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Part A Passive Voice 24%

Change the followings into passive forms. (2 marks each)

1. The teacher has just marked all the exam papers.


2. Jimmy is checking the files in the room now.


3. The boss will reward Jason for his honesty.


4. My sister was counting the coins from the coin box at that moment.


5. Timothy didn’t collect his last month’s pay.


6. They don’t clean the aquarium every week.


7. Someone will tell them to come for classes on this Saturday.


8. Jenny had mopped the floor before she went for work.


9. Five masked men stopped a tourist bus in KL last night.


10. Mr Hew sends his Alsatian to the vet’s for a check-up once a month.


11. The instructor is training our school cadets how to survive in the jungle.


12. Ali beat his opponent in the boxing match yesterday.


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Part B Tenses 15%
Fill in the blanks with the correct verb forms by using the words in bracket. (1% each)

1. Michelle _____________________ (read) the book the whole afternoon yesterday.

2. Helen _____________________ (just, speak) to me about some problems she met in school.
3. The old man _____________________ (live) in that house for many years.
4. The cat was sleeping while the kittens _____________________ (play).
5. Don’t worry, I _____________________ (help) if you really can’t finish your job on time.
6. The teachers _____________________ (attend) the seminar at this time next Saturday.
7. I know my team _____________________ (win) the title again.
8. I _____________________ (not inform) my wife the news yet.
9. Do you know what’s happened to Lulu? She _____________________ (cry) since last night.
10. I _____________________ (already, pack) my luggage before my wife came home.
11. If you had performed better, the teacher _____________________ (choose) you to play the main role of
the show.
12. I _____________________ (not allow) you to go out unless you tidy up your room.
13. The students _____________________ (study) in the library since 9 a.m.
14. He _____________________ (play) football for a long time before it started raining.
15. I _____________________ (learn) English for nearly three years.

Part C Vocabulary 20%

Fill in the blanks with the MOST APPROPRIATE answers.

distinguish unique hard to believe manufactures

particularly ordinary identical first of all
advertisement cultures essential depends

1. You should learn to _____________________ between right and wrong.

2. Good eating habits are _____________________ to good health.
3. The company _____________________ a variety of paper goods.
4. I always teach my son to show respect to other _____________________.
5. _____________________, let's clear up all the mess then only we decide on what colour to paint the house.
6. His painting wasn't _____________________ good, so no one praised him for it.
7. He bought the smartphone after seeing an _____________________ on TV.
8. Are the fingerprints at the crime scene _____________________ with those of the accused?
9. Have you noticed anything out of the _____________________ about the boy before he committed
10. Some humans are born with _____________________, supernatural talents.

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