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Submitted as partial fulfillment of the requirements
to achieve Sarjana Sastra Degree in English Letters

Dewanto, S.S., M. Hum

Name : Taufik Nur Rahman

NPM : 19071020
Faculty : English Language and Literature
Class : K1-B (Evening)


In this part of the introduction, the researcher describes the background of the study,
research or the problems, research objectives, significance of study, scope and limitation of
the study and definition of key term in order to give a clear understanding of this research.

1.1 Background of Study

There are a lot of culture and tradition in Indonesia. Every parts of Indonesia have its
own unique and different culture and tradition from one place to another. In this research, the
writer will take Wayang for the subject to study. Not in Indonesia or Java in general, but
specifically in the writer’s village which is Ngembong village. And the writer’s theme for this
cultural research is “The Lack of Interest in Younger Audiences to Watch Wayang in
Ngembong Village”. The reason why the writer chooses this theme is because nowadays
Wayang has very low percentage of interest from younger audiences. If this continues to
happen, Wayang’s existence will disappear in our society as a result because Wayang will no
longer has a successor to pass the culture to next generation since the lack of interest in
younger audiences to watch Wayang continues to happen. In the writer’s society for example,
the writer rarely knows any kids or teenagers that watch Wayang show, whether on the
internet or live. The writer aim for doing this research is hopefully the writer will be able to
spread the awareness of Wayang existence so it will not going to extinct and can continues its
existence to the next generation as one of culture and tradition from Indonesia.
The writer uses the primary and secondary data for this research. For the primary data
the writer does the qualitative approach research method which is interviews on couple of
kids and the writer’s friends about why do they have not or rarely watch Wayang. For the
secondary data the writer does the qualitative approach research method which is searching
the data of what is the reasons that cause the lack of interest in watch Wayang for younger
audiences on the internet with legitimate validation. The procedure that the writer does for
gathering the primary data is first, the writer contacts the person who the writer wants to
interviews with, asking their willingness to do the interview. Second, the writer plans the
time and place to do the interview. Third, do the interview. Fourth, gathering the data and the
result of the interview. The procedure that the writer does for gathering the secondary data is
first, the writer searches the data that has the legitimate validation on the internet. Second,
gathering the data and the result.
Holmes (2001, p. 1) says that sociolinguistic is study the relationship between
language and society. They are interested in explaining why we speak differently in different
social contexts, and they are concerned with identifying the social function of language and
the ways it is used to convey social meaning. Examining the way people use language in
different social context provides a wealth of information about the way language works, as
well as about social relationship in a community, and the way people signal aspects of their
social identity through their language. The use of language by a speaker or a group of
speakers as a result of moving from one speech community to another is known as language
shifting. The process of replacing one language in a society's linguistic repertoire with
another is known as language shift. As a result, the result of the process of replacing one
language with another is referred to as language shift (Ibrahim, 2003).
The results of this research is that, the younger audiences in Ngembong village,
Wonogiri believe that Wayang is antiquated and old in today's world. Wayang's inability to
keep up with the modern age due to a lack of innovation and creativity is one of the main
obstacles to attracting younger audiences. Aside from that, in order to maintain the existence
of Wayang, the old-fashioned or traditional way of Wayang must be altered without lowering
the values in the Wayang itself. For example, the duration of the Wayang show is far too
long, resulting in boredom, and the vocabulary used in the Wayang presentation is far too
tough for younger audiences to comprehend. Also, the Wayang show's massages are very
heavy, making it difficult to reach younger audiences. The problem with this is that it is not
limited to the Wayang itself. The younger audiences in Ngembong village, Wonogiri, claim
that this is also due to their elders' failure to introduce them to the culture. So they have no
concept what it is, let alone how to perform it, watching it, or conserve it. The local
government is also not assisting because Wayang shows could have been held far more
frequently than they are today to demonstrate and expose our beautiful culture of Wayang to
younger audiences. However, the younger audiences in Wonogiri's Ngembong village are not
so innocent. They have no desire to learn more about their own culture or dive deeper into it
since they appear to be already contaminated and know more about modern or western
The survival of Wayang depends on every aspect in society. Whether from the
Wayang community, the government, or the general public. To survive and resuscitate
Wayang's existence, every facet of civilization must work together. If these elements continue
to operate alone, they will be unable to do anything. Because they were linked to one another.
If they can work together, not only will interest from younger audiences be revived, but
interest from all audiences will be restored. Wayang will continue to live and thrive, and
might will be grow bigger than it already have.

