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Roncana Oumish Plukang dan fergurequian SB t » Jan Ye oF » Feo te bis ly > trarel: fh Got Ape B 65 te he a >» Jun % 35 4 » Sut h 8 4 > Agudluc tt On 4 » Sept 5 4 yO t 95 4 >» lw ty tot >» Des . Wao Suet fireyacn «2/20 Net Bo Redenarkan lata ketun lau, Rerbegaan ste + a 20% dari Fenyrelan bao [outsn dibagar borkan fede Saat Pesrbesian b- By Caer (erator bap toutan tokurnpur clatan 2 hee Apuran yong, Soma Cc a ine Pagoaton bap fawan etemgul cau 20 haw dtoutan, Benes de te % dae Tayvace hap outer Ferkompa atom 20 hoe dem Peta buon herikulrga 6 5% Horr Peyvalen bey lou Therapaicen, Putas bok balegik Ubad dick) Dipindai dengan CamScanner sedeeakan Putero, Belin behead, Bulan Dsember bohun leu Bran cherma —Jaquac bon Aepmn Stoesex Rp . \. 250 "owx) Diminka Resdasaten Vala TS Gysunidy Pencna Beramyo Prteng don Pergumpatan Piuteag tceun Yor Psrerg dengon mets Feehtungan dan 2k Dunpue ion cea) sishkan Dienc\an ferterompok Paes toathy Seango! Tonga bY Nov gon dam 23: 6y von Tus Nama Angyta dyn fuimnga - Bn Jays Worra C2 OU tour Pure Otay) Pere Adrian ©20403G Inder Pehays 02001 Og Hiteayatur Hannan 02001 C70 Dipindai dengan CamScanner Coa Hine, Devan Januar Prutees, tatu Talaghh thovan Deserber tanun leu PRO-TO-GO yong Aran ditogin da Iu) Jotuan + Feryuataq buna Zo% Rida bermaade dalam (vhibur gen Vercana Puterg bap doom lopsan P/L oan chenesuen Stlescar 2/w Net 36 2 Pian Yong Fechoghy baton Jonni & Pater, Aur lohun latu 295 Po 1855 -ouy lo. (50% 5 th)-2% (oom ¥ sob) Op. Bets en c- Tis 2 Po: 3.-Bs0 "au U. Prurarg, deraees Unre Tatogin lanan prose alloy xsd) -2% Ch ¥ So) tp. 440+ 060 bb (5 9% =~ Suh) Bp. 30 -o0u Tus! ae Py. {+280 +039 C- Pureng bor barkaugle o% x soe 5: Peters, 9g tpt urn Jootert A. U50 Yo x 55h) ~ 2% (UM *SI * Pp - 2-'eD-voo be Ue%e x Goh) ~ 2% LP Yo % st) be + 490-000 Cte * Suk) -~ t7%UGK » TW Eps gyu sooo Pp: 3: go cog Dipindai dengan CamScanner Cara meyhirurg clibwen Februari Gota)y Ep - 4: Of 0006. 4+ & Putang aya teban ala bp - 1250-009 (oy, % STdd -2%% (Go%xsed) [Pp -2-6g6 coo 2- Pulerg FA tyre hetaghh dad bun tet 9: (N% x65 9% )-2% Lome Sc at) Py- 539-000 Lb I6% «6.5 dt Ry - 825-0 ¢ 3+ Puteng dong bert ciblan Feros - BAD «Ssh )-2% (So BY Sa de) fe: 2-Gg3 «ovo b- Ww x sisdt-e% lodassadh) Rp . 