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SHOOK UP .. Nicky Alan on what might be the case, often

aint the case
A BELIEVER .. Justin Cowell, 30 East Drive, the truth, the
In 1977 I read a book, not just any book, but a
book about ghosts, haunted house and strange
happenings AND it never left me, the impact it
06 I’M
whole truth and nothing but the Paranormal truth
ONE FOR SORROW, TWO FOR JOY .. Vicky & James join forces to
had on me, the paranormal tattoo it left on my
brain is here for all to see today. My love for the
paranormal is not cos I want to prove that ghosts
11 investigate the Magpie Mine
STRINGS ATTACHED .. Barrie John asks if “Paranormal folk are
are real, nor do I want to prove that ghosts aren’t
real. Anyone who knows me knows how I see and
view the paranormal, whilst I respect it, I also
15 NO
puppets, muppets or real genuine people”
OF DARKNESS .. The book you can partly blame for
write about it, I take the mickey out it, make fun
of it, tell jokes about and offer a curio type of non-
expert opinion of it. I always say that I visit places
Haunted Magazine is back from the dead
YOU WERE ERIE? .. Well now you can be as Spook-Eats
that may or may not be haunted using gadgets that
may or may not work and try to make contact with
ghosts that may or may not exist. That sums up
checks into and checks out The Eagle Hotel (in Erie, of course)
AND SEEK .. Jane Rowley asks whether it’s time to ask
the paranormal it to me, it’s fun, it’s exciting, it’s
a lifestyle of choice and it’s one that should be
enjoyed as much as possible.
spirits to help us communicate better
IN THE SCREAM .. MJ Dickson dons her Hazmat Suit
Now that book is back and we couldn’t let its
republishing, its reprinting pass without paying
and visits the Island of Poveglia
ENTERTAINMENT? .. TV or not TV, that is the paranormal
homage to it, the book that inspired a generation
of paranormal lovers and deinitely one of those
books that inspired me all those years ago, so
question Morgan Knudsen asks.
ON THE HILL .. Hubert Hobux loves a castle or two, a
much so that when I created Haunted Magazine,
that book was never far away from my mind. Enjoy
this issue, it’s nostalgic, it’s spooky, it’s funny, it’s
match made in Staffordshire
nasty and it’s full of paranormal pleasure.

Lovecraft fused story.. Saucy
AND SHIPS .. Leonard Low and the Key Largo (jumbo
Paul 37 FISH
battered) Fishing Boat
SKIP AND JUMP .. Katie Waller investigates a brutal
40 CHOP,
Brighton butchery
SHEARSMITH .. Exclusive interview with the man who
24 44 REECE
thinks Bigfoot is daft and the Loch Ness Monster is just a seal.
Sam Bennetts writes about EVPs

48 THE LAND THAT TIME FORGOT .. And the Ministry of Defence,

apparently. Penny Grifiths-Morgan and the lost village of Tyneham
PERVERT POLTERGEIST .. No jokey tagline here, just an
40 51 THE
investigation that no one forgot

53 THE PRICE IS RIGHT .. if it’s in your genes, there’s a good chance it will
be in the rest of your clothes. Meet Louise Price, great, great, great Niece
of the most famous of all “paranormal” Prices’
OF THE BLUE GHOST .. Jason Fellon writes about the
Ghosts of the USS Lexington
56 STEP BY ESTEP GUIDE .. There’s no clowning around when
59 THE
you’re on the hunt for the spirit of a Serial Killer
666 .. Mike Covell, the Big Daddy of Hull’s
Spooky History brings us yet another Yorkshire Ghost Story

Nicky Alan’s

s I stepped out of the car, I

A breathed in the crisp fresh

mountain air accented with
the subtle tones of flowering
heather. I looked around taking
in the majestic mountains and the
stunning Scottish moor landscape.
I could hear and see an emerald
sparkling river trail past the back of
the hotel. The Inchbae Lodge hotel was
to be my base for a spiritual retreat
that I was holding for the public.
Nestled in the isolated landscape near
Inverness, this cosy cottage hotel
held no foreboding as I approached
it despite hearing the stories of the
residents had reported being awoken in but certainly disconcerted any witnesses
It wasn’t until I passed the threshold the early hours by an apparition, a man with his presence. He did not look happy
that the hairs on the back of my neck who was bare chested, his legs invisible the lady reported. Ten minutes later, a
prickled. I immediately looked into my in the four-poster bedroom. I felt a thrill couple who were staying in the four-
mind and found the hotspot instantly. It of excitement. I couldn’t wait to meet and poster bedroom also reported the same
was on the first floor. As I looked deeper chat with this entity. My students arrived phenomena, a bare-chested man staring
through my third eye, I could see a in high spirits. I told them nothing of the at them in their beds. People were also
four-poster bed and a man, he liked it in haunting, I wanted them to experience it reporting doors being slammed in their
there, I could feel it. for themselves. There is nothing worse faces.
than telling them what to expect as that’s
On speaking to the owners, I was happy when imagination can start dwindling its During the day we visited various beautiful
to discover that I was right, many way into your logical mind. locations for meditations, era blending
and dowsing. I loved every minute of my
The following morning, retreats; however, I was dying to hold
as we were sitting a séance that night to try and locate
in the conservatory this curious spirit and find out why he
taking in the stunning roamed the rooms bare chested to the
landscape one of my unsuspecting public.
students approached
me and reported being That night there were about ten of us
woken at 3 am with sitting around a solid twelve-foot table,
a bare-chested man the rest of our group sat around the table
looming over her face. behind us. This table could not be moved
I couldn’t contain unless serious effort was made by several
my excitement as I people to budge it. I lit a candle, started
explained he was the the recording device and asked everybody
resident spirit here. He to link hands. Following a short blessing
was not a nasty spirit we were good to go. It was not long before

his. After an eternal torment of forbidden
There was a huge crash in love, Robert decided to put an end to this
the middle of the table as if love triangle. He started a fire in the stable
block that was adjacent to the house.
someone had landed right in He knew that his love and his daughter
the middle of it. We all jumped were not at the house, he would burn the
in reaction to the velocity of husband alive and then live forever with
his true love.
the sound. The whole table
All did not go to plan, however. His love
jolted with the impact. and their daughter had remained in the
house unbeknown to him. After the fire
“Hi love, “I said, “Thank you for coming to had burned down to molten ashes, it was
see us, tell us your story.” then that he discovered that he had killed
the two most precious things in his life. He
Now patrons sitting around the table stated that he had wrapped his child in his
would assume that the candle being shirt, thus explaining his bare chest.
pushed over and the loud bang was from
a menacing entity, but all I could feel was From that day on filled with guilt and
sadness, guilt and anger, signs of a spirit remorse, he remained grounded at the
in grief. hotel. He needed to tell his story and
afford some sort of repentance, but no
One of the ladies then got pulled away one had listened decade after decade.
from the table in a violent burst of energy. You could feel his relief as we assured
Her chair nearly fell backwards but luckily, him this was all a terrible accident and
she managed to pull herself upright again. that he should forgive himself and end his
torment. It was a very emotional séance.
I assured the sitters that this man
I tried my best with my guide Julianus to
would not hurt us. As I said
send him over in order that he find his true
this another huge crash
love and his daughter. To this day I have
rattled through the
heard no further reports of his presence,
table. I felt the energy
so I hope dearly that he is reunited with
pulsate and that is
his loved ones.
when this spirit
started to move Local research at Ross Shire and
that solid table Inverness corroborated all information
around like a obtained during this séance. A recent
ping pong table. archaeological dig has discovered
It was shifting foundations of a stable block and building
in all directions, that the spirit had identified as burning
we had to keep re down. No one in the area knew that this
positioning to stay building had existed.
I felt the presence in place at the table.
The evening resulted in a peaceful
of two men. They
This was some conclusion, with the spirit Robert calm
herculean effort the spirit in the knowledge that he had reached
through my mind telling
was making to be noticed. I through the veil and had been heard and
me they had crash landed
ascertained that his name was understood by the living.
in a small plane nearby. They
were very pleasant and interacted by Robert Moore. Every time I confirmed The footage of the seance has been made
rapping on the table to questions asked. what he was putting in my mind a huge into a DVD. All the information that Robert
They were not grounded and after a rap on the table confirmed I was right. provided was historically correct. The
short time left the ether. He would then drain one battery after airmen killed in the plane crash were also
another from the camera that was filming later validated by local knowledge and
The air then grew cold and people the séance. reports.
around the table mentioned the short
It just goes to show, we must never
gasps of air rushing past them. The AS HIS ENERGY GREW, HE BECAME assume a spirit is menacing until we hear
room appeared to darken even more
and then the candle was pushed over. MORE CONFIDENT. I COULD FEEL HE their full story…
Nicky x
I immediately jumped up and placed
the candle back up. The flame had
extinguished so I left it unlit. It was then
that I sensed our bare-chested man
standing to my right. It transpired that he had fallen in love
with the lady of the house in the last
This is when respect and practice come century. The only problem was she was
into play. Every spirit has a story to tell married to someone through an arranged Nicky Alan, Psychic Medium, Spiritual
or they wouldn’t interact. My bug bear marriage. Robert and his love started Writer and Author, International Columnist,
is when investigators cajole the spirit or and maintained a passionate affair which Angel expert & Author of M.E Myself and
disrespect it. I wanted to know his story, resulted in a daughter being born. The I: Diary of a Psychic - out soon 
I wanted to know why he was still here. man of the house assumed that it was

“I’ve got to record it.”


Justin Cowell, Paranormal Investigator
Paranormal Truth

‘it’ was, they would ignore it. The ladies

joined the rest of the group downstairs
and made a conscious effort not to
discuss what had occurred, to have a
break and to chat about other matters
quickly made my way upstairs and I made my way downstairs, back into

I placed a Tascam voice recorder in

the centre of bedroom from which,
moments earlier, repeated loud knocks
were emanating. I wasn’t remotely
worried or apprehensive about going in.
the kitchen where Dale Makin, my fellow
investigator from Paranormal Truth,
and our invited guests were still stood
standing, not quite believing what was
going on.
Evidently, ‘it’ did not like to
be ignored.
With nobody upstairs and everyone
accounted for, a series of loud knocks
I just wanted to get in, set the recorder
Less than fifteen minutes before, our began directly above our heads. The
down, and get out. No calling out. No
spirit boxes. There was no need. It was female guests had been sat in a circle, knocks were clearly coming from ‘Philip’s
happening. conducting a séance, calling out as many room’, one of three bedrooms in the
regularly do each week, trying to entice semi- detached property and most
I had no idea what to expect but as far some form of spirit activity to occur. They importantly, from the room furthest
as I was concerned, I just wanted it to reported a distinct chill around them, away from the adjoining property.
continue. I knew that such activity was and one particular guest felt she was Whatever was causing the knocks to
incredibly rare and quite frankly, I didn’t becoming a focus. She reported feeling occur, it was clearly not being made
want it to stop. Not until we had it on a a hand grip her arm. At that moment, by Carol Fieldhouse, the next-door
voice recorder. they decided on a new tactic. Whatever neighbour.

“30 East Drive in Pontefract, England
has quite the reputation for poltergeist

BANG…. BANG…. BANG… that have been witnessed by numerous

individuals and ghost hunting groups.
BANG…. I’ll not go into detail here, but if you’re
We fell silent in the kitchen. interested then you can pop along to for more background
BANG…. BANG…. BANG…. information on the property.
30 East Drive in Pontefract, England The goings on at East Drive were
has quite the reputation for poltergeist predominantly a topic of conversation
activity. In fact, at the height of its activity for the locals of Pontefract for 20 or so
in 1966, it was labelled the “most violent years and only truly came to wider public
poltergeist case in Europe.” Incidents attention in 1981 when it was included in
involved all manner of poltergeist activity
Colin Wilson’s book, Poltergeist. As with any
was said to have occurred, including, most
good ‘haunted’ house, in 2012 the events of
frighteningly of all, an incident in which
the Pritchard family also became the basis
the youngest member of the family, Diane
for a film, ‘When the Lights Went Out.’ In
Pritchard, was supposedly dragged up the
more recent years, the property was visited
stairs by her neck, from an unseen force.
by Nick Groff and Katrina Weidman for their
Over the years, the property had grown Paranormal Lockdown series and most
in reputation as being one of the most notoriously of all, was the location for a
haunted properties in the United Kingdom particularly infamous live episode of Most
with thousands of alleged incidents Haunted.

Despite the huge reputation and media coverage that this
property has garnered over the years, before entering the
property last August, my feelings about the property were
clear. I was thoroughly unimpressed.

This was not based merely on the sparse furniture,

cramped kitchen or dated interior, I was unimpressed
based on at least 15 prior visits to the property both as
part of Paranormal Truth, but also as a guest and former
team leader with a ghost event company.

Although I had witnessed certain unusual incidents, such

as countless tapping noises, a door opening on its own
and a plastic ball seemingly appearing from nowhere in
the living room, as a grounded sceptic, I was confident in
my opinion that although interesting, there was nothing
that I had witnessed that couldn’t be put down to perfectly
natural explanations. Those taps? The expansion and
contraction of floorboards and wooden furniture as the
outside temperature cooled. The opening door? It had
merely not closed properly and had opened due to gravity
and the movement of air within the house. The tales of
black monks linked to the property? A fiction. If there was
any truth to the events of 1966, then that poltergeist, like
all poltergeist cases, would have been short-lived and the
phenomena would have ceased over 50 years ago.

In short, 30 East Drive was not haunted.


Downstairs, I was elated. It dawned on me that this was
what myself and Dale had been searching for since we
started Paranormal Truth. Something tangible. Dare I say
it, something real. Something that wasn’t due to dodgy
gadgets so favoured by other paranormal groups and
nothing that could be easily dismissed. Dale Makin started
Paranormal Truth because he wanted to capture the para-
normal, purely and simply on camera or through the use of
audio equipment. He was sick of all the gadgets, flashing
lights and reliance on equipment such as spirit boxes and
SLS cameras to provide ‘evidence’ of the paranormal
that could be described as unproven at best. He want-
ed paranormal investigations to go back to basics.
To capture the paranormal as simply and straight-
forwardly as possible. I shared exactly the same
views as Dale. We got talking. Then we teamed
up. It was as simple as that.

The knocking sounds seemed to stop

from above us.
I quickly went back upstairs, retrieved the
voice recorder and listened back to the
recording on headphones. There they were.
As clear as crystal. We had recorded at least 9
knocking noises from within the empty room.
On headphones I could even make out that the
noises were coming from the wooden furniture in
the room. My guess was the large wooden cupboard,
which was against the far wall, a 1980s era television
set sitting firmly on top. These were no light taps either.
The volume, timing and intensity of the knocking sounds
were constant, loud and seemingly becoming louder and
incessant with each knock. I replayed the audio again and
again, a wide grin on my face. I felt like a kid in a sweet
shop. We’d finally got evidence which was hard to dispute.

Everyone was accounted for and the noises were
clearly coming from within the room. I passed
the headphones around to Dale and to the other
guests, allowing them to listen to the recording too.
What I didn’t expect, what none of us expected, was
what was about to happen next.

From above our heads, moving diagonally across

the ceiling, across what was formerly Philip
Pritchard’s bedroom upstairs, the loudest,
stomping footsteps we had ever heard. Not
walking. In fact, not footsteps. Stamping. My mind
was racing. I quickly looked around the kitchen.
Everyone was there. We were all looking up. A
light in the kitchen diner area, directly below the
bedroom, was swinging. It was swinging due to the
energy and force of the stamping.
I looked at Dale and he looked back at me. We were
laughing, grinning, swearing. What the hell just
I had spent years dismissing 30 East Drive. I was
secure and comfortable in my opinion that there
was nothing there. That it was a money-making
scheme with a huge reputation but little or no
evidence of the paranormal. In that moment, right
there, probably before the light had even stopped
swinging, I knew that I was spectacularly wrong.
30 East Drive was most definitely haunted. And I
couldn’t have been happier to admit it.
Since that extraordinary evening, both myself and
Dale have been back to 30 East Drive (how could we
not!), for a five-night investigation accompanied
by numerous guests including fellow investigators
and parapsychologist, Dr. Ciarán O’Keeffe. Yet
again, we were able to record unusual activity,
most notably whilst the property was locked and
empty. Unsurprisingly, there was no repeat of the
monstrous sound of footsteps this time round, but I
don’t think either myself or Dale truly expected this
to happen. What we were left with however, is the
unshakable feeling that we witnessed something
that was paranormal that night and that despite
our scepticism on countless previous visits, we
were wrong to dismiss the claims of this property.
Perhaps that should be a lesson for us all. Just
because a property doesn’t provide any evidence
of paranormal activity on repeated visits, we should
be very wary of dismissing their claims out of hand.
We need to at least remain open to the possibility
that paranormal activity could conceivably still
occur and although we should always remain
sceptical and look for alternative, natural
explanations at all times, we must undoubtedly
still be open-minded enough to visit a property
numerous times in order to try to substantiate
other’s claims. It took a combined total of over 20
previous visits to East Drive before myself and Dale
witnessed the paranormal that night in August. In
short, it took it’s time. But boy, was it worth it!

Justin Cowell

Think this is a first for Haunted Magazine, a feature
from two existing HM writers, writing together.
Vicky, Dead X Central & James, Haunted Insight
collaborating as one under the guise of Dead
Insight, (see what they did there?)

The Widow’s Curse
ituated in the beautifully

picturesque peak district of
Derbyshire lies the remains
of what was once a fully
functioning lead mine. This
area of the peak district has been
used for mining for decades and
Magpie Mine itself began its first
production in the year 1740. The In 1833 what would seem like a harmless In that same year 18 Magpie miners would
mine was open and closed several feud between businessmen would go now be put on trial for murder although
times in its lifespan and during the terribly wrong... many of them were freed immediately
years it has generated a plethora of and later all would be acquitted due to
ghost stories.  In September of that year, The Magpie insufficient evidence on being able to
Miners would attempt to sabotage the identify the actual culprits. 
For many years the Magpie Mine neighbouring Redsoil mine which lies
would go through several disputes only a mere 100 yards east by lighting From that day, it is said that the widows
with its neighbouring mines who straw and coal tar to try and smoke out of the miners who tragically died
were all in competition with one the workers and stop production. Instead would then place a curse upon Magpie
another. It was a well-known fact
of just trying to make these miners leave Mine. Although this could be taken as
that parties from each of the
their posts this damaging act would take nonsense, it is a documented fact that
different mines in the area would
the life of three innocent miners, Thomas over the years this mine began to receive
send their workers out to sabotage
Wager, Isaac Bagshaw and Francis Taylor a lot of bad luck with flooding and other
the others at an attempt to stop
who suffocated to death from inhalation phenomena which would cease the
production from one mine and thus
resulting in stealing their business.  of the fumes.  production. 

