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Republic of Iraq

Ministry of Higher Education

and Scientific Research
Al-Nahrain University
College of Science
Department of Mathematics
and Computer Applications

On the Homotopy Perturbation

Method and its Applications

A Thesis
Submitted to the College of Science of Al-Nahrain University in
Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master
of Science in Mathematics

Farah Lateef Joey
(B.Sc. Math, Al-Nahrain University, 2008)

Supervised by
Asst. Prof. Dr. Ahlam J. Khaleel Lect. Dr.Shatha Ahmad Aziz

Rabee Al-Thanee 1432

March 2011



‫(‪.‬‬ ‫)‬

‫اﻟﻰ ﻣﺜﻠﻲ اﻻﻋﻠﻰ اﻟﺬي ﻛﺎن ﯾﺸﺠﻌﻨﻲ دوﻣﺎ‬

‫واﻟﺪي اﻟﺸﮭﯿﺪ‬ ‫ﻋﻠﻰ اﻟﺪراﺳﺔ ﺣﺘﻰ وﺻﻠﺖ اﻟﻰ ھﺬه اﻟﻤﺮﺣﻠﺔ‬

‫اﻟﻰ ﺷﻤﺲ اﺷﺮﻗﺖ ﻓﻲ وﺟﮭﻲ وﺗﺪﻓﻌﻨﻲ‬

‫أﻣﻲ وأﺳﺮﺗﻲ‬ ‫ﻟﻼﻣﺎم دوﻣﺎ‬

‫واﻟﻰ ﻛﻞ ﻣﻦ ﯾﻌﺘﺒﺮ اﻟﺮﯾﺎﺿﯿﺎت ﻃﺮﯾﻘﺎً ﻓﻲ اﻟﺤﯿــــﺎة‬


Before anything …

Thanks to Allah for helping me to complete my thesis

I wish to express my deep appreciation and sincere thanks to my
supervisors Dr. Ahlam Jameel and Dr. Shatha Ahmad for their appreciable
advices, important comments support and encouragement during the
It is of my pleasure to record my respect to the staff members of
Mathematics and Computer Applications, whom gave me all facilities during
my work.
Thanks are extended to the College of Science of Al-Nahrain
University for giving me the chance to complete my postgraduate study.
Also, I would like to express my deepest thanks to all my family and
friends, and every one who helped me in my project.


March 2011

The aim of this work is to use the homotopy perturbation method to solve special

types of the local and nonlocal problems. This study including the following aspects:

(1) Give some basic concepts of the homotopy perturbation method.

(2) Use the homotopy perturbation method to solve some types of differential, integral

and integro-differential equations.

(3) Describe some nonlocal problems and use the homotopy perturbation method to solve


(4) Use the homotopy perturbation method to solve some real life applications and these

applications are advection-diffusion problems, gas dynamics problem and the ground

-water level problem.


Introduction..………………………..…………………………... I
Chapter One: The Homotopy Perturbation Method for
Solving the Ordinary Differential Equations
Introduction …………………………………………………….......1
1.1 Some Basic Concepts of the Homotopy Perturbation Method ….……..1
1.2 The Homotopy Perturbation Method for Solving the Non-linear
Ordinary Differential Equations ………..............................................8

Chapter Two: The Homotopy Perturbation Method for

Solving the Integral and Integro-Differential
Introduction ………………………………………………………17
2.1 The Homotopy Perturbation Method for Solving Linear Integral
Equations ………...………..…………………………………...17
2.2 The Homotopy Perturbation Method for Solving Non-linear Integral
Equations ………….……………..…………………………….30
2.3 The Homotopy Perturbation Method for Solving Non- linear Fredholm
Integro-differential Equations…...……………………….............35
Chapter Three: The Homotopy Perturbation Method for
Solving Some Nonlocal Problems
Introduction ………………………………………………………47
3.1 Solutions of One-Dimensional Wave Equation with Non- Homogeneous
Neumann and NonLocal Conditions….………………………….48
3.2 Solutions of the Hyperbolic Integro-Differentials Equations with Non-
Homogeneous Neumann and NonLocal Conditions….…………….57

Chapter Four: Solutions of Some Real Life Applications Via

the Homotopy Perturbation Method
Introduction ……………………….……………………………...64
4.1 Advection-Diffusion problems .…………………………………...64
4.2 Gas Dynamics problem ………..…….…………………………...69
4.3 The Ground- Water Level problem .…..…………………………..71

Conclusions and Recommendations………………………….76

References ....…………………………………………………...77

The homotopy perturbation method was first proposed by He J. Huan in 1999, where

the solution of this method is considered as the sum of an infinite series which is very rapidly

converge to the accurate solution, [13].

The homotopy perturbation method, presents some advantages: obtaining exact

solutions with high accuracy, minimal calculations without loss of physical verification. This

method has found application in different fields of nonlinear equations such as fluid

mechanics and heat transfer, [10].

Many authors and researchers studied the homotopy perturbation method, say, He J. in

1999, used the homotopy perturbation method for solving nonlinear ordinary differential

equations of the first and second orders, [13], He J. in 2003, solved the Nonlinear ordinary

differential equations with nth order, [14], He J. in 2004, solved the oscillators equation with

discontinuities via the homotopy perturbation method, [17], He J. in 2005, studied the

homotopy perturbation method for solving one dimensional nonlinear wave equation, [18],

Li-Na Z. and He J. in 2006, solved the electrostatic potential differential equation, [19].

Yu-Xi Wang and et al. in 2008, used the homotopy perturbation method for solving

reaction-diffusion equation, [38], Fatemeh S. and Mehdi D. in 2008, solved the deley

differential equations via the homotopy perturbation method, [9], Jafari H. and et al. in 2008,

used the homotopy perturbation method for solving Gas Dynamics Equation, [22], Jazbi B.

and Moini M. in 2008, used the homotopy perturbation method for solving

Schrodinger equation, [23].

Lin Jin in 2008, studied the homotopy perturbation method to solve the three

dimensions parabolic and hyperbolic partial differential equations with variable coefficients,

[29], Behrouz R., in 2009, solved nonlinear Volttera partial integro-differential equations of

the second kind, [4], Ghorbali A. R., and et al. in 2009, used the homotopy perturbation

method for solving the three dimensional heat equation with variable coefficients, [11].

Mashallah M. and Mohammad S. in 2010, studied the homotopy perturbation method

for solving linear fuzzy Fedholem integral equations, [33], Allahviranloo T. and et al. in

2010, solved the linear fuzzy Volttera integral equations of the second kind, [1], Roozi A. and

et al. in 2011, studied the homotopy perturbation method for solving nonlinear parabolic and

hyperbolic partial differential equations of one and two dimensions, [35].

The nonlocal problems plays an important role in real life applications and they used in

various field of mathematical physics and in other fields, [3].

Many authors and researchers studied the nonlocal problem, say, Karakostas G. L. and

Tsamatas P. Ch. In 2000, studied a nonlocal boundary value problem for a second order

ordinary differential equations, [25], Beilin S. in 2002, studied the existence of Solutions for

One-Dimensional Wave equations with Nonlocal conditions, [6], Ruyun M. in 2007,

presented a servay of recent results on the existence and multiplicity of solutions of nonlocal

boundary value problem involving second order ordinary differential equations, [36].

The purpose of this thesis is to give a full information for the homotopy perturbation

method and its applications for solving the non-linear Fredholm integral and integro-

differential equations. Also, this method is used to solve special types of nonlocal problems.

Moreover, the solutions of some real life applications are obtained via the homotopy

perturbation method.

This thesis consists of four chapters:

In chapter one, some basic concepts of the homotopy perturbation method are

described and used to solve the nonlinear ordinary differential equations with and without

initial conditions.

In chapter two, the solutions of the linear integral equation of the second kind are

obtained via the homotopy perturbation method and its convergence is presented. Also, the

solution of the non-linear integral and integro-differential equations of the second kind are

obtained by means of the homotopy perturbation method.

In chapter three, the homotopy perturbation method is used to solve the one

dimensional wave and hyperbolic integro-differential equations with non-homogeneous

Neumann and nonlocal conditions, respectively.

In chapter four, the solutions of the advection-diffusion problem with initial boundary

conditions, gas dynamics problem with initial condition and the ground water level problem

with non-homogeneous Dirichlet and nonlocal conditions are obtained via the homotopy

perturbation method.

Chapter One
The Homotopy Perturbation
Method for Solving the Ordinary
Differential Equations
Chapter One The Homotopy Perturbation Method for Solving the Ordinary Differential Equations

The homotopy perturbation method proposed first by He J. Huan in 1999 for solving

differential and integral equations, linear and nonlinear has been the subject of extensive

analytic and numerical studies. This method has a significant advantage in that it provides an

approximated solution to a wide range of nonlinear problems in applied sciences. In this

method, the solution is considered as the summation of an infinite series which usually

converges rapidly to the solutions, [13].

In this chapter, some basic ideas of this method has been explained.

This chapter consists of two sections:

In section one, some basic concepts of the homotopy perturbation method are


In section two, we use this method for solving the non-linear ordinary differential


1.1 Some Basic Concepts of the Homotopy Perturbation Method:

In this section, we give some basic concepts of the homotopy perturbation method. To

do this, we recall the following definition:

Definition (1.1.1), [32]:

Let X and Y be two topological spaces. Two continuous functions f : X 

 Y and

Chapter One The Homotopy Perturbation Method for Solving the Ordinary Differential Equations
 Y are said to be homotopic, denoted by f  g , if there exists a continuous
g:X 

function H : X  [0,1] 
 Y , such that:

H ( x,0)  f ( x), x  X

H ( x,1)  g ( x), x  X

In this case, H is said to be a homotopy.

Now, to illustrate this definition, consider the following examples:

Example (1.1.2):

Let X and Y be any topological spaces, f be the identity function and g be the zero

function, then define H : X  [0, 1] 

 Y by:

H ( x, p )  x(1  p ), x  X , p  [0,1]

Then H is a continuous function and

H ( x,0)  x  f ( x), x  X

H ( x,1)  0  g ( x), x  X

Therefore f  g .

Next, the following proposition appeared in [32] without proof, here we give its proof.

Proposition (1.1.3):

On the continuous functions  is an equivalence relation.

Chapter One The Homotopy Perturbation Method for Solving the Ordinary Differential Equations

Let f : X 
 Y be a continuous function, then define H : X  [0,1] 
 Y by:

H ( x, p )  f ( x), x  X , p  [0,1]


H ( x,0)  f ( x), x  X

H ( x,1)  f ( x), x  X

and this implies that f  f . Therefore  is a reflexive relation.

To prove  is a symmetric relation, let f  g , then there exists a continuous function

H : X  [0,1] 
 Y such that:

H ( x,0)  f ( x), x  X

H ( x,1)  g ( x), x  X

Define K : X  [0,1] 
Y by:

K ( x, p )  H ( x,1  p ), x  X , p  [0,1]


K ( x,0)  H ( x,1)  g ( x), x  X

K ( x,1)  H ( x,0)  f ( x), x  X

Hence g  f .

To prove  is a transitive relation, let f  g and g  w, then there exist continuous

functions H : X  [0,1] 
 Y and K : X  [0,1] 
 Y

such that:

Chapter One The Homotopy Perturbation Method for Solving the Ordinary Differential Equations
H ( x,0)  f ( x), x  X

H ( x,1)  g ( x), x  X

K ( x,0)  g ( x), x  X

K ( x,1)  w( x), x  X

Define L : X  [0,1] 
 Y by:

 f ( x), p0

L( x, p )   H ( x, p )  K ( x, p )  g ( x), 0  p  1
w( x), p 1


L( x,0)  f ( x), x  X ,

L( x,1)  w( x), x  X

lim L( x, p )  lim H ( x, p )  K ( x, p )  g ( x)

p 0  p 0

 H ( x ,0 )  K ( x ,0 )  g ( x )
 f ( x)  g ( x)  g ( x)
 f ( x)
 L( x,0), x  X,


lim L( x, p )  lim H ( x, p )  K ( x, p )  g ( x)

p 1 p 1

 H ( x,1)  K ( x,1)  g ( x)
 g ( x)  w( x)  g ( x)
 w( x)
 L( x,1), x  X,

Hence L is a continuous function. Therefore f  w. Hence  is an equivalence relation on

the set of all continuous functions.

