Lectura 3 - Risk Analysis by Means of A QRA Approach On A LPG Cylinder Filling Installation

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Risk Analysis by Means of a QRA Approach on a

LPG Cylinder Filling Installation

Ali Dormohammadi,a Esmaeil Zarei,b,c Mohammad Bagher Delkhosh,c and Ali Gholamib
Department of Occupational Health Eng, Faculty of Health, Hamadan University of Medical Sciences, Hamadan, Iran
Neyshabur Student Research Committee, Neyshabur University of Medical Sciences, Neyshabur, Iran;
smlzarei65@gmail.com (for correspondence)
Department of Occupational Health Eng., Faculty of Health, Neyshabur University of Medical Sciences, Neyshabur, Iran
Published online 2 September 2013 in Wiley Online Library (wileyonlinelibrary.com). DOI 10.1002/prs.11623

In recent years in the process industries much attention injuries were due to fire of LPG leakage of spherical vessels
has been paid to the quantitative risk analysis (QRA). This [5]. In Italy, 14 LPG tanks from train wreck resulted in
study describes a QRA evaluating the risk from the operation around 31 deaths, losses to nearby buildings [9]. In the last
of an LPG installation. Both individual and societal risks to decade, 41 incidents occurred in LPG installations in Korea
the installation personnel, customers, and neighbors/passer- resulting in eight deaths and 138 injuries [1].
bys are evaluated. The study showed that the largest effect is In Iran the safety of LPG cylinder filling installations is an
caused by a jet fire and flash fires. Unacceptable individual important issue. Quantitative Risk Analysis (QRA) is method
risk is being imposed on personnel, consumers, and third able to evaluate both individual and societal risk (SR). Quali-
parties. Societal risks are also unacceptable in comparison tative and semi quantitative risk assessments have been
with the Installation’s acceptable risk criteria. Risk reductive applied to LPG filling stations and LPG transportation [1,4,8].
measures proposed for the Installation include the applica- However, QRA is not often applied to such installations.
tion of smaller pipes and fewer flanges in Compressor room, In risk assessment studies, there are generally three main
the use of smaller vessels in Storage units and the use of types of risk to be considered (1) Occupational risks to the
Emergency shutdown valve. V C 2013 American Institute of Chemi- workforce of the plant; (2) Community risks to nearby peo-
cal Engineers Process Saf Prog 33: 77–84, 2014 ple and environment; (3) Economic risks-the loss of capital
Keywords: quantitative risk assessment; individual risk; assets, production, and compensation [10,11]. Since eco-
societal risk; LPG installation nomic risks are usually covered by insurance such risks are
not considered here. For LPG cylinder filling installation
INTRODUCTION occupational risks are defined as first party risks, risks to cus-
LPG as a clean, environmentally suitable fuel which as a tomers and neighbors are defined as second and third party
multipurpose energy source has played an important role in risks.
the world. Its consumption has been constantly increasing in
most countries of the world [1,2]. LPG has more than 1000
applications in industrial, chemical, residential/commercial, Installation Description
refinery, and transportation [2,3]. Heating rural, residential/ The installation considered here is the biggest cylinder
commercial accommodations, and cooking are the important filling installation in Iran. Figure 1 shows the LPG Cylinder
applications for LPG in Iran [2,4]. Approximately, 75% con- filling installation layout and nearby surroundings. LPG is
sumption of LPG in the world is related to residential/com- brought from refineries in tube trailers with 20 tons
mercial and chemical applications [3]. LPG is a flammable, capacity. A compressor draws LPG from the trailer to fill
noncorrosive, nontoxic, odorless, and liquid [3,5]. the three Horizontal cylindrical storage vessels up to maxi-
The safety of LPG operations is an important concern pri- mum pressure 150 psi, each with 60 tons capacity. The stor-
vate companies and government in Iran [2]. LPG, being heav- age vessels are filled to 85% of capacity at 75 psi. LPG is
ier than air, having low boiling point and any leakage, will drawn from storage vessels by three centrifuge pumps
quickly vaporizes and accumulates, increasing the risk of through 20 m pipe work to the Cylinder Filling Platform. In
explosion and fire [6]. Contact with LPG can cause the severe this draw path, pressure is increased to 150 psi. Upon fill-
burns on skin [6] and asphyxiation effects are possible [2]. ing the cylinders, LPG transmission will stop automatically.
Prominent major accident involving LPG include Mexico Excess LPG is returned to a 1 ton Return horizontal cylin-
City’s incident in 1984 where explosion of LPG storage tanks drical at 75 psi pressure and then to the Storage vessels
adjacent to residential zones resulted in 650 death, more [12]. Filling of cylinders takes 45 s. Loading of cylinders
than 6400 injuries and 31 million dollars financial losses trucks takes15 min and every day 30 cylinder trucks are
[4,7,8]. In Feyzin of French in 1996 around 30 deaths and 80 loaded at this installation. Altogether, average gas consump-
tion is 40 tons (two tube trailers) per day, 4000 household
cylinders, and 200 industrial cylinders per day. This
exposes 200 persons for filling the household cylinders and
C 2013 American Institute of Chemical Engineers
V 30 truck drivers per day.