Many of the locals would refuse to step (if not the world) which makes this a
foot on the grounds in fear of the curse very unusual location for us to be able
and family members of the Magpie Miners to investigate.  Although we were unable
would plead with their loved ones to find to step foot inside of the buildings, it is
alternative work.  the grounds of the mine itself that is said
to be haunted which is what made us
The mine eventually closed for production become so fascinated with the area. 
in 1835 just a mere two years after the
incident and was eventually sold and After so many sightings of apparitions
taken over by new owners and workers here and an unsolved mystery of who
in 1839. It would then go on to continue really caused the deaths of the Redsoil
its production until 1954 seeing several miners, we knew we had to investigate
different owners over its lifespan.  this location to see if we could uncover
some answers to these age-old questions. 
The widow’s curse is said to remain until
this day and many workers of the mine
over the years have reported strange
‘ghostly’ activity. Some even saying that James and I had known for a while
the spirits of the three miners that were that we would be visiting the mine to
murdered have been spotted here on investigate and a week prior to our actual
several occasions and apparently haunt investigation I found it incredibly odd as
the area, not at rest as justice was never I began to have a ‘Magpie’ visit me at my
properly served.  home. I have lived in this property for over
twenty years and it’s an extremely built up
As well as the curse, there is also two area with no fields or parks nearby. In my
documented deaths on the site itself entire time living there I have never ONCE
which occurred in 1842 although no witnessed a Magpie on my property. This
details of how these miners died has Magpie has now become a regular visitor
emerged. A lot of the deaths were not since the investigation, and I see him most
documented, and historians believe that days. He will sit on my fence and stare at
more deaths would have occurred here me from the garden, he also has made an
due to the nature of the work.  appearance directly outside of my kitchen
For the remaining years the site would see
both flooding and fires and would even

undergo a name change in the attempts to
break the curse, but it seems many owners
were never able to keep the business fully
afloat and each would fail miserably. Was
Maybe? Strange all the same. But, that’s
not all that happened. After our first day
visit, I also had a dream about the mine
this truly the windows curse? Or simply and particularly remember a man called The investigation at Magpie started
just a paranoia which made it all fail? “Richard” being a part of it. I’d messaged like any other that we’d done before.
James the next day to let him know I A long music filled drive with talk and
When I first started to research this
location, it was because I was drawn to its thought it was odd. A week later we found excitement of what lay ahead, not
natural beauty and it was only after that I a list of names of the men who were put to mention the small muddy tracks
discovered the prospect of the harrowing on trial for the murders of the red soil that seem to be EVERYWHERE we go! I
curse.  miners in 1835, at the very top of the list sometimes wonder why I even bother
was the name ‘Richard Sutton’ age thirty- to clean the car…
The Magpie Mine is one of the most five. I’ll leave that with you, make of it
intact mines left in the United Kingdom what you will!  As we pulled up it became clear that
we were not alone. No, honestly, there
were two other cars there, one bearing
a Dutch licence plate! It was still light,
and we weren’t worried, it was evident
with the beauty that the location
possesses, that they were more than
likely just tourists taking in the views
and history that the Mine has to offer.
We still had to gather some more intro
footage and take some photos, and by
the time dark fell upon us, they had left,
and we were the only two there.

Now for anyone that wants to visit after

they’ve read this article, please beware
– it gets extremely windy!

We had been on one previous occasion to feel a shortness of breath. She felt a we stood and began to call out, I had an
and decided that it was too much to pressure bearing down on her, almost as overwhelming feeling of eeriness. I don’t
film, the audio would have been poor though she was feeling what one of the think that it was in a negative way, but
and so we rescheduled. Guess what? miners would have felt at the time they I had a strong vision of the mine when
When we went back, despite the reports were murdered. I found this interesting, it was fully operational, the sounds, the
claiming only an 8-mph wind, it was the more we investigate the more I see hustle and bustle, the characters that
yet again really strong! Throughout Vicky feel and experience more, but to inhabited it, yet now as we stood in this
the investigation we found ourselves back this up, Alice produced a sequence building, there was nothing but silence.
avoiding and sheltering from the that completely blew us away! Firstly, It was a surreal feeling, and one that
blustery conditions, luckily due to the the words ‘Lost in well’ appeared. Now, we both pick up on repeatedly at the
layout the location, it allows you to do be it a mine or a well, it seems damn locations we visit.
so, but it’s something to bear in mind. close to what the miners experienced.
A feeling of being lost certainly hit Out of the three areas that we
On starting the investigation, we home, but this was then followed by the investigated, this was certainly the
decided to concentrate our efforts word ‘Dust’. Three miners were sadly quietest, but even so, we still had two
on the steps that lead up to the top of murdered by a technique used to smoke intelligent responses from the EMF
the Mine. Luckily for us they were very them out, it went horribly wrong, but was meter that Vicky had. Previously on the
enclosed, providing cover from the this one of the miners telling us of his steps, a name came through on Alice,
harsh conditions but at the same time feeling of being lost whilst suffocating? not once but twice. The name ‘Terry’
giving us a sense of being boxed in. Combine that with what Vicky personally was what we were focusing on. From the
With the Alice Box running and two EMF experienced, I can only feel that we research that Vicky had compiled, the
detectors poised, we started calling out were in contact with one of the men name didn’t seem to fit in, especially
to the spirits that may be present. We that tragically lost their lives on that when it came to the murders. Yet this
didn’t really know what to expect, I’m haunting day. spirit was constantly trying to gab our
sure from the history that Vicky has attention, and that he did! On asking
presented regarding the murders and Magpie Mine is full of ruinous buildings if we were speaking to Terry, we had a
curse, it really could have produced and abandoned equipment. It only felt small spike in EMF. Directly after, Vicky
anything from sadness to pure anger. right to investigate one of those empty asked if Terry was a miner at the site to
shells that had been frozen in time. We which there was an identical spike in
The activity seemed slow at first, but I made our way to the top of the steps and answering that question. Two spikes in
began to hear footsteps at the bottom headed north to a stone structure that EMF to questions asked, also backing up
of the steps. They were loud, they had may well have been used for storage a name that had appeared twice on Alice,
to be for me to hear them over the at some point in it’s past. Although seemed convincing enough to me that
whistling of the wind. As I turned to the roof was missing, there were three we’d made contact with a man that used
look back at Vicky, she appeared to look solid walls and a grate covering another to work onsite. Did he know something
uncomfortable, and shortly after began possible entrance to the mine itself. As about the murders?

Evidence Analysis
After going through the hours
of footage from Magpie Mine we
were able to put together a small
Did he have information for us but didn’t Of course, this put us on edge, Vicky twice video which you can find on our
know how to pass it? Only he will know, but saw three figures in the distance that DEAD INSIGHT YouTube channel or
I’m sure we will return one day and try to dig startled her to say the least, and on another alternatively search ‘Magpie Mine
deeper in our search for those answers. Investigation Dead Insight’ 
occasion, I spun around with the camera
I sadly now move onto the last part of as I felt someone run up behind me. It was On the footage you’ll see we
our investigation, but easily the most intense, in fact as Vicky stated when asking captured a strange light anomaly
exciting for evidence captured. We always if the murders were intentional, it was which floats into shot and then
like to try and fit in spirit box work when downright “Disgusting!” disappears whilst still visibly in
we investigate. There’s just something the frame. It didn’t leave, it simply
about it, the thought that we may be We really felt uneasy, was it the curse that vanished! 
potentially hearing the voices of the dead, was put upon the mine by the widowers of
whether it be residual or intelligent, for me We also captured some amazing
those killed, or was it the killers themselves
personally, it’s the pinnacle of paranormal responses during our spirit box
trying to warn us and make us leave as we
investigating. session, including two names
were finding out too much? To be honest, ‘Abraham and Isaac’ — Both of these
We’d moved to the base of the mine and there were so many replies both intelligent names have a documented historical
headed towards the old buildings which are and threatening that I need to watch it back connection to the site. 
now used as offices, but I can imagine may over just to take it all in again. Vicky and I
once have been used as living quarters. agreed that whoever we came into contact Magpie Mine is a strange location
With the spirit box on, we again started to with really didn’t want us being there, and certainly not what I was
push and ask questions, concentrating on expecting. There seemed to be
so much so that at the end when we said
the murders. Now let’s just remember, for all a lot of unrested energy and it
goodbye, there was an immediate reply of
the men that went on trial for the murders definitely made for an interesting
“Bye!” Investigation! 
of the three miners, all were acquitted. It
was seen as a tragic accident, in the eyes of It was almost as if they were keeping a If you’d like to see more photos
the law anyway. Yet right at the start of the secret, a pact that they weren’t willing to of the location, you can check out
spirit box session we heard a very distinct
break, a bond that ran deeper than the mine James’ gallery over on Haunted
laughing. Now, in all honesty, coming into
they committed this horrific crime in. Insight. 
this we thought that we would encounter
sadness, anger, yet at the same time, a Magpie Mine has instantly become one We hope you have enjoyed the
remorseful atmosphere. As we continued of our favourite locations. It’s beauty first joint article from myself and
to press, that didn’t seem to be the case. in daylight combined with its sinister James. It’ll hopefully be one of
Throughout we had the same female voice many more to come! 
undertone at night truly captured not just
telling us to run, as I’m writing this the hairs
our imagination but our hearts… We loved it! But, until next time, happy hunting! 
are standing up on the back of my neck. She

Vicky Grant x James Pykett

seemed extremely concerned for us, so I To Mr Thomas Wager, Mr Isaac Bagshaw and
decided to ask the question “Do you really Mr Francis Taylor, we are truly sorry for the
think you can hurt me?”
way in which you lost your lives. I’m sure DEAD X INSIGHT
The reply was harrowing as we heard the we’ll return one day and try to help you tell
clearest of replies saying, “You can die!” your side of the story!
V & J:
E n t e r i n g t h e U n k n o w n :

Warwick Castle
C h a r i t y E v e n t J u ly 12 t h 2 019

By Dave Harazny We asked members of the public to come As it happens on a lot of paranormal
and join our event and ghost events, the night was going so fast,
hunt with the likes of some the first refreshments break was

promised to do this event, not high profile paranormal late, but much needed. During
only for the BHF (British Heart people out there, the the break we chatted and
Foundation), but also my Niece likes of Alex Duggan discussed what had
Carla, who three years ago, lost her and Miki York happened, there was cold
dad, my oldest Brother Stefan to a (UK-Haunted), spots, drafts, the trigger
sudden heart attack at the age of 62. MJ Dickson ball flashed several
(Sage Paracon, times and a clear
The aim was to find an awesome location, Paranormal knock was heard in the
pair that with my love for ghost hunting Captured), corner of the room. The
and organise an event that could raise Gemma medium Gary also came
monies for the BHF. A win-win situation. Leigh Drury up with a few names.
Sarah, Lee and myself (three of Radio, the Then it was time to start
paranormal team ‘Entering the Unknown) Supernaturelle again and Alex, Miki and
arrived at Warwick Castle and we were Show), Carl Carl took more people to
privileged to be given a private tour Hutchinson, and two the King Maker room and ran
around the Castle, going through every mediums Garry Fields some experiments. They heard a
and Entering the Unknown’s door bang and strange knocking that
room and area that was accessible to
very own medium Andy Warrington- they couldn’t debunk.
us. To be honest, every single area was
breath-taking. Nearly one thousand years Jones.
After a quick freshen up aka fag and loo
of history (1068 to be precise). First, we welcomed the public, welcoming break, we mixed it up again and then
then to this amazing castle and then we changed around a bit. Andy, Gemma and
To be honest, the main point of doing this myself joined Alex, Miki and Carl in the
was to raise monies for the BHF, anything introduced our team, then the special
guests, who then introduced themselves jail and MJ and Garry went back to the
else was a “Brucie Bonus”. I could easily bedrooms to try to get more evidence.
to the public.
have wrote, we turned up, did this, did Whilst down in the jail, we conducted a
that, raised ££££ for the charity and Then it was time to start the paranormal Ouija Board session a few of us heard a
went home but as Haunted Magazine investigation. We split into two teams; door bang in an empty part of the castle,
have kindly given us the platform to Alex, Miki and Carl took people to the this actually happened several time
write about it, I thought we’d at least King Maker room. Andy, MJ, Garry and during the night. So much so that Andy
try and tell you how the night was, what myself went to the bedrooms to conduct and myself went to check if anyone was
happened etc. investigations. there but nobody was.


Our second break took a bit longer as investigation around the building. Miki, Amazingly enough on the way down to
we held a raffle to help raise monies for Alex and Carl went off with Gemma to one the event Andy picked up on two German
the BHF, and we raised £117 on the night, part of the building as did MJ and Garry officers at the Castle. Garry Fields also
which would be added to the total. and Entering The Unknown went into the gave me an envelope in which he had
King Maker Room and finally we went into picked up several things before his arrival
It was time to swap the public around which turned out to be correct and some
again, so they had the chance to see a) the bedrooms and we managed to get
some interaction with the spirit of a lady of which was picked up by MJ.
different locations and b) how some of
the special guests. Garry took some to in the bedroom, was it the same Lady in The event ended at 4am and a quick
the King Maker room. Alex, Miki and Carl black who sat at the table, staring mirror? but effective tidy up saw everyone walk
took some into the Mirror Maze, where ‘Zombie-like’ to the main gate. If any
Miki lost track of some of the guests and I placed the handheld REM-Pod on the paranormal investigators are reading
couldn’t find them only for Gemma to floor and asked if there was a lady there this, you’ll know what I mean when I say
come to the rescue and locate them for “could you light up the lights please”. starting a ghost hunt in daylight and
him. LIGHTS. “Are you below the age of 40?”. finishing it in daylight is commonplace.
NO REACTION. “Are you over 40?”. LIGHTS. What a night / morning it proved to be,
The investigation overran by 20 minutes, “Are you the lady sat in black?” NO
as they often do. I must thank the public the public, the special guests, the team
REACTION. Andy entered the room and at Entering the Unknown worked their
for paying to join us at an amazing said that there was a lady stood at the
location and help raise funds for a worthy ghostly socks off to make this event a
window, could this have been the Lady we huge success and were proud to say that
were interacting with? £1100 was raised for The British Heart
the investigation eventually overran Foundation.
by 20 minutes. after the public left, we Our last place to investigate was the
Chapel, where Andy picked up on a man I am so proud of everyone who gave up
had change to investigate the building their time to support the night and we
until 4am. Literally, having the run of and a woman who got married there, plus
a few other spirits that were against the would like to thank everyone from the
a castle is a ghost hunter’s dream, the bottom of our hearts.
team of Entering the Unknown and the marriage. He also picked up on a murder
celebrities stayed on till 4am conducting but after several minutes he had to leave. Dave, Entering the Unknown



irstly, I want to ask you, which string do you allow people

F to pull for you and why? We go through life at times and

we want others to give us that directional change or to
confirm what we are doing is right for us. But why? As
we know which direction we wish to take, so therefore
its down to us to take that route.

As we have grown into Spiritual so much from others and so

Beings or Adults, we have much from my own learning.
learnt so much along the way. People, companies and clients
I often hear that little voice that I’ve met along the way
inside my head telling me always help me to open my
“if only I could do this again eyes and looks at things
and know what I know now”. I differently, some of these
suppose it’s like hearing your being:
mum’s voice in your head
telling you not to do something How people react to people presume that we hold Being a Psychic Medium really
again and yet, we still do it. situations – both positive all the answers. When people doesn’t make my choices any
and negative reactions? ask my advice I always say, easier than yours but, it does
Life as we know holds many
“so you want a strange to allow to me work with the
changes and hang-ups for us, What makes people ‘tick’;
make a decision for you that’s results or outcomes and then
often leading us into many what excites them in life and
going effect the whole of change my own pathway to
different directions and for why?
your life?”. This often brings reflect this.
many good reasons. On some
Watching people ride on about a strange reaction from
of the journeys what have we I suppose what I am trying to
others backs as they think clients but would we really
learnt? Maybe its about the say here is….
its ‘safe’ to do so? ask someone in the street
journey more than the actual
lesson or maybe its about How we all deal with about paying our bills or what
YOU are the only one that
what we can learn and then changes in our lives (death, colour to paint our house and
should be pulling your own
pass onto others in a form of relationship break ups etc)? associated rooms.
strings and thus not allowing
teaching. The hardest thing for any of us others or total strangers to
I am sure that we’ve all thought to deal with is outcomes, but make a choice or decision for
Very often in times of need, we
about the above many times, we can’t deal with an outcome you that will affect the whole
allow others to make choices
BUT… what do we do about it? until we’ve experienced of your like. Any guidance
and decisions for us as we are
Maybe, just maybe we really the journey but what is an given by mediums is purely
fearful of the outcome or event
need to look at ourselves in outcome? Its just a result, that, guidance. Its down to
what might happen to us on
the first instance and really something that comes from you to put it into action to
that pathway. Well how about,
decide what we want changed dealing with a situation and allow the guidance to happen
maybe we just need to do it and
learn from it. about us and then what do then it allows us to learn and to take place. Be in your
we want to do with our lives from it and also pass on this charge of your own pathway
Throughout my career as going forward. These are information to others who and destiny.
being a professional and also questions we get asked so might be going through a
a psychic medium, I’ve learned many with being Psychic’s, similar route or pathway. Barrie J x


Resurrecting Usborne’s ‘World of the Unknown: Ghosts’

irst published in 1977, Usborne’s
World of the Unknown: Ghosts was
one of the very first books from
Usborne, a brand-new children’s
publisher that set out to revolutionise
the world of kids’ books. Peter Usborne (who,
now in his eighties, still owns and runs the captured
company), set up Private Eye magazine before their imagination. There isn’t much in the way of
he became a book publisher, and wanted to data going back to those early days, but we know
bring the same lively, magazine-style format that 30,000 copies of each of those books were
to children’s books. At that point, books for printed in the first year, and that they stayed in print
children were mainly readers and classics, with for twenty years or so before they were retired in
some non-fiction for the educational market, but the ‘90s. So, it’s fair to say they were pretty popular
very little for the general trade. with kids.

Usborne changed all that. Inspired by a phone call We also now know, thanks to social media, that
from his wife telling him he was going to become a these books left a big impression. They lived on
father, Peter wanted to put children at the centre of bookshelves in bedrooms and libraries, thrilling
everything he did. He asserts to this day that “being their young readers, many of whom reported hardly
a parent has been the biggest privilege and joy I can
daring to open the books but loving them all the
imagine, and everything I’ve done in publishing has
same. Readers remember – vividly – reading and re-
been an extension of that”. He set out to combine
high quality writing, design and production with reading them, taking these books out of the library
popular subjects – never speaking down to children so many times that eventually a librarian gave them
and presenting them with information that would a well-read copy, or putting their names on waiting
spark their imagination and curiosity. lists to get hold of one. Some of those readers have
reflected with hindsight that the book itself wasn’t
The World of the Unknown and a even that scary: it was the way it fuelled their
young imaginations that was exhilarating. Great
haunted generation
nineteenth century ghost story writer M.R. James
The World of the Unknown series was classic early talked about the ‘pleasing terror’ of ghost stories –
Usborne: magazine-sized, floppy paperbacks with the joy of feeling a little scared but safely within the
a picture-strip layout that came from comics; vivid pages of a book. A great children’s book should be
illustrations designed to compete with TV; the dead- gripping, full of atmosphere and tension, and open
pan tone of voice that spoke directly to children up a world to explore, and World of the Unknown:
and the topics – Ghosts, Monsters and UFOs – that Ghosts had these qualities in spades.