Chapter One The Homotopy Perturbation Method for Solving the Ordinary Differential Equations
Remark (1.1.4):

Let X and Y be two topological spaces, let f :  

  and g :  
  be

continuous functions. Define H :   [0, 1] 

  by:

H ( x, p )  (1  p ) f ( x )  pg ( x ), x  X , p  [0,1]


H ( x,0)  f ( x), x  X


H ( x,1)  g ( x), x  X

Therefore f  g .

Definition (1.1.5), [32]:

Let X and Y be two topological spaces and f : X 

 Y be a continuous function. The

equivalence class of f , denoted by [ f ] is defined by:

 Y be a continuous function and f  g 

[f ] g g: X 

and it is said to be a homotopy class of functions of f .

Remark (1.1.6):

(1) It is clear that f  [ f ], for every continuing function f defined from a topological space

X into a topological space Y. Therefore [ f ]   .

Chapter One The Homotopy Perturbation Method for Solving the Ordinary Differential Equations
(2) By using theorem (2.4.4) in [31], the set of equivalence classes of  form a partition of

continuous functions.

Definition (1.1.7), [32]:

Let X and Y be two topological spaces. Two continuous functions f and g are said

homotopic relative to A  X if there exists a continuous function H : X  [0,1] 

 Y such


H ( x,0)  f ( x), x  X

H ( x,1)  g ( x), x  X

H (a, p )  f (a )  g (a ), p  [0,1], a  A

Now, to illustrate the basic idea of the homotopy perturbation method, we consider the

following non-linear equation:

A(u )  f ( x), x   (1.1)

where A is any operator, f is a known function of x. The operator A can generally speaking

be divided into two parts L and N, where L is a linear operator, and N is a non-linear

operator. Therefore equation (1.1) can be rewritten as follows:

L(u )  N (u )  f ( x)  0

According to [13], we can construct a homotopy v :   [0,1] 

  which satisfies the

homotopy equation:

H (v, p)  (1  p)[ L(v)  L(u 0 )]  p[ A(v)  f ( x)]  0

Chapter One The Homotopy Perturbation Method for Solving the Ordinary Differential Equations

H (v, p )  L(v( x))  L(u 0 ( x))  pL(u 0 ( x))  p[ N (v( x))  f ( x)]  0 (1.2)

where p [0,1],  represents the set of all real numbers and u 0 is an initial approximation of

the solution of equation (1.1).

Obviously, from equation (1.2) we have:

H (v,0)  L(v)  L(u 0 )  0

H (v,1)  A(v)  f ( x)  0

The changing process of p from zero to unity is just that of v(x,p) from u 0 (x) to u(x).


L(v)  L(u 0 )  A(v)  f ( x), x  


u 0 ( x)  u ( x), x  .

Assume that the solution of equation (1.1) can be written as a power series in p as follows:

v ( x, p )   p i v i ( x ) (1.3)
i 0

By setting p=1 in equation (1.3), one can get:

u ( x)  lim v( x, p )   vi ( x) (1.4)
p 1 i 0

which is the solution of equation (1.1)

The series (1.4) is convergent for some cases, [13].

Chapter One The Homotopy Perturbation Method for Solving the Ordinary Differential Equations
1.2 The Homotopy Perturbation Method for Solving The Non-Linear Ordinary Differential

Equations, [13]:

In this section, we use the homotopy perturbation method to solve the non-linear ordinary

differential equations with or without (initial or boundary) conditions. To do this, consider the

following non-linear ordinary differential equation:

A( y )  f ( x) , x Ω (1.5)

where A is any differential operator, f is a known function of x. The operator A can be

divided into two parts L and N where L is a linear operator while N is a non-linear operator.

Therefore equation (1.5) can be rewritten as:

L( y )  N ( y )  f ( x)  0, x Ω

So, by the homotopy perturbation method, we can construct a homotopy u :   [0,1] 

 

which satisfies:

H (u , p )  L(u ( x, p ))  L( y0 ( x))  pL( y0 ( x))  p[ N (u ( x, p ))  f ( x)]  0 (1.6)

where p [0,1],  represents the set of all real numbers and y0 is the initial approximation

for the solution of equation (1.5) which satisfies the initial or boundary conditions if they


Obviously, from equation (1.6) one can have:

H (u ,0)  L(u ( x,0))  L( y0 ( x))  0

H (u ,1)  L(u ( x,1))  N (u ( x,1))  f ( x)  0

The changing process of p from zero to unity is just that of u(x,p) from y0 ( x) to y (x) .

Chapter One The Homotopy Perturbation Method for Solving the Ordinary Differential Equations
L(u )  L( y0 )  A(u )  f ( x), x  


y0 ( x)  y ( x), x  .

Assume that, the solution of equation (1.5) can be written as power series in p:

u ( x, p )   p i u i ( x ) (1.7)
i 0

where u 0 , u1 , ... are the unknown functions that must be determined. By setting p=1 in the

above equation one can obtain:

y ( x)  lim u ( x, p)   ui ( x) (1.8)
p 1 i 0

which is the solution of the differential equation (1.5).

The infinite series given by equation (1.8) is convergent for some cases. However, the

convergence rate depends on the non-linear operator A. The following opinions are suggested

by He J. to ensure that the convergence of the infinite series given by equation (1.8):

1. The second derivative of N(u) with respect to u must be small.

2. The norm of L1 must be smaller than one.

To illustrate this method, consider the following examples.

Example (1.2.1):

Consider the first order nonlinear ordinary differential equation:

y ( x)  y 2 ( x)  0, x  1 (1.9)

Chapter One The Homotopy Perturbation Method for Solving the Ordinary Differential Equations
Here A( y )  y   y and f ( x)  0 . The operator A can be divided into two parts L and N,

where L( y )  y  and N ( y )  y 2 .

In this case, equation (1.6) becomes:

u ( x)  y0 ( x)  py0 ( x)  p[u 2 ( x)]  0, p  [0,1]

Assume the solution of the above equation can be written as given in equation (1.7). By

substituting this solution into the above equation one can have:

p u i ( x )  y 0 ( x )  py 0 ( x )  p  p i u i ( x )   0

 

i 0
  
 i 0 

By equating the terms with identical powers of p one can have:

p 0 : u 0 ( x)  y0 ( x)  0 (1.10.a)

p1 : u1 ( x)  y0 ( x)  u 2 0 ( x)  0 (1.10.b)

p 2 : u 2 ( x)  2u 0 ( x)u1 ( x)  0 (1.10.c)

p 3 : u3 ( x)  2u 2 ( x)u 0 ( x)  u 21 ( x)  0 (1.10.e)

For simplicity, let u 0 ( x)  y 0 ( x) , then equation (1.10.a) is automatically satisfied.

Let y 0 ( x)  1 be the initial approximation of the differential equation (1.9), then

u 0 ( x)  1

By substituting u0 and y 0 into equation (1.10.b) one can have:

u1 ( x )  1

and this implies that:

- 10 -
Chapter One The Homotopy Perturbation Method for Solving the Ordinary Differential Equations
u1 ( x)   x

By substituting u 0 and u1 into equation (1.10.c) one can have:

u 2 ( x)  2 x

and this implies that:

u 2 ( x)  x 2

By substituting u1 , u 2 and u 3 into equation (1.10.e) one can have:

u 3 ( x)  3 x 3

and this implies that:

u3 ( x)   x 3

By continuing in this manner one can have:

ui ( x)  (1) i x i , i = 0, 1, …

By substituting these functions into equation (1.8) one can obtain:

y ( x)   (1) i x i
i 0

 .
1 x

which is the exact solution of the ordinary differential equation (1.9).

Example (1.2.2):

Consider the first order nonlinear ordinary differential equation:

y ( x)   y ( x)  x y ( x)  0 (1.11)

- 11 -
Chapter One The Homotopy Perturbation Method for Solving the Ordinary Differential Equations
Here A( y )  y  ( y  x) y  and f ( x)  0. The operator can be divided into two parts L and

N, where L( y )  y and N ( y )  ( y  x) y 

In this case, equation (1.6) becomes:

u ( x )  y0 ( x )  py 0 ( x )  pu ( x )  x u ( x )  0 , p  [0, 1]

By substituting equation (1.7) into the above equation one can have:

  p i u ( x)  x    p i u ( x)  0
 p u ( x)  y  ( x)  py
i 0
i 0 0 ( x )  p
i 0
 
i 0

By equating the terms with identical powers of p one can have:

p 0 : u 0 ( x)  y0 ( x)  0 (1.12.a)

p1 : u1 ( x)  y0 ( x)  (u 0 ( x)  x)u 0 ( x)  0 (1.12.b)

p 2 : u 2 ( x )  u 0 ( x )  x u1 ( x )  u1 ( x )u 0 ( x )  0 (1.12.c)

Let y0 ( x)  x , then from equation (1.12.a) one can have:

u0 ( x)  x .

From equation (1.12.b) one can have:

u1 ( x)  3x

Therefore, the first approximation of equation (1.11) is:

y ( x)  u 0 ( x)  u1 ( x)  2 x

which is the exact solution of the ordinary differential equation (1.11).

That is, the first approximation in this example is sufficient to give the exact solution. Next, if

we choose y0 ( x)  1, then u 0 ( x)  1, from equation (1.12.b) one can have:

- 12 -
Chapter One The Homotopy Perturbation Method for Solving the Ordinary Differential Equations
u1 ( x)  1

and from equation (1.12.c) one can get:

u 2 ( x)  0

and in a similar manner one can obtain:

u i ( x )  0, i  3,4,...


y ( x)   ui ( x)  0
i 0

which is the exact solution of the ordinary differential equation (1.11).

Example (1.2.3), [14]:

Consider the first order nonlinear ordinary differential equation:

y ( x)  y 2 ( x)  0, 0  x  1 (1.13.a)

together with the initial condition

y(0)  1 (1.13.b)

Here A( y ( x ))  y ( x )  y ( x ) and f ( x)  0.

To solve this example by the homotopy perturbation method, consider equations (1.10):

For simplicity, let u 0 ( x)  y0 ( x)  y (0)  1, then equation (1.10.a) is automaticly



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Chapter One The Homotopy Perturbation Method for Solving the Ordinary Differential Equations

y ( x)   ui ( x)
i 0


y ( 0)   u i ( 0)
i 0

But u 0 (0)  1, therefore u i (0)  0, i  1,2,.... Thus, equation (1.10.b) becomes:

u1 ( x)   y0 ( x)  u 2 0 ( x)
 1.

By integrating both sides of the above ordinary differential equation from 0 to x and using the

initial condition u 1 (0)=0 one can get:

u1 ( x )   x .

From equation (1.10.c) one can have:

u 2 ( x )   2u 0 ( x )u1 ( x )
 2x.

Then by integrating both sides of the above differential equation from 0 to x and by using the

initial condition u 2 (0)=0, one can get:

u 2 ( x)  x 2 .

By continuing in this manner one can obtain:

ui ( x)  (x)i , i  0,1,....


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Chapter One The Homotopy Perturbation Method for Solving the Ordinary Differential Equations

y ( x)   ui ( x)  1  x  x 2  
i 0

1 .

1 x

which is the exact solution of the above initial value problem.

Example (1.2.4):

Consider the first order nonlinear ordinary differential equation:

y( x)  y( x) y( x)  1 (1.14.a)

together with the initial condition

y(0)  1 (1.14.b)

Here A( y )  y  yy  and f ( x)  1. The operator A can be divided into two parts L and N,

where L( y )  y and N ( y )  yy 

In this case, equation (1.6) becomes:

u ( x)  y 0 ( x)  py 0 ( x)  p[u ( x)u ( x)  1]  0, p  [0,1]

By substituting equation (1.7) into the above equation one can have:

 i 

 i p i
u ( x )  y 0 ( x )  py 0 ( x )  p   p u i ( x )  p i
u 
i ( x )  10
i 0 i  0 i 0 

By equating the terms with identical powers of p one can have:

p 0 : u0 ( x)  y0 ( x)  0 (1.15.a)

p1 : u1 ( x)  y0 ( x)  u 0 ( x)u 0 ( x)  1  0 (1.15.b)

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Chapter One The Homotopy Perturbation Method for Solving the Ordinary Differential Equations
Let y 0 ( x)  1 , then from equation (1.15.a) one can have:

u 0 ( x)  1

From equation (1.15.b) one can have:

u1 ( x)  0

By continuing in this manner one can obtain:

ui ( x)  0, i  2,3,....


y ( x)   ui ( x)  1.
i 0

which is the exact solution of the above initial value problem.

