to be tailored
to individual presentation patterns [36].
Fig. 3 8 Predictors of the diagnosis of Takotsubo syndrome (TTS) using multiple logistic regression
For example, in hypertensive patients
analysis based on odds ratio (OR) values for criteria used to build the InterTAKdiagnostic score (top
panel). A summary score is calculated from each individual score, which facilitates differentiation of with left ventricular (LV) outflow tract
Takotsubo syndrome from acute coronary syndrome (bottom panel). OR Odds Ratio, CI confidence obstruction (as may occur with apical
interval. (Modified and reprinted from Ghadri et al., 2017 [44] with permission) ballooning), arterial vasodilators must be
used with caution to avoid aggravation
These findings are concordant with data In an in vitro induced pluripotent stem of this complication. Guideline-directed
from the largest TTS registry to date cell model of TTS, enhanced β-adren- medical therapy (GDMT) is recom-
[38], and suggest that TTS may not be as ergic signalling and higher sensitivity mended. However, no data from larger
benign as previously assumed, and that to catecholamine-induced toxicity were randomized trials are available regard-
patients with TTS need to be monitored identified as mechanisms associated with ing the efficacy of renin-angiotensin-
long term, similar to those after STEMI. TTS [42]. In addition to myocardial dys- aldosterone system (RAAS) blockers
function and injury, all these processes and β-blockers in TTS patients. As
Pathophysiology lead to dynamic ECG changes and mod- outlined by a recent review, pre-existing
erate elevation of cardiac biomarkers in psychiatric comorbidity requires spe-
The pathobiology of TTS is largely un- affected patients, and are referred to as cial attention [45]. The International
known, but suggested mechanisms in- “neurogenic stunning myocardium” (see Takotsubo Registry demonstrated that
clude hypoconnectivity of central brain Medina de Chazal et al. for more details; TTS patients had significantly more
regions leading to altered limbic and [36]). depression and anxiety than ACS pa-
autonomic processing in response to Activation of the hypothalamic–pitu- tients in general, even after controlling
stress [40], and excess liberation of neu- itary–adrenal axis might link emotional for age and sex [35]. Rapid up-titra-
rohormones and neuropeptides (e.g. stress and clinical TTS phenomena. In tion of certain psychotropic agents (e.g.
neuropeptide Y) in response to stressful addition, pathways implicating female serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake in-
events [36]. The increased risk of TTS de- sex hormones could be important, given hibitors [SNRI], lithium) that tend to
velopment in patients with pre-existing that 90% of TTS patients are women. Oe- increase endogenous catecholamines, or
neuro-psychiatric illnesses might be due strogens may modulate catecholamine- electroconvulsive therapy (which also
to both an exaggerated catecholaminer- induced vasoconstriction and upregu- induces a transient abrupt increase in
gic response and increased sensitivity of late endothelial nitric oxide (NO) syn- catecholamine levels), may predispose
the myocardium to catecholamines, all of thase. Therefore, oestrogen supplemen- to TTS development [45]. These obser-
which may exert direct cardiotoxic effects tation may attenuate glucocorticoid and vations further support the concept of
and induce microvascular dysfunction catecholamine responses to mental stress a causal role of excess catecholamines in
and myocardial stunning [36]. In line in perimenopausal women [43]. this syndrome.
with the concept of sympathetic activa- Long-term management strategies
tion, elevated norepinephrine levels in Management for psychiatric comorbidities in TTS pa-
the coronary sinus have been found in tients, including psychotropic measures,
patients with TTS, suggesting increased Diagnosing TTS is often challenging, and are poorly delineated. The use of vari-
myocardial catecholamine release [41]. there is currently no non-invasive tool ous antidepressants known to increase

