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11 GUÍA DE TRABAJO Autónoma.

(GTA) #1 (II Semestre GTA #1)

Self-Study Guide for Academical English
Name: Sara Díaz Enríquez

Section: 11-6

Specialty: EFSC
Date: From Monday August 16th to Friday August 27th, 2021 (2 Weeks)
Self-study is the ability to perform tasks by ourselves, without the presence of the
School name: Colegio Técnico Profesional de San Sebastián
Subject – Area: Level: 11th

Academical English
Teacher´s name: Jorge Retana M.
Channel of Classroom, Teams…..
Communication :
Virtual Office Hours

Materials What do students need for the lesson?

needed /
Suggested materials:
 Use the regular materials we work in regular academical classes, plus

the device you have you use to access to TEAMS.

Condition  Look for the best place possible for you to stay concentrate review the
s of the
subject and practice with the use of the book and the links
place to
Expected  This self-study guide will take you 2 hours to be completed.
time to work
this  Plus the links you can use to practice and the reading review 2

self- study more hours.


2. The student is ready to start working
Unit Caution: What comes next?
Understanding: Every day people are faced with choices – some big, some

small – and the way people react to those choices shape their future.

Essential Question: How do decisions we make today change our lives


(How can technology help me make my world better?)

(How often do you use technology?)

Understand when people speak at normal speed on familiar topics. There
Linguistic may be a need to repeat particular words and phrases.

Achieveme Follow the main ideas of audio text if the topic is familiar and the text can
be replayed.

Understand factual text and simple reports on familiar topics (e.g. ,

interviews) Understand texts of various lengths as long as the words used

are familiar and/or concern areas of student interest.

Describe personal goals and intentions.

Express and ask for other’s opinions and needs on familiar subjects.

Summarize simple text dealing with familiar subjects

Write a report on an important personal experience and check written

summaries and reports to look for mistakes (subject verb agreement,

pronoun and article agreement, capitalization, using commas, sentence

sense, word

order, text structure, concrete ideas).

Task What exactly are students going to do, step by step?( include annexes, scripts,

Outlin audio files, links if needed)


 Introduction and connection with a student with the use of a dialogue that contextualize a

regular conversation between students.

 Study of vocabulary about adjective and features of students in a high school

 Construction of conversations about their on characteristics as students using previous

knowledge vocabulary and structure

 Identification of vocabulary and contextualization

 Explanation of present continuous and time expressions

 Exercises use of the present continuous

 Construction of a conversation

 Reading Comprehension

 Writing your own study schedule, use of technology

 Reading about important decisions (exercises)

 Vocabulary exercises. Write your opinion about future academic decisions.

 Explanation about the future Going to

 Exercises of listening, writing and reading about the future

LESSON 4 Getting by or getting ahead

A- Let’s talk

1. Read the conversation and practice it

Luis: Hey Felipe, I am really proud of myself, you know! I have been
working hard and I have accomplished all my goals this year! What about

Felipe: Well, good for you! Congratulations! I believe we should go ahead;

we have to set our short-term goals to be successful---we’re almost done!

Luis: I’m thinking about taking extra classes next vacation. I want to
improve my English and also, I’m thinking about studying other languages!

Felipe: That’s a great idea! I have heard that here in Costa Rica there are
many opportunities for people who speak Portuguese and Chinese.

Luis: I like Portuguese but I also I have thought about studying Chinese. I
have to think about it!

2. Answer the following questions base on the conversation.

a. Who is proud of himself?


b. Who is planning to study other languages?

c. Luis

d. Which languages are required for jobs in Costa Rica?

Spanish and english

e. What is a short-term goal?

Something to accomplsih in a short period of time.