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Chapter Two
The Homotopy Perturbation
Method for Solving the Integral
and Integro-Differential
Chapter Two The Homotopy Perturbation Method for Solving the Integral and Integro-Differential Equations


Many researchers used analytical methods and numerical methods for solving linear

and nonlinear integral and integro-differential equations [24], [26], [28].

The aim of this chapter is to use the homotopy perturbation method for solving special

types of linear and nonlinear integral and integro-differential equations of the second kind.

This chapter consists of three sections:

In section one, we describe the homotopy perturbation method for sovling the linear

Fredholm and Voltera integral equations of the second kind with its convergence.

In section two and three, we use the homotopy perturbation method to solve special

types of non-linear Fredholm integral and integro-differential equations of the second kind.

2.1 The Homotopy Perturbation Method for Solving Linear Integral Equations, [2]:

In this section, we use the homotopy perturbation method to solve the linear integral

equations of the second kind. To do this, first, consider the linear Fredholm integral equation

of the second kind:

u ( x)  f ( x)    k ( x, t )u (t )dt, x  [a, b] (2.1)

where f and k are known functions. The function f is said to be the driving term and k is said

to be the kernel function that depends on x, t and λ is a scalar parameter, a and b are known

constants and u is the unknown function that must be determined.

We rewrite equation (2.1) as:

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Chapter Two The Homotopy Perturbation Method for Solving the Integral and Integro-Differential Equations

A(u )  f ( x )  0 (2.2)

where A(u )  u ( x )    k ( x, t )u (t ) dt .

Then the integral operator A can be divided into two parts L and N such that equation (2.2)


L(u )  N (u )  f ( x)  0 (2.3)

where Lu  u and N    k ( x, t )udt.

Accoding to [13], we construct a homotopy v : [a, b]  [0,1] 

  which satisfies:

 b

H (v, p)  (1  p)v( x, p)  u0 ( x)  p v( x, p)    k ( x, t )v(t , p)dt  f ( x)  0 (2.4)
 a 

where p [0,1],  represents the set of all real numbers and u 0 is the initial approximation

to the solution of equation (2.1).

By using equation (2.4) it follows that:

H ( v ,0 )  v ( x ,0 )  u 0 ( x )  0

H (v,1)  v ( x,1)    k ( x, t )v (t ,1) dt  f ( x )  0

and the changing process of p from zero to unity is just that of v( x, p ) from u 0 ( x) to u (x ).


v( x,0)  u 0 ( x)  v( x,1)    k ( x, t )v(t ,1)dt  f ( x), x  [ a, b]

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Chapter Two The Homotopy Perturbation Method for Solving the Integral and Integro-Differential Equations


u 0 ( x)  u ( x), x  [a, b].

Next, we assume that the solution of equation (2.4) can be expressed as

v ( x, p )   p i v i ( x ) (2.5)
i 0

Therefore the approximated solution of the integral equation (2.1) can be obtained as follows:

u ( x )  lim v ( x , p )
p 1
 (2.6)
  vi ( x )
i 0

By substituting the approximated solution given by equation (2.5) into equation (2.4) one can


 b 

i 0
p i
v i
( x )  u 0
( x )  pu 0
( x )  p 
 a  k ( x , t ) 
i 0
p i
v i
(t )dt  f ( x )   0

Then by equating the terms with identical powers of p one can have:

p 0 : v0 ( x )  u 0 ( x )  0 (2.7.a)

p : v1 ( x)  u0 ( x)  f ( x)    k ( x, t )v0 (t )dt  0

p : v j ( x)    k ( x, t )v j 1 (t )dt  0, j  2,3,...

For simplicity we set v0 ( x )  u 0 ( x )  f ( x ), then equation (2.7.a) is automatically satisfied.

By substituting u 0 ( x )  v0 ( x )  f ( x ) into equation (2.7.b) one can have:

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Chapter Two The Homotopy Perturbation Method for Solving the Integral and Integro-Differential Equations

v1 ( x )    k ( x, t ) f (t )dt

By substituting v 1 into equation (2.7.c) one can have:

v 2 ( x )    k ( x, t )v1 (t )dt

In a similar manner one can get vi ( x), i  3,4,.... By substituting vi ( x ), i  0,1,... into

equation (2.6) one can get the approximated solution of the integral equation (2.1).

Next, we study the convergence of the homotopy perturbation method for solving the

integral equation (2.1). To do this, consider the iteration formula that is obtained by applying

the homotopy perturbation method to solve the integral equation (2.1):

vi ( x)    k ( x, t )vi 1 (t )dt , i  1,2,... (2.8)

with the initial approximation v0 ( x )  f ( x )

According to the previous equation, we define the partial sum as follow:

sn ( x)   vi ( x), n  0,1,... (2.9)
i 0

where s0 ( x )  f ( x ).

In view of equations (2.8) and (2.9), one can have:

s0 ( x )  f ( x )


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Chapter Two The Homotopy Perturbation Method for Solving the Integral and Integro-Differential Equations

n 1 n
s n1 ( x)   vi ( x)  v0 ( x)   vi ( x)
i 0 i 0
b b b
 f ( x)    k ( x, t )v0 (t )dt    k ( x, t )v1 (t )dt      k ( x, t )vn (t )dt
a a a
 f ( x)    k ( x, t )v0 (t )  v1 (t )    vn (t )dt
 f ( x)    k ( x, t ) s n (t )dt.

From [21], it is known that if v1 , v2 ,... be a sequence of functions, then the series  vi ( x ) is
i 1

said to be convergence to u if the sequence s n  of partial sums defined by:

s n ( x )   vi ( x )
i 0

converges to u.

Now, we are in the position that we can give the following theorem.

Theorem (2.1), [21]:

Consider the iteration scheme:

s0 ( x )  f ( x )


sn1 ( x)  f ( x)    k ( x, t ) sn (t )dt , n  0,1,...

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Chapter Two The Homotopy Perturbation Method for Solving the Integral and Integro-Differential Equations

to construct a sequence of successive iterations sn (x) to the solution of equation (2.1). Let

f  L2 (a, b) and


  k ( x, t )
dxdt  B 2  .

If   , then the above iteration scheme convergence to the solution of equation (2.1).

To illustrate this method, consider the following example.

Example (2.2):

Consider the following linear Fredholm integral equation of the second kind:

u ( x)  e3 x  (2 e3  1) x   xtu(t )dt, 0  x 1
9 0

Here a  0, b    1, f(x)  e 3x 
x 3
 
2e  1 and k ( x, t )  xt.


bb 11
  k ( x, t ) dxdt    x 2t 2 dxdt 
 B 2  .
aa 00 9


 1  3.

So, we can use the homotopy perturbation method to solve this example.

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Chapter Two The Homotopy Perturbation Method for Solving the Integral and Integro-Differential Equations

To do this, let

u 0 ( x )  v0 ( x )  f ( x )  e 3 x 
x 3

2e  1 . 

v1 ( x, t )    k ( x, t )v0 (t )dt

 

  xt e 3t  2e 3  1 dt
0  9 
 2  4e 3 
  x.
 27 


v2 ( x, t )    k ( x, t )v1 (t )dt
 2  4e 3 
  xt 2  dt
0  27 
 2  4e 3 
  x.
 81 

By continuing in this manner, one can have:

vi ( x, t )    k ( x, t )vi 1 (t )dt

 2  4e 3 
 i 1 
x, i  1,2,....
 27 (3) 


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Chapter Two The Homotopy Perturbation Method for Solving the Integral and Integro-Differential Equations

u ( x )   vi ( x )
i 0

 
x 3   2  4e 3 
e 3x
 2e  1    i 1 
9 i 1  27(3) 
 2  4e 3    1  i 1
e 3x x 3

 2e  1     x  
9  27  i 1  3 

 e 3x
x 3

 2e  1  

3  2  4e 3 
2  27 

 e 3x .

which is the exact solution of the above integral equation.

Example (2.3):

Consider the following linear Fredholm integral equation of the second kind:

8 3 4
u ( x)  e 3x
 e x  x  4 xtu(t )dt, 0  x 1
9 9 0

8 3 4
Here a  0, b  1,   4, f(x)  e 3x  e x  x and k ( x, t )  xt.
9 9


bb 11
  k ( x, t ) dxdt    x 2t 2 dxdt 
 B 2  .
aa 00 9


 4  3.

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Chapter Two The Homotopy Perturbation Method for Solving the Integral and Integro-Differential Equations

So, if we use the homotopy perturbation method to solve this example, then the solution that

is obtained by applying this method may be convergent to the exact solution or may not. To

do this, let

8 4
u 0 ( x )  v0 ( x )  f ( x )  e 3 x   e 3   x
9 9


v1 ( x, t )  4  xtf (t )dt

 4 
 4  xt e 3t  e 3t  t  dt
0  9 9 
 8 4
  e3   x
 27 27 


v2 ( x, t )  4  xtv1 (t )dt

 8 4
 4  xt 2  e 3  dt
0  27 27 
  32 3 6 
 e   x.
 81 81

By continuing in this manner, one can have:

vi ( x, t )  4  xtvi 1 (t )dt

  8(4) i 1 3 4(4) i 1 
 i 1
e  i 1 
x, i  1,2,....
 27 (3) 27 (3) 


- 25 -
Chapter Two The Homotopy Perturbation Method for Solving the Integral and Integro-Differential Equations

u ( x )   vi ( x )
i 0
   8( 4) i 1 4(4) i 1 
8 4
 e 3x   e 3   x    i 1
e 3
 i 1 
 9 9  i 1  27 (3) 27 (3) 


  8  4  i 1 3 4  4  i 1    8 3 4    4  i 1
  27  3  e  27  3  x   27 e  27  x  3  .
  
i 1       i 1  

 i 1 
4 4
But    is a geometric series, that is divergent since r   1. Therefore  vi ( x) is
i 1  3  3 i 0


Next, consider the linear Volterra integral equation of the second kind:

u ( x)  f ( x)    k ( x, t )u (t )dt (2.10)

where k is the kernel of the integral equation, f is the driving term,  is a scalar parameter, a

is a known constant and u is the unknown function that must be determined.

To solve this integral equation via the homotopy perturbation method, we rewrite

equation (2.10) as:

A(u )  f ( x )  0 (2.11)

where A(u )  u ( x)    k ( x, t )u (t )dt .

Then A can be divided into two parts L and N such that equation (2.11) becomes:

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Chapter Two The Homotopy Perturbation Method for Solving the Integral and Integro-Differential Equations

L(u )  N (u )  f ( x)  0

where Lu  u and Nu    k ( x, t )u (t ) dt .

Accoding to [13], we construct a homotopy v : [a, )  [0,1] 

  which satisfies:

 x

H (v, p)  (1  p)v( x, p)  u0 ( x)  pv( x, p)    k ( x, t )v(t , p)dt  0 (2.12)
 a 

where p [0,1]  represents the set of all real numbers and u 0 is the initial approximation to

the solution of equation (2.10).

By using equation (2.12) it follows that:

H ( v ,0 )  v ( x ,0 )  u 0 ( x )  0

H (v,1)  v ( x,1)    k ( x, t )v (t ,1) dt  f ( x )  0

and the changing process of p from zero to unity is just that of v( x, p ) from v( x,0)  u ( x) to

v ( x,1)    k ( x, t )v (t ,1) dt  f ( x ).


v( x,0)  u0 ( x)  v( x,1)    k ( x, t )v(t ,1)dt  f ( x), xa


u 0 ( x)  u ( x), x  a.

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Chapter Two The Homotopy Perturbation Method for Solving the Integral and Integro-Differential Equations

Next, we assume that the solution of equation (2.12) can be expressed as in equation

(2.5). By substituting this approximated solution into equation (2.12) one can get:

  x  
 i p v i
( x )  u 0 ( x )  pu 0 ( x )  p  
  k ( x , t )  i p i
v (t )dt  f ( x ) 0
i 0  a i  0 

Then by equating the terms with identical powers of p one can have:

p 0 : v0 ( x )  u 0 ( x )  0

p : v1 ( x)  u0 ( x)  f ( x)    k ( x, t )v0 (t )dt  0

p : v j ( x)    k ( x, t )v j 1 (t )dt  0, j  2,3,...

So, if we choose v0 ( x )  u 0 ( x )  f ( x ), then one can get the iteration formula.

v0 ( x )  f ( x )

vi ( x)    k ( x, t )vi 1 (t )dt , i  1,2,...

Next, we study the convergence of the homotopy perturbation method for solving the

integral equation (2.10). To do this, consider the following theorem.