The gothic is central to our culture - from
film, to books and art. But for those kids
of the ‘70s and ‘80s, these illustrated
information books from Usborne were
something entirely new, created just for
them, and it’s clear that Peter Usborne
(himself a huge fan of M.R. James) and his
team stumbled on a rich vein when they
started writing about the world of the
paranormal. The World of the Unknown
series led to books on vampires, werewolves,
haunted houses and more.

Bring it back! Resurrecting

a classic
Despite being out of print for
over twenty years, Usborne’s
World of the Unknown series
lived on in the memories
of a generation. And when
the readers of the 1970s
and ‘80s grew up, they
wanted it back. Connected
Back in the UK, fans were still connecting
via social media in a way The first tangible
that they couldn’t have online but the breakthrough came when
result of this
dreamed of when Ghosts was Nucleus Films, the team behind Ashley
online groundswell
first published in 1977 (even Thorpe’s animated feature film Borley
was in Finland,
The Usborne Book of the Future: Rectory, called Usborne requesting an
where fans of Usborne’s
A Trip in Time to the Year 2000 and interview with the author of World of the
Supernatural World (also
Beyond didn’t predict that), readers Unknown: Ghosts, Christopher Maynard.
published as three separate
began to discover that they weren’t alone in Almost by chance, they were put through
editions) lobbied Finnish publisher Tammi
finding this book and its series companions to Usborne’s Anna Howorth, herself a huge
– who’d licensed the Finnish language rights
deliciously and addictively terrifying. They fan of the book, who’d been “banging on”
from Usborne in the ‘70s – to reissue their
connected online, sharing stories of their about bringing this book back into print
childhood favourite. A Facebook group
childhood terror – and how discovering this for the almost fifteen years she’s been
book in those formative years influenced dedicated to Noidan Käsikirja (the Finnish
with the company. “I’m a big fan of Reece
them. Many claimed that it had even had book title) gathered nearly 3,000 fans. The
Shearsmith so when I found out we shared
an impact on the careers they chose, with a book was reprinted in August 2018 and
a love for this book, I tweeted about it. He
handful of fans pursuing jobs directly linked instantly hit the children’s book charts. The
replied to say he’d write a foreword if we
to the paranormal world, but many more first print run sold out within a week, and a
reprinted, and it snowballed from there”.
going into the creative industries, as writers Helsinki nightclub owner offered his venue
and scriptwriters, working in books, TV and for a launch party. Total sales to date are
However, not everyone at Usborne was on
film. well in excess of 18,000 copies.
board. Anna says “some of my colleagues
just didn’t believe that this book had so
many genuine fans, who felt so passionate
about it – they thought it was a niche
group. But I understood this deep-rooted
sense of nostalgia for early Usborne books,
because I’m one of those kids who were
deeply affected by them at an early age.
And I understood how loving a book as
a kid can take you down a certain path,
because I ended up working at Usborne.”
To try to prove demand, she set up a
petition on, and it quickly
gathered momentum, exceeding the target
of 1,000 signatures. Presenting that, along
with the promised foreword from Reece
Shearsmith, was the tipping point for
the publisher, and it was decided to print
quickly to get the book out for Halloween
2019. When the Amazon pre-order went
live, it went straight to number one in its

Anna says “the response to the online petition, the announcement that we’re
bringing this book back, the article that The Guardian ran about it – and all
the other news that we’ve been able to share so far – has been phenomenal.
It’s been amazing to connect with so many people who shared a collective
memory of this book and satisfying to have played a part in answering their
call to bring it back. People to thank are too many to list here (but if you
played a part, thank you!) but I must mention the Borley Rectory team –
Reece Shearsmith, Ashley Thorpe and the guys at Nucleus – who sparked it
all, as well as Haunted Magazine for their help spreading the word. It’s been
a campaign close to my heart, so from a personal point of view I’m thrilled.
But from a professional point of view (as brand director at Usborne) it’s
also been fascinating to see how things haven’t really changed from those
early days at Usborne. Peter Usborne’s passion and vision for the company
is still the same; the way in-house writers and designers work together to
make the very best books for children hasn’t changed; the ethos of never
speaking down to children, making knowledge irresistible and putting
kids at the centre of everything we do is just as it was when World of the
Unknown: Ghosts was first published in 1977. Usborne is still leading the
way in creating books that spark children’s imagination and curiosity – and
for parents who grew up with Usborne books themselves, that’s a really
powerful message.”

Usborne’s World of the Unknown: Ghosts will be publishing on 3rd

October 2019. Ashley Thorpe’s Borley Rectory will be released on 14th
October 2019.

A m a n d a R . Wo o m e r,

henever someone asks
us where our favourite
haunted places are in
the States, we tend
to think of the usual:
Gettysburg, New Orleans, Salem, Key
West, Savannah. We all have a favourite
haunted place, but there is one small
section in north-western Pennsylvania
that has slipped by over the years as
a haunted destination. It is home to
witches, vampires, and a French and
Indian War fort where soldiers remain
buried beneath the city streets. This
place is (dare I say?) eerie… Welcome
to Erie, Pennsylvania.

The county of Erie, PA was founded

in 1800, but it has direct ties
to George Washington and the
French and Indian War. To some
Erie might just be the path along
I-90 to get from the East to the
Midwest, but there are a handful
of places scattered throughout
the county filled with tales of the
strange and unusual. The General
“Mad” Anthony Wayne Blockhouse,
the Brewerie at Union Station, Hotel
Conneaut, and the Cathedral of St. Paul
all have ghostly tales lurking in their halls.
There’s another thing that many of the
haunted locations throughout Erie have in
common: they are accessible to the public.
They have museums, churches, hotels, and
restaurants, all with paranormal claims that
guests can try to experience themselves.

One of the most (in)famous places lurking mausoleum is blackened. Other stories Nestled in the shade of the oak trees in
in Erie is the Erie Cemetery home to warn of trespassing in the crypt with the oldest part of the cemetery, lies a
legends, folklore, and even some witches claims of curses and death for anyone circle of limestone graves at the base of
and vampires, too. who shows disrespect to the vault and a looming tree. There doesn’t seem to be
what lies within. anything too out of the ordinary at first
Nestled in the lush green cemetery, lies glance. The tombstones are weathered
an unmarked tomb on the side of the “If you’re brave enough (or just and worn down from years of standing in
road. There is no family name, no marker, curious), the Vampire’s Crypt is easy the elements. But upon closer inspection,
nothing to signify who or what rests enough to find. When you enter the you’ll notice that some of them are
within. But according to local legend, the cemetery at the Chestnut Street blackened–scorched, even.
looming crypt isn’t home to any mortal,
gate, follow the road up a small hill to
but rather, a vampire. According to legend, in the late 1800s,
Section 19. If you follow the signs, the
path will take you to the right, up, and Erie was home to a coven of witches.
Founded in 1851, Erie Cemetery has
around a bend, and the crypt will be in When the two leaders of the coven
its fair share of unique and beautiful
your left side. However, if you do what died, they were buried in the circle. It is
mausoleums covered in sacred occult
I did, and get overly excited when you said that when Satan returned for his
symbols, but it is the nameless blackened
see the tomb in the distance, and you servants, the fires of Hell scorched their
vault with an ornate V over the door that
completely ignore the DO NOT ENTER graves, and the evidence of those stories
has captured the imaginations of locals,
can still be seen to this day.
paranormal enthusiasts, and those sign and go up the road the wrong way,
merely curious about the Vampire’s Crypt. it will be on your right.”
With such wild claims, it should come
Some say the tomb belonged to a wealthy as no surprise that the Witches Circle
You won’t find the Vampire’s Crypt is also home to some paranormal tales.
Romanian businessman, but after he was
featured on the cemetery’s official
interned, dead bodies were found in the People have reported hearing the sound
website. However, there are plenty
surrounding neighbourhoods, drained of of footsteps behind them, even when
their blood with bite marks on their necks. of spooky sites retelling the tale of
they’re alone. And there are even claims
Wealthy Romanian businessman? It looks the mausoleum and the legends that
surround it. If nothing else, a (respectful) of a rabid black dog that runs at people,
like Count Dracula decided to settle in
walk through the cemetery can offer a only to disappear before it bites you.
Pennsylvania after that whole Jonathon
and Mina Harker affair. peaceful afternoon as the autumn leaves
While checking out the Vampire’s Crypt,
crunch beneath your feet.
There are dozens of legends and stories be sure to also stop by the Witches Circle,
surrounding the vault. Some have to Speaking of spooky tales… Erie Cemetery situated in Section 34 by Chestnut Street.
do with Satanic rituals summoning the is home to another site that has had a But remember you’re in a cemetery, so
devil, which explains why this particular slew of legends surrounding it. respect is vital.

But all of these supposedly stayed in the in the building, voices calling out their
witches and hotel in 1848 and over the names, silverware disappears from their
vampires aren’t the last 190 years, it has acted as a tables, and they even hear a baby crying
only spooks wandering tavern, dance hall, social hall, resort, on the stairs leading to the second floor.
around northern Pennsylvania. stagecoach stop, and today, it is home to Tracy, a member of the wait staff, has had
Just a bit further south in Erie is the Sugar ‘n Spice, an Amish style restaurant a slew of experiences including seeing
small town of Waterford, home to the Fort and bakery. (and photographing) a woman standing
LeBoeuf Historical Society, housed in the by the checkout counter as well as a man
Sugar ‘n Spice specializes in “Amish
Eagle Hotel, along with Sugar ‘n Spice, dressed in 1800s garb leaning against a
style cooking,” which means it is hearty,
one of the best haunted restaurants in pillar in the kitchen watching her. As if
not necessarily healthy, but absolutely
Pennsylvania. full-bodied apparitions weren’t enough,
delicious, and made in-house from
The Eagle Hotel (and much of Waterford) scratch. Each day, they have three or four one night, she heard music playing and
was built on the former site of Fort specials as well as their house staples followed it to the third floor which used to
LeBoeuf, which was established in 1753 that are always found in Amish style be the ballroom. The minute she touched
by the French during the French and restaurants (and for a good reason). the doorknob, the music stopped. It’s an
Indian War. George Washington, himself, Unlike so many haunted restaurants, the unsuspecting haunted restaurant, but a
visited the fort before it was abandoned prices are not at all high–the priciest place where the spirits are not afraid to
in 1797. The ruins of the fort, as well as thing on the menu is the prime rib and get your attention.
the graves of the soldiers buried there, steak for $17.99. As if that isn’t wonderful
Sugar ‘n Spice is located in the Eagle
acted as a foundation for the town of enough, the portions are absolutely
Hotel at 32 High St., Waterford, PA 16441.
Waterford. Today, the people of Waterford ridiculous. Almost everyone leaves Sugar
For more information on deliciously
live among the historic buildings of early ‘n Spice with a to-go bag, and there are
spooky destinations that are available to
American history… and they are also enough leftovers for at least one meal at
the public, be sure to follow along in our
learning to live with shadows and full- home if not two. The only downside to
adventures at
bodied apparitions that have begun to this warm and welcoming restaurant is
plague the entire town. But nowhere in that it is completely dry—no beer, wine, Amanda, although US based is over in
Waterford is the activity as intense as at or cocktails are available to go with your the UK sometime in September, if you’re
the Eagle Hotel. dinner—but there are plenty of other sat at a table having afternoon tea,
Built in 1826, the Eagle Hotel acted as a spirits roaming the halls to make up for nibbling at your cucumber sandwiches
rest stop for travellers on the American that. and you happen to hear an American
frontier and was also a distribution point Even though the bodies of the dead still voice “oh, we’d love some Fish and
for New York’s booming salt industry. lie beneath the Eagle Hotel, the building Chips please, by the way, is your eatery
The inside of the hotel was destroyed by feels very much alive. Guests visiting haunted” there’s a good chance it will be
a fire in 1845 but was up and running a Sugar ‘n Spice and the history museum Amanda. Look out for her UK adventures
year later. US president, Zachary Taylor, have claimed to hear mysterious noises on social media.

That's The
Is it time for
spirit to show
u s t h e way ?


s Paranormal previously changed
Investigators we so it was a real the way
endeavour to capture pleasure to join the we think
evidence and to Team. about some
experience some sort of
of the myths and
Paranormal experience. Having been there just over a
year now, we have done a lot of work in legends surrounding the
So how far can we go with this? In my the building, conducting experiments, Paranormal. So, who is steering us in
experience, it always seemed that trying out different equipment, and this direction? Who is inspiring us with
previously, when I was on investigations working with Spirit in many different the ideas and experiments to try? Who
with guests and Teams that there ways. The centre is full of different is pushing us to do more and more and
seemed to be a ‘limit’ on what people items which have interesting energies opening up this path in front of us?
could experience in a ‘ghost’ night. attached to them. Having the time
Feeling the energies, seeing the K2’s and space, and no limitations or
working and listening out for bangs restrictions on what we can do, I feel
“I firmly believe we are
and taps, etc, etc. Having a timeslot of we have really reached a whole new being guided by spirit. I
several hours at a venue, never seemed level of working within the Paranormal believe we have been guided
to be long enough to be able to advance field. The centre has provided a unique to this unique place and we
when working with Spirit. It seemed base where we can work with spirit and
like every investigation always started really push the boundaries and explore are being allowed exposure
at the same point, with the same the many different avenues across to a whole new level of the
equipment and progress could only get the paranormal. It has enabled us to paranormal. So, are we
so far before the evening ended and we conduct experiments and progress
ready to accept what Spirit
all went home. with new ideas.
can show us?”
In February 2018, I was invited by In doing this, we have been exposed
Neil Packer to join his new venture at to many different things we had not
his newly opened Haunted Antiques previously encountered. Some of it I do believe that everyone’s path is
Paranormal Research Centre, As the has been surprising, some of it has unique and everyone has the ability
Team’s Medium, I was very excited to generated many new theories, which to access the Spirit World - whether
have the opportunity to work in this has generated more experiments, we chose to accept the invitation and
new paranormal base. I had known Neil which has then changed our work with it, is up to us. We all have
for about 5 years and we had worked conclusions on what we thought we the choice and free will to develop our
in several venue groups together knew. Over the past year it has really ‘journey’ as much as we want to, or not.

Spirit will never show us more than
we can cope with and if we are alright
accepting the first steps then they will go
on the show us more. First experiences
are things like spirit visiting us in our
dreams or us sensing a presence around
us. Spirit will only allow us to progress
one step at a time and its only with our
acceptance (consent) will we move
on. Working with Spirit takes time and
patience. It is something that is not
achieved overnight and with is comes a

“Many people in day to day

life will simple just shut it
out and not see the signs
or the messages. Missed
communication. It is only when
we seek it out and ask for it will
the Spirit World open up to us.”

I tried for a long time to shut it out and

dismiss it but when the time was right,
I was almost compelled to do it and I
began my journey and started to work
with Spirit as it was the path I was meant
to be on. I am so grateful I finally listened
and let myself be guided. I am now I feel we are still only scratching at the everything is not Demonic or is going to
where I am supposed to be - working in surface of the Paranormal and there ‘possess’ or ‘overshadow’ them. Helping
a different paranormal ‘environment’ is so much more for us to learn and with ‘attachments’ and helping people
which I believe will only advance observe from Spirit. We are conditioned interpret their experiences, all add value
and expose us to more avenues and so much as we grow up that we are not to our investment. We are only going to
experiences not yet encountered in the encouraged to fully open our minds and get out of this what we put in and the
normal paranormal field. work outside the confines of ‘normal’ Spirit World is certainly rewarding us in
thinking. What can our minds (and many ways.
I believe we have made a significant thoughts) really do if we push it beyond
commitment to work with Spirit at the what we only think we can do? Can we Opening the Centre on a Saturday
Centre and our intention has been break new ground in the paranormal, and providing an opportunity for the
acknowledged. As we ask to see more spiritually?? general public to share ‘unusual’
and more, I feel we are watched and experiences and ‘ghost stories’ over
judged by Spirit all of the time as if we As each new item finds it way to the a cup to tea with likeminded people is
are being assessed. We have to earn the centre, we are constantly challenged to a great way of collecting information
respect from the Spirit World too and work with it and to experience what we and recording paranormal material
in order to be shown greater evidence, can, constantly sending up the thoughts which is clearly showing us ‘a bigger
have better paranormal experiences and being grateful for what we receive, picture’. I believe people and objects
and to be exposed to new things not yet however subtle the response. Not every are guided to the centre, and I strongly
seen in the field, we have to demonstrate item is supercharged with paranormal believe that everything and everyone
to Spirit that we are trustworthy and activity. We have to keep it humble, arrives precisely when they are meant
respectful of what they are giving us. I but as we all progress as a Team we to, in the right order, at the right time,
also believe that we must also have the are rewarded for our commitment and with the right amount of opportunity
belief and integrity to stand by what they patience, and this also has a knock-on and potential for a new experience/
show us. What is the point is sharing effect to the Groups and Teams who level to be reached. It is not a random
something special with us if it is going investigate the Centre too. jumble of events but a careful plan
to be ridiculed and not believed? And set out by Spirit. So, how far down the
We also have to think of it as an rabbit hole can we go? How much more
why should they use all that energy if
‘investment’. Not necessarily in a is there for us to learn and experience
we are not going to use that information
monetary way, but investing our time, and how much further can we push the
wisely and use it to progress and bring
effort, gratitude and integrity in the boundaries? I am sure in time….. we will
that evidence to others around us, who work we do at the centre. Sharing our find out.
also share a like-mindedness to push the knowledge and findings with people
boundaries further? ..and we all know who visit the centre. Helping young, Jane x
Spirit never waste any energy. vulnerable people understand that

By MJ Dickson



The island of Poveglia sits within the burned in large fires. Legend has screams from those being tortured
Venice Lagoon off the Eastern coast it that the soil is 50% human ash. could be heard across the island.
of Northern Italy. As the lagoon waters
lap its shores only two miles from the Another one of the Poveglia legends Karma eventually caught up with the
remarkable and dazzling palaces of surrounds the psychiatrist who ran doctor, according to the story, he began
the Grand Canal, it stands empty, a the mental hospital, widely known to suffer his own mental torture and
crumbling collection of abandoned as a butcher and torturer. The was haunted by the island’s multitude
buildings left to rot. Having served demented doctor who worked at the of ghosts. Eventually, he lost his mind,
many unpleasant purposes over the years, island’s mental hospital in the early climbed to the top of the bell tower and
this island is famous for its macabre 20th century was notorious for his flung himself to his death. There are
past and of course, its alleged hauntings. experiments on patients, stories so varying accounts of his death, some
Locals will tell you Poveglia is an “island shocking even when told today. For say he may have actually been pushed,
of ghosts,” and those who visit it are said instance, he believed that lobotomies either by an angry island spirit or by some
to be cursed. Its dark reputation can be were a great way to treat and cure mental of his furious patients. Supposedly a
traced to a history filled with death and illness, so he performed lobotomies on nurse witnessed his fall, claiming that he
despair. It’s no wonder the tortured souls numerous patients, usually against their initially survived, but that a ghostly mist
of those who died on the island are said will. The procedures were heinously overcame his body and choked him to
to linger. Legends and rumours about wicked, and painful, too. He used death.
Poveglia are nearly as pervasive as hammers, chisels, and drills with no
the weeds, and they read like a horror anaesthesia or concern for sanitation. The island is a bit of an eyesore to
story. Over several decades, hundreds the locals, the legends and stories of
of thousands of dead and living Black He supposedly saved his darkest hauntings run so deep that it is near
Plague victims were brought here across experiments for special patients, whom impossible to find a boat willing to take
centuries, corpses piled up in pits were he took to the hospital’s bell tower, the you anywhere near it. The government