Process Safety Progress (Vol.33, No.1) March 2014 77

Figure 1. LPG Cylinder filling installation layout and nearby Figure 3. Flow diagram of the procedure used for QRA
surroundings. [Color figure can be viewed in the online [10,11]. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue,
issue, which is available at wileyonlinelibrary.com.] which is available at wileyonlinelibrary.com.]


A systematic QRA procedure (Figure 3) was followed

Hazard Identification and Scenario Selection

First, we identified areas of vulnerability and specific haz-
ards. One of the first systematic methods of hazard identifica-
tion use in chemical industry is the HAZID technique [13].
All necessary information of LPG process was collected. This
includes geographical location and environmental informa-
tion of the location, plot plan, P&IDs (process instrumenta-
tion diagrams), PFDs (process flow diagrams), installation
layout, operation procedures, physical and chemical specifi-
cation of the material, etc. All possible scenarios were identi-
fied and tabulated. The most credible scenarios were
selected after screening the high frequency and high conse-
quence scenarios. A summary of scenarios are in Table 1.
The typical incidents include rupture, breakage of a pipeline
Figure 2. LPG Cylinder filling installation location and its and creation of a hole in a vessel or in a pipe [10]. A total of
surroundings. [Color figure can be viewed in the online 17 scenarios were modeled and their risks were quantita-
issue, which is available at wileyonlinelibrary.com.] tively assessed.

Consequence Modeling
Consequence modeling is carried out in several steps.
Source models describe the discharge rate, continuous and
Figure 2 shows the LPG Cylinder filling installation and its instantaneous, and the total volume discharged. A dispersion
surroundings. To the east side of LPG installation, there are model describes how the material is dispersed. Fire models
highway and industrial areas. To the west, there are indus- predict thermal radiation contours [10]. All emergency shut-
trial residential areas. To the south, there are factory and down valves of the installation were manual. The vessel’s
Gasoline stations. To the north side is a warehouse. Thus, internal pressure was considered to be constant. The release
there are seven potential vulnerable targets outside the instal- duration was taken as 1 h for all scenarios and the release
lation of concern: workers in Gasoline station and industrial inventory was considered 106 kg in all scenarios (for
areas, passers on main highway, and people living in resi- compressor, pump room, and cylinder filling platform units).
dential area. To calculate the risks, it is assumed that the LPG For horizontal cylindrical storage vessels and the return hori-
filling cylinder installation personnel work 12 h per day and zontal cylindrical vessel inventory was considered 51 tons
six days per week. Thirty one operators and one manager (85% vessel capacity) and 1 ton, respectively. With the
will be at the installation on workday. Also, 230 customers assumption of a 1 h release, the influence of release inven-
(0.001 person/m2) and 100 people (0.00003 person/m2) are tory is not significant [14]. The release elevation was consid-
assumed as second and third parties. ered to be constant at 1 m height (approximately, the lowest

78 March 2014 Published on behalf of the AIChE DOI 10.1002/prs Process Safety Progress (Vol.33, No.1)
Table 1. Credible scenarios and their estimated frequency rate in studied installation

Scenario Scenario Release Hole Frequency

Unit No Description Size (mm) (1/yr)
Compressor and S1 Leak of the pipe work 5 3.231022
Pump Room S2 Leak of the pipe work 30 231023
S3 Full bore rupture 100 2.531024
Horizontal Cylindrical S4 Leak of the pipe work 5 131022
Storage Vessels S5 Leak of the pipe work 30 131023
S6 Full bore rupture 75 1.131024
S7 Disc Rupture 600 2.431025
S8 Catastrophic rupture of vessel – 231026
Cylinder Filling S9 Leak of the pipe work 5 1.131022
Platform S10 Leak of the pipe work 25 1.231023
S11 Full bore rupture 50 2.331024
S12 Catastrophic rupture of cylinder – 2 31026
Return Horizontal S13 Leak of the pipe work 5 3.131023
Cylindrical Vessel S14 Leak of the pipe work 25 3.631024
S15 Full bore rupture 50 1.531024
S16 Disc Rupture 600 2.431025
S17 Catastrophic rupture of vessel – 231026