1.2 Research Problems

As mentioned before, this research deals with Sociolinguistics and language shifting.
By understanding the significances of the issue, the main problems that will be analyzed in
this research can be seen as follows:
1. What are the reasons that cause the lack of interest in younger audiences to watch
Wayang in Ngembong village, Wonogiri, Central Java?
2. What can we do to increase the interest in younger audiences to watch Wayang in
Ngembong village, Wonogiri, Central Java?

1.3 Research Objective

This study aims to:
1. Identify the reasons that cause the lack of interest in younger audiences to watch
Wayang in Ngembong village, Wonogiri, Central Java.
2. Describe the solutions to increase the interest in younger audiences to watch
Wayang in Ngembong village, Wonogiri, Central Java.

1.4 Significance of Study

When a community of users replaces one language with another, or "shifts," to that
other language, it is known as language shift. Although language shift can and does occur at
the level of the individual speaker, extensive language replacement and loss is connected with
shift at the level of an entire community. Shift is a type of language loss distinct from
language attrition, which refers to the loss of a language over the course of a person's
lifetime, generally as a result of aging or language substitution (as in shift). Language
maintenance, or the continued use of a language, is in contrast to language change and
attrition. Language maintenance and revitalization projects are responses to language shift,
and they are implemented by communities that believe their language is under threat of
extinction due to a decline in usage.
Theoretically, the writer expects this study will be able to contribute an understanding
to the reader’s knowledge in particular how to investigate the cause of the lack of interest in
younger audiences to watch Wayang in Ngembong village, Wonogiri, Central Java as one of
the impact on the cultural side in society that caused by language shift. Practically, the results
of this study are expected to become an additional knowledge and to stimulate studying
Linguistics field especially about Sociolinguistics. This research also expected to be used as
additional references for further researcher related with the field of Sociolinguistics analysis
in the same topic.

1.5 Scope Limitation of the Study

In conducting the study, the writer analyzes the lack of interest in younger audiences
to watch Wayang in Ngembong village, Wonogiri, Central Java. The writer concerns just on
the younger audiences that live in Ngembong village, Wonogiri, Central Java. To limit the
discussion the writer focuses on the language shift in Sociolinguistics.