Darkness fills the crevices of
the buildings; the pathways
and cluttered corridors of the
hospital are like a scene from a
horror movie, leaving much to
the imagination. The feeling of
eyes watching your every move
never fades. With each step
you take towards the centre of
the island, the energy becomes
more and more oppressive,
engulfing you in an intense
haze of fear and anxiety.
Approaching the island, the
first thing you see is the
looming bell tower and the
housing block. It’s the most
visible and one of the oldest
structures on the island,
the only remnant of a 12th-
century church that was
abandoned and destroyed
hundreds of years ago.
The tower was turned into
a lighthouse in the 18th
has deemed it illegal to century, and now serves no short
visit the island under any circumstances purpose other than as a landmark. amount of time, no more than 5 hours.
which makes getting permission as well Personally, I believe the fear of its
as getting to it extremely difficult. Next you see the island’s octagonal
reputation had our captain a little
battlement, known as “the octagon,”
which was built in the 14th century to unnerved and wanting to get the hell
Even with its crumbling buildings, old
repel Genoese invaders. In addition out of there as soon as possible.
wooden shutters falling off ancient
hinges and ivy creeping its way into to the countless others who are
supposed to have met their untimely Our guide led us on to the island, as we
rooms, there is a morbid beauty in the
ends on Poveglia, the octagon was crawled through a hole in the fence,
decay. The terracotta roofs of buildings
used by English soldiers during the she pointed out that several buildings
which have collapsed, in part bringing
old reed and mud style plaster ceilings Napoleonic wars to ambush French would be completely off limits as the
crashing to the tiled and stone slab commandos. Prisoners were taken ceilings could collapse at any second.
floors are but some of remnants of the ashore and burned. Destroyed French This was not my first visit to Poveglia
old asylum. The bell tower, long bricked ships still decorate the bottom of the and certainly will not be my last. Eager
up, stands imposingly over the site lagoon around the octagon. to get started on investigating and
including the former hospital, asylum, documenting as much as we could, a
prison and small chapel. On the other As majority of the entrances to the few of us decided to try a burst EVP
side of the island a footpath leads to the island have now been boarded up,
session in one of the main asylum
devils’ bridge and, of course, the plague we circled the island several times
prior to finding a suitable place to buildings. I grabbed my headphones,
burning grounds. The ruins which explained to our guide what an EVP
throughout history have been marked by dock and yet not the safest. Our
boat captain informed us that we session was and proceeded to live
death and destruction are eerily silent, listen to the session.
the air feels thick and heavy, it’s enough had only received
to put even the most experienced permission to be
paranormal investigator on edge. on the island for a

As I finished the usual location and, date we had spent a few hours investigating
and time log at the beginning of the and photographing this extraordinary
recording, I turned to our guide to ask place, but we could have easily spent the
her if she would kindly translate all our rest of the night on the island.
questions into Italian, within a couple
seconds of her agreeing, a frequency As we headed back towards our boat a
pop burst through the headphones and look of relief swept over the captains’
a female voice asked ‘Who’s There?’. face, we loaded up and headed back to
This caught me completely off guard as the bustling bars overlooking the Grand
I expected any EVPs captured to be in Canal for an ice-cold Aperol Spritz…
Italian. I played the recording back to the when in Venice.
group; I could see the colour drain from
our guides cheeks as the class A EVP
boomed through the small speaker. We ISLAND HISTORY
were off to a great start!
The Italian island of Poveglia has a
The group had split into two to cover history chock-full of tragic events going
ground, whilst one group took photos back thousands of years. During the Roman
and SLS / video footage, the rest Empire, the island was used to house
of us proceeded to try and entice victims of the plague in order to protect the
communication using the P-SB7 Spirit rest of the country, forcing inflicted people
box and several burst EVP sessions. Sad to live and die in isolation.
to say, perhaps on that particular day,
the spirits did not want to talk as we were Dead bodies quickly began to overcrowd
unable to document much more activity. the island and thousands were dumped into
Other than a few strange EMF spikes and large, common graves. In many cases, the
one figure briefly captured on the SLS bodies were burned. Some overly cautious
camera, majority of the phenomena we Italian communities even got into the habit
experienced was subjective. Cold spots, of shipping away anyone who showed the
chills, sudden violent mood swings, slightest signs of illness, not a time you’d
feelings of despair and intense sorrow, I want to catch a common cold. Many who
believe several members of the group felt had showed any signs of being unwell were
extremely overwhelmed and burst into dragged onto a boat, shipped to the island
tears for no apparent reason. Group two and dumped on top of a pile of rotting
managed to capture some interesting corpses. The terrifying, negative energy
footage of an interference affecting that has been left in the wake of these
their videos, was this paranormal… who deaths remains, even in the island’s very
knows, it certainly was strange. In total soil.

The little island was first mentioned back and forth to the island. Those investigator worldwide. Visitors to
in print in the early fifth century as a distinctive scary white masks with Poveglia have been forbidden for
safe haven from invasions by Alaric the long hook beaks were used as decades, of course, that doesn’t stop
the Goth and Attila the Hun during the a misguided form of protection by the occasional thrill seeker from trying
decline of the Roman Empire. We were physicians in the 17th century to deal to get permission to explore the island.
also fortunate enough to visit Attila the with plague victims. The masks are However, all who venture there return
Huns throne on Trocello Island - which is intrinsically linked to this area as the shaken. One thing all visitors report
worth a visit. Poveglia had probably been plague’s toll was so huge on the local experiencing is the sensation of being
populated long before then, as historical populace it spelled the downfall of the watched, other reports include being
records indicate that a group of proto- Republic of Venice. scratched and pushed by invisible
Italians, the Euganei, first inhabited the forces and some even claim to have
Veneto region as early as 2,000 BCE. In 1793 two ships entering the area were been possessed (Or was that just for
found to have been carrying plague TV). Having visited this gloomy island on
Around 864 CE, the governor, or doge, sufferers, the island again became more than one occasion, I can definitely
was killed, and two hundred of his slaves a confinement station. Other plague say it is one of the more fascinating
fled to the island and presumably led sufferers were forced to the island to
locations I have ever investigated
quiet lives. During the Chioggia War die, shipped over in some instances with
however I truly feel like the nearby
with Genoa that began in 1379, officials the bodies of tens of thousands who had
lagoon islands of Lazzaretto Vecchio
forced the residents of Poveglia Island to already succumb to the inevitable and
(Where the first plague hospital was
move to a different island in the Venetian were now to be burnt and buried on the
built), Trocello and San Servolo (Lunatic
Lagoon. They built the octagonal fort and island in pits. Its grounds are said to hide
turned Poveglia into a military outpost the remains of more than 100,000 bodies, Asylum) are commonly overlooked. To
armed with naval artillery to strictly overgrown blackberry bushes now hiding be honest, I felt more activity, a stronger
control the lagoon. mounds that were once humans. presence of something otherworldly and
a far creepier feeling during our tour of
For two centuries the island stayed In 1922 the 18-acre site became an San Servolo Lunatic Asylum Museum
unpopulated. The government intended asylum for the mentally ill and it was (Definitely worth a visit!) So, in my
to have monks from central Italy inhabit during this period experiments including personal opinion, I would much rather
the island in the 1500s, however there lobotomies were said to have been investigate the island of San Servolo, you
aren’t many records surrounding this performed by the deranged doctor. The can catch the Vaporetto (Water Bus) there
time period. Eventually the government hospital was shut in 1968 and the island and spend the entire day on the island…
finally found a use for the land, Poveglia was abandoned and has been sealed off legally! You would probably document
Island became a colony and dumping to the public by government authorities way more activity than you would trying
ground for victims of the Bubonic Plague to this day. to work your way through the dense
in 1576 and 1630. forestry on Poveglia Island.
With a past like this, it’s not surprising
Doctors wearing Medico Della Peste that Poveglia is believed to be haunted,
masks made numerous trips each day attracting the attention of paranormal MJ Dickson

Entit ysee ker Para norm al Rese arch & Teac hings

When I was first exposed to the world of are needed, these teams are often made
have had the privilege the paranormal, I was lucky enough to up of the blind leading the blind: People
of being a part of watch and study two incredibly insightful whose education often stems from other
paranormal research investigators, Loyd Auerbach and Kerry misinformation on the internet. It’s such
for my entire life, and Gaynor, and, at the time, the only shows a strange paradigm considering that psi
actively participating for documenting this type of study were research in itself is steeped in mystery and
nearly twenty years. I am the “Sightings” and “Unexplained Mysteries” science, but the need to create the events
descendant of a man who is (produced by many of the same individuals rather than observe or document the “real
as the former). “Sightings”, in the 1990s, magic” seems to have become a far greater
a staple in Canadian history, was hosted by Tim White, an ex-military priority in the minds of many corporations
Albert Durrant Watson, and General who was fascinated by the subject looking for a return on their dime. This
an influential member of the of the paranormal science. The original model makes sense when you’re developing
scientific community as both Concept Creator and Supervising Producer a show for pure entertainment and thrills,
of that show, produced by Paramount but it takes a different turn when the public
a physician and astronomer.
for Fox TV, was Linda Moulton Howe, an begins to believe they are observing an
He prided himself on founding Emmy Award-winning TV producer and accurate depiction of the reality of psi
the first paranormal research documentary filmmaker of TV specials research, or twist the genuine experiences
association in Canada about science and the environment. of people who need a voice.
(Association for Psychical
The journalistic approach that “Sightings” What is striking to me about the situation
Research of Canada), and I do
took with this enticing and engaging subject that we now reside in as investigators, is
not take that legacy lightly. matter has been all but lost on the current that much of the public fails to understand
It is one of the reasons this majority of paranormal reporting. This is and realize how the shows developed for
particular subject of education one of the reasons I am a huge supporter of entertainment purposes also drive home
the television shows who dare to document a dangerous misconception about how
is so important to me.
human experiences, rather than creating horrifying this phenomenon truly is. As a
false ones. My time will always be available teacher and educator in this field, I often
to support those willing to risk ridicule to get surprised responses when I tell them
tell their stories, and to the producers who that the phenomenon, more often than not,
step into that crucial role. Where shows like inspires hope and joy and a reason to go
“Sightings” allowed educated researchers on. Specifically, this is the case in grief and
to explain evidence and demonstrate bereavement where studies have shown
the many hats they wear, which include that people find great comfort in perceived
empowering families, positive psychology, paranormal experiences occurring around
and explaining natural causes, many of them (see the works of Dr. Callum Cooper).
the manufactured “ghost hunting” shows Can these unexplained events be terrifying?
of today are not interested in an accurate Absolutely. But it is not the core of where
reporting of this very real phenomenon. this research truly lies, nor does it represent
Often, they misuse equipment and the the majority of human experiences.
teams consist of people who don’t have the
patience to bring a resume of education The other fallout from television programs
to the field they claim they are trying to where ghost hunting groups are sent into
advance. When engineers, physicists, allegedly haunted places to “investigate”,
medical professionals, and psychologists is that skeptics begin to believe that this

is paranormal research. Many are as researchers, are given a platform to with which we cannot see, it is the bond
surprised when I mention universities teach, we must decide how we want to we can develop with the unknown which,
such as Princeton, Edinburgh, or engage the minds who are open to this currently, scares the hell out of most
Northampton actively working new world. People make the mistake people. Getting OK with what we cannot
in dedicated labs to solve these of thinking that unless you have fame see and do not understand is the core
legitimate mysteries. Nor do they and a television show, you don’t have of the dysfunction in a gigantic amount
realize the minds at the top of their a platform. Your degree is a platform, of our current problems, including the
game in this field are neurobiologists, your ability is a platform, your study is a problems with the paranormal. To have
physicists, psychologists, the platform, your voice is a platform. How an attitude of curiosity rather than
president of the American Statistical will you use your platform to elevate the fear: Imagine it. Imagine the influence
Association, and even senior lecturers quality of the information the universe we would have in politics, news, family,
at top institutions such as Coventry continues to present to us? science, and psi if we approached it
University. Throughout my Great from curiosity. I digress, slightly, but the
Great Grandfather’s career as both This does not mean that television does importance of what we do as researchers
a physician and psychic researcher, not have a purpose! Television is one of cannot be understated.
he prided himself on accurate the most accessible forms of information
information and documentation in available to the majority of the world The question I leave you with is simple,
a way that legitimately reported the – it is a tool! We have the potential to yet complicated:
magnificence of our supernatural use this incredible media format to
world, causing me to question the present to the world a new relationship We all have the opportunity to use
word “supernatural” in its entirety, formula, and that relationship is with our time alive to its best form of
as this phenomenon is more common non-physical. It is the most important service, how will you choose to use
than not. relationship because it is the relationship your platform?

The problem is this: The world

of entertainment is excellent
at packaging information and
distributing it in a way which
captures peoples’ imaginations.
Whether or not it is accurate is very
much a secondary thought for most
of the industry (which, again, is fine,
as long as the shows are clear the
production is “entertainment”). The
parapsychology world is incredible
at documenting and releasing
studies on the real deal, but terrible
at packaging it in a way the average
layman can access unless they are
willing to read a pile of paperwork.
Most, unfortunately, are not.

It drives home the importance for the

parapsychology community of today
to do one thing: Find a way to bring
the information to the average
person in a way that will
keep the public’s, often
short, attention
span. I have
made this a
large part of my
own career with interactive
shows and presentations, often using
fire arts and other forms of sensory
stimulation to get my point across in a
memorable way.

Education is the key to our motion

forward, but the forms of education
must change and meld. As
researchers, it is our responsibility to Facebook:
lift this information to a higher level.
Intention is everything, and when we,

“Is there anybody there...?
Knock twice for no... “

B y Hu b e rt Ho bux

dmittedly I was of jittery guests in our group

A getting a little
flustered at that
stage of the night!
Being an impassioned spirit
seeker... who’s been up and
doubly spooking us out with
several moments of blind
screaming panic, added to the
chilling intensity of the spirit
interactions. (To such an
down the country looking extent that my friend Victoria,
for irrefutable evidence a seasoned ghost hunter, who
of the paranormal... this had left her handbag in one
amazing experience was of the stone voids, refused to
getting intense! go back for it... sending me
The event at the historically
romantic Tutbury Castle Oddly we were the only team
had been pretty interesting getting a response, which
anyway. Eerie sensations were ‘harrumphed` the rest of the
detected by bodily feelings events crowd, leaving them
in the Kings Chamber and the dejected, as we all met up
ruined rooms of the old castle for tea and choccy biscuits...
precincts were enveloping us we were buzzing, they were
in a sense of dread.... a couple getting nothing!

Mary Queen of Scots was imprisoned four times at Tutbury
Castle between February 1569 and December 1585

For us the night was going as being considered Mary’s guard on the steps up to the were a horde of Viking re-
fast. The mid May morn was only proper jail. Poor old girl wooden barn like door? Were enactors encamped outside
mild and dark as at around developed rheumatism here those the shades of men at for the weekends historic
One o`clock we trudged after spending a fair bit of arms prowling around the activity event... we did hear
expectantly to the most time, lodged in a little cruck pitch-black room? The spidey them snoring classically as
desired location we could house near this “dungeon” senses were working overtime we crept past their tents)
access on the partially area...she understandably as we stood holding each
but the electrically charged
restricted site... “The detested the place! I should other’s clammy hands in a
atmosphere developing in
Dungeon”... actually the castle also explain that we were protective circle of seance...
the room was building up so
storeroom...during the time of not with the Tutbury Castle
dramatically we didn’t wish to
Mary, Queen of Scots captivity, custodians, nor being “Was that a knock...??”
dispel it in anyway by dashing
we assumed! guided around by their local
A rap was heard from one of out to catch a wildly bearded
paranormal team. We were
Now I should explain... my guests of the very professional the indeterminable corners Valhalla wannabe having
friend Victoria... (she of and seasoned Dark Soul of the Dungeon... not a loud a laugh at our expense...
putting the handbag down Event’s team... about rap... the knocking sounded this wall percussion was
and forgetting it...) is a keen thirteen of us entered that like it was emanating from the something different... as a
historian, who had been dark confine.... the energy in depths of the stone fabric... more persistent gently rolling
long hankering after a night that room being palpable as so we assumed, as you should, rap started to build up...
time visit to Tutbury... Mary we began to feel circled by that there was some sound then.... started to drum from
Queen of Scots is her heroine intentional energies... was contamination encroaching out of thin air in different
and Tutbury was infamous that a shadow man stood from the exterior... (there parts of the confines...

