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ISSN 00406015, Thermal Engineering, 2010, Vol. 57, No. 10, pp. 840–842. © Pleiades Publishing, Inc., 2010.

Original Russian Text © G.I. Zhukov, V.N. Laptev, S.V. Laptev, A.A. Fedulov, V.M. Karas’, 2010, published in Teploenergetika.

Experience Gained at OAO EMal’yans with Constructing Automated

Control Systems for Steam Boilers
G. I. Zhukov, V. N. Laptev, S. V. Laptev, A. A. Fedulov, and V. M. Karas’
OAO Alliance for Construction of Power Machinery (EMAl’yans), ul. Lenina 220, Taganrog, Rostov oblast, 347900 Russia

Abstract—The experience gained at OAO EMAl’yans with furnishing its own boilers with automated process
control systems is described.
DOI: 10.1134/S0040601510100034

The Alliance for Construction of Power Machinery (ii) piping and instrumentation (P&I) diagrams of
(in Russian, EMAl’yans) is one of Russia’s largest technological paths;
companies for construction of the power machinery (iii) lists of databases (measurement points, electric
and equipment that specializes in design and manu loads, I/O signals, etc.);
facture of boiler equipment and executes turnkey con (iv) algorithms of the boiler’s process protections
tracts (engineering, procurement, and commissioning). and interlocks;
The company owns 70.83% of common shares of the
Krasnyi Kotel’shchik Works. EMAl’yans has its design (v) functional diagrams of the boiler’s automatic
offices in Taganrog, Podolsk, Barnaul, and Ivanovo. closedloop control system; and
(vi) algorithms (logic diagrams) of stepped pro
grams for functionalgroup control of the boiler.
BY EMAL’YANS SPECIALISTS The I&C diagram contains the main information
ON FURNISHING STEAM BOILERS on tapping points in matching to the technological
WITH AUTOMATED CONTROL SYSTEMS paths, as well as data on the parameters of medium and
metal at tapping locations. In addition, this diagram
The GOST (Russian State Standard) 2826989: Sta shows details of sampling devices for measurement
tionary LargeCapacity Steam Boilers requires that instruments.
each steam boiler must be equipped with an auto P&I diagrams of technological paths appeared for
mated process control system (APCS). As a rule, the first time in designing of steam boilers for power
power stations, which are end customers of this equip stations outside of Russia. But at present, the custom
ment, wish that the APCSs of newly commissioned ers of projects for Russian power stations also request
thermal power equipment (steam boiler, auxiliary that a set of P&I diagrams should also be developed.
equipment, turbine, generator, etc.) be made in a The first diagrams of this sort in fact replaced automa
common information–technical environment. tion circuits, which contained only general data on the
Therefore, the producer of a steam boiler is not technological paths of the boiler, but at present, these
requested to supply the boiler complete with its auto diagrams contain detailed data on each element of the
mation system, and in the majority of cases the supply circuit and on each pipeline, including its geometrical
of APCSs is ordered to a specialized enterprise. How characteristics, parameters of medium, etc. All the
ever, irrespective of who supplies an automation sys equipment shown in P&I diagrams have unique codes,
tem, the technological basis for developing this system the KraftwerkKennzeichensystem (KKS) being the
comes from the boiler designer. most widely used system for coding equipment. A P&I
EMAl’yans specialists develop initial data for a diagram comes with its description, which contains
boiler automation system in the form of a basic engi summary information on the process diagram, princi
neering design, and it should be pointed out that the ples of its operation in manual and automatic control
volume of work on developing basic engineering modes, etc.
designs has become considerably larger in recent Lists of the data on measured parameters, types of
years. stop and control valves for boilers, and other equip
As a rule, the basic engineering design of a boiler ment were usually developed as separate tables. At
automation system includes the following documen present, all such data are entered in unified tables of
tation: databases the formats of which are usually developed
(i) a diagram of instrumentation and automatic by organizations performing the functions of a general
control devices (I&C); designer on agreement with suppliers of the APCS. It


