MID-TERM TEST 2021/2022:: Kementerian Pendidikan Kebudayaan & Ristek Universitas Jenderal Soedirman Fakultas Ilmu Budaya

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MID-TERM TEST 2021/2022:

Subject : IC PRACTICUM Day/ Date : Selasa, 5 Oktober 2021

Lecturer : Novita Pri Andini, S.Pd. M.Pd. Time : 10.50-12.20
Mustasyfa Thabib Kariadi, S.Pd,M.Pd
Weksa Fradita Asriyama, S.Pd,M.Pd

Room : online Duration : 90'


- Do the test in a document and attach the work at Google Classroom & Eldiru
- Contact your lecture if you have problem to submit your work
- Don’t forget to thick your presence at Eldiru & GC

I. Choose the correct answer a, b, c or d!

Text for answering question number 1-5

Joining a student organization is beneficial for students. It can impact their

future careers and life experiences in a hugely positive way. The followings are the
significant list of its benefits.
First, student organization’s activities allow you to meet and work with other
students, alumni and company representatives who have knowledge to share. An
extensive contact list is highly valuable when starting your internship and career
search. You’ll discover new people and new places on your journey as a student.
Second, you’ll have opportunities to learn more about particular fields which
give you knowledge. Student organizations also provide opportunities to give back to
the community through acts of service, sponsoring events or hosting charity drives. It
will give immense value to the learning experience. You can also apply what you
have learned at school to the society.
Third, you’ll learn effective communication and presentation skills. You can
improve public speaking and gain confidence in yourself as an individual. You’ll also
learn about management and teamwork-all of which are essential skills to prepare you
for your career. If you become an officer in an organization, it will help you develop
leadership skills that will be valuable in areas of life.
Last, students who participate actively in organizations become well-rounded
individuals who are connected to their communities. Student organizations help you

keep priorities in focus and have a familiar group of friends with whom to study and
take part in recreational activities which significantly impact the satisfaction of

1. What is the benefit of learning public speaking in a student organization?

a. It can improve the confidence
b. It develops the leadership skill
c. It facilitates students for internship
d. It provides opportunities to serve the society
2. According to the text, it is expected that students should…..
a. Serve the community
b. Learn leadership skills
c. Join a student organization
d. Learn communication skills
3. “It will give immense value to the learning experience.” (paragraph 3)
The underlined word is most closely associated to….
a. Great
b. Weak
c. Trivial
d. Valid
4. The best title for this reading text is……
a. Organization Activities
b. The Benefits of Student Organizations
c. Leadership Skill
d. Students Activities
5. The main idea of the first paragraph is……
a. Joining a student organization is beneficial for students.
b. It can impact their future careers and life experiences in a hugely positive way.
c. The followings are the significant list of its benefits.
d. First, student organization’s activities allow you to meet and work with other
students, alumni and company representatives who have knowledge to share.

Text for number 6-7

Earthquake are one of the deadliest natural disasters. What causes them? Geologists
explain them in terms of a theory known as plate tectonics. Continents are floating apart from
each other; this is referred to as the continental drift. About sixty miles below the surface of
the sea, there is emimolten bed of rock over which plate, or slabs, carry continents and sea
floors at a rate of several inches a year. As the plates separate from each other, a new sea
floor is formed by the molten matter that was formerly beneath. Volcanic islands and large
mountain ranges are created by this type of movement.

6. The topic of the paragraph is….

a. The occurrence of the continental drift
b. Deadly natural disasters
c. The cause of earthquake
d. The formation of new sea floors
7. From the text we can conclude that the movement of plate tectonics….

a. Destroy existing continents

b. Are felt sixty miles below sea surface
c. Cause changes on earth
d. Is good for volcanic islands and mountains

Text for number 8-9

Television is the most popular form of entertainment in any household. People of all
ages use this medium to entertain themselves for an average of four hours a day. Thus,
television has had a tremendous influence on its viewers, especially children. Scientists now
say that children can be adversely affected by constant watching television. This is due to the
fact that they participate less in physical activities, spend less time reading and studying, and
see a world of violence that can affect their own feelings of security.

8. The text tells us about…..

a. The bad effect of television on children
b. Television, the best entertainer in our lives
c. Scientists research on the popularity of television
d. Viewers tremendous influence on television
9. ‘….that children can be adversely affected by constant watching television’ means….
a. Children are not interested in violent scene
b. Children are encourage to read a lot
c. Television makes children reluctant to study
d. Children learn a lot of positive things from television

10.Sue : Hi, What are you doing?