The jitters set in again on those for 15, followed by four knocks image of Mary, stood by the door
nervier members of the group as then five for 1545 example.. in the of the Dungeon, as if welcoming
the weirdness of the situation excitement she was responding us in... and as we googled the
sunk in... several times we calmer with dates that we thought were dates and details that Mary had
sorts had to implore them not to totally wrong... but she was knocked out for us... we found
break the circle as the sensation adamant in her knocking answers. that where we thought she was
of flight or fight took hold! Even getting her information wrong...
handbag Victoria, next to me, Then Victoria dropped a bit of a
she wasn’t.. she was right...
was gripping my hand peculiarly bombshell when she admitted
it was us imbeciles that were
tight... to Mary, that she was the
incorrect...!! So... to this day... I’m
descendant of the bloke who
As soon as we started to think signed Mary Queen of Scots death still not sure if we actually were
that this knocking, (as in full warrant... Lord Chief Justice honoured to be in the court of
blown, `Most Haunted` fashion), Christopher Wray... {1524-92} Queen Mary that night... I hope
might just, might just, be being ..well you could have knocked so... if we truly were, we were
performed by an intelligent me down with a cod-piece... privileged to have experienced
entity, we started requesting if especially when she started the greatest spirit phenomena
the knocker could respond with apologising for his actions... ever... so in trust, until I discover
differential knocks for yes and that done.. the excruciatingly otherwise... I’m going to believe
no.. when the knocker rapped uncomfortable wrestling hold we did!
twice for yes several of us nearly was relaxed... and Mary, started
wet ourselves in glee! to tire, seemingly... but not Oh, and one more thing... on the
before answering the perplexing long, open mouthed drive home,
Calling out logical questions question... “Mary. Do you haunt Victoria being the chauffeur... I
goes out of mind in the heat of anywhere else...?” (Indignant kept sensing something unseen,
amazement... we ascertained that silence) ... “Do you VISIT anywhere sat in the back of our vehicle...
the knocker was not a man... was else?” (YES.) ... “Many places?”
I didn’t like to tell Victoria, so I
definitely not a servant... strong (YES)!!
didn’t mention the fact!
knocking response to NO for that
one... was not connected to the Well, this being a time restricted
family that once resided within public event... we reluctantly had Next morning, she messaged me
the Castle... WAS ...a lady of noble to wind the session down... and that after she had dropped me
birth... (can you see where I’m as we left the musty confines off, she drove home, entered her
going...), Victoria squeezed my of that mind-boggling space... house, which was empty, climbed
hand so tightly my eyes started (creeping joyfully past the still the stairs to bed and suddenly felt
to water... the question had to snoring Vikings), we were all high a few sharp blows on her neck and
be asked.. “Spirit. Are you called as kites... base of her skull which brought
Mary...?” Strong knock for YES... her to her knees...she couldn’t
Victoria audibly gasped as she Was this really Mary, Queen of move for quarter of an hour or so,
involuntarily twisted my hand, Scots...?? I’ve experienced some until the pain vanished... then she
{which at the time was connected crazy stuff in the pursuit of the was fine...
to my arm} into some unnatural, paranormal... but this was off the
professional wrestling, three scale even for me... we spent the Perhaps Mary had taken
quarter Nelson manoeuvre... for next few weeks debating if this umbrage to the Christopher Wray
a few moments, stupid question could have really happened or
connection after all??
syndrome took over... “Are you not... I’ve always been sceptical,
happy Mary? Mary, do you know (yes even me), to the ability of
you’re dead? Mary, did your wig We were investigating Tutbury
spirits being able to communicate
really fall off after your head was in such a fashion... to open Castle, Staffordshire as guests
cut off?...”, fortunately Victoria to falsification and abuse in of Dark Soul Events.
came to her senses and started the pitch dark with a group of This event was their first
asking the spirit Mary questions people you don’t know... could at Tutbury and was allowed
that only a Mastermind contestant the location have organised courtesy of the Tutbury Castle
specialising in Elizabethan gossip the activity in some way.. was paranormal team (Portal
could answer... stuff from her there a joker in the pack...? The Paranormal)
(brief) marriage to some French atmosphere we sensed in the
royal bloke.. questions about her room though would have been Highly recommended for an eerie
kids... (no, I’d no idea either...) hard to fabricate... and Tutbury night Castle romp!!
Then we discovered a way to Castle did reckon that Mary has

Hubert Hobux
ascertain dates by getting Mary communicated in that manner on
to rap how many numbers she previous occasions!!
wanted to pass on to us...(in
decade decimal style)... one knock Then historian Victoria thought
for one, followed by five knocks she might have caught a ghostly


Quenin Weir Ph.D. and

Oddfellow encounter Elder
Gods from he Chulhu
Myhos on a street of ill
repute as slimy, suspicious,
slihering hings slide
soundlessly hrough a
sinful, saucy suburb.
Art by Mychailo Kazybrid.
Script, inks and leters
by Bambos Georgiou
©2019 Bambos Georgiou &
Mychailo Kazybrid


rian Watson had spent

B 20 years in the Royal

navy. Saltwater ran
through his veins. But
he gave it all up for a
Wife and family, to be near
them and support them. But
the draw of the tide pulled him
astonished sailors, is still happening

I lived in London in 2006 and was

only up North to Fife about one
weekend a month. But I dropped in
on the old sea dog with a good half
spare seeing the registration of the
boat in bold white letters KY39. He
looked behind him to vent more fury
at the boat, but to his astonishment
-it was gone! Nowhere to be seen,
there was nothing there….it seemed
it was never there!
bottle in which didn’t last long, but
back to the sea trade, when
in the short while I was with him, he
he took the position of the
Harbour master of Pittenweem
had a story for me, unlike anything “This story he told in cold
he had told me before. sobriety; it had scared him.
in Fife. The boat was as real as
He had been out for a sail and good anything he had seen before,
winds had given him a run out into
With the post came access to the the North Sea. He was about 50 it even had a crew, but all
Harbour, and before long he had a miles out west of the May Isle and he could remember was
30-foot Yacht as his plaything. On had started to be concerned by the the white numbers of the
good days he would sail away out time. It was September and calm registration and that it had
past the two Islands of the May Isle with the usual leaden sky, but he two masts. He checked for
and Bass Rock and into the deep had ventured too far out and needed KY39 but could find no boat
waters of the Forth before testing to return before the night fell. He with that registration today.”
his Maritime experience on the knew these waters like the back of
treacherous waves of the North Sea. his hand, but he knew the tide was
I would occasionally drop into his right for the return of the prawn I have a fantastic library of Scottish
boat in the Harbour where I would fleet to harbour and wanted to get interest books going back to 1570.
be warmly welcomed with a glass back before the boats took up the First Editions of Witch Trial records,
of Whisky and beaming smiles as best berths. He turned for home criminal trials and wayward local
he laughed away his boring land and with a good wind on his sails he histories. I thrive on them as an
job to regale me of stories of the should be back to land in over two input of my source materials on the
sea. He was a wealth of information hours. books I get published. I knew I had
and at the time I was writing my several books on East Coast sea
book on the Pittenweem Witches He was putting up the full sail when wrecks from 1800s to present day,
and needed Sea lore and fishermen suddenly in front of him was the and with the registration I may just
superstitions to give the reader the silhouette of a boat, a heavy fishing find if there was any boat with that
background to a story of Witchcraft boat. It was on a direct collision number.
and murder in the Pittenweem course with the yacht not 50 feet
village in 1705. Brian certainly away, and Brian quickly pulled his I leafed through relevant books,
delivered. rudder to portside while his yacht but nothing was to be found of
for an instant reared out the water the elusive KY39. It wasn’t until I
But he also gave me a story that as the wind caught the sail and reviewed the Kirkcaldy boat licences
with a bit of research I managed to nearly threatened to overturn the of which any boat with KY as a prefix
piece together a very sad tragedy. boat. Brian screamed obscenities at would originate from this port. I
A tragedy that happened over a the wayward captain of the fishing found that in 1884 a boat with the
hundred years ago and to some boat as it passed with inches to registration KY197 was sold to a Mr

Photo by Gautier Salles on Unsplash

Largo harbour around 1880

“I managed to piece together a

Gillies of Largo in which he re-registered it under his name, and
very sad tragedy. A tragedy that
it was given a new Kirkcaldy registration of KY39! It seems I had
found Brian’s Phantom boat!
happened over a hundred years
The boat was based in Largo (where I originate) Largo has only ago and to some astonished
two crab boats that work out the miserable harbour confines
today. But in 1883 there were 36 fishing boats of all sizes using
the harbour. KY39 was renamed “Brothers” and was a two-mast
sailors, is still happening now!”
schooner. It had a crew of 7 and aptly named as The Skipper
Mr Gillies had his two sons on board as did David Wishart and
another largo man John Johnstone made up the fishing crew. On the night of 30th March 1886, the fishing
It was one of two boats owned by Mr Gillies; he owned another boat “Brothers” with The Skipper Samuel Gillies
registered as KY4. It was 47-foot long, two mast fishing boat in charge was seen about 50 miles East of the
identical to KY39. The catch they were after was Mackerel. It Island of “the Bass Rock” by the boat “Jane and
was line caught. There Minnie”. Everything seemed fine and the boat
were no nets used, the Skippers excepted greetings from each other from
method of catching distance. By the 31st of March “Brothers” hadn’t
the Mackerel was to returned to the Largo harbour as was expected.
trail a line of hundreds By April the worst fears were known! The boat had
of hooks baited with gone, not a trace was found of the seven men or
muscles from the boat any debris of the fishing boat. It was to be another
and drawn the line statistic of the perils of the North Sea, where
in by hand putting many ships and lives had gone into the watery
the caught fish into depths never to be found again. It was thought
barrels. A tedious the boat had opened its two hatches to release
hard labour for sure the coils of baited hooks. The purpose was to drag
it was managing the the hooks in a line, so they could cover a bigger
tempest of the sea with area saving entanglements and maximise the
hundreds of baited catch. With the hatches down, you are acceptable
hooks going overboard to swamping the boat with any change in the
that could easily snare tides tempest. It was thought a sudden storm had
the fisherman and pull created a squall which quickly overcame the boat.
him into the depths. There were no survivors.

“A fisherman The dead were Samuel Gilles 45, his sons John 23
always had to be and Alexander 21. David Wishart was 47 his sons
fully focused, there David 22 and James 22 and John Johnstone 22.
were many unseen
dangers on a sea It seems at the right tide and right time,
boat.” “the Brothers” fishing boat still sails the
North Sea today.
Skipper Samuel Gillies in 1882

LE10 0AZ
“Celia, you’re breaking my
heart …”

BUTCHERY iss Celia Bashford was Ardingly where she applied for parish

born in 1800 within relief (financial help) and John was
the village or Ardingly, sent to Prison for this. It took 5 weeks
Sussex. She grew to only of prison life in Lewes until finally he
four feet high as she agreed to marry her. The couple now
suffered with a genetic reunited, returned to Brighton as they
disorder which made her appearance were ordered to leave Ardingly by the
very different from everyone else. parish (due to such an embarrassing
Her family moved to Brighton to seek situation.) They both got jobs in the
the fortune of an up and coming workhouse and Celia sadly gave birth
bustling seaside town and when to a stillborn, soon became pregnant
she grew up, she became a working again but unfortunately her baby girl
girl. As an adult she found herself also died.
meeting a young man by the name
of John Holloway; a once trained John was angry and bitter as he felt him and discuss the start of a new
butchers’ boy at the racecourse in smothered by the situation and became life together in a new home in the
Brighton. Now a young man John increasingly violent towards her over the centre of Brighton. That day she
had become a womanising drunk years. She found herself soon relived of left her home at 4 Cavendish Place
and petty criminal, but the pair his behaviour as he went to sea working and they met at the ‘potential’
fell in love and became a couple. for the Naval Blockade Service. During new home in Donkey Row, number
After a short time, Celia became his time away he secretly courted and 11 (now named North Steine Row.)
pregnant, but John refused to marry married a woman called Ann Kennett They were reported to have been
her. This forced her to return to illegally. Around the summer of 1831 both in high spirits as they ate baked
Celia and Ann were pregnant by him and batter pudding and drank beer.
on his return to Brighton Unsuspecting Celia believed John
John became a painter. He and as he pretended to kiss her,
worked on the Chain Pier he carefully placed a rope around
and was ordered to pay her neck and slowly strangled her
Celia maintenance of 2 to death. Ann was present at the
shillings per week (around property, hiding. It is believed that
10 pence.) He was unable she was the one who finished poor
to pay the demand due Celia off as John may have been
to his low paying job so unable to go through with it. They
instead he came up with a hung the body from a hook in the
plan to rid him of Celia for cupboard under the stairs and
good. In July of that year left it overnight to ensure she was
John asked Celia to meet dead.

was the first portion, a thigh, followed by
another thigh and then the torso which
was wrapped in a bundle made from a
petticoat. The head, arms and portions
of leg were missing. Word quickly spread
around Brighton and large crowds formed
in order to identify the body. One of these
was a Mrs Bishop who confirmed that this
was the body of her sister, Celia.

Ann was taken into custody as the

police found her first and upon
hearing this John handed himself
in. He was found guilty and was
hung on the 16th of December
1831 at Horsham gaol. The very
next day his body was put on
display at Brighton town hall and
around 23,000 people visited
to see it. His body was then
dissected and used for research.
Ann was cleared.
John returned the next day
to dispose of the body and The remains of Celia were interred in
there he used his once taught those St Peter’s churchyard, Preston within a
butchery skills and cut off her days. wall and pathway close to Lover’s walk.
head, arms and legs. Not all Unfortunately for John the Celia’s previous history would not allow a
of Celia fit into the trunk he weather tuned for the worse churchyard burial although what portions
had prepared; so, some parts and extreme rain began to of her that were recovered were placed
wash away the soil uncovering within the wall behind a plaque; a plaque
where hidden in the privy
his once loved wife. dedicated to her and remains there today.
at a house in Margret Street
and some went missing. In
On the 13th August 1831 two
the middle of that night John local men named Gillam and
took the trunk of body parts Maskell noticed something in
upon a wheelbarrow and dug a the path at lover’s walk. The
shallow grave in a place called soil appeared disturbed with
Lover’s walk in Preston, Brigh- some fabric poking above the
ton. It is still named to this day surface. After seeking help
although these days its ap- of the Preston policeman by
pearance has changed signifi- the name of Elphick they dug,
cantly. Lover’s walk ironically leading to the discovery of
was a well-known and popular poor Celia’s butchered body.
place for courting couples in Only eighteen inches deep

In 1920 is had been documented that 2019, some 188 years later and I am you wouldn’t notice it unless like me, you
a figure of a women was seen by two making my way to Celia’s resting place; know it existed and were subsequently
people in the churchyard of St Peter’s. It well a part of it anyway. On the Journey looking for it. In excitement I started
was seen to fade from view and the very I’m thinking of questions I’m considering yanking equipment from my person and
same figure was reported again in the asking her and wondering that if she is lost grasp of my K2. I immediately bent
early 21st century. Could this be Celia? present it’s probably due to her missing down to retrieve it from the unkempt
How many other people may have seen body parts, surely? Pockets full of grass and on my way, I noticed something
her? As I am originally from Brighton I paranormal equipment and Nicky (Nikon) shiny. Coins. A selection of coins was
heard about this story from local people, in hand I reached the graveyard that fully scattered all over a recumbent headstone,
I’ve researched it and now it was my surrounded the 800-year-old church of St a headstone with an unreadable name.
chance to investigate it. Peter’s. On arrival I realised how ancient I’d never seen this before so I looked
this place is, a classic horror movie type closely but got a sense that I shouldn’t
of graveyard and my heartbeat increased interfere. I would never steal anything of
significantly. Tree roots cracking through course, it wasn’t like that, but the voice
tombs, Mother Nature claiming them in my head said, “Do not, whatever you
within the thick opaque atmosphere. do, move those coins.” And I didn’t. That
There were graves of various types was definitely something to google later
from many an era and are scattered all on for sure. Sodden K2 cradled again I
around. I was here to visit one particular made my way over to the plaque. When I
memorial though; that of Mrs Holloway. finally arrived, I took base environmental
Crows cawed at me as I searched through readings with my temperature gun (A gift
the overgrown graveyard for her resting from George) and EMF with the K2. I took
place. They watched my every move in the still photographs including full spectrum
mildew like guardians of the underworld, as well as base Spirit Box 7 and digital
protectors of the very bones buried deep recordings. Once these were complete,
here. I was alone and it was the early I introduced myself to Celia, explaining
hours of a spring day. The crisp air forced why I was there, trying to contact her and
my warm breath to create my very own of course, offer any help she made need.
misty manifestations and pained my The wall surrounding the plaque was
lungs. My feet were damp from each blade on average around 13°C but the plaque
of long grass depositing droplets on me, itself was a much warmer, 15°C. I put this
marking me, logging my presence as I down to the material of the plaque as
made progress to my destination. Out the either of the temperatures didn’t change
corner of my eye I spotted a plaque on throughout the investigation. Talking to
the wall. It blended in with the wall so well Celia as if she was still alive, I enlightened

her about my harmless equipment and hopes of a class A. Lastly, I took out to say I will be definitely returning in the
how it could help her to communicate the SB7 and proceeded to ask similar very near future. As for the coins, I’ve
with me if she wanted too. The K2 was questions and things got interesting. learnt that it’s a sign of respect in some
set up throughout with mostly no change cultures, in others a sign of appreciation
from its base, bright green light with “Whose plaque on the wall is this?” “It but also a payment for a safe cross over.
the exception of one small spike when was John” On my return I will be bringing Celia some
I was close to the plaque. It reached “Can you tell me what town we are in?” coins and they will be worth much more
around 2 milligauss, although after “It was John” than 2 shillings. Perhaps that may secure
that, nothing. I decided to try the digital her toll to the next life, in peace.
recorder as some spirits seem to only “What is the age of the person named
communicate with their voice and others on this plaque?” No response
only affect temperature. I’m still not sure “Do you know how this person died?
why, whether it’s a choice, a matter of “Yes”
strength, who knows? Anyway, back to me
creeping around a graveyard in the early Where they murdered?” Female scream
hours. Respectfully, I began to ask the followed by male voice “kill”
questions I wanted to ask for a very long “What was your murder’s name?” Can
time. I quite literally lived and breathed you tell me, was it John or Ann?” No
this story over the last few months and response
now I sort of felt like a time travelling
“Celia, if your here and you need help,
stalker. The stories about Celia’s murder
can you say help?” “Help......... hello?”
don’t all seem to add up and I wanted to
know what really happened and offer help On reflection I believe that Celia is present
to this unfortunate soul. I wanted to know here and that it was her communicating
about her murder, who really did it? John with me. I feel that this certainly is not
or Ann? I asked about her dismemberment something she is used to and seems
as there are to this day still missing parts to want to talk, in particular about her
of her body. Is she aware that John was murder (even though it was a short
hung for the crime? I wanted her to know conversation.) Whether she can’t be at
that many people now know her story rest due to her physical losses, is unaware

Katie x
and I will tell it further, across the world, of John’s justice or another reason, I’m
writing for this very magazine. Recorder not sure. Either way it appears that I have
results were hazy, I believe I caught come away with more questions than
responses to a couple of my questions before. I’m deeper intertwined in her
although faint whispers crumbled my story and I wish to help. I think it’s safe


o be perfectly honest, we As big fans of The League of

could’ve spoken to Reece for Gentlemen and in an age where
The REECEipe hours and asked him so many opinion can now pretty much result
for SUCCESS questions, but we had to untie in censorship, has there ever been an
Reece and let him go. We occasion where a sketch has been so
managed to ask him some questions completely awful that you thought we
¼ of The League of Gentlemen, though, and when we removed his gag, can’t do this? But did you do it anyway,
½ of Inside No. 9, he answered them too. or maybe you didn’t?
½ of Pyschoville, What does being asked to write the No. I think we have always been careful
Add some “special stuff” foreword for Usborne’s reprint of and responsible with what we’ve
done. I think possibly we’ve got more
Add some “jelly” World of the Unknown mean to you?
What does this book mean to you? squeamish as we’ve got older. When
Add something dark you’re young you are far more fearless.
Add some “diddle, diddle I was thrilled to be part of the Twitter It hasn’t occurred to you yet that you are
campaign to bring the book back. going to die. I think as the years roll on
dumpling” you start to retreat from anything too
Sometimes - occasionally, it can be a
power for good! I grew up with the book nasty. Although we still journey to some
very dark places with “Inside No. 9”.
Stir, mix, whizz, chop, cut, bang, very much as a conduit that tapped
But we’ve never decided we couldn’t do
fry, KILL!! into my love of the Supernatural, so it’s
incredible that the reprint has a little something.
foreword by me in it. And just in time It emerged a couple of months ago
Pour into a big Yorkshire for Hallowe’en! My favourite night of the that you would have loved to have
year. (Although I must confess - I regard
pudding, served with a pot of revived ‘Hammer House of Horror’. We
the whole of October as Hallowe’en can think of nobody better suited to do
Yorkshire Tea. these days). this, especially with the likes of Jordan

Peele’s ‘Twilight Zone’. What was it that Real life is often the bearer of some good But he wasn’t an actor, so we didn’t make
stopped you from developing the idea ideas too. Actor wise, it would belovely to him, no!
further? If Netflix threw money at the work with the Dames, Mirren and Dench,
project would you do it? and the Sirs, McKellen and Hopkins. Inside No. 9 just gets better and
better, how difficult was it to do the
It sort of went away as an endeavour. We Believe or not. Aliens? Bigfoot? The LIVE Halloween special episode? Did
were excited about it - and worked hard Loch Ness Monster? The Afterlife? And everything go according to plan?
on a very nasty script, but it didn’t pan would you be one of the ones lining up
out. All writers have these casualties. to storm Area 51 if you could? The live Halloween Special was great fun
It would be interesting to look at a long to do. We knew the biggest challenge was
form horror anthology, but we are sort of always going to be keeping our true plan
doing our own version now with “Inside “Ok. Aliens - must be a yes. a secret. But actually it went remarkably
No. 9” aren’t we. How can we be ‘it”? Bigfoot smoothly. The only thing we had to be
is just daft, and the Loch Ness mindful of was not - in the panic of it
Who inspires you in your acting and
Monster is probably a seal. I’d being live, start gabbling the lines and
writing projects? Is there anyone that
finish too quickly. There were points
you would particularly like to work stay clear of Area 51. I bet it’s
with? between live sections where they ran in
just like Ikea anyway. Right and told us to either speed up or slow
We take inspiration from lots of different down to the meatballs.” down the next bit, to get back on track.
places. For instance, I love Stephen King,
but equally there’ll be something from It’s 90 years ago this year since V.C.
Going back to The League of Gentlemen, Wall published articles about Harry
an old “Two Ronnies” sketch that might
did you, Mark and Steve ever tried to Price & Borley Rectory in the Daily
spark something just as sinister. People
tempt Jeremy into an acting role in it? Mirror, you play V.C. Wall in the Borley
think we’re “dark”, but you can’t get
bleaker than “Sorry” or an episode of Well throughout the series Jeremy has Rectory film, did you do much to
“Ever Decreasing Circles”. been in the League with several cameos. research him at all?

