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Name: MATH 264 FINAL zs" July 2014
I)Geometric mean: GM= (Xİ * X2 * .... *xn)l/n -1 ~ E~ t-~~ o-re s if VI i {., cl L~_
2)% increase in GM: (final value / beginning value )ı/n - 1 c Q S """'-<J".'t oy ~ CO-""e. S of 3 f rauf 5,
h-tS 'k S cl,," L .r,,--C'-d.5 7.~ i'.l'..<:'
O~ '.5 LoL> 4 '3,000 4;, e o-c
QL) One reads that a business school graduate with an undergraduate degree earns more than a higli chool
graduate and a person with a Master's degree or a doctorate earns eve n more. To test this, a random sample
of25 executives' salaries from different fırms was selected as follows: Test at 5% signifıcance leve\. Is there
a signifıcant difference among these three groups' income? Write the test(Hl) hypothesis. Determine the i i
highest and lowest ineome groups. /J\ 5c o r- D' .:::t-J ~> ~O<.A.A... i'I\...C-o /V\....L IS k~ f~ .J-<' \l'..Q.Ç\

INCOME (1000$) (20points) 7- f? 3 u a -1/:fea4

45 49 51
47 57 73
53 85 82
62 73 59
39 81 94
43 84 89
54 89 89
92 95

p~ W i 5 t
't(2 sts
' (~
SId. Dev
i> .'1 o r -tr
s ~f d ~ U-e.Jıw<... ~e1-.L-'-Q.Q'/\' /\~ S C d
ep ~O? > r>tX. ::;0,0.5 hne fador ANOVA / r-; c.o .~
OtA- u./\ ~~

S -

, "" " ", ", ,,,,, "" ,.", ,."

49.0 7 7.81 high s.chool p-values for pairwise t-~sts cl i~ e,r€i\. GL S b e. i VJ C2.QJ)

74.7 9 15.31 undergrad Ih. e,.,re. ~ ıJ: / (~igh-school undergrad m. . or Ph.D. eVı.J

-~2~----f~~~}Qı~~;, t~~
:-':S,igh :Ch~' 1\ ~ ~ rı ~8f '
ANOVAta~e c.p LDL) undergrad 74.7 .0013
._ ş~~!.e.e.".,,',.."..,..,',.,.,§~..,', , ,",,..,"",..,""""~"',.." ,..,",.., ." ",.,.MŞ.,." .." ,.",.."..,.,., """, ..,E.,.., "p:~?!~e.., Or Ph.D, 78.3 ,0004 .5784
Treatment 3,872.00 2 1,936.000 10.18 .0007 f-{
Error 4,182.00 22 190.091 .(\ c oc) El LK " r e 2J-e c.:c HO
--- D z: t
v, ct. CCJL.D J
Hı " r/'2-'2-/~~ rx.=-s'l (\-=-L~ L30 T i

Ho: /: L -z, 2-1'" v Co~,,~ u se. s" -t c....le. ~s .z: 1:-0 T:«. i i!:-,••.<c: '.

Q2) (20points) L ~;4) s eX'V\.f ız.. + st {'-e j-e c-t- /1o .J CL r c..a..r t Hi
A spark plug manufacturer claimed that its plugs have a mean life in excess ot 22,100 mııes.
Assume the life of the spark plugs follows the normal distribution. A tleet owner pur-
chased a large number of sets. A sample of 18 sets revealed that the mean life was
23 ,400 miles and the standard deviation was 1,500 miles. Is there enough evidence to
substantlate the manufacturer's Cıaim at the .05 significance level?
Perform 5 step hyp. test in detail. Make p analysis and draw chart. Draw chart. t*= 1.74
22,100.00 hypothesized value 18 n
23,400 ..00 mean 17 df
·1.5OO..OO std . dev. 3 ..6.8 tc aJ c
353.55 std .. error .0009 p-value (orıe-tailed, upper)
tj E :> 't:~ 7 (-5 e/ı o VS h. ev ı' d..eA ci<. ~ P ra/e..
t?v.. tV\... ~ Ll f <A-C tu r-e:r: )~ ia. of h!f ~ C L,-",-

+tA0I' 2-"2-')/00 JVlile5 D-fe olS'?tN'L7~.s
.13 O O JVtI~& 5 JtJl!.~ Ce. ts .51)fVtt'!"
O-A dı ıoe:s Vl-Dt' C ()l.AA...S e j 6.!:J c lı.. ~ ce. ,
p (y:- ;::0) ~O i ıD 7- -:::~ i O -' +- o


P C)<. ?'l-)-;;; ı- r {"ı-c:. i) -= / - o. sn ~D, % CL 4-

Q3) (20 poznts
. c
'. p [x::.. L '3) Cl<. c
-::. 'U, 6 -=r?J ._;:6. 1-1 8
E v'::;2,0
In lhe ArdamJI'e i ,OlC!, ın percent ol' .he eustemers piW by Ame:ı'icclll EXıH';~Sii cuedil t~rd. hı) Oftllt'!
aext LOcusıomers, what is the probabilıty that none pay by AmericLuı txprcs)'l (bLA. least twcı:
tc] 'Fc:wtr1h:.m thrc.>ç'? {th \;Vh~~t ~5rhe expcetcd mmıbcrwho p~ıyby i~m(ri\:tm E~~)rcş!i? ~ei Find ıhe
Binomial distribution
__ __ _-_ _---_ _-_ ..- __ _--_ __ ._-----
... .. .. .. .. .

n Binomial distribution (n = 10, P = 0_2)
p 0_35
X p(>9 ,Pf!J..E?r:I}?,Wty .. 0.30
O 0_10737 0_10737
1 026844 0_37581 0.25
2 0_30199 0_67780
3 020133 0_87913
4 0_08808 0_96721
5 0_02642 0_99363
6, 0_00551 0_99914
7 0_00079 0_99992 0.10
8 0_00007 1_00000
9 0_000001_00000 0_05
10 0_00000 1_00000
1_00000 0.00
2_000 expected value o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1_600 variance X
q) P (5S) ~ 1265 standard deıfiation
-'O,sı c" •. 5/
W P CDD ) ~ o, '"Z."g.::: i. 2- 'R
1 - PC DO~= i- o" LO -:::V, -}- 2....=
lo '"1- 2
z: .p (S~)+PLSD)-fPt..f)S)::='D,S i+u,i-o
Q4) (20 points)
A hospital reports that two patients have been admitted who have contracted Crohn's disease. Suppose otu
experiment consists of observing whether each patient survives or dies as a result of the disease. The siınple
events and probabilities of their occurrences are shown in the table (where S in the first position ıneans that
patient 1 survives, D in the first position means that patient 1 dies, etc.). Lı --
6/11\..= 14 i ~ :)( S,"TS,.:8,1)(Z16
Simple Everıts Probabilities
SS 0.51
G,N\ z: J4~Ç.1.~- ,
SD 0.10
DS 0.11
DD 0.28 G AA z: 1- ,.1&'.:x..
a)find the prob. that both patients survive. b)Find the prob. that neither patient survive . o

c)Find the probability that at least 1 of~ients s~

Q5) The annual dividends(%) offour oil stocks are: 4.91 ,5.75,8.12, 2ı.6 Find geometric mean dividend.
"------- (10 poi~
(7 (1.1\ ::: 1"L .6.5' ı.; '-' o
'J o ,",-!J0
Q6) Suppose your cousin started a managementjob with Ford in year 1990 at $30,000 per year. In the year
2002 her salary was $65,000. What is the average rate of increase per year for this period? (10 points)

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