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Gold Advanced Wordlist

Part of Definition
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Unit Page Act. Word or phrase Speech Pron
the thing that you think is most
important and that needs attention
10 107 1 priorities noun pra r ti before anything else The club s priority is to win the league.
someone who has an unusually high
genius level of intelligence, mental skill, or
10 108 5 noun d i ni s ability My father was a genius at storytelling.
a method or set of principles that you
use to solve a problem or to make sure
10 108 5 formulae noun f mj l , that something is successful We re still searching for a peace formula.
10 108 5 Hindu adj h ndu being of the Hindu religion There is a Hindu temple in the centre of town.
The World Cup will have a prominent place on
10 108 5 prominent adj pr m n nt important the agenda.
There are various techniques for dealing with
10 108 5 noun tek ni k a special way of doing something industrial pollution.
so surprising that it is almost impossible
10 108 5 astounding adj sta nd to believe The concert was an astounding success.
to give a piece of information that is He quoted a figure of 220 deaths each year
10 108 5 verb kw t written down somewhere from accidents in the home.
phrasal to form a particular amount or part of Afro-Americans account for 12% of the US
10 109 6 accounting for verb ka nt f something population.
very small in degree or amount,
minimal especially the smallest degree or
10 109 6 adj mn m l amount possible The cost to taxpayers would be minimal.
the ability to have a good relationship
with someone because you have similar Compatibility is an important factor when you
11 110 1 compatibility noun k m p t b l ti, interests, ideas etc are choosing a life partner.
two people that are compatible are able
to have a good relationship because I'm leaving him because we aren't compatible
11 110 2 compatible adj k mp t b l they have similar opinions or interests anymore.
complementary things go well together, The computer and the human mind have
11 110 2 complementary adj k mpl ment ri although they are usually different different but complementary abilities.
if you are on the same wavelength as
someone, you have the same or
on the same noun different opinions and feelings as
11 110 2 wavelength phrase we vle someone else Dad is just on a different wavelength from me.
if you get on like a house a fire with
like a house on noun someone, you quickly have a very I get on like a house on fire with my new
11 110 2 fire phrase ha s friendly relationship colleague.

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to be very similar to or the same as The French baccalauréate exam roughly
11 110 2 correspond verb k r sp nd something else corresponds to English A levels.
if one thing matches another, or if two
things match, they look attractive
together because they are a similar We painted the cabinets green to match the
11 110 4 1 match verb m t colour, pattern etc rug.
to be equal to something in value, size,
11 110 4 2 match verb m t or quality His strength is matched by his intelligence.
if a piece of clothing fits you, it is the
11 110 4 fit verb ft right size for your body His clothes did not fit very well.
to be acceptable, suitable, or
convenient for a particular person or in Whatever your reason for borrowing, we have
11 110 4 1 suit verb su t a particular situation the loan that suits your needs.
clothes, colours etc that suit you make
11 110 4 2 suit verb su t you look attractive That coat really suits Paul.
something, especially money, that you
donations give to a person or an organization in There have been generous donations from EU
11 110 4 noun d ne n order to help them funds.
a sudden shaking of the earth s surface An earthquake measuring 6.1 on the Richter
11 110 4 noun kwe k that often causes a lot of damage scale struck southern California on June 28.
an amount of money that is collected The fund was set up to try to save the
11 110 4 noun f nd and kept for a particular purpose cathedral.
used to say that you would never do
wouldn t have
verb something because you think it is bad I wouldn t dream of letting strangers look after
dreamt of buying
11 111 7 phrase dri m or wrong my own grandmother!
popping up
11 111 7 verb p p p to appear, sometimes unexpectedly Her name keeps popping up in the newspapers.
11 111 7 generated verb d en re t to produce or cause something The program would generate a lot of new jobs.
seeming very boring and unfashionable,
11 111 7 adj n di and not good in social situations His hobbies are rather nerdy.
the scientific study of the way in which
information is moved and controlled in
machines, the brain, and the nervous
11 111 7 noun sa b net ks system He studied cybernetics at university.
a performance in which dancing and
11 111 7 noun b le music tell a story without any speaking She used to do ballet when she was a child.
prepared to do something, or having no
11 111 9 adj wl reason to not want to do it I told them I was perfectly willing to help.