Herz 2 · 2021 143

Main topic

catecholamine levels should be avoided marked regional variability [50]. This VEGF leads to vascular and myocardial
because of their known association with rate is lower than previously reported damage via several downstream path-
incident TTS [35]. Selective serotonin [47]. Fewer than 50% of women had ex- ways. Frequent occurrence of MHC
inhibitors (SSRI) may be considered to perienced normalization of LVEF at this is consistent with observations in se-
treat depression and anxiety in TTS, time. By contrast, > 70% of a German vere CVD in general [5, 6]. However,
but there is currently a lack of data in cohort of 66 PPCM patients undergo- in women with PPCM, impairment of
this area [45]. However, a retrospective ing early treatment with the dopamine the tryptophan metabolism has been
study of 78 patients with TTS showed D2-receptor agonist bromocriptine and reported, which increases the synthesis
increased mortality and delayed recov- long-term GDMT had improvement in of quinolinic acid, with an associated
ery of LV function in those taking SSRI LVEF to > 50% at the 5-year follow-up, reduction of serotonin synthesis, leading
[46], an observation that may caution but other cardiovascular disorders such to reduced serotonin levels and increased
also against the use of this substance as AF or hypertension were common production of the pro-inflammatory and
class. Overall, there is currently no ev- [51]. A markedly increased risk for MHD-promoting kynorenin, thus possi-
idence of therapeutic benefit from any various malignancies both before and bly providing a more specific explanation
psychotropic therapy in TTS in the liter- after PPCM diagnosis has been reported, for the high incidence rates of MHC,
ature, and treatments that could prevent possibly in association with specific ge- especially depression, in women with
recurrence of TTS are unknown. netic factors that seem to link PPCM PPCM [54]. This is compatible with
and cancer [52]. the concept that (like certain infections)
Peripartum cardiomyopathy: Information on MHD following a di- excessive psycho-physical stress may dis-
depression and post-traumatic agnosis of PPCM is scarce. Screening tort the interplay of the innate immune
stress disorder for MHD with self-administered ques- and central nervous systems, and im-
tionnaires revealed high prevalence rates plicates activation of toll-like receptors
Peripartum cardiomyopathy (PPCM) of depression (32%; [53]), generalized (e.g. TLR-4, the transcription factor
is an idiopathic cardiomyopathy pre- anxiety disorders (53%; [53]) and im- NF-kB, or the inflammasome NLRP3),
senting with LV systolic dysfunction paired quality of life [54] in women with as well as the secretion of interleukin-1
(LV ejection fraction [LVEF] < 45%) an established PPCM diagnosis. Using beta, interleukin-6 and other factors of
with or without LV dilatation plus signs a Structured Clinical Interview, signif- the innate immune response, thus caus-
and symptoms of HF. Usually, PPCM icant MHD was diagnosed in 65% of ing general symptoms of disease, but
occurs toward the end of pregnancy 40 women with PPCM; compared with also adding to depression and anxiety
or in the first months after delivery. post-partum women without PCCM, [55]. Furthermore, patients with PPCM
It affects about 1 in 1000 pregnancies those with PCCM had a fourfold higher have higher levels of the depression-
worldwide, but incidence rates vary prevalence of major depression, a six- associated microRNA (miR)-30e [54].
widely by ethnic/racial background and fold higher prevalence of panic disorder Given that miR-30e impairs signalling
region; African and African American and a 14-fold higher prevalence of post- pathways of the serotonin 1A receptor
women are at a higher risk of developing traumatic stress disorder in this study [56], it may also contribute to incident
PPCM. . Figure 4 shows predisposing [54]. depression in women developing PPCM.
conditions and risk factors for PPCM, Lastly, a connection between treatment
including, for example, ethnicity, mater- Pathophysiology with bromocriptine and MHD cannot
nal age, multiparity and pre-eclampsia. be excluded [57].
In contrast to TTS, pre-existing MHD The aetiology of PPCM is incompletely
or neurological illnesses are not among understood and likely multifactorial. Management
the risk factors for PPCM. Peripartum Suggested, but yet unproven patho-
cardiomyopathy has recently been re- genetic mechanisms are shown in . Fig. 4. Treatment of PPCM during pregnancy
viewed, for example, by Davis et al. [47], Prolactin (secreted from anterior pitu- requires modifications to ensure foetal
Honigberg et al. [48] and Bauersachs itary gland) is cleaved by cathepsin D safety [47, 48]. After delivery, standard
et al. [49]. The majority of women (activated by oxidative stress) into a 16- GDMT includes decongestive treatment,
with PPCM are diagnosed after delivery, KDa fragment, which triggers endothe- neurohormonal inhibitors, vasodilators
but there are large regional differences lial dysfunction and apoptosis. Vascular and device therapies in selected patients
in the frequency of reported antepar- damage leads to release of microRNA in addition to specific pathophysiology-
tum symptom onset [50]. . Figure 4 (mRNA)-146a and other mRNAs, which directed treatment with bromocriptine
details the outcomes of 739 participants block important pathways thus induc- [58]. Improvement of HF symptoms as
in a multinational European Society of ing myocardial injury and metabolic a result of these measures will likely also
Cardiology (ESC) EURObservational insufficiency. Soluble fms-like tyrosine benefit the patients’ psychological situ-
Research Programme registry, in which kinase receptor 1 (sFLT-1) produced ation. In view of the high prevalence
the average 6-month mortality rate by the placenta sequesters vascular en- of MHD in PPCM patients, psychiatric
for women with PPCM was 6%, with dothelial growth factor (VGEF). Lack of assessment and screening for post-trau-