should be pointed out that the volume of information remaining part of air required for complete combus
entered into the tables of databases has become much tion of fuel) that are located above the main burners.
larger; nonetheless, specialists of EMAl’yans take the Control shutters (adjusted by regulators) and flow
work of filling in database tables even in the part that measuring devices serving to maintain the required
was previously within the scope of a general designer. flowrate of air to the afterburning nozzles depending
To avoid possible errors in the course of developing on the boiler load (or fuel flowrate) are installed before
P&I diagrams and database tables that can be made in the nozzles.
them due to the human factor, specialists of When the threestage scheme of fuel combustion is
EMAl’yans have developed a computer program that used (for burning lowreaction coals), reducing
is now successfully used at the company in drawing up devices are placed above the main burners to which the
documents. required amount of air is supplied. The reducing
Traditionally, the algorithms of boiler process pro devices receive fuel (gas or finely milled coal) in an
tections and interlocks were issued by equipment man amount required to obtain heat release equal to 15–
ufacturers in the form of an explanatory note, com 20% of its rated value with shortage of air. Tertiaryair
monly called “the conditions of protections and inter nozzles are installed above the reducing devices. In
locks.” At present, EMAL’yans specialists draw up not this case, the objective of controlling the boiler is to
only an explanatory note, but also logic diagrams of maintain the required admission of fuel and air to the
boiler process protections and interlocks; the format reducing devices, as well as air to the tertiaryblast
of these diagrams, which are drawn using the available nozzles depending on the boiler load (or the flowrate
bank of logic elements, is subject to agreement with of fuel to the main burners).
the general designer and the supplier of the APCS. When schemes for staged combustion of fuel are
As it regards automatic closedloop and functional introduced in retrofitted boilers, difficulties are often
group control systems, the previous practice was such encountered due to a dense layout of these boilers. In
that the manufacturer developed a brief explanatory particular, problems sometimes occur with installing
note containing the list of regulators, and simplified Venturi tubes for measuring air flowrate to the nozzles.
regulators were shown in automation circuits. At Recirculation of flue gases is widely used during the
present, EMAl’yans specialists develop functional dia firing of gas and fuel oil (and sometimes solid fuel) in
grams of regulators and logic diagrams of stepped func boilers to reduce NOx emissions. Schemes with
tionalgroup control programs. Competent organiza exhaust fans for recirculating flue gases and schemes in
tions are often attracted for carrying out these works that which recirculation gases are supplied to the suction of
have experience in doing them, among which are Auto forceddraft fans are used. The purpose of control
mation of Power Installations—VNIIAM (Moscow), consists of maintaining the required flowrate of recir
Interavtomatika (Moscow), E4SibKOTES (Novosi culation gases depending on the load (or air flowrate).
birsk), and DonORGRES (Gorlovka, Ukraine).
The abovementioned methods for reducing nitro
gen oxide are related to the category of intraflow fur
NEW OBJECTIVES FOR CONTROL OF STEAM nace measures and are most frequently proposed to
BOILERS AT THE PRESENT STAGE customers for reducing the emissions of NOx down
Among the new objectives imposed on the control stream of the boiler. In recent years, customers have
of steam boilers, it is necessary to mention first of all begun to show interest in methods central to which is
the need to reduce the emissions of nitrogen oxides use of special nitrogen removal plants. The method of
discharged with flue gases at the boiler outlet to the selective catalytic reduction (SCR), implemented
required level. The list of methods used at present to using special catalysts placed in the boiler’s convection
suppress NOx emissions includes the following ones: shaft, as well as the method of selective noncatalytic
reduction (SNCR), implemented using an installation
(i) the schemes for staged combustion of fuel; for injecting ammonia into flue gases in the boiler’s
(ii) recirculation of flue gases, and zone of transitional gas conduit, are examples of such
(iii) special methods for removing nitrogen [selec methods. The SNCR method is used jointly by spe
tive catalytic and noncatalytic reduction (SCR and cialists of the AllRussia Thermal Engineering Insti
SNCR)]. tute (VTI) and other organizations, including
There are two schemes using which staged combus EMAl’yans (TKZ Krasnyi Kotel’shchik), in the TP87
tion of fuel is implemented: two and threestage com boiler installed at the Tolyatti cogeneration station. As
bustion (reburning). it regards SCRbased nitrogen removal plants, they are
During twostaged combustion of fuel (gas, fuel oil, not used at present in the boilers of EMAl’yans, but
and highreaction coals), it is necessary to maintain a such a possibility is being considered.
certain ratio between the amounts of air supplied to One of the new control objectives that had to be
the main burners (this ratio should be smaller than that solved by EMAL’yans specialists is controlling the
theoretically required for complete combustion of supply of feedwater during the startup of a once
fuel) and air supplied to the afterburning nozzles (the through boiler with the use of a medium recirculation