Table 2. Consequence modeling input data Table 3. Atmospheric conditions corresponding to day (D5)
and night (F2).
Unit Equipment (psi) Atmospheric Parameter Day Night
Compressor and Compressors (1), Pump 150 Wind velocity (m/s) 5 2
Pump Room (3) Flanges (48), Atmospheric stability class D F
Valves (33) Pipes Ambient temperature ( C) 28.23 21.31
(97 m), Instruments (5) Relative humidity (%) 15 81
Horizontal Vessels (3), Flanges (18), 75
Cylindrical Valves (24), Pipes
Storage Vessels (36 m),
Return Horizontal Vessels (1), Flanges (9), 75 tions comprise, average wind speed, atmospheric stability,
Cylindrical Vessel Valves (7) Pipes ambient temperature, and humidity. Two different atmos-
(16 m), pheric conditions were used corresponding to day (spring—
Instruments (2) summer, D5) and night (fall—winter, F2), (Table 3)
Cylinder Filling Cylinders (4200), Flanges 150
Platform (4) Valves (60), Pipes Frequency Estimation
(55 m) The Frequency of incidents can be estimated either from
generic data or failure sequence models, such as Fault Tree
Analysis [10]. In this study, most initial failure frequencies are
taken from the OGP data directory [16], except for the fre-
quency of catastrophic rupture failure, which is taken from
[13] (Table 1). In QRA incident outcomes are calculated using
height that has the highest risk). Ignition probability (imme-
Event Tree Analysis. The frequency of an incident outcome
diately and delay) depends on discharge flow rate and differs
is defined as the product of the initial event frequency and
in each scenario. In this work, the probability of ignition was
all succeeding conditional event probabilities leading to that
estimated from [15] after collecting data of all ignition sour-
scenario outcome [10].
ces and discussing in the hazard identification meeting with
the appropriate expertise. For estimation ignition probability
in each scenario considering its’ discharge gas flow rate and Risk Estimation
opinions of the appropriate expertise. The values from both With QRA risk is evaluated as: (1) Individual Risk (IR)
[15] and opinion expertise were estimated but the higher and (2) SR [10]. The IR is defined as the probability of death
value of probability was considered for massive LPG release. at any particular location due to all undesired events. Thus,
The releases directions in all scenarios were assumed to the total IR at each point is equal to the sum of the IR of all
be horizontal. A probability of 60% was assigned to an scenario effects at that point Eq. (1).
explosion event, while a probability of 40% was considered
for a flash fire [14]. The consequence modeling input data Xn
shown in Table 2 were used for the risk calculations. IRx;y 5 IRx;y;i (1)
All scenarios were modeled using PHAST 6.5 software i51
package developed by DNV (Det Norske Veritas Co). The
software is widely used in industrial QRA. In general, conse- where, IR(x, y) is the total IR of fatality at geographical loca-
quence modeling requires the dispersion modeling in a tion (x, y) and IRi(x, y) is the IR of fatality at geographical
range of representative atmospheric conditions. These condi- location (x, y) from scenario i described as in Eq. (2).

Process Safety Progress (Vol.33, No.1) Published on behalf of the AIChE DOI 10.1002/prs March 2014 79
Table 4. Lethality distance (m) of jet fire and flash fire whit vulnerability level (%)

Jet Fire Flash Fire

Day Night Day Night
Scenario No 100% 50% 1% 100% 50% 1% LFL 1=2 LFL LFL 1=2 LFL

S1 11 12 14 13 14 16 5 10 10 20
S2 56 62 73 65 72 83 62 86 78 95
S3 162 184 216 188 210 219 200 270 230 270
S4 10 11 13 11 12 14 5 8 8 17
S5 48 55 65 57 63 72 51 70 63 80
S6 110 125 145 127 142 163 124 160 140 166
S7 646 733 862 775 874 1022 680 930 857 960
S8 0 0 0 0 0 0 360 466 341 421
S9 10 12 14 13 14 16 5 9 10 20
S10 47 53 62 55 61 69 53 72 66 83
S11 88 99 116 102 114 129 103 140 123 150
S12 0 0 0 0 0 0 24 33 18 23
S13 10 11 13 11 12 14 6 8 8 16
S14 41 46 54 50 54 61 42 60 55 65
S15 77 87 100 90 99 113 84 114 95 116
S16 646 733 862 790 885 1040 166 195 170 202
S17 0 0 0 0 0 0 77 100 67 85

Table 5. Lethality distance (m) of pool fire and fire ball whit vulnerability level (%)

