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Mathemathics predicts the behavior of nature and phenomena in the world, this

generation of modernization using mathematics helps to create and invent this and
objects that may helps us in the future and may used it in our daily lives. Using the
mathematical equipment and tools we were able ti invent models that is prior to what we
can measure and observe to the world of reality. An object or a thing that can be use
daily, a thing that really exist to observe the wolrd of reality and besides it can also
predict the behaviors of nature in the counterpart to the models which not been yet
observe that these are taken by the laws of the nature. Mathematics provides
frameworks within our observations of the physical world can be encoded. Mathematics
are used to explain how something recurs in nature. It can also explain how the sunset,
where it went or why it returned, henec it is easier to cout with these events in numbers
than to put it in words. Mathematics is helpful specially when seeking to explain the
limitlees feeling one gets when contemplating the natural world that exist outside
ourselves. Mathematics realy helps us in daily lives, we just can not see it with our
naked eye, there are a lot of things that we can do in math, all around that we see have
naumber such as maps, celphones, laptops, edges of our house, the sizes of your
waist, the measurent of the house door, how long you have been through upon walking,
the height of the building they built, and many things that surrounds us, math is the
reason why you have cellular phones and how it work without math we can not make
this things be possible to serve us. For some example, a Researches found the group of
bacterias or viruses just like the bacteria that is really spreading as of now before they
found out that it is fastly transmitted, mathematics has done on it and also by just
predicting that it is a real virus. What we see today in the modern world which all
appears to be controlled by the rules of mathematics, observation and error correction
are such example. Through the observation aand testing it became clear that earth and
several other plnets moved around the sun. Eventually the mathematical tools were
invent to describe these natural motions. We us a human are there at the same game at
a very long time, so we’ve gotten pretty good at it. Using mathematical tools or
equipmet can predict all that are happening in our world, galaxy and etc. Mathematics
plays important role in this process, working with a set of equations that descrbe the
atmosphere, taking to a account temperature, pressure and humidity.
Mathematics helps us in predicting the size, location, and timing of a natural
hazards is virtually impossible, due to the presence of mathematics in our surrounding
we are able to forecast calmities such as hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, volcanis
eruptions, wildfire and landslides etc. In this case, mathematical models of atmosphere
and ocean are being used to forecast weather based on the information of the current
weather. These models based on physical principle can be used to generate short term
forecasts to long term climate prediction. Through these models there were
improvement that allowed us to gather significant facts in cyclone tracks and air quality
forecasts. On the other hand, scientist are using mathematical method to better
understand volcanoes including how the magma shifts and flows beneath the earth to
foretell when eruptions may occur. Data calculations and assimilations that incorporate
new measurements and dynamic model are being used in order to gather the needed
information. Performing the complex calculations is necessary to be able to predict what
might happen so that the authorities can spread the news and warn people of the
danger that may come. Without these it would be impossible for us to estimate how
strong a typhoon is or when will our volcanoes erupt. Therefore, saving millions of lives,
if not every single life in the world.
Next is the effectiveness of mathematics in the prediction of the phenomena
outside of earth. It is not a secret that our very world is already in verge of dying. In the
next 50 years, if there’s no improvement on how we address the current problem we are
facing, we might need to fine another planet to call home. Aside from the
supercomputers that were being used to calculate probabilities of human being
surviving in the different planet, math was also being used in order to know how we will
be prepared in coping up with a drastic change in the new environment. We also uses
math in order to invent space crafts and rockets that can gather information and data
about any chance of living organisms residing out there in the space. So, math isn’t only
being used to date artifacts in the past, solve the present world problems, but also it is a
vital necessity in order to survive our future. To sum up, I believe that we need to be
more aware of the importance of mathematics in our lives. Days pass and go that we
didn’t even notice that without math, we might not be able to reach the benefits of living
in the modern world. We students, must stop whining instead need to work hard to learn
and understand math. Plus we all should be grateful of it. Lastly I wanted to share that
maybe, just maybe without math this world, wouldn’t be the world we all know today.

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