Theorem (2.4), [21]:

Consider the iteration scheme:

s0 ( x )  f ( x )


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Chapter Two The Homotopy Perturbation Method for Solving the Integral and Integro-Differential Equations

sn1 ( x)  f ( x)    k ( x, t ) sn (t )dt , n  0,1,...

to construct a sequence of successive iterations s n (x ) to the solution of the integral equation


If f and k are real-valued continuous functions, then the above iteration scheme convergence

to the solution of the integral equation (2.10) for all values of  .

To illustrate this method consider the following example.

Example (2.5):

Consider the following linear Volterra integral equation of the second kind:

u ( x)  x    ( x  t )u (t )dt

To solve this example via the homotopy perturbation method, consider the iteration


v0 ( x )  u 0 ( x )  x.

vi 1 ( x)    ( x  t )vi (t )dt , i  0,1,....



v1 ( x)    t ( x  t )dt  x3
0 3!

- 29 -
Chapter Two The Homotopy Perturbation Method for Solving the Integral and Integro-Differential Equations


2 x
v2 ( x)  t ( x  t )dt
3! 0

 2
 x5.

By continuing in this manner, one can have:

vi ( x , t )  x 2i 1 , i  1,2,....
(2i  1)!

It is known that the sequence

n x 2i 1
sn ( x)   i
i 0 (2i  1)!

which is convergent for all values of  and x .


 x 2i 1
u ( x)    i
i 0 (2i  1)!

which is the exact solution of the above integral equation.

Note that, if   1, then u ( x)  sin( x).

2.2 The Homotopy Perturbation Method For Solving Non-Linear Integral Equations:

In this section, the homotopy perturbation method is used to solve special types of non-

linear Fredholm integral equations with some illustrative examples. To do this, consider the

following non-linear Fredholm integral equation of the second kind:

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Chapter Two The Homotopy Perturbation Method for Solving the Integral and Integro-Differential Equations

u ( x)  f ( x)    k ( x, t )u (t ) dt , axb

where q  , f is the driving term and k is the kernel of the integral equation that depends on

x and t, λ is a scalar parameter, a and b are known constants and u is the unknown function

that must be determined.

We rewrite equation (2.13) as:

A(u )  f ( x)  0 (2.14)

where A(u )  u ( x)    k ( x, t )u (t ) dt.

Then the integral operator A can be divided into two parts L and N equation (2.14)


L(u )  N (u )  f ( x)  0

where L (u )  u and N (u )     k ( x , t )u (t )  tdt .

Accoding to [13], we can construct a homotopy v : a , b   0,1 

  which satisfies:

 b

H (v, p )  (1  p )v( x, p )  u 0 ( x)  p v( x, p )    k ( x, t )v(t , p ) dt  f ( x)  0
 a 

where p [0,1],  represents the set of all real numbers and u 0 is the initial approximation

to the solution of equation (2.13).

By using equation (2.15) it follows that:

H ( v ,0 )  v ( x ,0 )  u 0 ( x )  0

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Chapter Two The Homotopy Perturbation Method for Solving the Integral and Integro-Differential Equations

H (v,1)  v( x,1)    k ( x, t )v(t ,1) dt  f ( x)  0

and the changing process of p from zero to unity is just that of v(v, p) from u0 ( x) to u(x).


v( x,0)  u0 ( x)  v( x,1)    k ( x, t )v(t ,1) dt  f ( x), x  [ a, b]


u 0 ( x)  u ( x), x  [a, b].

Next, we assume that the solution of equation (2.15) can be expressed as in equation

(2.5). By substituting the approximated solution given by equation (2.5) into equation (2.15)

one can get:

  b  i 

 p vi ( x)  u0 ( x)  pu0 ( x)  p    k ( x, t )  p vi (t ) dt  f ( x)  0

i 0  a  i 0  

Then by equating the terms with identical powers of p one can have:

p 0 : v0 ( x )  u ( x )  0 (2.16.a)

p : v1 ( x)  u 0 ( x)  f ( x)    k ( x, t )v0 (t ) dt  0
1 q

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Chapter Two The Homotopy Perturbation Method for Solving the Integral and Integro-Differential Equations

 b
 v2 ( x)    k ( x, t )2v0 (t )v1 (t )dt  0, if q  2
 a

 
 v ( x)   k ( x, t ) 3(v (t )) 2 v (t ) dt  0, if q  3
p2 :  2  0 1

 
 v ( x)   k ( x, t ) 4(v (t )) 3 v (t ) dt  0, if q  4
 2  0 1
 a


 
b j 1
 v j ( x)    k ( x, t )  vk (t )v j k 1 (t ) dt  0, if q  2
 a k 0

 
b j 1 j i 1
 v ( x)   k ( x, t )   v (t )v (t )v
p j :
j  i k j  k i 1 (t ) dt  0, if q  3
a i  0 k  0

 
b j 1 j i 1 j i  k 1
 v ( x )   k ( x, t )
 j     vi (t )vk (t )vl (t )v j l k i1 (t ) dt  0, if q  4
i 0 k 0 l 0
 a


where j=3,4,….

For simplicity, we set v 0 ( x)  u 0 ( x)  f ( x) , then equation (2.16.a) is automatically

satisfied. By substituting v 0 ( x)  u 0 ( x)  f ( x) into equation (2.16.b) one can have:

v1 ( x)    k ( x, t )v0 (t ) dt  0

By substituting v0 ,v1 into equation (2.16.c) one can get v2 ( x).

In a similar manner, one can get vi ( x ), i  3,4,... By substituting vi ( x ), i  0,1,... into equation

(2.6) one can get the approximated solution of the integral equation (2.13).

To illustrate this method consider the following examples.

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Chapter Two The Homotopy Perturbation Method for Solving the Integral and Integro-Differential Equations

Example (2.4):

Consider the following nonlinear Fredholm integral equation of the second kind:

1 1
u ( x)  x 2    ( x 2  t )u (t ) dt, 0  x  1
4 2
5 6 0

4 2 1
Here a  0, b    1, q  2, f(x)  x  and k ( x, t )  x 2  t.
5 6

To solve this example via the homotopy perturbation method, let

4 2 1
v0 ( x )  u 0 ( x )  f ( x )  x 
5 6
 0.8x 2  0.16667.


v1 ( x)   k ( x, t )v0 (t )  dt

4 1
  ( x  t )  t 2   dt

0 5 6
 0.18722  0.24467 x 2 .

In this case, let N=1, then

u ( x)   vi ( x)  v0 ( x)  v1 ( x)  1.04466 x 2  2.05555  10 2
i 0

Next, we must find v2 ( x ) :

v2 ( x)   k ( x, t )2v0 (t )v1 (t )dt
4 1    337 367 2 
 2 ( x 2  t )  t 2     t  dt
0  5 6  1800 1500 
 0.02046  0.05678 x 2 .
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Chapter Two The Homotopy Perturbation Method for Solving the Integral and Integro-Differential Equations

In this case, let N=2, then

u ( x)   vi ( x)  v0 ( x)  v1 ( x)  v2 ( x)
i 0

 0.98789 x 2  2.62963  105

The following table gives the approximated solution of example (2.4) for different values of


Table (1.1) represents the approximated solutions of example (2.4) for different values of N.

N u (x) N u(x) N u(x)

0 0.8x2+0.166667 4 1.00222x2–1.26717×10-3 8 0.99993x2+1.31635×10-5

1 1.04466x2–2.05555×10-2 5 0.99924x2+6.40980×10-5 9 1.00001x2+1.52175×10-5

2 0.98789x2–9.62963×10-5 6 0.99994x2+2.05376×10-4 10 1.00001x2–1.03366×10-5

3 0.99762x2+3.58386×10-3 7 1.00016x2–1.06638×10-4 11 1.00001x2–1.00453×10-5

Note that from the above table one can deduce that as N increases, the approximated solution

of the integral equation (2.17) converges to the exact solution u ( x)  x 2 .

2.3 The Homotopy Perturbation Method for Solving Non-Linear Fredholm Integro-

Differential Equations, [26]:

In this section, the homotopy perturbation method is employed for solving the initial value

problems of special types of the first order non-linear Fredholm integro-differential equations

with some illustrative examples.

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Chapter Two The Homotopy Perturbation Method for Solving the Integral and Integro-Differential Equations

To do this, consider the following first order nonlinear Fredholm integro-differential

equation of the second kind:

u ( x)  f ( x)    k ( x, t )u (t ) dt , axb

together with the initial condition:

u (a )   (2.18.b)

where q  , f is the driving term and k is the kernel of the integro-differential equation that

depends on x and t, λ is a scalar parameter, a and b are known constants and u is the

unknown function that must be determined.

It is clear that, if q=1, then the integro-differential equation is linear, otherwise it is


We rewrite equation (2.18.a) as:

A(u )  f ( x)  0 (2.19)

   k ( x, t )u (t ) dt .
where A(u )  q
dx a

Then the operator A can be divided into two parts L and N such that equation (2.19)


L(u )  N (u )  f ( x)  0

and N (u )    k ( x, t )u (t )q dt .
where L(u ) 
dx a

According to [13], we construct a homotopy v : a , b   0,1 

  which satisfies:

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Chapter Two The Homotopy Perturbation Method for Solving the Integral and Integro-Differential Equations

 dv( x, p ) du 0 ( x)   dv( x, p ) b

H (v, p )  (1  p )       k ( x, t )v(t , p ) dt  f ( x)  0 (2.20)
 dx dx   dx a 

where p [0,1]  represents the set of all real numbers and u 0 is the initial approximation to

the solution of equation (2.18.a) which satisfies the initial condition given by equation


By using equation (2.20) it follows that:

dv( x,0) du 0 ( x)
H ( v ,0 )   0
dx dx

   k ( x, t )v(t ,1) dt  f ( x)  0
dv( x,1)
H (v,1) 
dx a

and the changing process of p from zero to unity is just that of v( x, p ) from u 0 ( x) to u (x).


v( x,0) v0 ( x) v( x,1) b

     k ( x, t )v(t ,1) dt  f ( x), x  [ a, b]
x x x a


u 0 ( x)  u ( x), x  [a, b].

Next, we assume that the solution of equation (2.18.a) can be expressed as in equation


By substituting the approximated solution given by equation (2.5) into equation (2.20) one

can get:

 dvi ( x) du 0 ( x) du ( x)  b  i 

 p dx i
 p 0  p    k ( x, t )  p vi (t ) dt  f ( x)  0
i 0 dx dx  a  i 0  
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Chapter Two The Homotopy Perturbation Method for Solving the Integral and Integro-Differential Equations

Then by equating the terms with identical powers of p one can have:

dv0 ( x) du 0 ( x)
p0 :  0 (2.21.a)
dx dx

 f ( x)    k ( x, t )v0 (t ) dt  0
dv1 ( x) du0 ( x)

1 q
p : (2.21.b)
dx dx a

 dv2 ( x) b
    k ( x, t )2v0 (t )v1 (t )dt  0, if q  2
 dx a

 
 dv2 ( x)   k ( x, t ) 3(v (t )) 2 v (t ) dt  0, if q  3
p :  dx
2  0 1

 
 dv2 ( x)   k ( x, t ) 4(v (t )) 3 v (t ) dt  0, if q  4
 dx  0 1
 a


 dv j ( x)
 
b j 1
    k ( x, t )  vk (t )v j k 1 (t ) dt  0, if q  2
 dx a i 0
 dv ( x)
 
b j 1 j i 1
 j    vi (t )vk (t )v j k i1 (t ) dt  0,
p j :  dx
  k ( x , t ) if q  3
a i 0 k 0

 
b j 1 j i 1 j i  k 1
 dv j ( x)   k ( x, t )
 dx     vi (t )vk (t )vl (t )v j l k i1 (t ) dt  0, if q  4
i 0 k 0 l 0
 a


where j=3,4,….

Since u (a )   then we choose u 0 ( x)     f (t )dt and this implies that u 0 (a )   . Also, for

simplicity we set v0 ( x)  u 0 ( x)     f (t )dt. So equation (2.21.a) is automatically satisfied.