Pool Fire Fire Ball

Day Night Day Night
Scenario No 100% 50% 1% 100% 50% 1% 100% 50% 1% 100% 50% 1%
S1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
S2 0 0 0 24 26 29 0 0 0 0 0 0
S3 135 165 200 166 222 290 0 0 0 0 0 0
S4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
S5 0 0 0 20 22 25 0 0 0 0 0 0
S6 70 82 96 90 118 154 0 0 0 0 0 0
S7 203 300 400 210 305 430 85 130 220 85 130 220
S8 0 0 0 0 0 0 85 130 220 85 130 220
S9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
S10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
S11 36 40 43 63 80 100 0 0 0 0 0 0
S12 0 0 0 3 4 5 5 0 0 0 0 0
S13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
S14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
S15 30 33 36 33 42 50 0 0 0 0 0 0
S16 0 0 0 91 103 120 22 0 0 22 0 0
S17 0 0 0 17 23 31 22 0 0 22 0 0

acceptable criteria is 1026 per year, ALARP is 1025 per year

IR ðx; yÞ5Fi Pi ðx; yÞ (2) and unacceptable is 1024 per year. For third party risks
1026, 1027, and 1028 per year are the acceptable, ALARP
SR is the relationship between the frequency and the and unacceptable criteria, respectively.
number of people suffering from a specified level of harm in
a given population.

Risk Acceptance Criteria Consequence Modeling Results

For this work, the following risk acceptance criteria are Modeling results showed that the jet fire, flash fire, pool
adopted from EIHP2 document of Risk Acceptance Criteria fire, and fire ball are main consequences of LPG installation,
for Hydrogen Refueling Stations [15]. For first and second respectively (Tables 4 and 5). The worst jet fire is by a Disc
party risks, the individual probability of fatality should not rupture in the Return horizontal cylindrical vessel (S16). This
exceed 1024 per year. Third party risks outside the LPG event is predicted to lead to fatality of all people (100%) up
installation shall be exposed to probability of fatality greater to 790 m distance and fatality of 1% up to 1040 m at night
than 1026 per year. For the first and second party risks, the (Table 4, Figure 4). The longest harm effect distances by

80 March 2014 Published on behalf of the AIChE DOI 10.1002/prs Process Safety Progress (Vol.33, No.1)
Figure 4. Lethality radii for jet fire from a disc rupture in return vessel (S16) at night. [Color figure can be viewed in the online
issue, which is available at wileyonlinelibrary.com.]

Figure 5. Flash fire envelopes of a disc rupture in storage vessels (S7) at night. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue,
which is available at wileyonlinelibrary.com.]

flash fire are by seventh scenarios at 857 m at night. All peo- narios of 8, 12, and 17 (Table 4). A fire ball also occurs with
ple within the plume are predicted to be killed. the Disc rupture scenarios (S7, S16) and catastrophic rupture
The most dangerous pool fire scenario is S7 with the (S8, S17) in storage and return vessels. All scenarios have
100% and 1% fatality contours in daytime at 210 and 430 m, flash fire consequence (Table 5).
respectively (Table 5). Modeling showed that the jet fire is The lethality radius of the worst jet fire cases and the cor-
not only occurring in instantaneous releases; including sce- responding probability of death are plotted in Figure 4. This

Process Safety Progress (Vol.33, No.1) Published on behalf of the AIChE DOI 10.1002/prs March 2014 81
Figure 6. Maximum concentration footprint of a disc rupture in storage vessels (S7) at night. [Color figure can be viewed in
the online issue, which is available at wileyonlinelibrary.com.]

Figure 7. Maximum radiation versus distance for worst case jet fire (S16) with different atmospheric conditions. [Color figure
can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at wileyonlinelibrary.com.]

radius for the Return vessel were highest (e.g., 790 m) in storage vessel. Figure 5 shows the fire envelope of this flash
autumn and winter seasons of the year (F 2 m/s). The results fire with the 100% probability of death due to high heat radi-
showed that a jet fire set by a Disc rupture of the Return ves- ation is in the red circle with 850 m radius.
sel can affect the largest area (1,036,828 m2). The safe dis- The flash fire envelope and cloud footprint of Horizontal
tance from this incident is 1040 m. cylindrical storage vessels are also shown in Figures 5 and 6,
Modeling showed that the most dangerous flash fire will respectively. The concentration of the material released in the
occur in the case of a Disc rupture in a horizontal cylindrical yellow LFL area of Figure 6 is above 17,140 ppm and enough