144 Herz 2 · 2021

Fig. 4 9 Simplified rep-
resentation of possible
pathogenic mechanisms of
peripartum cardiomyopa-
thy (PPCM) and predispos-
ing conditions/risk factors.
Figure design inspired
by Honigberg et al., 2019
[48]. Reported 6-month
outcome data refer to Sliwa
et al., 2020 [50]. DM dia-
betes mellitus, HF heart
failure, LV left ventricular,
LVEF left ventricular ejec-
tion fraction, NYHA New
York Heart Association,
PRL prolactin, PSD post-
traumatic stress disorder,
sFLT-1 fms-like tyrosine
kinase receptor 1, VEGFvas-
cular endothelial growth

matic stress disorder and other affective although systematic studies evaluating risk of cognitive decline and develop-
diseases should be part of the routine clin- their efficacy in PPCM are lacking. ing dementia [61–66]. The Swiss Atrial
ical evaluation. Clinical care strategies Fibrillation Cohort Study (Swiss-AF)
must include detailed needs analysis to Atrial fibrillation and cognitive was a prospective, observational trial
facilitate personalized supportive strate- decline that enrolled patients aged ≥ 65 years
gies such as multimodal patient-centred with AF and investigated the prevalence
management, which may also help pre- Atrial fibrillation is the most common and incidence rates of clinically appar-
vent PPCM recurrence during later preg- arrhythmia and its prevalence increases ent versus subclinical brain lesions and
nancies. In the case of severe depres- rapidly in aging societies [59, 60]. While their association with cognitive decline
sion or anxiety disorders, targeted psy- relationships between AF and death, over time [67]. A total of 2400 patients
chopharmacological and/or psychother- stroke and HF have long been estab- underwent brain magnetic resonance
apeutic interventions are recommended, lished, more recent evidence suggests imaging (MRI) at baseline and after
that patients with AF are also at higher 2 years, and extensive cognitive test-

Herz 2 · 2021 145

Main topic

Fig. 5 9 The “tip of the ice-

berg”. Prevalence rates of
clinically apparent versus
silent brain lesions in pa-
tients with atrial fibrillation
(Swiss-AF prospective co-
hort study). (Modified and
reprinted from Conen et al.,
2019 [67] with permission)

ing was performed annually. A cross- function, even after multivariable ad- Pathophysiology
sectional analysis from this data set justment for comorbidities. The lesions
revealed that clinically overt and, espe- could, therefore, at least partly explain The increased risk of cognitive impair-
cially, silent brain lesions were highly a higher risk of cognitive decline in ment associated with AF seems only
prevalent (. Fig. 5). For example, white patients with AF. Remarkably, 90% of partly explained by the generally ac-
matter lesions (WML) of moderate (to the Swiss-AF study population were cepted pathophysiological concept of
severe) degree were found in 54% of on anticoagulants and/or receiving an- a causal role of thromboembolic events,
patients without a history of stroke or tithrombotic therapy at the time of the including both recurrent showers of
transient ischaemic attacks. The pres- baseline MRI [67]. microembolism and overt strokes [62].
ence and volume of both overt and silent Previous research described a decline
large non-cortical and/or cortical infarcts in cognitive function in patients with
(LNCCIs) on MRI were significantly as- incident AF even in the absence of
sociated with reduced neurocognitive clinical stroke, as well as a strong re-