“The only strange thing that
happened once was my wife and
I watched a glass move across
a table we were sitting at in a
busy restaurant. It was ludicrous.
It could have been CGI. I cannot
explain it.”

Photography: © Matt Crockett

There is actually very little about V.C. It wasn’t much fun to be honest. We Ah, I see what you did there, five
Wall. I don’t even think there’s so much had a sober responsibility to tell that questions in one, BUT ok, here goes:
as a photo of him. So really, I decided story - dramatically but with a sensitivity
to the victims and all those involved Ghost Story: The Woman in Black.
to play him as a journalist who knew a
juicy story when it presented itself. He in that horrendous story. Webster was League Character: Geoff Tipps.
certainly grabbed people’s attention with a monster, and our story a simplified
Psychoville ep: Maureen and David one
his reports from Borley. version of the terrible things he did. take “Rope” episode that we did.
But I know the people involved wanted
Those adults especially those without the story out there. As an actor it was a Inside No. 9: Trial of Elizabeth Gadge
kids, might not realise you were also fantastic script, and the chance to play Hammer House of Horror: Twin Faces of
in a few episodes of Horrible Histories, the banality of evil. Evil.
my kids learnt much more about
We interviewed Andy Nyman once and We wanted to end on question 13,
history by watching HH than learning
he said he doesn’t actually believe in somehow seems apt, now just need to
in school. Is it the writing, the subject,
Ghosts, he apologised, there was no make question legendary. You turn 50
the actors or a combination of all
need, so same question to you, do you this year, will it be a pivotal age, or just
three? a number, any regrets, or too few to
believe in ghosts, had any paranormal
“Horrible Histories” was just a joy to experiences? mention?
do. We felt like Elder Statesmen, going I tend not to get hung up on my
Probably not. I am endlessly fascinated
in and doing our sketches with them. birthdays. When I was 40, I went to
of course, but no. The only strange thing
They are all so lovely - and have become that happened once was my wife and I Edinburgh in case anyone was planning
good friends. They are all brilliant comic watched a glass move across a table we on surprising me with something.
actors and made those sketches funny were sitting at in a busy restaurant. It (Although I don’t know anyone so I
regardless of the “children’s television” was ludicrous. It could have been CGI. I should have realised I’d be safe). I will
that they were making. The historical cannot explain it. It was not aquaplaning; let 50 slip by I reckon. I’ll be on stage in
information just sang out so vividly the table was dry. No slope. Nothing. A a play anyway. I’m not that bothered.
because the writing and performances ghost did it. I’m content with what’s happened so far
were so brilliant. so don’t feel too anxious about feeling
Favourite Ghost Story? Favourite I need to make my mark. If I don’t do
How fun, if fun is the right word, was The League of Gentleman character? anything else ever again, I can look at the
it to play Malcolm Webster in the Favourite Pyschoville episode? little pile of DVD’s that we’ve created over
Widower, naturally evil, without having Favourite Inside No. 9 episode? the years and think, “I have no memory of
to be funny. He was a right evil so & so. Favourite Hammer Horror episode? doing any of that!”

OMG, our SB has written about EVP! FFS!


lectronic Voice Phenomena, or

E otherwise known as its initials

of EVP is an exciting piece of
technology working alongside
the spirit world, offering is the
living to communicate with our loved
ones who have now passed.
Where Do the Voices on EVP Come
From? It is a mystery. No one knows, but
some possible suggestions are:
• They are voices of the dead.
Therefore, many researchers go to
cemeteries seeking EVPs (often with
great success).
on his own and when he played back his
recording he had strange voices coming
through, he also noticed that the voices
were responding to comments he had
been making at the time. Interesting!

Now that you know what electronic

voice phenomena is all about, it is time
EVP is the appearance of strange and •  They are from another dimension.  to try contacting the spirit world using
often nonsensical utterings, voices • They come from the researchers’ the equipment you may have at home.
or speech recorded when no one is own subconscious. It’s been You will need a recording device with a
present whilst the recording was suggested that somehow the microphone to record sound, playback
being done. (other than those doing researchers’ thoughts are projected technology like a laptop or computer and
the recording). Many people report of onto the tape. some static which would be a source of
hearing sentence’s, names and much • The voices are angelic or demonic in background noise such as a fan or radio
more coming through in the recording, origin. so that you can pick up the best signals.
and some describe the EVP similar to a
• It’s a hoax. Sceptics assert that there A Successful EVP recording requires
dog, hearing things that the human ear is nothing to EVP at all—that the patience and determination, because
does not. EVP can also pick up any form “voices” are either faked, random you may not get results with your first
of electronic communication, such as noise interpreted as voices, real attempt.
radio and video. EVP are ghostly voices voices already on the tape, or voices
that appear on audio equipment or picked up from radio, cell phone, or The different types of EVP recordings you
similar items like a smartphone. other sources. can get are as follows -
The Best way to use EVP is to record
silence. i.e.: in a room with no one around • Class A: Easily understood by
and leave it to record. Then once done, almost anyone with little or no
playback and see if you have recorded dispute. These are also usually the
anything. You may also have white noise loudest EVPs.
in the background and using a good
• Class B: Usually characterized by
site like Audacity can clear this out. The
warping of the voice in certain
recordings can be faint, so once you have
syllables. Lower in volume or more
had some practise then you can start
asking questions and then you will notice distant sounding than Class A.
that the voices become louder. Class B is the most common type of
Thomas Edison the famous Inventor
• Class C: Characterized by excessive
is known as the father of EVP due
to an interview he did back in the warping. They are also common, the
1920s, in which he said “that the difference being that it is very hard
human personality survives after to understand what is being said.
experiencing death”, he also went • Class D: Usually debunked as
on to say “that it might be possible background noise, or your mind
to construct an apparatus which playing tricks on you.
will be so delicate that is there are
personalities in another existence or
sphere that wishes to get in contact What are your thoughts on EVPs? Let
with us, that this apparatus will give us know
them a better opportunity to express send us your best ones.
themselves rather than the Ouija and
table tipping”.
Sam Bennetts
The 1st recorded EVP did not happen until
1959, when a Swedish birdwatcher was


“Can we have our

hall back please?”
By Penny Griffiths-Morgan

am well known as a person expectations of the time, in industrial

who will get on her soapbox areas of Great Britain in the early part
about issues, especially issues of the 19th century, children would start
that pertain to things that I work as an average rule at 8 years old,
am passionate about such as perhaps even younger if their parents
history. That must be a record, 28 could find employment for them. Children
words into my latest article and I have were not kids in the way that we see
already mentioned the “h” word, but and treat them now, it was not until the
it is important, what is also incredibly early 1880’s that education became both
vital to take into consideration when mandatory and free between the ages of
learning about the past is taking it in 5 and 10 which is not that long ago when
proper context of the time it is set. you truly think about it.

For example, many people are abhorred Even more shocking is the fact that the
by the workhouse movement and to our younger generation under the age of 16
21st century brains, the very thought of could still receive the death penalty until
putting people who are poor and destitute 1908.
into a large building and making them
Which leads me onto the premise of this
work for their keep is against human
piece, the sacrifices that are made that
rights and our ethos of what humanity
are historically relevant but potentially
means. I read recently on social media
shocking to us today. Can you imagine
that someone was disgusted that giving up your home, your livelihood and
the children once a certain age (it’s the place that your family had lived for
7 if anyone is interested), would be generations because the military told you
removed from their parents and sent to they needed it to play war games in.
a separate boys or girls’ dorm. You do
have to however, look at this with social No? Read on...

“The residents of the village were told that their
tenancies could be maintained and that they would
be able to return to their homes once the war office
had no further use for the area.”

On June 6th 1944, 75 years ago this year, As a child, my parents used to enjoy residents within this target zone advising
Operation Overlord took place, the largest taking my younger sister and I on annual them to vacate by 19th December 1944,
amphibious invasion in history consisting caravanning holidays down to the south to provide a training area for the army
of some 156,000 British, American and coast, and our regular trips to the beach to enable them to perfect their use of
Canadian troops, 6,939 ships, 2,395 were by a 10 mile hike (ok, it felt like 10 modern weapons and to facilitate the
powered aircraft and 867 gliders and miles at 9 years old but was less than use of live ammunition. The crucial part
the aim, to land and take the five key a mile) to the beautiful coastline at of this request was that the residents of
beaches of Normandy which consisted Worbarrow Bay, but one of the areas we the village were told that their tenancies
of Juno, Sword, Utah, Omaha and Gold. used to pass by very close to was what could be maintained and that they would
I was lucky enough to spend two weeks has become known as the ghost village be able to return to their homes once
in that beautiful part of France in 2018 of Tyneham. I would argue that it is only the war office had no further use for the
a ghost village in the most generic of area. Why then is this once quintessential
and visit pivotal historical places such as
senses as it was not abandoned due to part of English life, the little hamlet
the beaches, parts of the Atlantic Wall,
the residents all mysteriously dying, nor that was all linked to the once great and
Pegasus Bridge and Point du Hoc but this
was it left to fall down due to some weird beautiful hall, a place that can prove
piece is not about that either. unexplained phenomena, it was vacated inhabitants from the Roman era and was
As you can probably imagine, an assault purely and simply due to an order from also mentioned in the doomsday book
of this kind took more than a few days to Winston Churchill’s government that it as “Tigeham” now a ghost village and
plan, historians believe it took years rather was required for the war effort as the area somewhere that investigators sneak into
it stood in bore an uncanny resemblance to try and find evidence of inhabitants
than months although the bulk of the
to the coastline of northern France where long deceased?
preparation does appear to have started
the taking of the beaches at Normandy, or
around 7 months beforehand with the Quite simple, the War Office (now the
more commonly known D Day, was to take
training of the troops and the requisition place. MoD) never returned it to the villagers
of a small part of the Dorset coast around as initially promised. Many of the
Lulworth and Kimmeridge Bay and On the 16th November 1944, a mandatory buildings were damaged by the shelling
including the tiny hamlet of Tyneham. requisition notice was issued to those received during mock battles and were

consequently pulled down by the army prowl the woodland routine.
due to the extensive work which would just outside of the area The last
have been required to restore them. stopping people crossing known
Is this what has caused unsettled into the neighbouring resident of
ancestors to return? Is this what community, a Dairymaid is
Tyneham, Arthur
explains the claims of investigators of believed to walk wistfully around
the large oak tree that she was buried Grant, was interred
hearing growls and screeching voices
on EVPs and having stones thrown at under after committing suicide and in the church in 2010, the dying
them? The discontent of previously a soldier has been seen walking the wish of many of those who were forced
proud and hard-working residents of streets around the houses. All of to leave in 1943.
Tyneham seeing the destruction of their these are plausible, but none can be
once beautiful and quaint village? verified. Investigators report the name Perhaps however, it was the note that
Warren appearing on EVP and Spirit was left on the Church doors when the
I also wonder if some of the activity Box sessions, perhaps fitting with the last villager left in December 1943 that
documented could be down to the American connections to the area or gives the biggest clue –
spirits of long lost troops who have just some kind of audio pareidolia.
returned to the part of England that “Please treat the church and
they trained in, in late April of 1944, I cannot say unequivocally if Tyneham houses with care; we have given up
there is believed to have been the loss is haunted or purely haunting, many
visitors do comment on the ethereal our homes where many of us lived
of nearly 800 American GI’s on Slapton
Sands in Devon whilst on Exercise Tiger, nature of the fact that only the church for generations to help win the war
a mock landing in preparation of D Day. and schoolhouse are still intact – to keep men free. We shall return
It is highly plausible that some of these although that can be easily explained one day and thank you for treating
men were stationed in Lulworth Cove away by the fact that these buildings the village kindly”
and were being trained on tank and are maintained by the military and
modern warfare in that area – it should National Trust and promoted as a Penny is the presenter for Haunted
also be noted that Bovington is a stone’s museum to the village and it’s way of Histories every Wednesday on
throw away from this area and is where life as was, the schoolhouse having Parasearch Radio and is also the Author
the Army’s tank regiment has been closed its doors as an educational of “My Haunted History” which is
based since 1916 (originally known as facility some 11 years or so before available on
the Heavy Branch as it incorporated the the 200 plus villagers had to leave. It
Machine Gun Corps). would not surprise me if something still

Look through copious reports of

lingers there, after all, with hundreds
of years of habitation and the fact that
Penny x
paranormal events on the internet and many residents of old would never have
you will find accounts of things that travelled away from the village and
have been experienced in the area of died where they were born, they could *some not so ‘orrible histories might
the Ghost Village, a shuck is meant to quite possibly be going about their daily actually be a bit ‘orrible at times.


* All details of the residents and team members have been kept
confidential & changed, apart from mine.

By Lucy Willgress
here are times when The house looked just led the group, carried out

T you get called out

to an investigation
that’s so shocking
that you know you’ll
never forget it as long as
you live.
like any other in the
peaceful, Nineteen-forties
Attleborough cul-de-sac.
When we arrived, the sun still
shone and the neighbours
went about their evening,
baseline tests around the
property first to establish
if there were any unusual
energy hotspots around.
Claire told myself and
another team member that
weeding gardens and
The case I’m about to washing cars. around a week before, she’d
recount was one of the awoken in the middle of the
most horrifying I’ve ever “I certainly couldn’t night to find the bedside
encountered during my have guessed from unit thumping and rattling.
decade of working with a outward appearances Her initial assumption was
private paranormal team
what had been that it was her youngest
based in Norfolk. The
evidence obtained whilst at occurring behind daughter Sophie, who was
the property was so accurate closed doors, or the sleeping next to her. When
that we were able to identify disturbing nature of she woke the girl and asked
exactly who was doing the what happened there what she was doing, Sophie
haunting, along with details historically.” replied that she hadn’t done
of his sickening crimes anything. Both terrified,
and equally grisly death. On arrival, homeowners Dan they ran screaming from
Therefore, all details of the and Claire invited us in and the room. The next morning,
residents and team members introduced themselves. I everything on the unit had
have been kept confidential, immediately liked this warm, been thrown off onto the
as this investigation proved open family and struck up an floor, and the wall still bore
disturbing for some. All instant rapport with Claire, marks where it shook and
names except mine have chatting as if we were old slammed against it hard
been changed. friends. Meanwhile Ted, who enough to take plaster off.

The whole family had been sleeping It was becoming clear that this spirit same man made his presence felt, trying
in the sitting room ever since. Other had died violently, but we had no idea his best to intimidate me so he could
activity, such as the television just what we were about to find out, and feed from my fear. However, I’m scared of
switching itself on and off – even this communication verified what the very little and he soon gave up. Looking
when unplugged - began to happen family already suspected.
towards the window, I realised that he
more frequently, accompanied by
what was described as a sulphuric I asked the spirit to show himself to me, daren’t leave the house because he was
odour of rotten eggs. as I could see him moving around as a frightened of what would be waiting for
dark mass. Immediately, my vision of him.
We began the investigation and split the rest of the room faded away and all
into groups. Myself, Claire and another I could see was a face. I recounted what Realising that he wasn’t going to get any
investigator set up in the master I saw: an older, non-descript male with kind of fear response from me, the spirit
bedroom where the disturbance large, eighties-style glasses and scruffy, targeted Shaun, feeding off his terror
had occurred. We talked for a while greasy hair in a side parting. Claire
to make himself stronger. Suddenly, the
about various things that Claire had gasped and her hands flew to her mouth
experienced in order to put her at ease at my description. I discovered why when gaunt lady from earlier appeared behind
about the night to come. we stopped for another break. me and the male spirit retreated and
practically went from trying to intimidate
Ted and Dan based themselves Before I could question further, Shaun Shaun to hiding behind him.
downstairs using the Franks Box (a radio said my face began to change into that
scanner that spirit can use to make words of a woman with long hair who wore a Whoever she is (I initially got the name
and sentences.) One of the names that hood, with prominent cheekbones but Emily, but at the same time Shaun got El
was given through the device was Alice. an emaciated, white face with coal-black and I got Elizabeth), she is formidable.
They couldn’t have known that Claire eyes. She showed herself later in the last
was, that very moment, describing the vigil of the night. We both felt that she’d Enough to have made this other sick,
time her deceased grandmother Alice been around for several hundred years vindictive spirit cower in fear.
appeared in plain sight. Nothing much and was connected to the land rather
else happened for us during this time, but than the house, and meant the living no By this time, it was gone one in the
I feel it was beneficial in setting a relaxed harm but despised the male presence morning, so we turned the lights on,
atmosphere and helping the family to feel that lingered. packed up and advised the family to
safe and comfortable with us being there. fill their home with laughter, love and
“Stopping for the second break of positive stuff, as the spirit feeds on
When we reconvened for a break and
the night, we all met once again negativity and fear. Both Ted and I also
compared what we’d all experienced
so far, I heard that Mark and Shaun, in the kitchen to report back. By advised on how to cleanse the house.
two more of the team, experienced an this time, the couple’s son had
Unsurprisingly, we all found ourselves
aggressive male presence in the eldest returned home. What the family
son’s room. Ted filled us in about what back at the house the following weekend
showed me next chilled me to the
happened in the sitting room using Frank to perform a clearing ritual. The sick
(the radio scanner, which I’ll call Frank spirit caused bangs, thumps, shadows –
from this point on.) I was shown an online article with a everything to try and stop us. This still
picture of a man - the same face that wasn’t the last we’d heard of him though.
Next, we all swapped locations. Myself, had got right up to mine a few minutes
Claire, Mark and Shaun gathered in the before. I was so astonished that I jumped A few weeks had passed, and the family
sitting room with the lights off. I was and I think I swore! The same face, the said all seemed calm. Then, the activity
aware of a presence moving around near same greasy side-parting, the same
the window and began to call out and began to ramp up again with footsteps
glasses. Claire said she began looking thumping in the attic. This was the only
ask it to make itself known. Turning on into the previous occupants after a photo
Frank, I handed it to Claire as whoever area of the property that no-one had
of the same chap appeared from nowhere
it was seemed to be more willing to on her son’s bedroom windowsill. thought about. We were stunned at what
communicate when held by one of the we found up there.
family members. It went something like To cut a long story short, they’d
this: discovered that a paedophile had lived in The spirit’s wife had lived there until
the house for many years and abused his she’d died, at which point the council
Can you tell us your name? own daughter there. He and his wife also were supposed to go in and clear out any
(Blank) fostered children and one of their former remaining belongings before the current
Did you live here? foster children, amongst others, also filed family moved in. What they’d done
a case against him. He served six years
Yes instead was thrown the rest of this man’s
and was murdered in 2008. The more I
Why are you here? read, the less I could breathe. belongings in an old, disused water tank
Revenge in the roof. Amongst them were an old
He was found with his lower clothes hatpin, racing programmes, and a leather
What happened? Can we help? removed and had been ‘interfered’ with. belt. All of it was removed and taken to
F****d In other words, everything he told us the dump.
Sodomy through Frank was there in black and
(Mark asked) Were you persecuted white. Reading the rest of the article I am still friends with Claire and Dan to
later, it seemed he’d been a domineering, this day. I’m pleased to say that finally,
because you were gay? abusive bully to his wife and family his
NEVER entire life and nobody dared speak out after three attempts to rid the family of
RAPE against him until the children were finally their unwelcome guest, they now live
I DIED free of having to live under his roof. fear-free in their own home.