Therefore by substituting x  a in equation (2.6) one can have:

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Chapter Two The Homotopy Perturbation Method for Solving the Integral and Integro-Differential Equations

u ( a )   vi ( a )
i 0

But v0 (a )  u (a )   , hence vi (a )  0, i  1,2,.... By substituting v0 ( x)  u 0 ( x)     f (t )dt


into equation (2.21.b) one can get:

dv1 ( x) b
 t

   k ( x, t )    f ( z )dz  dt  0
dx a  a 

By integrating both sides of the above differential equation and by using the initial condition

u1 (a )  0 one can obtain:

 t

v1 ( x)     k ( s, t )    f ( z )dz  dtd s  0 (2.22)
aa  a 

By substituting v0 and v1 into equation (2.21.c) and by solving the resulting first order linear

ordinary differential equation together with the initial condition v2 (a )  0 one can get v2 ( x) .

Then by substituting j= 3 v0 , v1 and v2 into equation (2.21.e) and by using initial condition

v3 (a )  0 one can solve the resulting first order linear ordinary differential equation to get

v3 ( x) . In a similar manner one can get vi ( x ), i  4,5,.... By substituting vi ( x ), i  0,1,... into

equation (2.6) one can get the approximated solution of the initial value problem given by

equations (2.18).

To illustrate this method consider the following examples.

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Chapter Two The Homotopy Perturbation Method for Solving the Integral and Integro-Differential Equations

Example (2.5), [28]:

Consider the initial value problem that consists of the first order linear Fredholm

integro-differential equation of the second kind:

1 5 1
u ( x )   x   ( xt  1)u (t ) dt , 0  x 1 (2.23.a)
2 6 0

together with the initial condition:

u ( 0)  1 (2.23.b)

1 5
Here a  0, b    1, f(x)   x and k ( x, t )  xt  1.
2 6

We use the homotopy perturbation method to solve this example. To do this, let

1 5 
b x
v0 ( x)  u 0 ( x)     f (t )dt  1     t  dt
a 0 2 6 

1 5
1 x  x2
2 12

 1  0.5x  0.41667x 2 .


 1 5 
v1 ( x)    ( st  1) 1  t  t 2 dtds
00  2 12 

 0.11458 x 2  1.375 x.

In this case, let N=1, then

u ( x)   vi ( x)  v0 ( x)  v1 ( x)  1  0.11111x  0.30208 x 2
i 0

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Chapter Two The Homotopy Perturbation Method for Solving the Integral and Integro-Differential Equations

Next, we must find v2 ( x)

 
v2 ( x)    ( st  1) 0.11458x 2  1.375 x dtds

 0.11617x 2  0.34375x.

Therefore, for N=2,

u ( x)   vi ( x)  v0 ( x)  v1 ( x)  v2 ( x)
i 0

 1  0.45486x  0.18591x 2

In a similar manner one can get vi ( x), i  3,4,... .The following table gives the approximated

solutions for different values of N.

Table (1.2) represents the approximated solutions of example (2.5) for different values of N.

N u(x) N u(x) N U(X)

0 1–0.5x–0.41667x2 9 1+0.98903x–3.7401×10-3x2 18 1+0.99986x–4.6173×10-5x2

1 1+0.11111x–0.30208x2 10 1+0.99327x–2.2952×10-3x2 19 1+0.99992x–2.8335×10-5x2

2 1+0.45486x–0.18591x2 11 1+0.99587x–1.4085×10-3x2 20 1+0.99995x–1.7389×10-5x2

3 1+0.79470x–0.070018×10-2x2 12 1+0.99747x–8.6440×10-4x2 21 1+0.99997x–1.0671×10-5x2

4 1+0.87401x–4.2969×10-2x2 13 1+0.99844x–5.3047×10-4x2 22 1+0.99998x–6.5488×10-6x2

5 1+0.92268x–2.6369×10-2x2 14 1+0.99905x–3.2554×10-4x2 23 1+0.99999x–4.0189×10-6x2

6 1+0.95255x–1.6183×10-2x2 15 1+0.99941x–1.9978×10-4x2 24 1+0.99999x–2.4663×10-6x2

7 1+0.97088x–9.9310×10-3x2 16 1+0.99964x–1.2260×10-4x2 25 1+x–1.5136×10-6x2

8 1+0.98213x–6.0945×10-3x2 17 1+0.99978x–7.5238×10-5x2 26 1+x–1.00336×10-6x2

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Chapter Two The Homotopy Perturbation Method for Solving the Integral and Integro-Differential Equations

Note that from the above table one can deduce that as N increases the approximated solution

of the initial value problem given by equations (2.23) converges to the exact solution


Example (2.6), [26]:

Consider the initial value problem that consider of the first order nonlinear Fredholm integro-

differential equation:

x   ( x 2  t )u (t ) dt
159 1 2 2
u ( x)  
160 64 0

together with the initial condition:

u (0)  0 (2.24.b)

1 159 1 2
Here a=0, b= , q=3,   1 , f ( x)   x and k ( x, t )  x 2  t .
2 160 64

We use the homotopy perturbation method to solve this example. To do this, let

156 1 2 
v0 ( x )  u 0 ( x )     t  dt
0 160 64 

159 1 3
 x x .
160 192


159 1 3
v1 ( x)    ( s  t ) 
t t  dtds .
00 160 192 

 6.11634  10 3 x  5.09791  10 3 x 3 .
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Chapter Two The Homotopy Perturbation Method for Solving the Integral and Integro-Differential Equations

In this case, let N=1, then

u ( x)   vi ( x)  v0 ( x)  v1 ( x)
i 0

 0.99987 x  1.10428  10 4 x 3 .

Next, we must find v2 ( x)

v2 ( x)    ( s 2  t )3v0 (t )v1 (t )dtds

 8.54066  10 4 x  8.38354  10 4 x 3 .

Therefore, for N=2,

u ( x)   vi ( x)  v0 ( x)  v1 ( x)  v2 ( x)
i 0

 1.00072x - 7.27926 × 10 -4 x 3 .

In a similar manner one can get vi ( x), i  3,4,... . The following table gives the approximated

solutions of example (2.6) for different values of N.

Table (1.3) represents the approximated solutions of example (2.6) for different values of N.

N u(x) N u(x) N u(x)

0 0.99375x-5.20833×10-3x3 4 1.00086x+8.63897×10-4x3 8 1.00086x+8.66701×10-4x3

1 0.99987x-1.10428×10-4x3 5 1.00086x+8.66308×10-4x3 9 1.00086x+8.66702×10-4x3

2 1.00072x-7.27926×10-4x3 6 1.00086x+8.66651×10-4x3 10 1.00086x+8.66703×10-4x3

3 1.00084x+8.46953×10-4x3 7 1.00086x+8.66700×10-4x3 11 1.00086x+8.66704×10-4x3

- 43 -
Chapter Two The Homotopy Perturbation Method for Solving the Integral and Integro-Differential Equations

Note that from the above table one can deduce that as N increases the approximated

solution of the initial value problem given by equations (2.24) converges to the exact solution


Example (2.7), [26]:

Consider the initial value problem that consists of the nonlinear first order Fredholm

integral differential equation:

1 1
x    ( xt  1)u (t ) dt
u ( x) 
6 5 0

together with the initial condition:

u (0)  0 (2.25.b)

11 1
Here a=0, b=  =1, q=2, f ( x)  x  and k ( x, t )  xt  1 .
6 5

We use the homotopy perturbation method to solve this example. To do this, let
11 1
v0 ( x)  u 0 ( x)   ( t  )dt
0 6 5

11 2 1
 x  x.
12 5


11 1 
v1 ( x)    ( s t  1)  t 2  t  dtds

00 12 5 

 0.03836 x 2  0.8975 x. .

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Chapter Two The Homotopy Perturbation Method for Solving the Integral and Integro-Differential Equations

In this case, let N=1, then

u ( x)   vi ( x)  v0 ( x)  v1 ( x)
i 0

 0.95502 x 2  0.11028 x .

Next, we must find u 2 ( x )

v2 ( x)    k ( s, t )2v0 (t )v1 (t )dtds

 0.01629 x 2  0.03939 x. .

Therefore, for N=2,

u ( x)   vi ( x)  v0 ( x)  v1 ( x)  v2 ( x)
i 0

 0.97131x 2  7.09997 × 10 -2 x.

In a similar manner one can get vi ( x ), i  3,4,... . The following table gives the approximated

solutions for different values of N.

- 45 -
Chapter Two The Homotopy Perturbation Method for Solving the Integral and Integro-Differential Equations

Table (2.4) represents the approximated solutions of example (2.7) for different values of N

N U(x) N u(x) N u(x)

0 0.91667x2–0.2x 13 0.998330x2–4.16697×10-3x 26 0.999838x2–4.04670×10-4x

1 0.95502x2–0.11028x 14 0.998631x2–3.41862×10-3x 27 0.999863x2–3.43486×10-4x

2 0.97131x2–7.09997×10-2x 15 0.998872x2–2.81678×10-3x 28 0.999883x2–2.91965×10-4x

3 0.98022x2–4.90465×10-2x 16 0.999067x2–2.32982×10-3x 29 0.999901x2–2.48517×10-4x

4 0.98572x2–3.54806×10-2x 17 0.999226x2–1.93369×10-3x 30 0.999915x2–2.11818×10-4x

5 0.98936x2–2.64527×10-2x 18 0.999355x2–1.60990×10-3x 31 0.999928x2–1.80774×10-4x

6 0.99190x2–2.01584×10-2x 19 0.999462x2–1.34412×10-3x 32 0.999938x2–1.54475×10-4x

7 0.99373x2–1.56202×10-2x 20 0.999550x2–1.12510×10-3x 33 0.999947x2–1.32165×10-4x

8 0.99508x2–1.22643×10-2x 21 0.999622x2–9.43993×10-4x 34 0.999954x2–1.13214×10-4x

9 0.996096x2–9.73292×10-3x 22 0.999682x2–7.93753×10-4x 35 0.999961x2–9.70962×10-5x

10 0.996875x2–7.79290×10-3x 23 0.999732x2–6.68758×10-4x 36 0.999966x2–8.33727×10-5x

11 0.997480x2–6.28651×10-3x 24 0.999774x2–5.64490×10-4x 37 0.999971x2–7.16747×10-5x

12 0.997955x2–5.10395×10-3x 25 0.999809x2–4.77297×10-4x 38 0.999975x2–6.16927×10-5x

Note that from the above table one can deduce that as N increases, the approximated

solution of the initial value problem given by equations (2.25) converges to the exact solution

u ( x)  x 2 .

- 46 -
Chapter Three
The Homotopy Perturbation
Method for Solving Some
Nonlocal Problems
Chapter Three The Homotopy Perturbation Method for Solving Some Nonlocal Problem

It is seen that in the modeling of many real life applications systems in various fields of

physics, ecology, biology, etc, an integral term over the spatial domain is appeared in some part

or in the whole boundary, [8]. Such boundary value problems are known as nonlocal problems.

The integral term may appear in the boundary conditions. Nonlocal conditions appear when

values of the function on the boundary are connected to values inside the domain, [3]

Many researchers studied the nonlocal problems, say, [7] used Galerkin method for

solving the nonlocal problem for the diffusion equation, [6] discussed the existence of the

solutions for the nonlocal problem of the one-dimensional wave equations, [30] used Fourier

method to establish the existence of the solution for a class of linear hyperbolic equations with

nonlocal conditions, [27] used the homotopy perturbation method for solving the one-

dimensional parabolic integro-differential equations with some real life applications.

In this chapter, we use the homotopy perturbation method to solve some types of the

nonlocal problems.

This chapter consists of two sections:

In section one, we use the homotopy perturbation method for solving the one-dimensional

wave equation with non-homogeneous Neumann and nonlocal conditions.

In section two, we give the solution of hyperbolic integro-differential equations with non-

homogeneous Neumann and nonlocal conditions via the homotopy perturbation method.