1.6 Definition of Key Terms

a) Wayang
In his dissertation entitled Bijdrage tot de Kennis van het Javaansche Tooneel (1897),
the Dutch cultural historian Dr. G.A.J. Hazeau shows his belief that Wayang is an
authentic Javanese performance. The definition of Wayang in Dr. Hazeau’s
dissertation is a walulang inukir (carved leather) and you can see its reflection on the
b) Sociolinguistics
Holmes (2001, p. 1) says that Sociolinguistic is study the relationship between
language and society.
c) Language Shift
The use of language by a speaker or a group of speakers as a result of moving from
one speech community to another is known as language shifting. The process of
replacing one language in a society's linguistic repertoire with another is known as
language shift. As a result, the result of the process of replacing one language with
another is referred to as language shift (Ibrahim, 2003).
d) Culture
According to Geertz (1973, 89), culture is “a historically transmitted pattern of
meanings embodied in symbols.” Culture, on such a view, is like a text—something
that needs to be interpreted through the investigation of symbols. For Geertz,
interpretation involves the production of “thick descriptions,” in which behavioral
practices are described in sufficient detail to trace inferential associations between
observed events. It's not sufficient to refer to an observed ritual as a “marriage;” one
must recognize that nuptial rites have very different sequelae across social groups,
and these must be described. Ideally, the anthropologist can present a culture from the
point of view of its members.
e) Language
According to Kridalaksana and Djoko Kentjono (in Chaer, 2014: 32) language is
arbitrary sound symbol system used by members of social group to work together,
communicate, and identify themselves.
f) Society
According to Koentjaraningrat. In his book entitled Introduction to Anthropology
(Eighth Printing, 2002: 150), Koentjaraningrat mentions that the definition of society
is a group of people who "associate" with each other, or in scientific terms, "interact".
In this research, the writer will study and expand several theories connecting to the
problems. The main theory based on the Sociolinguistics’ language shift.
2.1 Previous Study Some
Previous Study 1
The first previous study that the writer take is the study of “Java Language
Shift in Karyamukti Village, Gelumbang District, Muara Enim Regency”. This study
discusses the shift in the use of the Java language in Karyamukti Village, Gelumbang
District, Muara Enim Regency who carried out the resettlement. Researcher wants to
prove whether everyone who migrate or move from one speech community to another
other regions will experience a language shift or not experience it at all language shift.
The reason of why the writer take this study is because this study aims to identify and
describe the shift in Javanese language in Karyamukti Village, Gelumbang District,
Muara Enim Regency in terms of the realm of family, kinship, neighborhood,
education, religion, transactions and governance. This research is expected to be
useful for readers in terms of development knowledge. Theoretically, this research is
expected to provide input in sociolinguistic studies, especially the theory of language
shift. Practically, this research is expected to be able to make the public aware of the
existence of language shift and avoid language shift.
The data from this first previous study with the writer’s study is quite similar
but also different. The difference is that the data for this first previous study uses the
research on the Java language shift in Karyamukti Village, Gelumbang District,
Muara Enim Regency while the writer’s study uses the research on the lack of interest
in younger audiences to watch Wayang in Ngembong Village, Wonogiri, Central
The theory for this first previous study are Chaer’s theory about language,
Purnomo’s native language and Chaer and Agustin’s language shift. The theory of the
writer’s study are Holmes' Sociolinguistic theory and Ibrahim's language shifting.
The method for this first previous study is descriptive method on the Java
language shift in Karyamukti Village, Gelumbang District, Muara Enim. The method
of the writer’s study is interview qualitative method on resource persons which is the
younger audiences in Ngembong Village, Wonogiri, Central Java.
The result of this first previous study shows that the Javanese language has
shifted to young people in Karyamukti Village, Gelumbang District, Muara Enim in
each domain, which are family, kinship, neighborhood, education, religion,
transactions, and governance. The result of the writer’s study is identifying the
reasons that cause the lack of interest in younger audiences to watch Wayang and
describing the solutions to increase the interest in younger audiences to watch
Wayang in Ngembong village, Wonogiri, Central Java.
The weakness of this first previous study is that this research studying Java
language shift in Karyamukti Village, Gelumbang District, Muara Enim Regency on
several realms of society which are family, kinship, neighborhood, education,
religion, transactions, and governance. This requires so much research to studying
these aspect of society so this study still needs much more in depth research.
Previous Study 2
The second previous study that the writer take is the study of “Java Language
Shift in The Family Region in A Multi-Lingual Community in Brebes District Area”.
This research discusses the scope of the field of language planning studies (language
planning), especially regarding language shift (language shift) included in perspective
Sociolinguistics. For this reason, the topic of this research will be focused on the
language shifting of the Java language in Brebes Regency area. The reason of why the
writer take this study is because this study objectives to be achieved, are (1) revealing
patterns of shifting Javanese language in the area of Brebes Regency and (2) reveal
the influence of socio-cultural factors in the shift Javanese language in the Brebes
Regency area. This goal will be realized through the approach Sociolinguistics.
Sociolinguistics examines the relationship between language and society that link the
two areas that can be studied separately, namely: formal structure of language by
Linguistics and the structure of society by Sociology.
The data from this second previous study with the writer’s study is quite
