MorenoHurtado Pedro MO6S3AI6

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Pedro Antonio Moreno



Mi mundo en otra lengua
Semana 3
Unidad III. Hobbies and abilities

Actividad integradora 6. Finding a roommate

Write 10 questions and answers to know the routine of your possible new roommate.
(Escribe 10 preguntas y respuestas para conocer la rutina de tu posible nuevo compañero(a) de cuarto).

Questions (Does) Answers


What time does he/she have lunch? Samantha has lunchtime at 7 o’clock
(¿A qué hora come él/ella?)

Does he/she exercise regularly? Yes, she exercises regularly.
(¿Se ejercita regularmente él/ella?)

1. What time does Pablo wake up? Pablo wakes up at six in the morning.

2. What does he do for breakfast when he gets up? He prepares fried eggs with bread, toast, juice and coffee.

3. What does Pablo do after breakfast? He does an exercise routine for me, to keep fit and be in good health.

4. Pablo, what position does he play in his work? He runs a company that makes cars.

5. What does he do when he leaves work? He comes home to finish the earrings he has.

6. What does Pablo do after finishing his earrings? Spend time with your family.

7. Does he make dinner at night? Just eat something light to sleep

8. What does Pablo do before going to sleep? He tells a story to his children so that they sleep.

9. How many hours does Pablo sleep? He tries to sleep his nine hours a day.

10. Pablo does this routine always If you try to do that on a daily basis, as it feels good to

Mi mundo en otra lengua
Semana 3
Unidad III. Hobbies and abilities

Actividad integradora 6. Finding a roommate

Write five sentences where you explain the routine of your possible roommate. Remember that you will use the structure of the third person.
Use the adverbs of time: first, after, then, finally.

(Escribe cinco oraciones en las que expliques la rutina de tu posible compañero de cuarto. Recuerda que usarás la estructura de la tercera
persona. Usa los adverbios de tiempo: first, after, then, finally).

This is my possible new roommate Samantha and this is her routine. First, she gets up at 6:00 in the morning, after…

First Pablo gets up early at six in the morning, after that he prepares breakfast for himself and his family, then he goes to work, then when
he leaves his work he goes home to finish his earrings, and finally passes time with his family, tell a story to his children and have a light
dinner to get his nine hours of sleep.

My audio.
(Copy the URL of your audio here).

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