- 47 -
Chapter Three The Homotopy Perturbation Method for Solving Some Nonlocal Problem
3.1 Solutions of One-Dimensional Wave Equation with Non-Homogeneous Neumann

and Nonlocal Conditions:

Consider the one-dimensional non-homogeneous wave equation:

 2 u ( x, t )  2 u ( x, t )
  f ( x, t ), (x, t)   (3.1.a)
t 2 x 2

together with the initial conditions:

u ( x ,0)  r1 ( x ), 0  x  , (3.1.b)

u ( x, t )
 r2 ( x), 0  x  , (3.1.c)
t t 0

the non-homogeneous Neumann condition:

u ( x, t )
  (t ), 0  t  T (3.1.d)
x x 0

and the non-homogeneous nonlocal condition:

 u ( x, t )dx   (t ), 0t T (3.1.e)


where f is a known function of x and t,   ( x, t ) 0  x  , 0  t  T , r1 , r2 , and  are given

functions that must satisfy the compatibility conditions:

 
r1(0)   (0), r2 (0)   (0),  r1 ( x)dx   (0), and  r2 ( x)dx   (0).
0 0

To solve this nonlocal problem by the homotopy perturbation method, we first transform this

nonlocal problem into another nonlocal problem, but with homogeneous Neumann condition and

homogeneous nonlocal conditions. To do this we use the transformation that appeared in [1]:

- 48 -
Chapter Three The Homotopy Perturbation Method for Solving Some Nonlocal Problem
w( x, t )  u ( x, t )  z ( x, t ), (x, t)   (3.2)

    (t )
where z ( x, t )   (t )  x    .
 2 


 2 u ( x , t )  2 w( x , t )  2 z ( x , t )
 
t 2 t 2 t 2


 2 u ( x , t )  2 w( x , t )
 .
x 2 x 2

Therefore the nonlocal problem given by equations (3.1) is transformed to the one-dimensional

non-homogeneous wave equation:

 2 w( x, t )  2 w( x, t )
  g ( x, t ), (x, t)   (3.3.a)
t 2 x 2

together with the initial conditions:

w( x,0)  q1 ( x ), 0  x   (3.3.b)

w ( x , t )
 q 2 ( x ), 0  x   (3.3.c)
t t  0

the homogeneous Neumann condition:

w( x, t )
 0, t0 (3.3.c)
x x 0

and the homogeneous nonlocal condition:

 w( x, t )dx  0, t0 (3.3.d)


- 49 -
Chapter Three The Homotopy Perturbation Method for Solving Some Nonlocal Problem
 z(x,t)
z ( x, t )
where g ( x , t )  f ( x , t )  , q1 ( x)  r1 ( x)  z ( x,0) and q 2 ( x)  r2 ( x)  .
t 2 t t 0

To solve this nonlocal problem by the homotopy perturbation method, we construct a

homotopy v :   [0,1] 
 which satisfies:

 2 v( x, t , p)  2 w0 ( x, t )  2 w0 ( x, t )   2 v( x, t , p) 
H (v, p)   p  p   g ( x, t )  0 (3.4)
t 2 t 2 t 2  x 2

where p  [0,1] ,  represents the set of all real numbers and w 0 is the initial approximation to

the solution of equation (3.3.a) which satisfies the initial conditions, the Neumann condition and

the nonlocal condition given by equations (3.3.b)-(3.3.d).

By using equation (3.4) it follows that:

 2 v ( x , t ,0 )  2 w0 ( x , t )
H ( v ,0 )   0
t 2 t 2

 2 v ( x , t ,1)  2 v ( x , t ,1)
H ( v ,1)    g ( x, t )  0
t 2 x 2
Next, we assume that the solution of equation (3.4) can be expressed as:

w( x, t , p)   p i vi ( x, t ) (3.5)
i 0

Therefore the approximated solution of the nonlocal problem given by equations (3.3) can be

obtained as follows:

w( x, t )  lim v( x, t , p)   vi ( x, t ) (3.6)
p1 i 0

By substituting the approximated solution given by equation (3.5) into equation (3.4) one

can get:

- 50 -
Chapter Three The Homotopy Perturbation Method for Solving Some Nonlocal Problem
 vi ( x, t )  w0 ( x, t )
 2
 w0 ( x, t )
  i  2 vi ( x, t )

H (v, p)   p i
 p  p   p  g ( x, t )  0.
i 0 t 2
t 2
t 2
 i 0 x 2

Then by equating the terms with identical powers of p one can have:

 2 v0 ( x, t )  2 w0 ( x, t )
p : 0
 0 (3.7.a)
t 2 t 2

 2 v1 ( x, t )  2 w0 ( x, t )  2 v0 ( x, t )
p : 1
   g ( x, t )  0 (3.7.b)
t 2 t 2 x 2

 2 v j ( x, t )  2 v j 1 ( x, t )
p : j
  0, j  2,3,... (3.7.c)
t 2 x 2

For simplicity, we take v0 ( x, t )  w0 ( x, t ). In this case equation (3.7.a) is automatically satisfied.

Let w0 ( x, t )  q1 ( x)  q2 ( x)t then

w 0 ( x , 0 )  q1 ( x ), 0  x  ,

w0 ( x, t )
 q 2 ( x ), 0  x  ,
t t 0

 
w0 ( x, t ) z ( x , t )   2 z ( x, t ) 
 q1 (0)  q 2 (0)t  r1(0)    r2 (0)  t
x x0 x t  0 t x t  0 
x0  x0 
 
 r1(0)   (0)  r2 (0)t   (0)t  0, 0  t  T


    
 z ( x, t ) 
 0
w ( x, t ) dx   1
q ( x ) dx  t  2
q ( x ) dx   1
( r ( x )  z ( x,0))dx  t  r2 ( x)  t  dx
0 0 0 0 0 t 0 

  (0)   (0)   (0)t   (0)t  0, t  0.

Therefore w o satisfies the initial conditions, the Neumann condition and the nonlocal condition

given by equations (3.3.b)-(3.3.d). Therefore by substituting t=0 in equation (3.6) one can have:

- 51 -
Chapter Three The Homotopy Perturbation Method for Solving Some Nonlocal Problem

w( x,0)   vi ( x,0).
i 0

But v0 ( x,0)  q1 ( x) and w( x ,0)  q1 ( x ), hence vi ( x,0)  0, i  1,2,.... By substituting v0 ( x, t ) 

w0 ( x, t )  q1 ( x)  q2 ( x)t into equation (3.7.b) one can get:

 2 v1 ( x, t )
 q ( x)  tq 2( x)  g ( x, t )
t 2 1

By integrating twice for both sides of the above differential equation with respect to t and by

v1 ( x, t )
using the initial conditions v1 (x,0)  0 and  0 one can obtain:
t t 0

t2 t3 t s
v1 ( x, t )  q1( x)  q2 ( x)    g ( x,  )dds.
2 6 00

By substituting v1 into equation (3.7.c) and by solving the resulting second order linear partial

v2 ( x, t )
differential equation together with the initial conditions v2 ( x,0)  0 and  0 one can
t t 0

get v 2 ( x, t ). In a similar manner one can get vi ( x, t ), i  3,4,.... By substituting vi ( x, t ), i  0,1,...

into equation (3.6) one can get the approximated solution w of the nonlocal problem given by

equations (3.3). Therefore from equation (3.2):

u ( x, t )  w( x, t )  z ( x, t )   vi ( x, t )  z ( x, t ), (x, t)  
i 0

which is the solution of the original nonlocal problem given by equations (3.1).

To illustrate this method consider the following example

- 52 -
Chapter Three The Homotopy Perturbation Method for Solving Some Nonlocal Problem
Example (3.1):

Consider the homogeneous wave equation:

 2 u ( x, t )  2 u ( x, t )
  0, 0  x  , 0  t 1 (3.8.a)
t 2 x 2

together with the initial conditions:

u ( x , 0 )  cos( x ), 0 x  (3.8.b)

u ( x, t )
  cos( x), 0 x  (3.8.c)
t t 0

the homogeneous Neumann condition:

u ( x, t )
 0, 0  t 1 (3.8.d)
x x0

and the homogeneous nonlocal condition:

 u ( x, t )dx  0, 0  t  1 (3.8.d)

It is easy to check that the compatibility conditions are satisfied for this nonlocal problem. We

use the homotopy perturbation method to solve this example. To do this, let

u( x, t )
v0 ( x, t )  u0 ( x, t )  u( x,0)  t  cos(x)  t cos(x). From equation (3.7.b) and by
t t 0

using the initial conditions:

v1 ( x, t )
 v1 ( x,0)  0 one can have:
t t 0

1 2 1
v1 ( x, t )  t cos(x)  t 3 cos(x).
2! 3!

- 53 -
Chapter Three The Homotopy Perturbation Method for Solving Some Nonlocal Problem

 1 1 
v0 ( x, t )  v1 ( x, t )  1  t  t 2  t 3  cos( x).
 2 6 

From equation (3.7.c) one can get:

t 
 2 v1 ( x, s )
v 2 ( x, t )    dsd
00  x 2

1 1
 t 4 cos( x )  t 5 cos( x ).
4! 5!

and this implies:

 1 1 1 1 
u ( x, t )   vi ( x, t )  1  t  t 2  t 3  t 4  t 5  cos( x).
i 0  2 3! 4! 5! 

and by continuing in this manner one can have:

u ( x, t )   vi ( x, t )  e t cos( x).
i 0

which is the exact solution of the nonlocal problem given by equations (3.8).

Example (3.2):

Consider the one-dimensional non-homogeneous wave equation:

 2 u ( x, t )  2 u ( x, t ) 
   x sin( t )  4e  2 x , 0  x  , 0  t  1 (3.9.a)
t 2
x 2

together with the initial conditions:

u ( x ,0 )  e  2 x , 0x (3.9.b)

- 54 -
Chapter Three The Homotopy Perturbation Method for Solving Some Nonlocal Problem
u ( x, t ) 
 x, 0x (3.9.c)
t t 0 2

the non-homogeneous Neumann condition:

u ( x, t )
 sin(t )  2, 0  t 1 (3.9.d)
x x 0

and the non-homogeneous nonlocal condition:

2 1 1 1
 u ( x, t )dx  8 
sin(t )  e   , 0  t 1 (3.9.d)
0 2 2

It is easy to check that the compatibility conditions are satisfied for this nonlocal problem. We

use the homotopy perturbation method to solve this example. To do this, consider the

transformation given by equation (3.2). In this case:

1 1 1 1 
z ( x, t )  (sin(t )  2)( x   )  2(  2 sin(t )e  )e   1
4  8 2 

Therefore the nonlocal problem given by equations (3.9) is transformed to the one-dimensional

non-homogeneous wave equation

 2 w( x, t )  2 w( x, t ) 
  4e  2 x , 0 x , 0  t  1,
t 2
x 2

together with the initial conditions:

w( x,0)  e 2 x  2 x 



1  e ,


w( x, t ) 
 0, 0x ,
t t 0 2

the homogeneous Neumann condition:

- 55 -
Chapter Three The Homotopy Perturbation Method for Solving Some Nonlocal Problem
w( x, t )
 0, 0  t 1
x x 0

and the homogeneous nonlocal condition:

 w( x, t )dx  0, 0  t  1.

To solve this nonlocal problem by using the homotopy perturbation method, let

v0 ( x, t )  w0 ( x, t )  q1 ( x )  q 2 ( x )t


2e 2 x  4x   2  2e   2 
From equation (3.24.b) one can have:

t2 t3 t s
 
v1 ( x, t )  q1 ( x)  q2 ( x)    g ( x,  )dds
2 6 00


vi ( x, t )  0, i  2,3,....


w( x, t )  w0 ( x, t )


2e 2 x  4x   2  2e   2 . 
which is the exact solution of the above nonlocal problem.


u ( x, t )  w0 ( x, t )  z ( x, t )
 e -2x  x sin( x ).

which is the exact solution of the original nonlocal problem.

- 56 -
Chapter Three The Homotopy Perturbation Method for Solving Some Nonlocal Problem
3.2 Solutions of the Hyperbolic Integro-Differential Equations with Non-Homogeneous

Neumann and Nonlocal Conditions:

Consider the hyperbolic integro-differential equation:

 2 u ( x, t )  2 u ( x, t ) t
  cu ( x, t )   k (t , s)u ( x, s)ds  f ( x, t ), (x, t)   (3.10.a)
t 2 x 2 0

together with the initial conditions:

u ( x,0)  r1 ( x ), 0x (3.10.b)

u ( x , t )
 r2 ( x ), 0 x (3.10.c)
t t  0

the non-homogeneous Neumann condition:

u ( x, t )
  (t ), 0t T (3.10.d)

and the non-homogeneous nonlocal condition:

 u ( x, t )dx   (t ), 0tT (3.10.e)


Where c is a known constant, f is a known function of x and t,   ( x, t ) 0  x  ,0  t  T ,

r1 , r2 , and  are given functions that must satisfy the previous compatibility conditions.