B. Vocabulary

1. Match the following keywords to the definitions below:

a. short- term goal (d ) always put much effort and care into your work

b. getting by ( e ) to be successful in the work you do

c. down to earth ( b) to be able to deal with a difficult situation usually by having

enough of something you need

d. hardworking (c ) practical, reasonable, friendly

e. getting ahead. ( a) something you want to accomplish soon

C. Chart #5



Wh-questions are also called information questions because they request specific
information. They are very useful for speaking because they help you start and keep a

Let’s learn four different structures

1. Wh-Q + to be + noun + complement?

What are your goals for the future?

2. Wh-Q + do/does/did + subject + verb + complement?

What do you plan to do after high school?

3. Wh-Q + would + subject + verb + complement?

Where would you like to study?

4. Wh-Q + noun + auxiliary + subject + verb?

Which profession should I choose?

1. Write a sentence for each of the patterns:

a. Wh-Q + to be + noun + complement?

What is your favorite sport?

b. Wh-Q + do/does/did + subject + verb + complement?

What do you want to for tonight’s dinner?

c. Wh-Q + would + subject + verb + complement?

What would you want to do tomorrow?

d. Wh-Q + noun + auxiliary + subject + verb?

Why should I go?

D Speaking

1. Write a conversation using the following questions:

a. What is your plan for the future?

b. Which university would you like to study at?

c. Which career do you prefer?

d. How many years does the study program take?

Sara: Hey girly! I was wondering what are your plans for the future?
Erika: I still planning it, but I’m sure it would be something related with arts.
Sara: Oh! You are super good drawing; you should probably try with that. Have you
think in which university you are going to?
Erika: Maybe UCR. I’m not sure. What career would you prefer?
Sara: Dude, I literally don’t know.
Erika: HAHA, think about it.

E. Let’s practice

1. Match the word with the corresponding synonym

a. get by (e ) temporary
b. down to earth (d ) to prosper
c. hardworking (c ) diligent
d. get ahead. ( b ) practical
e. short-term goal (a ) to cope

F. Speaking
1. Read the following quotes. Give your opinion on the meaning of each quote.

“if you want to achieve greatness, stop asking

permission. Unknown author
I’ve learned that making a “living” is not the same thing as
“making a life”

Maya Angelous

G. Reading. Tips on getting ahead in life.

1. Pre-reading. Read aloud the following quote and explain what it means for you.


“Success is not final, failure is not fatal

it is the courage to continue that counts.”

Getting ahead in life may mean many different things to many different people, but mostly it
refers to monetary gains. The American dream is still a reality for the constant amount of
immigrants looking for a better life and achieving financial freedom. It has become a global
dream to have a better life. The reasoning is that one you have money, everything else will fall
into place. But when money is looked as a source of happiness, rarely is a person truly happy.
Across the globe, studies have found that more money doesn’t equal more happiness. As people
make more money, they tend to worry more to protect their properties. There are a set of rules
we must follow to succeed in life.

Rule #1
Always make more than you spend. Use your credit card wisely; you can never get ahead in life
if you’re merely slaving away to pay back debt that you’ve already accumulated.
Rule #2
Save money. Earn financial freedom by saving at least 10% to 20% of your income. Start by
cutting expenses. Over time it adds up. This is a habit that you have to start early so
that it builds up.

Rule #3
Own the roof over your head. A home is typically the biggest investment that a family has, and
it is an asset that can appreciate over time. When you don’t own the roof over your head, you’re
simply paying someone else’s mortgage. If you don’t own your own home, then now it’s time to
set some goals and put a plan of action into place.

Rule #4
Own your own business. We don’t have time to waste. Time literally is money! Think of ideas
to create your own business.

2. After reading the article, write the 4 rules in your own words. a.
Be respectful

b. Be kind

c. Be responsible

e. Be hardworking

3. Give your opinion about these 4 rules. Is it possible to accomplish them? If not, explain which
obstacles you would encounter. Or else, what do you need in order to achieve the four rules?
I think people should learn to apply this rules on a daily basis. They are not hard to accomplish, it’s
just that some people are a little hard to work with.

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