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THE TYPE 1 CONDITIONAL refers to a possible condition and its probable result.

It is used to
express a possibility in the future

If clause: Present Simple >> the other clause: will + infinitive.

For example,

 If it rains, you will get wet.

 If you don’t drop the gun, I will shoot.
 If you go to bed earlier, you won’t be so tired.
 If you go to bed earlier, you will be more energetic.

Other examples of using the first conditional sentence (if-clause 1) …

 … for circumstances that can arise due to a condition that is likely to be met:

“If she comes home late, she will get in trouble.”

 The condition (late arrival) is quite probable and can be fulfilled.

 “If you buy it now, you’ll save a lot of money.”

o The condition here (buying) is also probable and can be fulfilled as well.

Be aware of the varied clause position:

 “If you wait for me a little more, I’ll buy you a drink.”
o This sentence structure needs a comma, as ‘if’ appears at the beginning of the sentence.
 “I’ll buy you a drink if you wait for me a little more.”
o No comma is required, as the if-clause itself appears as the second part.

Special Case: It is also common to use this structure with “unless”

 I won’t stay in JB too long unless I get a well-paid job.

 When I finish work, I'll call you.
 I'll leave as soon as the babysitter arrives.

This grammar exercise tests your ability to write type 1 conditional sentences. You have to fill in the blanks
using the appropriate form of the verb given in the brackets. An example is given below.
If she ………………….. (work) hard, she ………………….. (pass) the exam.
If she works hard, she will pass the exam.

1. If I ………………….. (be) hungry, I ………………….. (get) something to eat

2. If it ………………….. (rain), we ………………….. (cancel) the match.
3. If you ………………….. (have) enough experience, the boss ………………….. (hire) you.
4. If I ………………….. (get) a promotion, I ………………….. (buy) a new car.
5. If it ………………….. (not rain) tomorrow, we ………………….. (go) to the beach.
6. They ………………….. (be) happy if we ………………….. (invite) them.
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THE SECOND CONDITIONAL is used to future situations that are impossible or unlikely in
The structure is usually: if + past simple >> would + infinitive.
“Would you jump out of a plane if you had a parachute?”

 The situation is unreal and is unlikely to happen.

“If I had wings, I would fly away.”

 The condition (having wings) is fictitious and cannot be fulfilled.

“If I won the lottery, I would go on a trip around the world.

 ”The condition (lottery win) could be met but is improbable.

To give advice. In this case, we use the phrase ‘if I were you’ (subjunctive) in the if-part:

 “I wouldn’t be so worried if I were you.”

 “If I were you, I would accept the job offer.”

This grammar exercise tests your ability to write type 2 conditional sentences. You have to fill in the blanks
using the appropriate form of the verb given in the brackets. An example is given below.

You ………………….. (not be) so tired if you ………………….. (go) to bed earlier.
You wouldn’t be (not be) so tired if you went (go) to bed earlier.

1. If I ………………….. (wake) up earlier, I ………………….. (be) aware of what happened.

2. What ………………….. (happen) if humans ………………….. (disappear) from this planet?
3. If my mother ………………….. (not remind) me, I ………………….. (forget) my wallet at home.
4. If I ………………….. (be) the King of Thailand, I ………………….. (not leave) my people during
this pandemic.
5. If I ………………….. (be) taller, I ………………….. (buy) this dress.
6. If Mr Hew ………………….. (be) 20, he ………………….. (quit) his job and travel the world.
7. She ………………….. (not talk) to us if she ………………….. (be) angry.
8. He ………………….. (buy) you a diamond ring if he really loved you.
9. He ………………….. (survive) if he got proper medical care.
10. If I ………………….. (know) where she lived, I would go and see her.

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Practice A Fill in the blanks with the correct form of verbs using the word in bracket.
Type I: If you work (work) hard, you will achieve (achieve) your goal one day.

Type II: If I understood (understand) what the teacher said, I would teach (teach) you.

