Must, Mustn't, and Should

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Unit 1

8th Grade
Junior High School
Learning Objectives

After learning this unit, you are expected to be able to:

● express obligations;
● express prohibitions;
● give advice;
● use modals ‘must’, ‘have to’, and ‘should’.
Learning Material

01 02 03
Expression of Expression of Modals
“must”, “have to”,
obligation advice and “should”
Warm Up
Study the following situation. Try to write
sentences using “must”, “must not” and
“should” based on the situation.

We must put litter in its place.

(Kita harus membuang sampah pada tempatnya)

We must not litter in the river.

(Kita tidak boleh membuang sampah di sungai)

We should keep the river clean.

(Kita seharusnya menjaga sungai tetap bersih)
How to use modal verbs

A To express obligation or duty,
refer to laws or regulations.

Must not (mustn’t)

B To express prohibiton
(negative obligation).

C To express advice or suggestion

Examples expression
of obligation
Examples Expression of Obligation
We must respect to our teacher.
Kita harus menghormati guru kita.

We must get to school on time.

Kita harus tiba di sekolah tepat waktu.

We must be kind and polite to all friends.

Kita harus baik dan sopan kepada semua teman.

We must do the exam individually.

Kita harus mengerjakan test ujian secara individu.

Examples Expression
of prohibiton
Examples Expression of Prohibition
We mustn’t wear casual clothes to school.
Kita tidak boleh menggunakan pakaian biasa ke sekolah.

We mustn’t be late to school.

Kita tidak boleh terlambat ke sekolah.

We mustn’t bully each other.

Kita tidak boleh mengganggu (membully) satu sama lain.

We mustn’t chaet on the exam.

Kita tidak boleh menyontek saat ujian.

Example Expression
of Giving Advice
Examples Expression of Giving Advice
You should change your attitude.
Kamu seharusnya merubah sikapmu.

You should study harder.

Kamu seharusnya belajar lebih giat.

You should take care of yourself carefully.

Kamu seharusnya menjaga dirimu sendiri dengan hati-hati.

You should come to school on time.

Kamu seharusnya datang ke sekolah tepat waktu.
Task 1
Read carefully the following dialog.
Then, answer the questions.
Dialog 1

Tina : Albert, what is our task?

Albert : Well, we must interview some tourists in
Prambanan Temple.
Tina : Should we interview a certain number of them?
Albert : Well, about three or four are enough.
Tina : Should we present the result orally or in written?
Albert : Orally.
Tina : Okay, thanks.
Question for dialog 1

1 What must Tina and Albert do for their task?

2 How many people should they intervew?

3 What should they present and how should they do it?

Read carefully the following dialog.
Then, answer the questions.
Dialog 2

Katie : I have to prepare for my English project tomorrow.

Pat : What must you do?
Katie : I have to write a speech and make copies.
Pat : Must you do tonight? Can’t you wait until morning?
Katie : No, I have to do it tonight. I must finish before 9:00 pm
because my favorite show will be on TV.
Pat : I hope you don’t have to do too much!
Question for dialog 2

1 What must Katie prepare for?

2 Must Katie make copies for her speech?

When Katie must finish preparing her project?

3 And why that time?

4 Why can’t Katie wait until morning?

5 What does Pat hope?

Do you have any questions?
Feel free to ask me on
+62 852 56 222 448
(WA only)

CREDITS: This presentation template was

created by Slidesgo, including icons by
Flaticon, and infographics & images by Freepik

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