146 Herz 2 · 2021

cerebrovascular embolism, clinically un- Management
recognized (silent) strokes, microbleeds,
ACS Acute coronary syndrome and/or other brain lesions might have Whether cerebral imaging, routine neu-
AF Atrial fibrillation contributed to these findings [68]. In rocognitive testing and routine analysis
CAD Coronary artery disease
a recent Korean nationwide cohort study of markers such as sNfL should be used to
in AF patients treated with catheter ab- screen for silent brain injury and whether
COPD Chronic obstructive pulmonary lation or medical therapy, ablation was implementation of such strategies into
associated with decreased dementia risk clinical routine care would improve prog-
CV Cardiovascular [69]. Notably, this relationship was also nosis is currently unknown. Recent find-
CVD Cardiovascular diseases evident after censoring for stroke and ings suggest that effective oral anticoag-
adjusting for clinical confounders [69]. ulation may at least slow down cognitive
GDMT Guideline-directed medical
Together, these observations provide decline and the development of dementia
evidence that AF may provoke cognitive in patients with AF [72], and elimination
HF Heart failure decline, and that coexistence of AF and of AF by ablation therapy seems to re-
LNCCI Large non-cortical and/or cortical dementia is not a chance association. duce the risk of dementia [69]. A more
infarcts However, to what extent the rhythm thorough understanding of the pathobi-
LVEF Left ventricular ejection fraction
itself is responsible for the cognitive ology of cognitive decline and dementia
impairment, and to what extent elimi- in patients with this common arrhythmia
MHD Mental health disorders nating the arrhythmia will diminish the is required to promote development of
MRI Magnetic resonance imaging likelihood of dementia requires further efficacious preventive strategies.
investigation. Other factors, such as in-
NO Nitric oxide
creased systemic inflammatory activity Conclusion
NYHA New York Heart Association and oxidative stress accompanying AF
PAP Pulmonary artery pressure may also contribute to worsening cog- Awareness of the pathophysiological
nitive function. In summary, vascular links between cardiovascular diseases
PPCM Peripartum cardiomyopathy
dementia appears to be a heterogenous (CVD) and mental health disorders
RAAS Renin–angiotensin–aldosterone syndrome probably caused by a variety (MHD) is growing, along with better
system of mechanisms, which remain poorly understanding of the basic mechanisms
sNfL Serum neurofilament light chain understood beyond the role of cortical underlying their mutual impact on clini-
infarcts and cerebral small-vessel disease, cal outcomes, although significant gaps
SNRI Serotonin-norepinephrine
reuptake inhibitors which is undisputed [70, 71]. in knowledge remain. Imbalance in the
Further studies addressing underly- interplay between the innate immune
SSRI Selective serotonin re-uptake
ing mechanisms are underway. Thus, in system and the central nervous system
Swiss-AF the serum neurofilament light leading to systemic and cerebral inflam-
TIA Transitory ischaemic attack chain (sNfL), an acute phase marker of matory changes is emerging as a high-
TTS Takotsubo syndrome neuronal damage, was found to be asso- level player mediating the complex in-
ciated with different cardiovascular risk teractions along the heart–brain axis.
factors (e.g. blood pressure and diabetes) Currently, MHD remain largely under-
lationship between the duration of AF as well as with vascular brain lesions and recognized in patients with CVD. This
(AF burden) and the risk of dementia lower cognitive function [67]. In addi- prevents comprehensive collaborative
in younger patients [61]. Concordantly, tion, baseline sNfL predicted brain at- diagnosis and management of cardio-
the Atherosclerosis Risk in Commu- rophy after 2 years (unpublished data). psycho-neurological disorders. Rou-
nities (ARIC) study demonstrated that At the 2-year follow-up, new ischaemic tine screening for MHD by cardiologists
patients with high AF burden (persistent brain lesions had occurred on MRI in could help to bridge this gap and there-
AF, 100%), but not those with lower 5.5% of patients; again, the vast major- fore offer the chance to improve patient
AF burden (paroxysmal AF, 1–6%), ity of the lesions (85%) were clinically outcomes and quality of life. Joint ef-
had lower executive and verbal cogni- silent and had occurred in patients on forts from cardiologists, neurologists
tive test scores compared with patients oral anticoagulation therapy. New white and psychiatrists are needed to advance
without AF [68]. Interestingly, the ob- matter lesions were found in 18%, and pathophysiological knowledge and
served associations remained significant microbleeds in 11%. Overall, progres- determine evidence-based treatment
after adjustment for prevalent clinical sive cognitive decline was found in most strategies for MHD in CVD in general.
stroke and persisted even after further tested dimensions if new brain lesions In rare diseases such as Takotsubo syn-
adjustment for subclinical events, thus were apparent on repeat MRI (unpub- drome and peripartum cardiomyopathy,
not conclusively explaining the rela- lished data). However, to what extent prospective randomized multicentre
tionship between a higher AF burden these observations are causally related to trials are needed to generate better
and lower cognitive function. Beyond the presence of AF remains to be clarified. evidence for the efficacy of currently

Herz 2 · 2021 147

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