Problem Set 3, Part I Problem 1: Printing The Odd Values in A List of Integers

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Problem Set 3, Part I

Problem 1: Printing the odd values in a list of integers

public static void printOddsRecur(IntNode node) { if (node == null) { return;

} if (node.val % 2 == 0) { System.out.println(node.val); }
printOddsRecur(; } public static void printOddsIter(IntNode node) {
for (; node != null; node = { if (node.val % 2 == 0) {
System.out.println(node.val); } } }

Problem 2: Choosing an appropriate list implementation

2-1) I would use the LLList because it is a dynamic data structure while or
ArrayList is not because it cannot resize. Since we don’t know how many orders
there might be, we need a dynamic data structure. Both data structures can
function as a stack which we need to iterate from the most recent order to the
least recent one. Both data structures are also similar in iteration speed
with the ArrayList being slightly faster. LLList is less memory efficient for
the large amount of orders because it maintains a lot of pointers. LLList is
chosen because being dynamic is the most important.

I assume fairly consistent means that we can use an ArrayList because the size
is fixed, however in real life I would still use LLList because I am paranoid.
Also I wrote too much for the above answer, but the characteristics for each
data structure that I wrote in the above answer also apply here.

‘Very few additions or removals’ means we can use an ArrayList because size
should be relatively fixed. ‘frequently access the item’ is a deal breaker for
the LLList because that sounds like random access. LLList is O(n) in random
access while ArrayList is O(1).

ps: if we had the ArrayList from the java standard library I would use it for
everything because a linked list sucks, I only use a linked list in haskell

Problem 3: Reversing a linked list

O(n^2), getItem is O(n), addItem is O(n), we have a loop so it is arithmetic
sequence, so O(n^2)

public static LLList reverse(LLList list) { LLList rev = new LLList();
ListIterator iter = list.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Object item =; rev.addItem(item, 0); } return rev; }

The worst-case running time of the improved algorithm is O(n). This is because
all the function does is traverse the linked list and update the variable that
contains a pointer to the head of the list. Since we are always adding to the
beginning of the list, it is O(1) for each addition.
Problem 4: Removing a value from a doubly-linked list

public static DNode remAll(DNode node, char c) { DNode head = node; for (DNode
trav = node; trav != null;) { if ( == c) { if (trav.prev == null) {
DNode next =; = null; = null; trav = next;
head = next; continue; } DNode next =; =; = trav.prev; = null; trav.prev = null; trav = next;
continue; } trav =; } return head; }

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