similar but also different. The difference is that the data for this second previous study
uses the research on the Java language shift in the family region in a multi-lingual
community in Brebes District Area while the writer’s study uses the research on the
lack of interest in younger audiences to watch Wayang in Ngembong Village,
Wonogiri, Central Java.
The theory for this second previous study are Amar’s theory about language
shift process and Mbete’s language shift. The theory of the writer’s study are Holmes'
Sociolinguistic theory and Ibrahim's language shifting.
The method for this second previous study is qualitative ethnography method
on the observation of Java language shift in the family region in a multi-lingual
community in Brebes District Area. The method of the writer’s study is interview
qualitative method on resource persons which is the younger audiences in Ngembong
Village, Wonogiri, Central Java.
The result of this second previous study is finding that there is a Javanese shift
of domain family multilingual society in Brebes. The Javanese shift happens in the
pattern of Javanese shift including (a) the pattern of husband relation with wife, (b)
the pattern of wife relation with husband, (c) the pattern of parent’s relation with
child, (d) the pattern of child relation with pattern, and (d) the pattern of child relation
with child. The Javanese shift in the domain family in Brebes is influenced by some
social factors. The factor are (a) the speaking situation, (b) the ethnic background, (c)
the ability of family members language, (d) the consanquinity relation, and (e) the
topic of discussion. The result of the writer’s study is identifying the reasons that
cause the lack of interest in younger audiences to watch Wayang and describing the
solutions to increase the interest in younger audiences to watch Wayang in Ngembong
village, Wonogiri, Central Java.
The weakness of this second previous study is that the community being
studied in this research is the people who are in the northern coastal area of Brebes
Regency. So it cannot yet to cover Brebes District Area.
Previous Study 3
The third previous study that the writer take is the study of “Forms of The
Shift of Javanese in The Samin Community in The Domestic Domain”. This study is
about shifting language code in the Samin community in Blora Regency from the use
of the Javanese ngoko language to the Javanese krama, especially in the family realm.
On initially, the Samin people were known as people who could only speak Javanese
Ngoko. But along with their openness, now society Samin can already use the
language Javanese manners. The reason of why the writer take this study is because
this study aims to describe the forms of the shift of Javanese in the Samin community
in the domestic domain. The data were collected from two locations where the Samin
community lives. The data were ethnographically analyzed. The findings show that
there is a shift of Javanese in the Samin community from the ngoko Javanese to the
krama Javanese. The ngoko language, which is the characteristic of Javanese in the
Samin community, is used in a variety of domains. However, due to a variety of
causes, the Samin community does not use the ngoko Javanese for all purposes. It is
used only in the domestic domain and neighborhood involving the members of the
Samin community only. In other domains such as social and educational domains, the
ngoko Javanese is not used anymore and there is a shift to the krama Javanese.
The data from this third previous study with the writer’s study is quite similar
but also different. The difference is that the data for this third previous study uses the
research on the forms of the shift of Javanese in the Samin community in the domestic
domain while the writer’s study uses the research on the lack of interest in younger
audiences to watch Wayang in Ngembong Village, Wonogiri, Central Java.
The theory for this third previous study are Wardaugh’s, Holmes’, and
Hudson’s Sociolinguistics phenomenon and Mbete’s language diversity. The theory
of the writer’s study are Holmes' Sociolinguistic theory and Ibrahim's language
The method for this third previous study is ethnography method on the shift of
Javanese in the Samin community in the domestic domain. The method of the writer’s
study is interview qualitative method on resource persons which is the younger
audiences in Ngembong Village, Wonogiri, Central Java.
The result of this third previous study is that there has been a shift in the
Javanese language used by the Samin people from ngoko Javanese to krama Javanese.
Javanese ngoko which is a characteristic Samin Javanese language is used in various
fields. But in line with various influences, now Samin people no longer use the
Javanese ngoko language for all purposes. Ngoko Javanese is only used in the realm
of family and neighbors which always involves fellow Samin community. As for
other realms, such as social, educational, and other domains, the Javanese ngoko
language is no longer used and switch to using Javanese manners. The result of the
writer’s study is identifying the reasons that cause the lack of interest in younger
audiences to watch Wayang and describing the solutions to increase the interest in
younger audiences to watch Wayang in Ngembong village, Wonogiri, Central Java.
The weakness of this third previous study is that not all Samin family and
neighborhood uses the Javanese krama. So it is not relevant if the third previous study
generalize all of the family and neighborhood in Samin community.
The conclusion from the previous study above is that there is a similarity between the
writer’s study and the previous study above. So, the writer can use the previous study above
as a references to help the writer in the making of the writer’s study.
2.2 Theory of Study
Holmes (2001, p. 1) says that sociolinguistic is study the relationship between
language and society. They are interested in explaining why we speak differently in different
social contexts, and they are concerned with identifying the social function of language and
the ways it is used to convey social meaning. Examining the way people use language in
different social context provides a wealth of information about the way language works, as
well as about social relationship in a community, and the way people signal aspects of their
social identity through their language.
The use of language by a speaker or a group of speakers as a result of moving from
one speech community to another is known as language shifting. The process of replacing