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You should receive notification of the results
11 111 9 noun n t f ke n official information about something within a week.
Tom always sends me red roses on my
11 112 1 adj r m nt k showing strong feelings of love birthday. How romantic!
meeting other people in order to have a He joined an online dating agency in the hope
11 112 2 noun de t romantic relationship of finding the love of his life.
the state of being very well designed
sophistication and very advanced, and often working The sophistication of their technology
11 112 4 noun s f st ke n in a complicated way impressed her.
to limit or control the size, amount, or In future we will restrict class sizes to 20
11 112 4 verb r str kt range of something students.
facts or signs that show clearly that At present we have no evidence of life on other
11 112 4 noun ev d ns something exists or is true planets.
to gradually make someone or The constant criticism was beginning to
11 112 4 verb nd ma n something less strong or effective undermine her confidence.
the state of being logically or factually
11 112 4 noun v l d ti acceptable I would question the validity of that statement.
seeming to have a particular feeling or He did well in his exams, despite his apparent
11 112 4 apparent adj p r nt attitude, although this may not be true lack of interest in his work.
to not allow someone to take part in
something or not allow them to enter a
place, especially in a way that seems The press had been deliberately excluded from
11 112 4 verb k sklu d wrong or unfair the event.
to pay money regularly to be a member She subscribes to an environmental action
11 112 4 verb s b skra b of an organization or to help its work group.
someone who pays money to be part of Subscribers to the online dating site can view
11 112 4 noun s b skra b an organization or to help its work hundreds of eligible partners.
to completely get rid of something that The credit card eliminates the need for cash or
11 112 4 verb l m ne t is unnecessary or unwanted cheques.
to put someone s or something s name How many students have registered for English
11 112 4 verb red st on an official list classes?
to say firmly that you will not do
refuse something that someone has asked you
11 112 4 verb r fju z to do She asked him to leave, but he refused.
if something is done seductively it is
interesting or attractive and persuades
you to do something you would not
11 112 4 adverb s d kt vli usually do She smiled seductively at him across the table.

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to make it certain that something will In movies, talent by no means guarantees
11 113 2 verb r n ti happen success.
one of the two periods of time that a
semester year at high schools and universities is I still have two semesters to complete at my
11 113 2 noun s mest divided into, especially in the US college.
to start doing something that is bigger, As an actress she has graduated from small
graduated from
11 113 2 verb r d u t better, or more important roles to more substantial parts.
an amount of money you pay regularly
to be a member of an organization or to
help its work, or the act of paying I haven t paid my subscription to the agency this
11 113 2 noun s b skr p n money for this year.
if you roam through something, you look She roamed through the information on the
11 113 2 verb r m slowly at all parts of it screen.
a card with a pattern of holes in it that The workers were issued with punch cards
punch card was used in the past for putting which would record their arrival and departure
11 113 2 noun p nt k d information into a computer time at work.
to obtain a special document giving you
patented the right to make or sell a new invention If you invent something you should get it
11 113 2 verb pe tnt or product patented as soon as possible.
someone who scientifically studies As an anthropologist, he was fascinated by the
11 113 2 noun n r p l d ist people, their societies, cultures etc cultural rituals of the villagers.
11 113 2 rigorous adj r r s careful, thorough, and exact They have rigorous standards at that college.
if you pour cold water on something,
pour cold water you criticize someone s plan, idea, or
on verb desire to do something so much that
11 113 2 phrase p they no longer feel excited about it He is always pouring cold water on my ideas.
a set of instructions that are followed in
a fixed order and used for solving a Spelling correction algorithms usually suggest a
mathematical problem, making a few alternative words which are in some sense
11 113 2 noun l r m computer program etc similar to the detected misspelled word.
careful and thorough examination of Careful scrutiny of the company s accounts
11 113 2 noun skru t ni someone or something revealed a whole series of errors.
an opinion about whether a person,
bias group, or idea is good or bad that
11 113 2 noun ba s influences how you deal with it Students were evaluated without bias.
the usual or normal situation, way of Short term contracts are now the norm with
11 113 2 noun n m doing something etc some big companies.

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noun used to emphasize the first of a series Well, for starters, you ll need to fill out an
for starters
11 113 2 phrase st t of facts, opinions, questions etc application form.
the amount of money you have left to
d sp z b l spend after you have paid your taxes,
11 113 2 noun k m bills etc She doesn t have much disposable income.
an eligible man or woman would be
eligible good to marry because they are rich,
11 113 2 adj el d b l attractive, and not married Stephen was regarded as an eligible bachelor.
phrasal to get rid of people or things that are not The research will help governments to weed out
weed out
11 113 2 verb 'wi d a t very good ineffective aid schemes.
someone you have a very close
relationship with because you share or
soul mate
understand the same emotions and
11 113 2 noun s l me t interests He hasn t found his soul mate yet.
a harmless substance given to a sick
person instead of medicine, without
telling them it is not real. Placebos are
often used in tests in which some
people take real medicine and others
take a placebo, so that doctors can It has been suggested that some medical
compare the results to see if the real professionals prescribe placebos to their
11 113 2 noun pl si b medicine works properly. patients.
a quality or feeling that seems to
aura surround or come from a person or a
11 113 2 noun r place She has a peaceful aura around her.
to say what medicine or treatment a If these don t work I may have to prescribe you
11 113 2 verb pr skra b sick person should have something stronger.
when two things are joined or The system of coupling for dance partners was
11 113 2 noun k pl connected not well-thought out at all.
to make someone feel that their ideas
validated and feelings are respected and Talking with people who think like you helps
11 113 2 verb v l de t considered seriously validate your feelings.
if someone divorces their husband or
divorced wife, or if two people divorce, they
11 113 2 verb d v s legally end their marriage David s parents divorced when he was six.
a rule, problem etc that prevents people
barrier from doing something, or limits what Problems with childcare remain the biggest
11 113 2 noun b ri they can do barrier to women succeeding at work.