Lucy x
What year were you here? Our last vigil consisted of myself, Dan
*Interference* Thousand and Shaun in the master bedroom. This

’ve said it before and I’ll say it again,

I one of the reasons why I fell in love

with the paranormal is because, well
two reasons actually, no shame in
admitting: Harry Price AND Borley
Rectory, the man, the location, the story
reeled me in, hook, line, sinker. Throw
in a couple of Usborne books about the
Paranormal and the Unknown and the rest
as they say is history.
Actually, it’s true, there’d be no magazine, well
not like Haunted is, if Harry P and Borley R
weren’t on my radar, weren’t in my thoughts
as to how I view the paranormal. Say what
you like about the man, conjurer, fraudster,

magician, faker, whatever he was he was
born for the paranormal, writing a play about
a poltergeist at 15, a keen interest in space-
telegraphy, an avid coin collector. Member of
the Magic Circle and the Society for Psychical
Research (SPR), debunking mediums, whilst
endorsing others, add to that the likes of
exposing Helen Duncan, fiends with Harry
Houdini and the infamous talking mongoose
and you kind of get what the paranormal was
all about back in the day, note: not much as
can’t remember a time when I didn’t have an interest in the paranormal.

My passion began at a very early age and appeared to have come from
“BUT add Borley Rectory into the mix, where nowhere. In nursery I would sit on the carpet in the book corner and tell
he lived for a year, despite dirty tricks played ghost stories to my friends though I have no idea how I even knew about
on Harry by the SPR (ahem) allegedly and that ghosts as my family certainly didn’t talk about them.
opens up a whole new can of ghost worms”
In primary school I would persuade Fast forward to my first week of high
Anyways, enough of my fandom for Harry
my friends to join me in a home-made school and we were assigned to write
Price and Borley Rectory, and more about this
Ouija board session at lunchtime using a speech on either a hobby or interest
next feature you’re about to read, but there’s
bits of paper and a fruit shoot bottle. of ours. I stood for fifteen minutes
a linkage to Harry, trust me, I will get there
Again, how I even knew what a Ouija in a class full of children I didn’t
board was I’m not entirely sure. know as I came from a tiny village
So, there I was idly twitting through twitter primary school, talking about ghosts,
My mother was and still is, quite
and lo and behold what do I see but these how they manifest, stories local and
scared of the paranormal so scary
words: from afar, as well as mentioning the
stories or films were never around.
However, once my parents divorced, I famous ghost hunter Harry Price.
“Great Great Great Niece of The Harry Price”
spied a copy of The Exorcist on video Little did I know when I was sat writing
Not Harry Price, a postman from in my Dads cabinet and begged him to and researching him, thinking in the
Peterborough or Harry Price, a butcher from let me watch it. Eventually he relented childlike way you do about how cool it
Bromsgrove, although I am sure that they’re with the promise I wouldn’t tell my would be if I was related to him, purely
well respected in their own circles BUT THE mother, thinking within five minutes I because we shared a surname, that in
HARRY PRICE, PARANORMAL INVESTIGATOR would be crying and that would be the actual fact I was.
Only recently has it come to light that
Long story short – followed her, followed me So, there I was; eight years old, in the Harry was my father’s, grandfathers
back, DM’d her, DM’d me back, DM’d her some dark in my bedroom upstairs with brother making him my great great
more, DM’d me more back. the curtains closed, watching a little great uncle. Unfortunately, it appears
girl spew vomit over a priest while
that my family fell out with Harry
Now Louise Price, great, great, great Niece of being possessed by a demon and I
the paranormal legend that be Harry Price was hooked! before his career even took off as in
writes for a part of the paranormal furniture my father’s grandmothers’ words “he
(leg end) that be Haunted Magazine. And yes, I did tell my mother which was more interested in the dead than
went down well. the living”
As Harry died two years before my father was
born and with the family falling out, Harry was
rarely spoken about and due to the fact I was
only informed of the link a couple years ago,
way after the passing of my father’s mother
and father, I have no one to ask for any more
information which is extremely frustrating.
Had my father twigged that the person I was
researching as a child was Harry, he may have
realised sooner and therefore I could have
spoken with my Nan before she died.
However it took the ITV remake of Harry’s
experience at Borley Rectory to jog his memory,
and in his words “my weird obsession finally
made sense, it must be in the genes” After
years of watching Most Haunted and Ghost
Adventures I finally turned eighteen and for my
birthday was given a ticket for a ghost hunting
event at a local hotel near to where I lived. The
catch was I was going on my own as no one
would come with me. My boyfriend at the time
dropped me off and I walked in not knowing a
soul. Thankfully I really enjoyed myself and got
talking to people. I don’t recall experiencing
anything, but I certainly wanted to go again.
Throughout my childhood years I never
actually experienced anything paranormal. I
desperately wanted too but never did. Most
people tend to say their intrigue began with an
experience, I on the other hand have no idea
where mine originated. So, continuing on these
public investigations I hoped would bring me
the evidence I so desperately wanted. I was
very naive to begin with and when the
table would move during table tipping
or the planchette would start flying
around on the paper it was placed
upon, I was so excited. However very
quickly I began analysing the people
and how the experiments with various
pieces of equipment were conducted
and I saw a lot of either conscious
or subconscious movement from
the guests which was disheartening.
I continued to go in the hope I could
disappear by myself to gain some of
my own evidence but unfortunately
that wasn’t possible. The passion and
intrigue remained but my impatience grew.
Thankfully I was invited one evening to a private
investigation with the Cambridge Paranormal
Society at a local venue that my
stepfather was the manager of.
“Throughout my childhood years I never actually This was the night I encountered my
first visual sighting of a spirit and
experienced anything paranormal. I desperately witnessed poltergeist type phenomena.
The phrase “you look like you’ve seen
wanted too but never did.” a ghost” couldn’t have been more apt
from my stepfather when I emerged
from the cellar. I may have looked like
a bunny caught in headlights and been
frightened, but I was also extremely
excited! Unfortunately, my knowledge of
conducting investigations was based on
television programmes so I was not aware
of the risks involved. When I finally got my
own house aged nineteen, I would spend my
evenings calling out and taking pictures in
the hope of catching orbs. I had no reason to
think the house was haunted, I just wanted to

investigate with tight funds. In doing so I
believe I enticed an energy to come into
my home as a little while after I began
doing this, activity started. It began with
catching orbs on camera (which were not
dust in my opinion) and progressed to

Then things changed and it became

very unpleasant.
The whole atmosphere of the house
changed, to the point my partner who was
a staunch sceptic became uneasy whilst
at home. Things would move, objects
would be thrown, and footsteps would be
heard walking about upstairs. The final
straw was one evening when I was alone
as my partner was working away, I had
laid down on the sofa to watch TV when
a hard, loud thump banged on the arm
rest causing the sound to reverberate
around my head and caused my head to
uncomfortable, all hands-on top of the never take away some of the experiences I
bounce up. I grabbed my handbag and
table and accounted for whilst a bright had which at times were frightening, such
fled to my mothers. Our relationship was
orb had flown across the screen straight as being physically attacked by unseen
at a breaking point by this time anyways,
into me and then through me out of my entities, one of which resulted in all the
so I never actually slept in that house
back. The moment it went through me was muscles at the back of neck completely
again. I do so wish I had the experience
the moment I jumped up and ran. For all of raising up, caused by a hand yanking my
and knowledge I have now so I could have us this was amazing evidence.
investigated properly the spirit within my head backwards with no one physical
home. behind me. However, my debunking
I subsequently then took a break to
attitude was getting me into trouble with
have my children. However, the itch to
However, if I knew what I know now, the owners and now I know why.
return wouldn’t leave so three months
I wouldn’t have encouraged it in the after my second child was born, I began
first place. After a few more years researching local groups on social media Their annoyance and phrase “here
investigating with various public event and came across one which seemed
groups I still had only had one genuine
comes the Harry in her” now makes
small and intimate. Just what I was
paranormal experience, though in my after. I began investigating with this a lot more sense
mind it was a prominent one. Whilst group on a twice monthly basis and was
conducting a planchette session I became Once I had established and gained the
starting to experience even more genuine proof, I needed of the fraudulent activity
uneasy and refused to participate. I activity. I was then asked to become part
honestly felt that someone was hovering I promptly left. The general atmosphere
of the team and was thrilled. Over the
around me though I couldn’t see a thing within the rest of the team regarding the
years my role increased until I ran the
in the darkness, suddenly I felt long, owners was awful and they subsequently
whole operation from finding venues, to
fingers grip my knee under the table, left as well. I now investigate with my
advertising, ticket sales and organising
but they did it one finger at a time and the entire night as well as running a friends whom I trust explicitly, we have
finally squeezed. I jumped up sending the team. It became extremely successful our own team and I could not be happier.
chair flying and ran from the room with and from a financial point of view the I really want to continue gaining evidence
the on-site medium chasing me. Outside official owners were especially delighted. of the paranormal whilst ensuring to
the tech guys were ecstatic. Everything With their permission I had scaled up the the best of my ability that it is indeed
was being filmed via CCTV cameras and events to allow more guests and therefore
they had the perfect shot of me looking paranormal and doesn’t have a logical
larger venues. explanation. That will always be my first
However, they port of call but then isn’t that what an
wanted to investigator should do? Debunk until you
continue the can debunk no more? I am also very much
escalation and invested into researching into the life of
investigating Harry and would love to return to the site
eventually of his most famous case; Borley Rectory,
became solely continue where he left off and find out
about work. I what really happened during those fateful
shan’t go into years in Essex.
detail but over
the years a lot Was the supposed activity an act of a
of information fame hungry man very well versed in
emerged, things the magician’s circle, or was it genuine
were witnessed activity which finally gave him the
which I wish answers he so desperately wanted? One
I hadn’t, day I hope to find out...
and general

Louise xxx
changed. I can

By Jason Fellon

esting in the Corpus Christi Bay, Japanese thought that they had hit their

along the gulf coast of Texas is target and sunk the Lexington, only to
the USS Lexington. The great find out later that she had survived the
ship was originally named damage and continued in the war. This
USS Corbat, commissioned in is what has given the carrier her most
1942 as a fleet aircraft carrier in Pearl famous nickname, the “Blue Ghost.”
Harbour, during World War II. This new
carrier was recommissioned as the USS After the war, the USS Lexington was
Lexington in honour of the recently decommissioned and served as a
sunk original “Lady Lex” in the Coral training ship for many years at numerous
Sea. locations. Nowadays she stands as a
National Historic Landmark and is a
During it’s time of duty, the mighty ship museum dedicated to the memory of
continuously became a target of the those who served and most importantly
enemy, more specifically Japanese enemy those numerous sailors who made the
fighters who thought the grey lady was ultimate sacrifice during their time of
sunk. On more than one occasion the service.

The workers and volunteers who support There are also numerous EVP’s that whistling?”
the living museum have, on many were captured by the many visitors and
occasions experienced “odd things,” while investigators over the years. A lot of them Intrigued and wanting to track down what
going through their day to day activities. are general answers to the questions they are hearing, they both climb to the
The ships historian has told many people that were asked, but others are far more level just above the engine room. The
about one of her experiences while sitting meaningful. brothers both ask, “Hello?”
at her desk. As she was looking down Now they hear noises from the engine
at her computer keyboard something room below them. They again hear a
caught her attention from the corner For the last eight years, seasoned
substantial “Thud” from below and race
of her eye. Glancing up, she sees a fully ghost hunters, Brad and Barry to get back down the ladder to see what it
defined shadow walking across her open Klinge (from TV’s Ghost Lab), was. Once again in the engine room, they
office area. This shadow continued into a have been hosting a charity challenge whatever is down there with
hallway, where it disappeared. public paranormal investigation them to show itself, but to no avail.
While the ship’s electrician was working on the Lexington. During these
They regroup in the mobile “Ghost Lab” to
on a project on a lower deck of the carrier, investigations as well as during
go over the evidence from the session and
he also saw what he described as a their shows episode “The Blue find something!
shadow man. This shadow walked right Ghost” (S1E12), some very
in front of him, turned away from his desperate Electronic Voice The first EVP they capture says, “Shoot
direction and disappeared through what Phenomenon had been captured. the Plane!” Could this be relating to the
he thought at the time was a doorway. kamikaze that struck the bridge and killed
Once he did a double take with regards to numerous sailors and injured even more.
what he had just experienced, he realized Specifically, the ships engine room
that the shadow not only disappeared has what seems to be a very horrifying The second EVP from the engine room
in front of him, it disappeared through a recording that answered questions from says just one word, but it is a very
steel wall, not an actual door. investigators that I feel compelled to significant word, “Help.”
share. The final EVP says it all, “I’m burning
More ghostly activity within the walls of
the Blue Ghost happened in what is called A very impressive string of EVP’s starts inside the Lexington.”
the mess hall. A couple on a self-guided like this…in the engine room, Brad states There isn’t anything more that needs to
walking tour of the ship was in the mess with a firm deep voice, “This is your be said about the tremendous activity
area when an officer in what is described commanding officer, Get Up Here Right that the USS Lexington still holds within
as full-dress uniform approached them. Now”! its steel walls. I am looking forward to
The Navy man got in the gentleman’s face investigating this beautiful piece of
and yell at him for wearing a baseball cap. Both Barry and Brad hear something, but
they can’t make out exactly what it is. history again. If you have an opportunity
The man quickly removed his cap and to investigate it, jump at the chance. I
turned to look at his female companion, Brad then orders “Stop toying with us,
sailor. Get Out Here!” highly doubt you will be disappointed.
who became as freaked out as he was.
He turned back to question the officer, Again, they hear something. “Is that you Jason Fellon
but nobody was there. They’re the only talking?”
explanation for what they experienced
was paranormal. They both now hear whistling! “Are you


“John Wayne Gacy,

By Richard Estep

he big man is not Today is no ordinary day. notorious serial killer, John
happy. No, scratch Wayne Gacy.
“You weaselly, pathetic,
that. The big man is
livid. Apoplectic. As pitiful, limp-dicked little turd-
“—perverted piece of filth—”
he stares at me from maggot—”
the screen on my cell phone, The torrent of words goes
The string of invective
I can see his eyes bugging on and on. I, for my part, am
goes on and on. For sheer
out of their sockets, his face standing alone on top of
inventiveness, I have never
contorted in a mask of rage. a rickety catwalk, high up
heard its like. As an exercise in
Veins stand out on the side of above what had once been the
foul-mouthed rhetoric, it was a
his neck. As he bellows, flecks auditorium of a movie theater
truly impressive performance,
of spittle occasionally fly from in small-town Illinois. With
comparable only to that of
his lips. the lights switched off, the
esteemed actor (and U.S.
cavernous room is completely
It’s fair to say that Brad Marine Corps Drill Instructor)
pitch-black, illuminated only by
R. Lee Ermey, in the movie
Klinge is pissed off. the glowing light of my phone’s
Full Metal Jacket. Not once screen.
Now, don’t get me wrong: did I hear Brad repeat himself
catch him on any ordinary during what turned out to be a Brad’s booming roar echoes
day, and the bear-like Texan tirade, all of it directed at the from the metal walls, insulting
is an absolute delight, with an man he had come to regard Gacy, taunting him, daring him
infectious laugh and a puckish as something of a personal to come out of hiding…daring
sense of humour. nemesis: none other than the him to come out and get me.
The catwalk itself is cluttered with GET A GRIP, YOU’RE A 45-YEAR-OLD
boxes, furniture, and the like, all of it GROWN MAN, FOR HEAVEN’S SAKE.
stacked on both sides. Sandwiched
between two sets of packing crates, The creak is almost certainly another
it’s claustrophobic as all hell up there. symptom of the building settling down
Just a few inches above my head, I can after a long, hot day, its structure
hear the rain drumming incessantly on contracting and making a series of
the roof, beating out a staccato tattoo. tiny little noises like that. Still, it had
Under any other circumstances, I sounded awfully close…
might find that reassuring…but not More thunder rolls. It sounds closer
here. My hackles are up. Gacy is this time. This is all starting to seem
said to lurk up here on the catwalk, more than a little surreal. Just how
watching the events that transpire had I managed to end up all alone on
down below. It is, the psychics claim, a catwalk in a movie theater that was
one of his favorite hiding places. said to be haunted — no joke — by
Thunder rumbles, and suddenly, the spirit of one of America’s most
I’m nine years old again, watching a notorious serial killers?
Hammer horror movie from behind my Read on.
grandparents’ couch. This was the sort
of dark and stormy night those movies Chances are that if you’re a regular
always seemed to take place on. I reader of Haunted Magazine, you’re
shudder. My sweat-stained clothes are familiar with the notion that there are
sticking to my body in places, mostly basically three broad categories of
because of the heat and the Illinois haunting: haunted places, haunted
summer humidity — or so I tell myself. objects, and haunted people. There’s
In reality, I’m more than a little on a lot of merit to this argument, but I
edge. I imagine that I can sense eyes would also point out that few cases are
on me, somewhere out there in the so clear-cut that they would fit neatly
darkness. Of course, that was purely into just one of those categories.
psychological, my mind playing tricks
on me…right? One such case reached me through
my friends, the rowdy Texas-based
Brad stops talking, pausing to draw ghost hunters Brad and Barry Klinge
breath. A creak, from somewhere (TV’s Ghost Lab). We’re neighbors at
off to my right. I turn toward it, my a paranormal convention one day,
imagination conjuring up images signing books and idly discussing
of a phantom clown, watching me our recent cases. I’d just finished the
silently from the inky blackness of the final edits on my book about the I-70
far catwalk. Leering, he takes a step Strangler and his haunted home, Fox
toward me, and I tell myself firmly to Hollow Farm.