To solve this nonlocal problem by the homotopy perturbation method, we first transform

this nonlocal problem into another nonlocal problem, but with homogeneous Neumann condition

and homogeneous nonlocal condition. To do this we use the transformation given by equation

(3.2). Therefore the nonlocal problem given by equations (3.10) is transformed to the hyperbolic

integro-differential equation:

- 57 -
Chapter Three The Homotopy Perturbation Method for Solving Some Nonlocal Problem
 w( x, t )  w( x, t )
2 2 t
  cw( x, t )   k (t , s ) w( x, s )ds  g ( x, t ), (x, t)   (3.11.a)
t 2 x 2 0

together with the initial conditions:

w( x,0)  q1 ( x ), 0  x  , (3.11.b)

w ( x , t )
 q 2 ( x ), 0  x  , (3.11.c)
t t  0

the homogeneous Neumann condition:

w( x, t )
 0, t  0 (3.11.d)
x x 0

and the homogeneous nonlocal condition:

 w( x, t )dx  0, t0 (3.11.e)



 2 z ( x, t ) t
g ( x, t )  f ( x, t ) 
t 2
 cz ( x , t )   k (t , s ) z ( x , s )ds ,

q1 ( x)  r1 ( x)  z ( x,0)


z ( x, t )
q2 ( x)  r2 ( x)  .
t t 0

To solve this nonlocal problem by the homotopy perturbation method, we construct a homotopy

v :   [0,1] 
 which satisfies:

- 58 -
Chapter Three The Homotopy Perturbation Method for Solving Some Nonlocal Problem
 v( x, t , p )  w0 ( x, t )
2 2
 w0 ( x, t )

H (v, p )    p 
t 2 t 2 t 2
  2 v ( x, t , p ) t

p 
 cv ( x , t , p )   k (t , s)v( x, s, p )ds  g ( x, t )  0
 


where p  [0,1] ,  represents the set of all real numbers and w 0 is the initial approximation to

the solution of equation (3.11.a) which satisfies the initial condition, the Neumann condition and

the nonlocal condition given by equations (3.11.b)-(3.11.d).

By using equation (3.12) it follows that:

 2 v( x, t ,0)  2 w0 ( x, t )
H ( v ,0 )  
t 2 t 2

 2 v( x, t ,1)  2 v( x, t ,1) t
H (v,1) 
t 2

x 2
 cv ( x , t ,1)   k (t , s)v( x, s,1)ds  g ( x, t )  0

Next, we assume that the solution of equation (3.11) can be expressed as in equation (3.5).

Therefore the approximated solution of the nonlocal problem given by equations (3.11) is given

by equation (3.6).

By substituting the approximated solution given by equation (3.5) into equation (3.12) one

can get:

 2 vi ( x, t )  2 w0 ( x, t )

 2 w0 ( x, t )
H (v, p)   p i
 p 
i 0 t 2 t 2 t 2
   2 vi ( x, t )  t 

p   p i  c  p i
v ( x, t )   k (t , s )  p i vi ( x, s)ds  g ( x, t )  0
 i 0 x 2
i 0 0 i 0 

Then by equating the terms with identical powers of p one can have:

 2 v 0 ( x , t )  2 w0 ( x , t )
p0 :  0 (3.13.a)
t 2 t 2
- 59 -
Chapter Three The Homotopy Perturbation Method for Solving Some Nonlocal Problem
 v1 ( x, t )
 w0 ( x, t )
 v 0 ( x, t )
2 t
p :    cv0 ( x, t )   k (t , s )v0 ( x, s )  g ( x, t )  0 (3.13.b)
t 2 t 2 x 2 0

 2 v j ( x, t )  2 v j 1 ( x, t ) t
p :   cv j 1 ( x, t )   k (t , s )v j 1 ( x, s )ds  0, j  2,3,... (3.13.c)
t 2 x 2 0

Similar to the previous, we take v0 ( x, t )  w0 ( x, t )  q1 ( x )  q2 ( x )t. In this case equation (3.13.a)

is automatically satisfied. By substituting it into equation (3.13.b) one can get:

 2 v1 ( x, t )
 q1( x)  q2 ( x)t  cq1 ( x)  q2 ( x)t  
t 2

 k (t , s)q1 ( x)  q2 ( x)sds  g ( x, t )

By integrating twice for both sides of the above differential equation with respect to t and by

v1 ( x, t )
using the initial conditions v1 (x,0)  0 and  0 one can obtain:
t t 0

t2 t3 1
v1 ( x, t )  q1( x)  q2 ( x)  cq1 ( x) t 2 
2 6 2
3 t2  t s
cq2 ( x)    k ( , s )q1 ( x)  q2 ( x) s dsddt 2    g ( x,  )dds
6 00 00

In a similar manner one can get vi (x, t), i  2,3,.... By substituting vi (x, t), i  0,1,... into

equation (3.6) one can get the approximated solution w of the nonlocal problem given by

equations (3.11). Therefore from equation (3.2):

u ( x, t )  w( x, t )  z ( x, t )   vi ( x, t )  z ( x, t ), (x, t)  
i 0

which is the solution of the original nonlocal problem given by equations (3.10).

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Chapter Three The Homotopy Perturbation Method for Solving Some Nonlocal Problem
To illustrate this method consider the following example.

Example (3.3):

Consider the hyperbolic integro-differential equation:

u 2 ( x, t )  2u ( x, t ) t
1 34 1 33
  3u ( x , t )   (t  s 2
)u ( x , s )ds  6 xt  3tx 3
 xt  xt ,
t 2 x 2 0 4 2
0  x  1, 0  t  1.

together with the initial conditions:

u ( x,0)  0, 0  x  1, (3.14.b)

u ( x, t )
 x3 , 0  x  1, (3.14.c)
t t 0

the homogeneous Neumann condition:

u ( x, t )
 0, 0  t 1 (3.14.d)
x x 0

and the non-homogenous nonlocal condition:

 u ( x, t )dx  4 t , 0  t 1 (3.14.e)

We use the homotopy perturbation method to solve this example. To do this, we transform this

nonlocal problem into one but with homogeneous nonlocal condition. To do this, consider the

transformation given by equation (3.2). In this case:

z ( x, t )  t

- 61 -
Chapter Three The Homotopy Perturbation Method for Solving Some Nonlocal Problem
and the nonlocal problem given by equations (3.14) consisting of the hyperbolic integro-

differential equation

 2 w( x, t )  2 w( x, t ) 1

t 2

x 2
 3 w( x , t )   (t  s 2 ) w( x, s )ds  6 xt  3tx 3 
1 3 4 1 3 3 3 1 1
x t  x t  t  t4  t3, 0  x  1, 0  t  1,
4 2 4 16 8

together with the initial conditions:

w( x,0)  0 0  x  1,

w( x, t ) 1
 x3  , 0  x  1,
t t 0 4

the homogeneous Neumann condition:

w( x, t )
 0, 0  t 1
x x0

and the homogeneous nonlocal condition:

 w( x, t )dx  0, 0  t  1.

To solve this nonlocal problem by using the ho motopy perturbation method, let

v0 ( x, t )  w0 ( x, t )  ( x 3  )t

From equation (3.13.b) one can have:

 2 v1 ( x, t )
t 2


vi ( x, t )  0, i  1,2,...
- 62 -
Chapter Three The Homotopy Perturbation Method for Solving Some Nonlocal Problem
and this implies that

w( x, t )  w0 ( x, t )  v0 ( x, t )  ( x 3  )t.

which is the exact solution of the above nonlocal problem.


u ( x, t )  w( x, t )  z ( x, t )
 tx 3 .

which is the exact solution of the original nonlocal problem.

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Chapter Four
Solution of Some Real Life
Applications Via the Homotopy
Perturbation Method
Chapter Four Solution of Some Real Life Applications Via the Homotopy Perturbation Method

In this chapter we use the homotopy perturbation method for solving some real life

applications, namely advection-diffusion problems, gas dynamics equation and the

ground-water level equation.

This chapter consists of four sections:

In section one and two, we solved advection-diffusion problems and gas dynamics

via the homotopy perturbation method.

In section three, we present the homotopy perturbation method for solving the ground-

water level problem.

4.1 Advection-Diffusion Problems:

Problems involving diffusion-advection equations arise in many domains of science.

There are several methods for solving these quations, like the differential transform

method, [34]. In this section, we use the homotopy perturbation method to solve the

advection-diffusion problem that consists of the advection-diffusion equation:

u ( x, t )  2 u ( x, t ) u ( x, t )
   s ( x), (x, t)   (4.1.a)
t x 2

together with initial condition:

u ( x,0)  r ( x), 0  x  , (4.1.b)

and the boundary conditions:

u (0, t )  f (t ), t  0, (4.1.c)

u (, t )  g (t ), t  0, (4.1.d)

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Chapter Four Solution of Some Real Life Applications Via the Homotopy Perturbation Method
where the first two terms on the right hand side represent different physical processes:

 2 u ( x, t ) u ( x, t )
 corresponds to normal diffusion while  describes advection which is
x 2 x

why the equation is also known as the advection-diffusion equation. Further u is the

variable of interest (species concentration for mass transfer). And ,  are non-negative

real numbers where  is the diffusivity for species or heat transfer and  is the velocity,

u is a known function of x only and   {(x, t) 0  x  , t>0}, r, f and g are given

functions that must satisfy the compatibility conditions:

r(0)  f (0)


r()  g(0).

To solve this problem by the homotopy perturbation method, we first transform this

problem into another problem, but with homogeneous boundary conditions. To do this we

use the transformation:

w(x, t)  u(x, t)  z(x, t), (x,t)   (4.2)


z(x, t)  f (t)  f (t)  g(t)  x


u(x, t) w(x, t) z(x, t)

 
t t t


 2 u(x, t)  2 w(x, t)
 .
x 2 x 2

- 65 -
Chapter Four Solution of Some Real Life Applications Via the Homotopy Perturbation Method
Therefore the problem given by equations (4.1) is transformed to the partial differential


w(x, t)  2 w(x, t) w(x, t)

    g(x, t), (x,t)  (4.3.a)
t x 2 x

together with the initial condition:

w(x,0)  q(x), 0  x  , (4.3.b)

and the homogeneous boundary conditions:

w(0, t)  0, t  0 (4.3.c)

w(, t)  0, t  0 (4.3.d)

z(x, t) z(x, t)
where g(x, t)  s(x)    and q(x)  r(x)  z(x,0).
x t

To solve this problem by the homotopy perturbation method, we rewrite equation

(4.3.a) as

A(w)  g(x, t)  0

w 2w w
where A(w)   2  . Then the operator A can be divided into two parts L
t x x

and N such that equation (4.3.a) becomes:

L(w)  N(w)  g(x, t)  0

 2 
where L  and N   2   .
t x x

According to [13], we can construct a homotopy v :   [0,1] 

 which satisfies

v(x, t,p) w 0 (x, t) w (x, t)

H(v,p)   p 0 
t t t
  2 v(x, t,p) v(x, t,p) 
p      g(x, t) 0
 x 2
x 

- 66 -
Chapter Four Solution of Some Real Life Applications Via the Homotopy Perturbation Method

where p  [0,1] is an embedding parameter and w o is the initial approximation to the

solution of equation (4.3.a) which satisfies the initial condition and the boundary

conditions given by equations (4.3.b)-(4.3.d).

Next, we assume that the solution of equation (4.4) can be expressed as

v(x, t,p)   pi vi (x, t) (4.5)
i 0

Therefore the approximated solution of the problem given by equations (4.3) can be

obtained as follows:

w(x, t)  lim v(x, t,p)   vi (x, t) (4.6)
i 0

By substituting the approximated solution given by equation (4.5) into equation

(4.4) one can get:

vi (x, t) w 0 (x, t) w (x, t)
H(v,p)   pi  p 0 
i 0 t t x
 
 2 vi (x, t) 
i v i (x, t) 
p    pi    p  g(x, t) 0
 i 0  x 2
i 0  x 

Then by equating the terms with identical powers of p one can have:

v0 (x, t) w 0 (x, t)

p0 :  0 (4.7.a)
t t

v1 (x, t) w 0 (x, t)  2 v 0 (x, t) v 0 (x, t)

p :      g(x, t)  0 (4.7.b)
t t x 2 x

and in general

v j (x, t)  2 v j1 (x, t) v j (x, t)

p :    0, j=2,3,... (4.7.c)
t x 2
- 67 -
Chapter Four Solution of Some Real Life Applications Via the Homotopy Perturbation Method
For simplicity, we take v0 (x, t)  w 0 (x, t) . In this case equation (4.7.a) is automatically

satisfied. Let w 0 (x, t)  q(x) then

w 0 (x,0)  q(x), 0  x  , w o (0, t)  q(0)  r(0)  z(0,0)  r(0)  f (0)  0, t  0


w o (, t)  q()  r()  z(,0)  g(0)  g(0)  0, t  0

Therefore w o satisfies the initial and the boundary conditions given by equations (4.3.b)-

(4.3.d). Therefore by substituting t=0 in equation (4,6) one can have:

w(x,0)   vi (x,0)
i 0

But w 0 (x,0)  q(x) and w(x,0)  q(x) , hence vi (x,0)  0, i=1,2,.... By substituting

v 0 (x,0)  w 0 (x, t)  q(x) into equation (4.7.b) one can get:

v1 (x, t)
 q(x)   q(x)  g(x, t)

By integrating both sides of the above differential equation and by using the initial

condition v1 (x,0)  0 one can obtain:

v1 (x, t)   q(x)  q(x)  t   g(x, )d

By substituting v1 into equation (4.7.c) and by solving the resulting first order linear

partial differential equation together with the initial condition v 2 (x,0)  0 one can get

v 2 (x, t) . In a similar manner one can get vi (x, t), i  3,4,.... By substituting

vi (x, t), i  0, 1,... into equation (4.6) one can get the approximated solution of the

problem given by equations (4.3). Therefore from equation (4.2):

- 68 -
Chapter Four Solution of Some Real Life Applications Via the Homotopy Perturbation Method

u(x, t)  w(x, t)  z(x, t)   v i (x, t) z(x, t), (x,t)  
i 1

which is the solution of the advection-diffusion problem given by equations (4.1).