1. If you drop the glass, it ………………….. (break) into pieces.

2. You ………………….. (not need) to take the test if you understood English grammar well.
3. If I ………………….. (be) a plant, I would love the rain.
4. If I were you, I ………………….. (not mention) it to anyone.
5. We ………………….. (be) able to buy a larger house if we had more money.
6. If you don’t hurry, we ………………….. (miss) the train.
7. I will call the police if you ………………….. (not leave) now.
8. I ………………….. (finish) the letter as soon as I have time.
9. What ………… you ……….. (do) if you miss the plane?
10. Would he go to the concert if I ………………….. (give) him a ticket?

Practice B Fill in the blanks with the correct form of verbs using the word in bracket.
Type I: If you do (do) your homework now, you will have (achieve) more time to play games later.

Type II: If I had (have) the opportunity, I would leave (teach) the country.

1. We ………………….. (leave) without her if she comes late again.

2. I ………………….. (visit) her if I had time.
3. If I were you, I ………………….. (not accept) the money.
4. If he studies hard, he ………………….. (get) good results in the exam.
5. She would win the prize if she………………….. (know) the answer.
6. If you ………………….. (not behave) well in the class, I will throw you out.
7. If I were you, I ………………….. (give) up smoking.
8. I ………………….. (not sign) up for the course unless I have time.
9. I ………………….. (marry) with him if he proposes to me.
10. If the drought continues, plants and animals ………………….. (perish).

Practice C Fill in the blanks with the correct form of verbs using the word in bracket.

1. What would you do if you ………………….. (learn) that you had a bad illness?
2. If you ………………….. (not lock) your bicycle, someone will steal it.
3. Jane would be very happy if someone ………………….. (offer) her a job.
4. If she invites me, I ………………….. (go).
5. If I got one more chance, I ………………….. (try) to find out where I made the mistake.
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6. ………… they ……….. (pay) me more if I work harder?
7. We ………………….. (have) a lot of fun if you came to the party.
8. If he were clever, he ………………….. (understand) what I meat.
9. You ………………….. (get) wet if you don’t bring your umbrella.
10. If I had more time, I ………………….. (meet) my friends more often.
11. If you can speak English well, you will get a job in foreign companies.
12. I would buy you a drink if you ………………….. (ask) more politely.

Practice D Fill in the blanks with the correct form of verbs using the word in bracket.
Type I: If you don’t submit (not submit) on time, your teacher will punish (punish) you.

Type II: If I had (have) my own car, I wouldn’t have (not have) to take the bus to work every day.

1. You ………………….. (run) away if I show you what is inside this box.
2. They ………………….. (not invite) you if they didn’t like you.
3. If she ………………….. (be) prime minister, she would invest more money in schools.
4. If the weather wasn’t so bad, we ………………….. (go) to the park.
5. He ………………….. (go) with you to the cinema if you ask him.
6. You ………………….. (get) a speeding ticket if you drive too fast.
7. If you don’t apologize, she ………………….. (be) very angry.
8. I ………………….. (send) her an invitation if I found her address.
9. She ………………….. (not join) us if she is busy in work.
10. He would travel more if he ………………….. (be) younger.

Practice E Fill in the blanks with the correct form of verbs using the word in bracket.

1. You ………………….. (see) the Eiffel Tower if you go to Paris.

2. If he had enough experience for the job, the boss ………………….. (hire) him.
3. If she weren’t ill, she ………………….. (go) to school.
4. I ………………….. (lend) you some money if you promise not to waste it.
5. If I ………………….. (be) the chairman, I would offer some new and different ideas.
6. You ………………….. (be) healthy if you don’t smoke.
7. People ………………….. (choose) you if you participated in the election.
8. I ………………….. (not cry) if he left me.
9. What would you do first if a fire ………………….. (break) out?
10. We ………………….. (not finish) our project on time unless we use our time properly.

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