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Grammar – Ways to referring to the future

Expressing the Future Tense in English in 4 Ways–Which to Use?

There are 4 ways of expressing the future tense in English:

will, be going to, the present continuous, and the simple present.

We use the following formula for expressing the future with will:

subject + will + base form of the verb

To make a prediction about the future

1. Expressing a belief we have about the future

o It will be a good day tomorrow.
o I think John Smith will win the election.
2. To express what you want or are willing to do
o I hope you will come to dinner at my house tomorrow.
o Mary said she will help me cook.
3. To make an offer about the future or suggestion
o I’ll help you if you help me.
o Shall we go for a vacation next month?
4. To make a promise
o I’ll call you as soon as I get home.
o We’ll pay this bill tomorrow.

Using be going to
Use this formula when expressing the future with be going to:

subject + am/are/is + going to + base form of the verb

We are going to move to Canada soon.

Use be going to for the following situations:

1. To express a plan or intention

o I’m going to take the bus to work today.
o They are going to add a room on to their house.
2. To make a prediction based on evidence we can see. This is a little different than a prediction with will. When
we use will, it is our opinion. We may or may not have any evidence.
o Look at the sky. I’m sure it’s going to rain soon.
3. To express plans that you have made in advance
o My son is going to start college in the fall.
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Expressing the future with the present continuous
We can express the future with the present continuous ( am/are/is + ing form of the verb) in the following

1. To express future plans that you have already made. In this case, the present continuous has the same
meaning as be going to

My friend is traveling to Europe next month.

We could also say, “My friend is going to travel to Europe next month. All have the same meaning.

My friend is going to travel to Europe next month.

2. To express something you have already arranged. Again, this has the same meaning as be going to.

I’m picking my sister up after work.

We usually use the present continuous to express the near future that we are reasonable sure will happen. We
do not use it for something that might happen years from now.

Using the simple present

The final way of expressing the future is with the simple present. This is also for near future events. Use the
simple present to express the future in these situations:

1. To talk about a scheduled event or an event on a timetable– This is the case when we talk about time
tables, schedules of buses, planes, etc . I need to leave.
o I have a doctor’s appointment in 30 minutes.
o We need to get to the airport now! Our plane leaves in one hour.
o It‘s his birthday tomorrow.
o Christmas falls on a Wednesday next year.
o When does the meeting begin?
2. To talk about 2 future events, one earlier and one later. When this happens, we use will or be going
to for the later event and the simple present for the earlier event.
o I will e-mail you when I receive your payment. (First I need to receive your payment. Then I will e-mail
o After I graduate, I’m going to look for a job. (First I need to graduate. Then I can look for a
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Grammar – Ways to referring to the future
(1) To talk about events that are part of a timetable or schedule – Simple Present Tense
(2) To talk about plans and intentions – (be) + going to + infinitive
(3) To make predictions based on opinions – will + infinitive
(4) To talk about definite arrangements – Present Continuous Tense

Practice A
Fill in the blank with the correct verb form using the word in bracket.
1. It ____________________ (rain) soon. There are a lot of black clouds in the sky. (prediction based on
present evidence)
2. We ____________________ (move) to Kuala Lumpur next month. (definite arrangement)
3. John left an hour ago, so he ____________________ (be) home by now. (prediction)
4. There ____________________ (be) hotels on the moon within the next 50 years. (prediction)
5. The train ____________________ (arrive) at 6.15 tomorrow. (a schedule)
6. I____________________ (buy) a new car. (intention)
7. There ____________________ (be) many people in the school tomorrow. (simple prediction)
8. Emma ____________________ (see) Luke tomorrow, (They arranged this meeting yesterday)
9. Emma and Luke have arranged the meeting: Emma ____________________ (see) Luke tomorrow.
10. I have a feeling she ____________________ (win) that election. (make a prediction based on your
opinion or feeling)

Practice B
Fill in the blank with the correct verb form using the word in bracket.
1. __________ we __________ (go) to the pub this evening? (suggestion)
2. I____________________ (meet) Mr Hew at the airport tonight. (arrangement)
3. The plane ____________________ (leave) at 7 o’clock. (a schedule)
4. We____________________ (spend) the summer abroad. (plan and intention)
5. I ____________________ (give) you a lift to the cinema. (offer)
6. George is a terrible driver. He ____________________ (have) an accident one day. (prediction based on
present evidence.)
7. I ____________________ (meet) my college friends at the pub this evening. (arrangement)
8. Emma ____________________ (fly) to London next week. (arrangement)
9. She ____________________ (probably, show) up late tomorrow. She always does. (prediction)
10. My new course ____________________ (start) on Monday. (timetable or programme)

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Grammar – Ways to referring to the future
(1) To talk about events that are part of a timetable or schedule – Simple Present Tense
(2) To talk about plans and intentions – (be) + going to + infinitive
(3) To make predictions based on opinions – will + infinitive
(4) To talk about definite arrangements – Present Continuous Tense

Practice C
Fill in the blank with the correct verb form using the word in bracket.
1. __________ you __________ (come) to the dance with me? (send an invitation – offer)
2. The train ____________________ (arrive) at 6.30 in the morning. (schedule)
3. I hope you ____________________ (come) to my party. (wish)
4. We ___________________ (have) a party next Saturday. Would you like to come? (a definite arrangement)
5. ________ you ____________ (go) to the cinema tonight? (suggestion)
6. I think I ____________________ (stay) in tonight. (opinion)
7. My wife ____________________ (fly) to Japan tomorrow. (definite arrangement)
8. The shops ____________________ (open) at 9.00. (schedule)
9. He ____________________ (make) lasagna for dinner tonight. (plan that we have already made)
10. You look pale. I think you ____________________ (be) sick. (a prediction based on the present

Practice D
Fill in the blank with the correct verb form using the word in bracket.
11. This kid ____________________ (be) someone important when he grows up. (prediction, opinion)
12. The train for Penang ____________________ (leave) at midnight tonight. (a schedule)
13. It's so cloudy! I think it ____________________ (rain). (prediction based on present evidence.)
14. What time ___________ their flight to Seoul ______________ (leave)? (a schedule)
15. The museum ____________________ (close) at 5 pm. (timetable)
16. I don’t think she ____________________ (be) happy about that. (opinion)
17. Oh look out! She ____________________ (fall)! (we are sure it’s likely to happen)
18. Don’t worry. I ____________________ (help) you move house. (to make an offer)
19. Where do you think humans ____________________ (live) in 100 years from now?
20. What ____________________ (you, do) tomorrow? (intention)
21. I’m worried about this crack on the wall, this ____________________ (be) a problem. ( a prediction based
on the present evidence.)

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