Lin : I’m......... It makes me happy
a. draw a simple map
b. drew a simple map
c. drawn a simple map
d. drawing a simple map

11. Every night the watchman turns on the light and ………..around the building every
half an hour.
b.is walking
d.to walk

12. Kadita usually …..to school on foot.

13. Prabu ………….badminton with his friend yesterday.
c.is playing

d.was playing
14. Perdana somestimes ……….to Tasikmalaya twice a week.
c.was coming
d.will come
15.The passengers of the aeroplane ………..when the plane hit the mountain last week.
a.are sleeping
b.were sleeping
c. have been sleeping
d. have slept

16. The students ……………their teacher in his house two days ago.
a. visit
b. visited
c. have been visiting
d. will visit

17. I was sleeping when my father …..the announcement about me on the radio.
a. heard
b. was hearing
c. hears
d. will be hearing
18. She ……………me this postcard three days ago.
a. sends
b. has sent
c. sent
d. will send
19. I…………..my clothes for camping when you phoned me last night
a. am preparing
b. have been preparing
c. was preparing
d. have prepared
20. Muchib always………….his own room after gets up.
a. is tidying
b. tidied
c. tidies
d. tidy

21 Nuki : What was your sister doing when you arrived home last night?
Lia : She…..in the kitchen
b.is cooking
c.was cooking
d. has cooked

Text for number 22-23

Our legal department requires a mature, versatile secretary who will report

to one senior counsel and one assistant counsel. The successful candidate
should have a solid background in organizational work, advanced skill in shorthand and data
processing, combined with at least three years of legal secretarial training. Some experience
in real estate could be an asset. Sunham Life offers excellent opportunities for personal
advancement. Compensation will be in accord with qualification, beginning at a minimum of
Rp 3.000.000 per month. A superior benefit package and an attractive incentive program are
included. Begin at once. Interviews will be held Mondays through Friday, May 12 to 16.

22. From the text we may conclude that the company needs a qualified secretary for its
business which deals with…
a. counselling in life insurance
b. insurance in real estate
c. legal secretarial training
d. shorthand and data processing skills
23. The text can be found in a……
a. scientific magazine
b. daily newspaper
c. business report
d. announcement board

Text for number 24-25

In recent years, Brazil has greatly increased its Gross National Product (GNP).
Several factors have caused this change. First, Brazil has a favorable climate, abundant useful
land, an excellent coastline, and many other natural resources. Second, it has a large number
of workers available for employment in industry. Finally, Brazilian business and economic
planners have encouraged investment.
24. What is the topic of the paragraph?
a. The factors leading to Brazil’s increase in its GNP
b. Brazil’s advantageous physical conditions
c. The change in Brazil’s GNP
d. The policy of economic planners in Brazil
25. What is the main idea of the text?
a. Brazil’s industry has grown rapidly because of large number of human resources
b. Brazil’s physical characteristics have contributed to the increase in Brazil’s GNP
c. Brazilian needs a lot more investment
d. There are three factors that have caused a rapid increase in Brazil’s GNP

26. One of the problems faced by foreign businessmen…the frequent changing of regulations
a. are c. to be
b. be d. is
27.Due to monetary crisis, the number of people without jobs…at the moment
a. increase c. increased
b. is increasing d. Will increase
28.Finding the right job with good salary and enjoyable environment…patience and courage
a. require c. it is requiring
b. they require d. requires

Reading text for answering questions number 29 and 30

You learn in school through your ears as well as through your eyes. Experts
who have studied human communication thoroughly have come up with some
revealing facts. They show that the average individual spends approximately 70
percent of his or her time communicating. Only about 9 percent of this time is devoted
to writing, 16 percent to reading, 30 percent to talking and 45 percent to listening.
However, in spite of the large amount of time spent in listening, the average person
does not do it well. Estimates of listening efficiency show that the average skill is
only about 25 percent of what it should be.
29. The following statements are true according to the text, except……
a. people spend most of their time communicating
b. most people have efficient listening skills
c. people spend less time speaking than listening
d. average listening efficiency very low.
30. The most important finding on the study of communication is…………
a. the way people communicate
b. that people do a lot of communicating
c. the efficiency in learning
d. the percentage of time in communication

II.Fill in the blanks with the appropriate comparisons.

1. Cat is ................. than lion. (tame)
2. Mirna is 10 years old. Rika is 10 years old. Mirna is ..................... Rika. (young)
3. Billy is 15 years old. Kevin is 18 years old. Ruby is 20 years old. Ruby is ...................
4. In the last holidays I read a good book, but father gave me a ............... one last
weekend. (good)
5. Skateboarding is a dangerous hobby. But bungee jumping is ................ than
skateboarding. (dangerous)

III Writing: Choose one of these topics below, then write in a good paragraph
(minimum 150 words! Don’t forget to use appropriate tenses!

a. My First Day at College/ University

b. My Lovely Hometown
c. My Plan for The Next Semester

Name : Mykola Rosi

NIM : J1E021016
Class : A

Answer Sheet

1. A 16. B
2. A 17. A
3. A 18. B
4. B 19. D
5. A 20. B
6. B 21. D
7. B 22. D
8. B 23. B
9. C 24. A
10. D 25. A
11. C 26. A
12. B 27. C
13. B 28. D
14. A 29. D
15. B 30. C


1. More tame
2. Not younger
3. The oldest
4. Better
5. More dangerous

My First Day At College
I'm so excited at my first day at college, although at first I was very confused because
there were so many events, but it was really fun. I met a lot of new friends from various faculties
and it was very nice, when after a long time staying at home I could finally discuss with new
people. although it was a bit nervous at first, but after 2 to 3 meetings the nervousness
disappeared.We do many things together. Starting from having fun, discussing and sharing a
story. I also get a lot of experience from it, I who initially didn't really like to socialize started to
dare to talk to new people.

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