4.2 Gas Dynamics problem:

Consider the nonlinear non-homogeneous gas dynamic equation:

u ( x, t ) u ( x, t )
 u ( x, t )  u ( x, t )1  u ( x, t )  f ( x, t ), (x, t)   (4.8.a)
t x

together with the initial condition:

u ( x,0)  r ( x), 0  x  1 (4.8.b)

where f is a known function of x and t   {( x, t ) | 0  x  1, t  0}

In [22], they use the homotopy perturbation method for solving the homogeneous

gas dynamic equation in case r ( x)  e  x , 0  x  1. Here we use the same method to solve

the non-homogeneous gas dynamic equation for any choice of the initial condition. To do

this, we construct a homotopy v :   [0,1] 

  which satisfies:

v( x, t , p ) u 0 ( x, t ) u ( x, t )
H (v, p )   p 0 
t t t

 v( x, t , p ) 
p   v ( x, t , p )  v( x, t , p )[1  v( x, t , p )]  0 (4.9)
 x 

where p  [0,1] and u o is the initial approximation to the solution of equation (4.8.a)

which satisfies the initial condition given by equation (4.8.b).

By using equation (4.9) it follows that:

v( x, t ,0) u 0 ( x, t )
H ( x ,0 )   0
t t

- 69 -
Chapter Four Solution of Some Real Life Applications Via the Homotopy Perturbation Method
v( x, t ,1) v( x, t ,1)
H (v,1)   v( x, t ,1)  v( x, t ,1)[1  v( x, t ,1)]  0.
t t

Next, we assume that the solution of equation (4.9) can be expressed as in

equation (3.3). By substituting this approximated solution into equation (4.9) one can get:

 vi ( x, t ) u 0 ( x, t ) u ( x, t )
H (v, p )   p i  p 0 
i 0 t t t
   v ( x, t )  i  
p   p i vi ( x, t ) p i i   p vi ( x, t )1   p i vi ( x, t )   0`
 i 0 i 0 x i 0  i 0 

Then by equating the terms with identical powers of p one can have:

v0 ( x, t ) u 0 ( x, t )
p0 :  0 (4.10.a)
t t

v1 ( x, t ) u 0 ( x, t ) v ( x, t )
p1 :   v0 ( x, t ) 0  v0 ( x, t )1  v0 ( x, t )  0 (4.10.b)
t t x

v2 ( x, t ) v ( x, t ) v ( x, t )
p2 :  v0 ( x, t ) 1  v1 ( x, t ) 0  2v0 ( x, t )v1 ( x, t )  v1 ( x, t )  0 (4.10.c)
t t x

For simplicity, we take v0 ( x, t )  u 0 ( x, t ). In this case equation (4.10.a) is automatically

satisfied. Let u 0 ( x, t )  r ( x) then u 0 ( x,0)  r ( x), 0  x  1. Therefore u 0 satisfies the the

initial condition given by equation (4.8.a). Thus:

u ( x,0)   vi ( x,0)
i 0

But v0 ( x,0)  u ( x,0)  r ( x) hence v i ( x ,0)  0, i  1,2,.... By substituting v0 ( x,0)  u 0 ( x, t )

 r (x) into equation (4.10.b) one can get:

v1 ( x , t )   r ( x ) r ( x )  r ( x )  r ( x ) 

- 70 -
Chapter Four Solution of Some Real Life Applications Via the Homotopy Perturbation Method
By substituting v1 into equation (4.10.c) and by solving the resulting first order linear

partial differential equation together with the initial condition v2 ( x, t )  0 one can get

v2 ( x, t ). In a similar manner one can get vi ( x, t ), i  3,4,.... Thus u ( x, t )   vi ( x, t ) is the
i 0

approximated solution of the initial value problem given by equations (4.8).

4.3 The Ground Water Level problem:

Consider the linear partial differential equation:

 2 ( x, t ) 1    
  x   h( x, t ), (x, t)  (0, b)  (0, T] (4.11.a)
t x x  x 

together with the initial conditions:

 ( x,0)  r ( x), 0  x  b (4.11.b)

 ( x, t )
 p ( x), 0  x  b (4.11.c)
t t 0

the non-homogeneous Dirichlet condition:

 (b, t )   (t ), 0  t  T (4.11.d)

and the non-homogeneous nonlocal condition:

  ( x, t )dx   (t ), 0  t  T

where  is the ground water level,  (t ) is the mean value of  at time t and h is a known

function of x and t and r , p, and  are given functions that must satisfy the

compatibility conditions:

r (b )   (0),

- 71 -
Chapter Four Solution of Some Real Life Applications Via the Homotopy Perturbation Method
p (b )   (0),

 r ( x)dx   (0),


 p( x)dx   (0).

To solve this nonlocal problem by the homotopy perturbation method, we first transform

this nonlocal problem into another nonlocal problem, but with homogeneous Dirichlet and

nonlocal conditions. To do this we use the transformation that appeared in [5]:

w( x, t )   ( x, t )  z ( x, t ), (x, t)  (0, b)  (0, T ] (4.12)

where z ( x, t )  2  (t )   (t )   (t )   (t ). Then the nonlocal problem given by


equations (4.11) is transformed to the one-dimensional non-homogeneous linear partial

differential equation:

 2 w( x, t ) 1   w( x, t ) 
 x   g ( x, t ), (x, t)  (0,1)  (0, T] (4.13.a)
t 2 x x  x 

together with the initial conditions:

w( x,0)  q1 ( x ), 0  x  1 (4.13.b)

w( x, t )
 q2 ( x), 0  x  1 (4.13.c)
t t 0

and the homogeneous Dirichlet conditions:

w(b, t )  0, 0  t  T (4.13.d)


- 72 -
Chapter Four Solution of Some Real Life Applications Via the Homotopy Perturbation Method
 w( x, t )dx  0, 0  t  T (4.13.e)

 2 z ( x, t ) 1   z ( x, t ) 
where g ( x, t )  h ( x, t )   x  and q1 ( x)  r ( x)  z ( x,0) and
t 2 x x  x 

z ( x, t )
q2 ( x)  p( x)  .
t t 0

To solve this nonlocal problem by the homotopy perturbation method, we can

construct a homotopy v : (0,1)  (0, T ]  [0,1] 

  which satisfies:

 2 v( x, t , p )  2 w0 ( x, t )  2 w0 ( x, t )  1   w( x, t )  
H (v, p )   p  p  x   g ( x, t )   0
t 2 t 2 t 2  x x  x  


where p  [0,1] and w 0 is the initial approximation to the solution of equation (4.13.a)

which satisfies the initial condition and the nonlocal conditions given by equations


By using equation (4.21) it follows that:

 2 v( x, t ,0)  2 w0 ( x, t ,0)
H ( v ,0 )   0
t 2 t 2

 2 v( x, t ,1) 1   v( x, t ,1) 

H (v,1)   x   g ( x , t )  0.
t 2 x x  x 

Next, we assume that the solution of equation (4.14) can be expressed as:

v ( x , t )   p i vi ( x , t ) (4.15)
i 0

Therefore the approximated solution of the nonlocal problem given by equations (4.13) is

given by:

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Chapter Four Solution of Some Real Life Applications Via the Homotopy Perturbation Method

w( x, t )   vi ( x, t ) (4.16)
i 0

By substituting the approximated solution given by equation (4.15) into equation (4.14)

one can get:

  2 vi ( x, t )  2 w0 ( x, t )  2 w0 ( x, t )  1    i vi ( x, t )  
H (v, p)   p i   p  p    x  p   g ( x, t )   0.
i 0 t 2 t 2 t 2  x x  i  0 x  

Then by equating the terms with identical powers of p one can obtain:

 2 v0 ( x, t )  2 w0 ( x, t )
p :  0 (4.17.a)
t 2 t 2

 2 v1 ( x, t )  2 w0 ( x, t ) 1   v0 ( x, t ) 
p :   x   g ( x, t )  0 (4.17.b)
t 2 t 2 x x  x 

 2 v j ( x, t ) 1   v j 1 ( x, t ) 
p :  x   0, j  2,3,... (4.17.c)
t 2 x x  x 

For simplicity, we take v0 ( x, t )  w0 ( x, t ). In this case equation (4.17.a) is automatically

satisfied. Let w0 ( x, t )  q1 ( x)  q2 ( x)t then

w0 ( x,0)  q1 ( x), 0  x  b,

w0 ( x, t )
 q2 ( x), 0  x  b,
t t 0

w0 (b, t )  q1 (b)  q2 (b)t

z ( x, t )
 r (b)  z (b,0)  p (b)t  t
t tx0b
  (0)   (0)   (0)t   (0)t
 0, 0tT


- 74 -
Chapter Four Solution of Some Real Life Applications Via the Homotopy Perturbation Method
b b
w0 ( x, t )dx   q1 ( x )  q 2 ( x )t dx
1 1
 b0
1b 1b 1 b t b z ( x , t )
 
r ( x ) dx  
z ( x , 0 ) dx  t
b 0
 p ( x ) dx  
b 0 t t  0

1b 1 b 2x
  (0)   2  (0)   (0)dx    (0)   (0)dx  t (0)
b0 b0 b
1 b 1 b 2x
 t  2  (0)   (0)dx  t   (0)   (0)dx
b 0 b 0 b
  (0)  2  (0)   (0)   (0)   (0)  t (0)  t 2  (0)   (0)  t  (0)   (0)
 0, 0  t  T.

Therefore w o satisfies the initial condition and the nonlocal conditions given by equations

(4.13.b)-(4.13.d). By substituting v0 ( x,0)  w0 ( x, t )  q ( x) into equation (4.13.b) and by

using the initial condition v1 ( x,0)  0 one can get:

v1 ( x, t )  q( x)t   g ( x, )d

From equation (4.13.c) and by using the initial condition vi (x,0)  0, i=2,3,... one can


t  2 v j 1 ( x, )
v j ( x, t )   d , j  2,3,...
0 x 2

Therefore from equation (4.12):

u ( x, t )  w( x, t )  z ( x, t )   vi ( x, t )  z ( x, t ), (x, t)  (0,1)  (0, T ]
i 1

which is the solution of the original nonlocal problem given by equations (4.11).

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Conclusions and Recommendation

From the present study, we can conclude the following:

(1)The homotopy perturbation method can also be used to solve the linear Volttera

integral equation of the first kind by transferring it into an equivalent integral equation

of the second kind.

(2) The homotopy perturbation method for solving linear integral equations of the second

order is precisely the method of successive in case the initial approximation is

u 0 ( x)  f ( x) instead of u 0 ( x)  0.

(3) The homotopy perturbation method for solving any initial or boundary value problems

requires the initial approximation to the solution of these problems must satisfy the

initial or boundary conditions associated with these problems.

(4) The homotopy perturbation method can be also used to solve systems of differential,

integral and integro-differential equations.

Also, we recommend the following for future work:-

(1) Discuss the convergence of the homotopy perturbation method for the prescribed non-

local problems.

(2) Use the homotopy analysis method to solve the nonlocal problems.

(3) Solve the fuzzy integro-differential equations via the homotopy perturbation method.

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