539 - O00 oS Myo 5d Ry B26 - : ‘That Rp. a. bsg:oun (Bra tranghturg linen Trocth B+ Putarg sual kebun let e- 1.360 “wp (So% « bat )-2%, (Sb% x & én) Op | = 2-Quy vt 2. Pruises Trexeh tying, bedogh, doy Laan Ns oO (tgo-cas a-(tuy, bse 2% Uo x63) : Pp - 586 v0 lle % x Gt » Bp + gue a00 Fores Ppt. ya ox ‘ Cc: Pritang lot berkegin 5 B%~ bor Rp. 200+ 000 3+ Durer yang brikor buen pata Grek Bs (% x OAH) ~ZY, CEH ve Bye) Ep- 2.940 +000 be Ute we x gh)-2%, bio x gh) Rp 6B. wo C IG %y Of _ PE~ goo- add = Be q-qaR -cos Dipindai dengan CamScanner Cee mendituny Ioutan Apnl 4: @- Piters, Qyel talun lol Pp 1350. con (0% Gist) -2.% (so Hx CEU Bp. 3-105: oH0 qoal Bp: Y S35 ay © 2+ Purang Aprile bewm Fertogh (puan re 8 Alo yx b,c) ~ EH (M0 % ¥ bE) Pp 637 «m0 b15 % % G edt) (2p -995-@u Total (op. (G12 000 C= Pulary Fak tatogh 5% x 65 sv + 925 -v00 © Butens Gong bet loutsa Agel : a MNS %¥ be NH) Pp. 2185 O00 L- (wy * 45 dt) ~ 2% (0% x65ck) Pp- 673-000 Ce % ~ 6a ot p> 975-008 fo -4 +393 000 Dipindai dengan CamScanner 1. A. tang evel kohun lato Pp. ( Isv-cou (5.0% * dk) “2% (6% * FAH) Pp + 3.449 -oce at Cara Meneivtung chien tel ¥ al ‘Taal Ye 4. 760-000 ~ 2. Buran, mer yorg kertogin dihuion un) 4 AUo% ~« Br )-2% (to%¥9 x Ph Sp 6O6-cw ¢! G- Is% *% WH) Bp |.oco wou * Toal Bp. (336.000 * C. Prutang toe bategi 5% FJ Vp. B50 coo 2. Putarg org burhat bulan Tey . ' a+ (aoe x UY) ~ re lso%e x TAY = Bp. 5.4pp 008 by. (tome * FdK)- 1h (S07. xzh)= ey Cle-008 c Wik ¥ TI 2 ty. Leokpcedg By: 166-000 Carn meng hiung dtoylan Suny Lo Piutang, awl tolun \olu Fp 1+ 350-000 Wsoye x 75 A)- zie (sot x Ts sk) Pye 3 635-00 Fe: 5-025-000 2. Rutara, juni terrae As tulan Sali ete To % 2 -1% ote ¥ nae) Pe. 735-000 BIS % xX VS Je Pe_Llg¢.cn0 S860. GO Dipindai dengan CamScanner a: ~ Fitbarg : “yng ‘foe tee bey 7 SA 1.6 jt spp A. (0 x Le Jey - 2% (DA 1.5%) Bed 618-C0O 3S Poking yg tmitaut dibutan Jun” ) b (Osx 1S) 22 (Od 7.5) Wy TSO ; } SHR TS I FrLtec-ca0 pp 5.358 Cara Wim dilgian quit "ae Cara heating ay ao tahun fp |-ss0-QD \ (DAK ait) -27% (WE YE) tp 4.q20-000 deka tp S/270-c00 6 Plbtam, Jui gpg Kerbegih di butin og urbes a. Ck B3t)- 9% Clo” x aye) Pe 184.200 b. 6a bE fe teu aw 1 ee bea, 1.94; 056 “orton bo birkaah ; al sje 8 Jt eh 4c oco 3 Pukey ya timo dl balan que a. C50kx Byt)-2f (Ge% x Bt) Fp 2 gz b. (ip « ojk) -2% Cote OF) fr 704.00 IG kx ast i pp_|-2c0 ces tetat P 5 -4eq. eve ~~ Dipindai dengan CamScanner Coram {wtvrg at balan expres 14 -Piutary Towed tatu a Pp |.350. ceo CSB KVS gk)~2% (Woe x65 $$) Vp _3.340-000 _ Ackal Pp 5.270.000 2b. Plutar, atepstos up Eebegihy At loutan Sep y alo x as) -27 (0k x05) pp_ass coo bis Kx BS Pp_laiscoo a _ ketal fp 2. 