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Chrisvo - Module 5 Activities

 Marriage or Cohabitation?
Which is your more preferred choice: marriage or cohabitation? Briefly explain why and in your
explanation, try to give at least three (3) reasons why that is your preferred choice.
I perceive marriage as an important factor between a couple. This is one of the lessons that
was taught to me by my parents. Three of the reasons why I choose marriage are: I consider it
as a blessing from God, it will serve as a good example to the children of the couple and it is like
an entrance to the official life as a husband and wife, and soon as a father and mother of the
family they will build.

 Marriage: Call to Unity

Task 1:
a) 2:18 Helper suited to him: lit., “a helper in accord with him.” “Helper” need not imply
subordination, for God is called a helper (Dt 33:7; Ps 46:2). The language suggests a
profound affinity between the man and the woman and a relationship that is supportive
and nurturing.
b) 2:23 The man recognizes an affinity with the woman God has brought him. Unlike the
animals who were made from the ground, she is made from his very self. There is a play
on the similar-sounding Hebrew words ’ishsha (“woman,” “wife”) and ’ish (“man,”
c) 2:24 One body: lit., “one flesh.” The covenant of marriage establishes kinship bonds of the
first rank between the partners.
Task 2:
Companionship is the act of spending time with someone who you love and comfortable
to be with.
The Need for Companionship
Good companions enjoy spending time together in conversation and recreational activities. As a
general rule, spouses should be able to look forward to the next time they will be together,
rather than dreading it. Time spent enjoyably together builds and strengthens the marital
relationship. Conversely, the lack of companionship in a marriage can produce deep loneliness
in both spouses.
Researchers have found through controlled experiments (substantiated by surveys) 1 that
participation in novel and exciting activities together can cause couples to feel greater
satisfaction in their relationships. The research suggests that trying new, jointly chosen
recreational activities together can help sustain and increase romance in marriage. Other
research suggests that it is important that couples participate together in recreational activities
that both enjoy. In one study,2 the more time couples spent together in activities that only the
husband liked, the less happy they became. Similarly, the more time husbands spent in
recreational activities without their wives, the less happy their marriages became.
Task 3:
Partnership is something deeper than companionship wherein you do not only spend
time with the person you love and comfortable with, but also to be with them during the good
and bad times.
What Does True Partnership Look Like In Marriage?
In a true partnership, both husband and wife can express themselves without fear of judgment,
work together towards common goals and have equal influence over important decisions. They
are able to grow emotionally psychologically and spiritually as a result of their happy marriage.
What Does It Mean to Be True Partners?
1. Equal influence over important decisions
An equal balance of power and influence in decision making is necessary for a healthy
relationship. This is because no one wants to be in relationship where their opinions are
constantly ignored or their decisions constantly overruled. Both husband and wife should be
able to express their thoughts and opinions freely without fear of being shut down.
2. Equal commitment to the relationship
In a true partnership, both parties are equally committed to the marriage. They have a similar
amount of emotional investment in the relationship and they both want it to succeed. If there is a
problem in the marriage, they both work hard to find a solution.
3. Common goals
Your spouse is not just your life partner but also your partner in personal growth and self-
actualization. When you have common goals, you motivate each other to grow and become
better people. Also, working on your goals together strengthens your marriage.
4. Equal personal responsibility
In a healthy marriage both parties take equal responsibility for the problems in the marriage.
They do not waste time playing the blame game or going over what should/ would/ could have
happened. Instead, they admit their mistakes and focus on coming up with possible solutions.
5. Honesty
True partners are always honest with each other. They know that lying to protect the other
person’s feelings rarely ends well. This does not mean that they are brutally honest with each
other; they are kind and honest at the same time.
Task 4:
In the video of Professor Jordan Peterson, he said that the vow is like a boundary
wherein if one of the couples is troubled, the other also feels troubled, but they would not leave
each other in spite of it. The article entitled “Traditional Wedding Vows from Various Religions”
identifies in each vow, no matter what religion, that the husband and wife will be together
through the good and bad times, in sickness and in health, until they are parted by death. Both
the speaker and the article indicates both things that no matter what happens, the husband and
wife through their vows, promised each other that they will be together in all aspects and
circumstances of their life.

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