one language in a society's linguistic repertoire with another is known as language shift. As a
result, the result of the process of replacing one language with another is referred to as
language shift (Ibrahim, 2003).
According to Fasold (1984: 213-214) language shift and maintenance is the result of
the language selection process over a very long period of time. Language shift indicates the
existence of a language that is completely abandoned by the community of speakers. This
means that when a language shift occurs, members of a language community collectively
prefer to use the new language rather than the old language that is traditionally used.
Meanwhile, language defense concerns the problem of attitude or assessment of a language to
keep using that language in the presence of other languages (Chaer, 1995).
According to Holmes (2000:57), language shifting or language maintenance can occur
in various sectors of life, such as economic, social, cultural, educational, political,
government and so on. These two events are of course followed by evidence of the use of the
language of the speaking community. Awareness of education, improvement of economic
conditions, and high mobility of the population have an effect on the use of everyday
The data for this research is that there are younger audiences in Ngembong village,
Wonogiri who think that:
1. Wayang is antiquated and old in today's world. Wayang's inability to keep up with the
modern age due to a lack of innovation and creativity is one of the main obstacles to
attracting younger audiences.
2. In order to maintain the existence of Wayang, the old-fashioned or traditional way of
Wayang must be altered without lowering the values in the Wayang itself.
3. The duration of the Wayang show is far too long, resulting in boredom.
4. The vocabulary used in the Wayang presentation is far too tough for younger audiences to
5. The Wayang show's massages are very heavy, making it difficult to reach younger
In this chapter, the writer presents the method used in this research. This method is
used by the writer to collect and analyze the data. It consists of research designs, source of
the data, procedure of data collection, procedure data analysis and technique of data analysis.
The writer uses various methods in order to collect the data. The data that the writer obtains
will be managed and reviewed, ensuring that the data resulting from this study is correct and
3.1 Research Designs
The writer uses the interview qualitative method that compatible with this research in
this study. Qualitative research is a holistic approach that involves discovery. Qualitative
research is also described as an unfolding model that occurs in a natural setting that enables
the researcher to develop a level of detail from high involvement in the actual experiences
(Creswell, 1994). One identifier of a qualitative research is the social phenomenon being
investigated from the participant’s viewpoint. There are different types of research designs
that use qualitative research techniques to frame the research approach. As a result, the
different techniques have a dramatic effect on the research strategies explored.  According to
Oakley (1981), qualitative interview is a type of framework in which the practices and
standards be not only recorded, but also achieved, challenged and as well as reinforced. As no
research interview lacks structure most of the qualitative research interviews are either semi-
structured, lightly structured or in-depth. Unstructured interviews are generally suggested in
conducting long-term field work and allow respondents to let them express in their own ways
and pace, with minimal hold on respondents’ responses. Thus, by using the method of
interview qualitative, the writer gathers the data by interview which is asking open-ended
questions verbally to respondents.
3.2 Source of the Data
In this study, the data obtained came from primary data sources and secondary data
sources. Primary data sources are data sources that obtained directly from the field. The
primary data source of this research is interviews, where interviews will be conducted to a
couple of kids and the writer’s friends in Ngembong village, Wonogiri, Central Java about
why do they have not or rarely watch Wayang. While the secondary data source is a data
source obtained indirectly from searching the data of what is the reasons that cause the lack
of interest in watch Wayang for younger audiences on the internet with legitimate validation.
3.3 Procedure of Data Collection
Data in everyday sense can be interpreted as facts from an object being observed, it
can be in the form of numbers or words. When viewed from a statistic, data are facts that will
be used as material for drawing conclusions (Iswandari, in Setyawan 2013).
Data in this study derived from all the information obtained from the results of
interviews and searching the data on the internet with legitimate validation. The analysis of
this research is ongoing together with the data collection process, or carried out after the data
The procedure of gathering the data that the writer has done for this research are:
Primary Data:
1. The writer contacts the person who the writer wants to interviews with, asking their
willingness to do the interview.
2. The writer plans the time and place to do the interview.
3. The writer conducting the interview.
4. Gathering the data and the result of the interview.
Secondary Data:
1. The writer searches the data that has the legitimate validation on the internet.
2. Gathering the data and the result.
3.4 Procedure of Data Analysis
The writer used Holmes' Sociolinguistic theory and Ibrahim's language shifting to
analyze the data for this study. Following the collection of data, the writer examined the data
using these following steps:
1. Identification
The writer identified the data for this study, which is in the form of qualitative data, as
a result of interviews with some of the study's resource persons.
2. Explaining Identified Data
The writer's data for this study is qualitative data derived from interviews with some
resource persons in the form of sentences.
3. Draw Conclusion
The writer classified the data of qualitative data. Finally, after all the data had been
analyzed, the writer drew the conclusion based on the results of the analysis. Those
steps are used during in procedure to analyzing the data.

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