842 ZHUKOV et al.

pump. This method has been implemented in the stations are equipped with means for monitoring the
TPP660/AVSO boiler supplied to the Barh thermal common flame in the furnace. The project of the
power station in India. In accordance with the cus TPE223 boiler for the Cherepet district power station
tomer’s requirements, this boiler was furnished with a incorporates sensors produced by the DURAG Group
medium recirculation pump, which is used in starting for selectively monitoring the pulverizedcoal flame.
the boiler. The specific feature of the control system In addition, the project incorporates a special newly
used in this boiler is that it supplies feedwater to the developed process protection that must trip the rele
boiler in a fully automatic mode when the boiler is vant dust supply equipment when a group of flames
started either with the medium recirculation pump or from pulverizedcoal burners is extinguished.
without it (in the latter case, water is discharged into
the startup expansion tank). Customers outside of Russia often request that pro
tections and interlocks should be developed in accor
It should be pointed out that the project of the dance with foreign standards, which differ from the
TPE223 boiler for the Cherepet district power station corresponding Russian standards applied to protec
incorporates burner turning mechanisms, which are tions. For example, the protections for the TPE
supposed to be used as additional means to control the 318/SO boilers supplied to the Uong Bi thermal power
temperature of reheat steam in a wide range of loads. station and TPP660/AVSO of the thermal power sta
Such a possibility is available in the boiler’s automatic tion Barh were made in accordance with the failsafe
closedloop control system, and whether its use is principle using the master fuel trip in line with the
advisable or not will be determined after completing
American fire safety code NFPA 85. The specific fea
the startup and adjustment works (tentatively, the
boiler will be started in 2011). ture of this principle is that protections allow the
equipment to operate if the protection signal applied
to this equipment has a high level. When this signal
STEPPED PROGRAMS FOR FUNCTIONAL disappears (a low level) due to the protection coming
GROUP CONTROL OF THE BOILER into action or a failure of the protection cabinet’s
communication channel or equipment itself, the
As a rule, the functionalgroup control (FGC) sys equipment must be tripped out.
tem serves to perform automated control of equipment
when the boiler is started up and shut down. Stepped
programs of FGC are used to carry out the following THE SYSTEM FOR AUTOMATED TECHNICAL
operations: filling the boiler with water, assembling the DIAGNOSTICS OF BOILERS
boiler paths before starting, ventilating the boiler fur
nace and gas conduits before the boiler is started up The DiagnostTKZ system for automated techni
and after it is shut down, automatically kindling the cal diagnostics of a boiler occupies a special place in
burners on different kinds of fuel, shifting the boiler the works of EMAl’yans specialists on equipping boil
from one kind of fuel to another, and connecting/dis ers with automated control systems. This system has at
connecting the boiler injections. Sometimes, however, its heart a purely calculation method based on the reg
the FGC system is also used when the boiler operates ulatory documents used in constructing boilers, which
in the adjustment range of its loads. For example, the has been verified by the entire history of boiler con
list of control programs that have been developed for struction and equipment operation. Central to this
the TPE318/SO boiler supplied to the Uong Bi ther method is online monitoring of the quality of equip
mal power station in Vietnam, includes, among other ment operation, which includes monitoring of the
things, stepped programs for starting and stopping temperature conditions under which the elements of
groups of fueloil and pulverizedcoal burners the boiler’s steam–water path operate, recording and
depending on the boiler load. For the TPP660/AVSO analysis of “excursions,” and analysis of how intensely
boiler supplied to the Barh thermal power station, pro the service life is exhausted and how creep phenomena
grams have been developed for automatically start accumulate.
ing/stopping the mills during operation of the boiler in
the adjustment range of its loads. The diagnostic system makes it possible to improve
the indicators characterizing troublefree operation,
reduce the cost of repair works, and predict probable
SPECIFIC FEATURES OF BOILER time of operation after which repairs should be carried
PROTECTIONS AND INTERLOCKS out, as well as the spare parts and equipment required
The new industry standard STO 1723082.27.060.004 for carrying out these repairs.
2008: Steam Boiler Units contains the requirement 1 A.
S. Chernov, V. B. Nadler, V. A. Aleksandrova, and A. A. Fed
demanding that pulverizedcoal burners must be ulov, “The Diagnost TKZ System: Calculating and Predicting
equipped with sensors for selective monitoring of the Remaining Life of Pressurized Boiler Elements during
burning. At present, boilers installed at Russian power Operation,” Tyazh. Mashinostr., No. 11, 14–17 (2003).


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