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an event at which you meet and talk to
a lot of different people for only a few
speed dating minutes at a time. People do this in
order to try to meet someone and have
11 114 2 noun spi d de t a romantic relationship. Have you ever tried speed dating?
a room where the directors of a The senior staff are at a meeting in the
11 114 2 noun b dru m company have meetings boardroom at the moment.
to start doing something or making
set out phrasal plans to do something in order to There are some salesmen who deliberately set
11 114 3 verb set a t achieve a particular result out to defraud customers.
phrasal to start a company, organization,
set up
11 114 3 verb set p committee etc They have just set up their own company.
phrasal I ll take you up on that offer of a drink, if it still
take them up on
11 114 3 verb te k p n to accept an invitation or suggestion stands.
something that is spontaneous has not
been planned or organized, but
happens by itself, or because you
11 115 3 spontaneous adj sp n te ni s suddenly feel you want to do it The crowd gave a spontaneous cheer.
They're worried about the accuracy of the
11 115 3 noun k r si the quality of being correct or true statistics.
angry and surprised because you feel Liz was indignant at the way her child had been
11 115 3 adj n d n nt insulted or unfairly treated treated.
thinking that someone might be guilty of Some of his colleagues at work became
11 115 3 adj s sp s doing something wrong or dishonest suspicious of his behaviour.
something such as a bag, belt, or
accessories jewellery that you wear or carry
11 116 2 noun k ses ri because it is attractive All her outfits have matching accessories.
11 116 2 tarnished adj t n t damaged He now has a tarnished public profile.
relating to the preparation of a
editorial newspaper, book, television programme Designers use the girls because they ensure
11 116 2 adj ed t ri l etc for printing or broadcasting editorial coverage.
an occasion when someone takes
fashion shoots
11 116 2 noun ut photographs or makes a film She s out on a video shoot.
when you work together with another
person or group to achieve something, The project has involved collaboration with the
11 116 2 collaboration noun k l b re n especially in science or art geography department.
noun if you don t get a wink of sleep, you are
slept a wink
11 116 5 phrase w k not able to sleep at all I didn t get a wink of sleep last night.

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a set of pictures or other pieces of work
portfolios that an artist, photographer etc has
11 117 1 noun p tf li done You ll need to prepare a portfolio of your work.
to provide or organize something
11 117 1 administering verb d m n st officially as part of your job The test was administered to all 11-year-olds.
a categorical statement is a clear
categorical statement that something is definitely Can you give us a categorical assurance that
11 117 5 adj k t rk l true or false no jobs will be lost?
a short journey arranged so that a
excursions group of people can visit a place, Included in the tour is an excursion to the Grand
11 118 2 noun k sk n especially while they are on holiday Canyon.
a place in the countryside that is Guests will be able to visit some of the local
beauty spots
11 118 2 noun bju ti sp t famous because it is very pretty beauty spots.
if one type of person or thing
predominate predominates in a group or area, there
11 118 2 noun pr d m ne t are more of this type than any other Pine trees predominate in this area of forest.
used when saying that a particular fact
has no effect on a situation and is not The course is open to anyone, irrespective of
11 118 2 irrespective of adj r spekt v important age.
12 120 0 soundtrack noun sa ndtr k the recorded music from a film I loved the soundtrack of that movie.
if the wind, sea etc lashes something, it
12 120 2 verb l hits it with violent force The wind lashed violently against the door.
to make a connection in your mind
associated between one thing or person and
12 120 2 verb s ie t another I don t associate him with energetic sports.
a feeling of being happy, excited, and
12 120 2 noun z l re n full of energy She enjoyed the exhilaration of jet-skiing.
your nails are the hard smooth layers
12 120 2 noun ne l on the ends of your fingers and toes Stop biting your nails!
12 120 2 chalkboard noun t kb d a blackboard She wrote the day s menu up on a chalkboard.
a machine or tool that does a special The company makes devices to detect carbon
12 121 6 device noun d va s job monoxide.
if something repels you, it is so
repel unpleasant that you do not want to be
12 121 6 verb r pel near it, or it makes you feel ill The smell repelled him.
to stand or wait somewhere, especially
loitering in a public place, without any clear Five or six teenagers were loitering in front of
12 121 6 verb l t reason the newsagent s.

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