82 March 2014 Published on behalf of the AIChE DOI 10.1002/prs Process Safety Progress (Vol.33, No.1)
to kill all the people in the area. The Lower Flammability Level part of both industrial region (west and east side) and peo-
(LFL) zone has a cross section of 772,283 m2. The blue part of ple passing from highways and byroads are within the 1026
Figure 6 is the half-LFL zone with across sectional area of contour and which has exceeds the risk acceptance criteria
1,171,050 m2. The concentration contour plotted is 8571 ppm. for third parties (Figure 8).
The Figure 7 result shows that the maximum radiation
from a jet fire caused by a Disc rupture in a Return horizon- SR Results
tal cylindrical vessel may reach 400 kW/m2 (in spring & The SR of fatality from potential hazards was calculated in
summer) and 396 kW/m2 (in autumn & winter). three categories in Table 6. Results indicate that a full bore
rupture in compressor and pump room (S3) and catastrophic
Risk Estimation Results rupture of a cylinder (S12) have the highest (3.4 3 1023)
and the least (1.1 3 10210) SR, respectively at the LPG
IR Results installation.
The results showed that personnel and consumers are A further SR ranking analysis is given in Table 7. Results
subject to unacceptable risk (Figure 8). For third parties, the revealed that first-person risk category, scenarios 2, 3, and
IR of all 20 workers in the warehouse (northern side) and 16, for second party risk scenarios 2, 3, and 7, and for third
party risk scenarios 3, 7, and 16 produces high SRs, all of
which are in the unacceptable region.
The safe distance of the LGP installation outside of the
1026 contour is equal to 225 m which can be seen in west
side of Figure 8.
The lack of specific databases of LPG incidents that are
usually used for events frequency calculation and specific
individual and social risks criteria for LPG process and other
process industries in Iran could be considered as the major
limitations of the our study. Development of risk criteria for
process industries is a key issue for future researches in Iran.

The accidental release of LPG from the Hamadan cylinder
filling installation and the subsequent consequences are

Table 7. Social risk evaluation ranking of unacceptable


Scenario Number* Risk Party

S2, S3, S16 First Party
S2, S3, S7 Second Party
Figure 8. IR counters of LPG cylinder filling installation. S3, S7, S16 Third Party
[Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is
available at wileyonlinelibrary.com.] *The scenario numbers are taken from Table 1

Table 6. Social risk values of LPG installation for three party risks whit relevant probability of fatality

First Party Second Party Third Party

Scenario No 1 0.5 0.01 1 0.5 0.01 1 0.5 0.01
S1 7.731025 1.431024 2.331024 1.731025 3.131025 5.131025 5.331027 9.731027 1.631026
S2 6.131024 8.931024 1.531023 1.331024 1.831024 3.031024 3.931026 5.731026 9.231026
S3 3.431023 3.331023 3.331023 7.331024 7.331024 7.331024 3.531025 6.431025 1.531024
S4 1.231025 2.231025 3.131025 2.431026 4.431026 6.331026 7.631028 1.131028 1.131028
S5 1.231024 1.831024 2.731024 2.431025 3.731025 5.631025 7.531027 1.131026 1.731026
S6 1.431024 1.431024 1.531024 3.131025 3.031025 3.231025 1.231026 1.731026 2.731026
S7 8.831024 8.331024 8.831024 1.931024 1.831024 1.931024 3.331025 5.431025 1.531024
S8 4.131025 4.031025 4.031025 8.931026 8.831026 8.831026 9.431027 1.131027 6.131026
S9 1.831025 2.631025 4.331025 3.631026 5.431026 8.931026 1.131027 1.731027 2.831027
S10 1.631024 2.031024 2.631024 3.331025 4.031025 5.431025 1.131026 1.231026 1.731026
S11 1.231024 1.331024 1.631024 2.431025 2.931025 3.531025 7.531027 1.131026 1.731026
S12 1.631028 0 0 3.331029 0 0 1.1310210 0 0
S13 3.731026 6.831026 9.631026 7.631027 1.431026 2.031026 2.431028 4.331028 6.131028
S14 2.831025 4.331025 6.831025 5.831026 8.831026 1.431025 1.831027 2.731027 4.431027
S15 1.231024 1.831024 2.131024 2.531025 3.831025 4.631025 7.931027 1.231026 1.931026
S16 1.031024 3.131025 3.131025 2.131025 6.731026 6.731026 1.031025 1.431025 2.331025
S17 4.231027 0 0 8.631028 0 0 2.731029 0 0

Process Safety Progress (Vol.33, No.1) Published on behalf of the AIChE DOI 10.1002/prs March 2014 83
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84 March 2014 Published on behalf of the AIChE DOI 10.1002/prs Process Safety Progress (Vol.33, No.1)

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