108.0% c& Phen ug be Sechingg : sAx os ge tp 425-00 3. Pruterg uy tinfoul abun aquctus a. leo KBIF)-27 (SOA ¥ ust) fp 2420 .cco Ob Ciygxas yt) -2% (ex bs ye) tp ds. co © WRK V5 1.275.020 - total tp 6.038.050 Cara tranghittong 41 buvan Stphimber f |. a prutarg, CW tahun daly Fr_|-390-c00 ; COOP xg3t)- 27k(S0% R93) pa 419.00 4olel 5-76.00 __ 2. b. Pubarg Syrteprloer yy barkagh dtlaotn oe. b a (eee sik AF COA KE) ty G2. 0 oe b bhrat Pp 1.350-0c0 : —— deka W282 00 | “e frutang oy bt barbogil sh RA fr 450.c0 Dipindai dengan CamScanner 3. Plulany yg Himbul li ban sephprior a, (60% xajl)-2% (7-451) Pr 4.410 200 b (ofa gst) - 9% (os x93) bp 682.@0 G sx g Tt _ fp_|.350.0c6 = / etal te 6.642000 Cara Menghtony dt bun Obbeber clea Prutarey ciscl = Euhun alu bp_|-350.ca2 LDEG,S Ik) - 24 (SO%x 4F JL) te 1-59.00 _ OLA a 6: as Go 2. Ptuteny chedeer Uy Eerteyh dibuian — ntligmber 8 (lof a g.s jt) -ak (oe xge3¢) PP 93-080 b 6&xgqs je apps 2S-0007 _ : total fp 2° 3€6-000 C Fillary yy take barker : $4 x35 3 PP 47s coo zr putang Yq bmbul di bean Qbicw. : A (60% x ag) -2 7% (SOF X 4p) Fe 4. 65s coo —& UK K45.#) -97 (lye x 459) br ste C ISAAK 7 |. 425.000 7 Cara oranepbury i balis (ovum bee ots a. Prater awat tabon [atu bp (.390 Qn (PRX (07) - 2K (TH 10 JL) tp 4.9@ coo ; tekal % 6-250 ao Dipindai dengan CamScanner 1 CBS mmenavtung Atnulan Wwoertoer 1k & Bulag Svat tahun Yp- |. tg0 -v0d ; C50 %H VAG Ie) - 2% Cr0% wieyr) lep*_4- Gos -000 teal Ye: G+ 26-vw © Putang wovember yy ertogh dbhuian Resember : Q- CU Yo% LOE) 2% Clo Klos) Fp + GBo -000 h- Wom wr Le - 1-So0 .o0o Taal Rp - 2-48 vou ~ \p © Putany bak teogh S% xm wv Pp. 6e0-e0d A V2 prwang Yo brdhut dibun_bauember A-(s80% x toy )-2%(S>% ¥NY) be -4-9u0 200 1 ly - (tOfe, x (OF) ~ 29, Clover toyh Rp. go woe C+ 1E% Aloph \zp- 509-0 i Vp. } 8Ro-ad a a a a a Dipindai dengan CamScanner yg Ca Mengatungdibyian Dasember c 1 Q- Prtang aval tohun wu Bp (-@-suay u (50 fo x los Jk )-2%) (60 % xlogdt) PPS WE 00 Total Pe-G-qge-ou © 2+ Puteng Desemloer yorg burtegh B- Uo %q ~ 19,5 Jt)-2 Zolwfox (O51) ¢ “1G % % LOdh Tvs t cS Pratenc, (rate berlogh —_, ‘ ep. % 25 -ouo Pring Borg kmh ban Desemher A L60% x (gS dr)-2% L509 WIT Ep-€-tus-o9p bo- Ctofy * Lor5dk) -2lioxrAlgedk) 2p. Lurgan é C+ | % % wr ren Ep 1S 9scw Tole) bp. 9:32y-000 4 4 g 4 Dipindai dengan CamScanner U Aadstesl Dipindai dengan CamScanner

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