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Name: _________________( ) J2( ) 6.

Chandler spends his money on expensive clothes and expensive

dinner instead of paying his _____(J)______.
A Night Out – by O. Henry
7. White on his way to an expensive restaurant, Chandler collides

Part A Blank-filling exercises 40% into _____(K)______, a pretty young woman.

8. Marian is dressed in an old _____(L)______ and a cheap-looking
Fill in the blanks with the MOST APPROPRIATE ANSWERS
based on the short story “A Night Out”. _____(M)______when she meets Chandler at a street corner.
9. Marian’s _____(N)______is hurt so Chandler invites her for dinner
1. The scenes of the play take place at various places in New York
at an expensive restaurant.
10. After having a good dinner together, Chandler tries to impress
Scene 1 The _____(A)______ of the house where
Marian by claiming that he is a rich “_____(O)______”.
Chandler rents a room. The house is owned by
11. Chandler thinks that Marian is a _____(P)______and regrets not
the landlady, _____(B)______.
telling her the _____(Q)______.
Scene 2 A _____(C)______ where Chandler accidently
12. In an ironic twist, Marian actually comes from a _____(R)______
runs into Marian.
family but she can only love a _____(S)______ man even if he is
Scene 3 An expensive _____(D)______ where Chandler
and Marian have dinner together.
13. “You can spend money on expensive clothes, but you can’t pay
Scene 4 Marian’s _____(E)______ where she confides
for your room. Is that right?” What kind of literary device used
to her sister, Sissie, about her wish to marry a
on the note above? _____(T)______
working man.
Part B HOTS Analysis 32%
2. The story is written in the _____(F)______ person point of view.
1. What does the expensive clothes that Chandler wear that night
3. Towers Chandler is well-dressed and is ready to enjoy the night
symbolize? (4 marks)
like a “man with _____(G)______ dollars”.
2. Why does Chandler hurry away when he sees Mrs Black? (4
4. Chandler likes to act like a rich man even though he earns only
_____(H)______ dollars a week.
5. He does this activity once every _____(I)______.

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3. In the play, Chandler claims that he is a rich “do-nothing” even 6. Chandler makes an exaggeration about how “do-nothings” are the
though he is actually a working man. Why did Chandler lie to hardest workers even though they do no actual work. (T/F)
Marian about being a rich “do-nothing”? (5 marks) 7. Chandler thinks Marian looks ugly despite wearing some
4. Why is Marian sad after hearing Chandler’s dishonest claim about expensive clothes. (T/F)
being a rich “do-nothing”? (5 marks) 8. It is Chandler’s dishonesty that makes Marian lose interest in him.
5. Why does Marian wear her maid’s old hat and cheap-looking coat 9. If Chandler had told Marian the truth, he may have impressed her
on that day? Where is she going? (5 marks) and maybe even win her love. (T/F)
6. (i) Do you think Marian wish to conform the expectations of her 10. Chandler should have used the money that he saves to enjoy living
family? Explain your answer. (4 marks) like a rich man for one night instead of paying for more important
(ii) Do you think that Marian’s parents would allow her to marry things, such as his rent. (T/F)
Chandler? Explain why. (5 marks)
Part D Write down where the events below took place in
Part C TRUE or FALSE 20% the spaces provided below. (2 marks each)
Fill in the blanks with (T) True for correct statements OR (F) No. Event Place
False for untrue statements. IF YOUR ANSWER IS (F), PLEASE 1 Chandler claims to be a rich “do-
1. The play is ironic as it shows the contrast between the appearances
2 Jeff thinks that Chandler’s way of
of the two main characters, Chandler and Marian. (T/F)
having an enjoyable night is crazy.
2. Mrs Black is not aware of Chandler spending his money on
expensive clothes instead of paying his rent. (T/F)
3 Marian tells Sissie that she just
3. Marian can’t love a working man as she values a man’s wealth
needed her maid’s old hat and
over his character. (T/F)
cheap-looking coat.
4. Marian is impressed by Chandler’s claims that he is a rich “do-
4 Chandler invites Marian to an
nothing” because she hasn’t met any such man before. (T/F)
expensive restaurant.
5. Chandler assumes that Marian comes from a rich family because of
the expensive clothes she wears. (T/F)

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