“Serial killer ghosts, huh?” been framed, Gacy insisted, by some of “Well, firstly, I’ve got to ask if they’re
his employees. crazy,” I shake my head. “Who builds a
Brad rumbled. “We got one house on top of a place like that? And
of those too.” And so, after a bucket of Kentucky secondly, how the hell did you manage to
Fried Chicken and a large Diet Coke (his
get in there to investigate?”
insisted-upon last meal) John Wayne
I’m immediately interested. True crime
Gacy was sent to his grave. And there it As so often turns out to be the case, the
and the paranormal are two of my biggest
should have ended.....but it didn’t. truth was stranger than fiction. I don’t
interests, and when they cross over,
well... know anything about the house built on
“Hang on a minute,” I say to Brad. “I
Gacy’s old lot being vacant — though I’d
“What do you know about John Wayne thought Gacy’s house was demolished.”
be amazed if it wasn’t. According to the
Gacy?” Barry asks me. “It was. They flattened it after all the Klinges, one of the world’s most depraved
bodies were taken away. Somebody serial killers was actually haunting...a
I was familiar with the case, mainly
bought the lot and built a new house movie theater.
because Gacy regularly appeared in those
top ten lists of serial killers you saw there.”
Owned by a wonderful couple named
online. He had killed more than 30 men Robbin and Norma, the movie theater
and boys, in and around the Chicago is located in a very small Illinois
area, burying most of them in the town called Auburn. When they took
crawlspace underneath his house, and ownership of it, the place was what you
dumping others off a bridge into the might call a ‘fixer-upper.’ Even today, it
river late at night. Some of them remain
is still a work in progress. Since moving
unidentified to this day.
in, Robbin and Norma have spent
Gacy was a sadist, with a penchant countless hours renovating the R Movie
for brutal sexual assault and torture. Theater to some semblance of its former
Once he had tricked them into wearing glory.
a set of handcuffs with the promise of
showing them a magic trick (“the trick,” Robbin is well-known among members
Gacy would smirk, “is to have the key in of the paranormal community, being
your pocket”) the poor young men were the owner of the infamous Ashmore
subjected to a horrific ordeal, before Estates. When he and Norma began to
finally being strangled to death. Gacy’s notice strange things things happening
reign of terror finally ended in 1994, around their home, they brought in
after his time on death row culminated some trusted psychic medium friends
in his execution by lethal injection. of theirs. At first, the news was exciting:
He went to his grave unrepentant and the sensitives claimed to be picking
in denial, insisting that he wasn’t gay up on the presence of a male spirit
(despite having served time in prison for inside the theater, a man who went by
sodomy) and that he couldn’t possibly the name of John Wayne. Robbin was
have killed any of those victims. He had ecstatic.

The king of the Western, the Duke himself, was Gacy is said to be most active on one of the
hanging out in his very own home. catwalks that can be found high up above
the floor of the garage, which was once the
“The only thing I don’t get,” one of the psychics R’s main auditorium, but is now home to
said, shattering the dream with a single
Robbin’s extensive collection of Scooby Doo
sentence, “Is why he’s dressed like a clown...”
memorabilia. (I’m not kidding — Robbin owns
Gacy was known to dress as a clown named the original Mystery Machine, built by Hanna-
Pogo, attending charity events and children’s Barbera in order to promote the cartoon when
parties in the garish make-up. Many people it first came out). Why does Gacy prefer the
find clowns to be scary by their very nature, but catwalk? According to the psychics, he enjoys
pictures of Gacy as Pogo take it to an entirely lurking out of sight and watching the activities
new level, especially when one realizes just that are going on down below; an invisible
what a monster was lurking underneath that voyeur.
face paint. All clowns are creepy. This one was
pure evil. After his tirade, Brad did a little investigative
work while the crew documented it all. Once the
During his time on death row, Gacy painted footage and audio were reviewed afterwards,
several pictures, including one that he named a deep, gravelly male voice turned up on the
‘Goodbye Pogo,’ a childish daubing showing the soundtrack, ominously declaring: I’ll show you
smiling clown waving goodbye — at this stage, one.
Gacy knew that his execution was imminent.
His paintings were distributed to several With the R theater getting the Klinge Brothers
people, mostly family and friends. Some were seal of approval, I just had to see for myself.
burned. Some were sold (they fetch high prices Robbin and Norma graciously allowed me to
at auction to this day). Others were kept. take in a small team of fellow investigators and
spend a few days poking around there. The
At first thought, it makes no sense. Why would place did not disappoint. After a couple of very
John Wayne Gacy haunt a movie theater in hot, still days, a fierce thunderstorm did a great
small town Illinois? The answer takes us back to job of both cooling things down and stirring
the issue of haunted categories: although the the energies up. Our equipment began to act
R Theater is said to be a haunted place, with a erratically, batteries draining without apparent
number of other spirits supposedly walking its cause.
halls, the Gacy connection comes in the form of
an object. Light anomalies were seen with the naked eye
that could not be readily explained; shadow
The object in question is an armoire, an figures were sighted by multiple eyewitnesses;
ornate wooden cabinet that once belonged to some impressive talking board activity took
somebody with a close professional connection place in the main auditorium, and an Estes
to Gacy. Inside it were stored several of the
Method spirit box session really left us
serial killer’s paintings, locked and secured. The
scratching our heads.
armoire came into the possession of Robbin
and Norma several years ago, and immediately Anna, my fellow investigator, was sitting in one
after it was placed inside the R Theater, the of the rows of seats, surrounded on all sides
killer clown began to make his presence felt. by dolls (including, worryingly enough, one of
Pee Wee Herman). With a blindfold in place and
Taking into account the fact that Gacy was
headphones jacked directly into the SB-11, she
a psychotically violent man by nature, one
would expect his ghost to manifest itself by began to call out the voices that were coming
scratching, burning, and physically injuring through the spirit box. A few minutes into the
people. That did not turn out to be the case. session, she suddenly sat bolt upright.
In fact, no matter how provocative an attitude “He’s coming.”
visiting paranormal investigators have taken,
Gacy’s spirit never seems to lash out at them in “Who is?” I asked, hoping that I already knew
return. the answer.
The R Theater turned up on Brad Klinge’s radar
after a chance conversation, which led to him Perfect, I thought to myself. “Where’s John
paying it a personal visit, along with a camera coming from?”
crew shooting footage for his TV show Strange
The answer came without the slightest
Curiosity. Nobody can accuse Brad of being a
hesitation: “From Hell...”
subtle man. Once all of the equipment was set
up, he set out on a loud and angry rampage, The shadow figure activity began to increase. It
taunting and provoking Gacy in an attempt to was time for me to head up to the catwalk and
get the serial killer to show himself. During see if Gacy would come out to play...
his lifetime, Gacy was known for his emotional
volatility. It turned out to be a great tactic on For the full story, Richard’s book, Gacy’s
Brad’s part. Ghost, will be released in September of 2019.

W r i t t e n by Mike C ovell,
H u l l ’s Hau n ted Histo rian

ave you ever wondered about
whom, if anyone, you would
like alongside you to investigate
a haunted house?

Throughout the years I have had the pleasure of

visiting some lovely haunted buildings, and worked
alongside such names as Most Haunted, Paranormal
Lockdown, Paranormal Truth, and Ghosts of Britain,
but can you imagine if you did a paranormal
investigation with a champion Olympic wrestler!

That’s exactly what happened in Hull in 1908, when

a haunted house on Sykes-street, off Charterhouse- HAUNTED HOUSE IN HULL. Strange Manifestations Cease
lane, was undergoing paranormal phenomena. on Arrival of Olympic Champion Wrestler. - he last case of
a haunted house was reported yesterday from Hull, where,
Sykes-street is situated in central Hull and runs from on account of alleged supernatural manifestations, Mr. and
Charterhouse Lane, to the east, and Caroline Street Mrs. Gilson, who formerly occupied the house, have moved
to the west. Richardson’s Buildings, which was a out with all their furniture. It is stated that in the small hours
small court off Sykes Street, stood between 44 and
of Saturday morning a comb lew out of a comb box, followed
46 on the southern side. It was here in 1908 that
shortly aterwards by the brush; a pebble came through the
Police Constable O’Kelly, a champion Olympic
closed kitchen door, and cups and glasses lew from the table
wrestler, was called in to assist the family. What
and were smashed. Police-constable Hynes, who, observing the
happened next hit the headlines locally, nationally,
and even internationally.
commotion, arrived on the scene, declares that as he passed
through the kitchen into the inner room a box of blacking lew
The earliest report on the case did not appear in past his helmet. On making a thorough search no one could be
Hull, as one would expect, but appeared in the found, but later, when other oicers arrived, including Police-
national newspaper, The Daily Mirror, dated constable O’Kelly, the heavy-weight champion wrestler at the
September 5th 1908, and featuring the following, Olympic Games, the manifestations ceased.

The story was picked up locally, provincially, and nationally, with hundreds of reports being published on it. The most in depth report
was published locally, when The Hull Daily Mail, dated Monday September 7th 1908, featured the following lengthy report on the case;


( S P E C I A L F O R T H E “ D A I LY M A I L . ” )
he alleged supernatural has been frighten- been, for I had been watching by my brother’s there was no mark or hole, Mrs. Gilson remark-
ing some Hull people almost out of their wits, bed-side during his illness. My husband and ing that the stone was like a pebble, and not one
and the police who were called have been in- my brother Patrick were upstairs having gone that could be seen ordinarily in the street.
vestigating, but have not been able to solve the to bed; but there was in the inner room with MISSILE AT THE CONSTABLE. Meanwhile
extraordinary manifestations that are corrobo- me, Mrs. Grady who had been stopping with us. P.C. Hynes, of the Worship-street Division, ar-
rated by witnesses. he “Mail” has also been We set up talking about the funeral. “Suddenly rived, and entered to investigate. He walked
investigating, and the story gathered is one of we heard a repeated knocking at the door, and across the kitchen, and was entering the inner
the most remarkable that has appeared in print. we got up startled. Next, there was a loud noise room when, he says, a tin of blacking whizzed
he details are given as they were related. he as if something had fallen on to the loor in the past his helmet, just missing it, and falling at
house at which the manifestations are stated to adjoining kitchen.” he husband and brother the further end of the room. he constable at
have occurred is No. 12, Richardson’s-buildings, had also heard it, for they with the others ran once ran into the kitchen, but he could discov-
Sykes-street, Hull, and is tenanted by James
er no one there, and was as much mystiied as
Gilson and his wife; but since the occurrences
the rest as to how the tin came at him. he
no one has dared to sleep in the house and the
furniture has been taken preparatory to moving next manifestation, according to Mrs Gilson,
somewhere else. When a “Mail” representative was the “breaking loose” of some china on the
arrived the interior was naturally in a state kitchen table. A couple of cups and two glass-
of some disorder, and the neighbourhood was es, asserted Mrs Gilson, lew of the table, and
still excitingly discussing the details of pots and fell into the inner room, where they splintered
glasses lying across rooms without any visible with a startling crash. he shock of these al-
motive power, and the tit-bit, of a constable’s leged eerie happenings was too much for Mrs
helmet just being missed by a lying black box. Gilson, for she swooned and fell in a faint on the
he story is a circumstantial one, Mrs. Gilson, loor. he turmoil aroused the neighbourhood,
who swooned and fell on the loor during the and the terriied woman was carried into the
occurrence, was still in a state of nervous ten- house of a neighbour, Mrs Carney, where she
sion, and very much upset when a “Mail” repre- was brought round. he house was thoroughly
sentative saw her this morning. With a neigh- searched upstairs and down, but without any
bour she had dared to enter the house again, satisfactory result, and P.C. Hynes, who seemed
but all the time she was telling her story she was to be impressed with manifestation, according
illed with apprehensive fear, and the least noise to the neighbours, could only attempt to paci-
would cause her to stop and listen. fy the occupants. But they would not go back
into the kitchen, and discovered that a comb into the house, and were lodged in the houses of
A BROTHER DYING. he conversation took neighbours for the night.
place in the kitchen, where the various inani- had fallen out of a comb box on the all, and
mate things were said to become animate. “My fallen with a clatter into a [illegible]. “It was P.C. O’KELLY’S ARRIVAL. A little later other
brother James,” said the frightened woman, a steel comb,” explained Mrs. Gilson, who could oicers arrived, included P.C. O’Kelly, the heav-
“had been ill with consumption, and lay dur- not account for it falling when it was ixed in yweight wrestling champion, of Olympic Games
ing his illness on a little bed beneath the win- a kind of slot. hey were alarmed; but when fame. Report has it that he remarked that he
dow,” and she pointed to the inner room on the the hairbrush lew out of the box in their very wished he had arrived earlier; but the neigh-
ground loor leading from the kitchen. “He died presence, they were terriied, the noise as it fell bours did not put much faith in his ability to
– we knew he was dying – and we buried him seemed to them louder than should have been wrestle with the unknown. his morning the in-
on Friday. He died very happy, and was very produced by a light article falling. “What is the cidents were the sole topic of conversation in the
fond of me,” broke in the frightened woman matter,” screamed Mrs. Gilson, and in her own neighbourhood; and Mrs Gilson, who certainly
disjointedly, “and I know the spirit would not words, “a stone came through the back kitchen looked scared yet, remarked, “It has about killed
come for me.” “It must be a haunted house,” door, which was fastened. It fell just where you me.” he “Mail” man was talking to her and a
interrupted the neighbours reassuringly. Mrs. are standing,” she said to the “Mail” represent- neighbour in the house, where there was a sud-
Gilson proceeded: “Ater the funeral, several of ative, “and seemed to come through the door.” den tapping outside. “What’s that?” they asked,
us set up in the inner room, where my bed had he newspaper man examined the door, but startled; but a glance out of the kitchen window

showed that a young woman sweeping the THE CONSTABLE’S STORY. NOT A “FAIRY” all right. “But I had hardly crossed the kitchen,”
front was knocking the wall with a brush. TALE. P. C. Hynes told a “Mail” representative he said, “when the tin of blacking lew past my
Mrs Gilson since the alleged manifestations this aternoon what he thought about it. “I don’t helmet, just missing it, and hit a man in front
has not dared to go near the house at night, believe in fairy tales,” he said; “But I am satisied of me in the back of the neck. He was star-
and in the daytime she will not go inside there was something we could not see through.”
tled, and jumped and ran out of the front door
unless accompanied by someone. Practi- Questioned as to the blacking box incident, the
(which leads from this front, or inner room),
cally all the furniture has been moved out, oicer was convinced that no one present threw
and a look out was being kept for another it, and added, “I believe something supernatural exclaiming, “Did you see that.” P.C. Haynes did
house. “Someone says that the spirits wants was at work.” He admitted that he felt somewhat see the box ly by, but he feels positive no one
this house,” said Mrs Gilson, and the “Mail” queer when the manifestations were made in his threw it, for he looked around immediately. “I
representative rejoined, “Perhaps you had presence, and especially, as, when he was depart- expect it made you feel a bit queer,” commented
better let him have it.” he neighbours all ing, a cup fell on the loor and smashed, there be- the “Mail” representative: “Yes,” rejoined P. C.
more or less corroborated that part of the ing no apparent reason why it should fall. Hynes, Haynes. “It was a bit mysterious.” Wondering
story dealing with the frightened occupants, who is a smart young oicer attached to the Cen- what his next experience be, the constable went
and as showing how seriously one took it, tral Fire Station, told an equally startling story. upstairs, and although he searched in every
she mildly rebuked the “Mail” man, who It was nearly ive o’clock on Saturday morning,
unthinkingly for a moment found some nook and cranny, he could gain no enlighten-
he said, when, as he was walking along Sykes-
amusement in the lighter side of the afair. ment. He brought down the baby, which had
street, he met Gilson and Grady hurrying along.
“For goodness sake,” they exclaimed, “Go to Rich- slept through it all. Some of those concerned
ardson’s-buildings and try to pacify the women.” are Roman Catholics, and about 5.30 a priest
he “Mail” representative was closely ques-
tioned as to what he thought about
it, but could not relieve the inquirer’s
anxiety. Mrs. Gilson recalled how her
brother was leaning his head against
a door in the house, when there were
knockings by his head. She seems to
associate the afair with the sad death
of her brother James. One early morn-
ing, she said, when she was lying on
the couch with a red blouse on, in
order to be near him, she suddenly
woke up and saw him resting on one
arm staring at her. He called her by
name, and she answered him, and he
murmured: “I thought it was a man
there.” He had thought it was a man
with a red shirt on, lying on the couch.
he dead brother was much attached
to the sister, who cared for him in his
dying days, and she thinks it is his Sykes Street at the time of the incident. The school at the far end still stands.
spirit at work. Here is another story related
by the sisters. On Tuesday week she went
to the grocer’s shop close by and purchased hey added that they were going to fetch the arrived. here was still another manifestation,
some groceries and a custard, thinking her police and the doctor, as they thought Mrs. Gil- for just as he was leaving a cup slipped of the
brother would fancy the latter. She put it, son was dying. When P. C. Hynes arrived, the table and smashed, this striking terror once
she said, with the rest of the things in her more into the neighbours who gathered around.
place was in a turmoil. here was a good deal of
apron, but when she got home the custard Eventually they were paciied. As far as can
was gone. hinking that she had forgotten screaming going on, and the woman had faint-
be gathered there have been no manifestations
to bring it, she went back, and when told ed with fright. Both the men returned, and the
since, and the neighbours are feeling re-assured.
she had taken it nearly accused a woman oicer learned that the mysterious knocking had
who was in the shop of stealing it. She re- P. C. Hynes paid another visit on Sunday night
been going on intermittently since 3 o’clock. At
turned again, going in again by the front when on night duty, and though there are re-
irst these in the upstairs rooms thought it was the
door. A little while later she went to the ports of further tappings, these later ones may
others, and vice versa, but at length they could
back door and there found the custard in possibly exist in the minds of overstrained im-
a corner of the door. She was mystiied, stand it no longer, all getting up. hen the things
but Mrs. Gilson attaches importance to the commenced to ly about, as stated.
CALLED. he Richardson’s-buildings afair re-
fact that a week that day her brother died DID YOU SEE THAT? he oicer searched calls the strange occurrence in Linnaeus-street
and that on the day of the occurrence he re-
the kitchen thoroughly. He looked into the cup- some years ago, when windows were smashed
marked, “I think I am worse.” Mrs. Gilson
also recalled that when her father died in boards, and out onto the small yard, but could see and coal was alleged to have thrown across the
March a picture had fallen of the kitchen nothing living. Somewhat sceptical Hynes came loors. he police on that occasion watched out-
wall and smashed the glass. into the kitchen again, where everything seemed side the house for a night or two.

Sykes-street is situated in Sculcoates and the road still exists
today, although many of the structures have been modern-
ized. Sykes-street was laid out in 1800 and named after the
builder, Joseph Sykes of Westella. Sykes was a merchant
who imported iron ore from the Baltic.


was known to many as George Cornelius “Con” O’Kelly, Sr.
He was born on October 29th 1886 in Gloun, Dunmanway,
Cork, Ireland, and died in Hull on November 3rd 1947. It
has been claimed that O’Kelly arrived in Hull in 1903, but a
search of the police oficers in Hull Police at the time shows
Cornelius O’Kelly joining the Hull Police Force on Septem-
ber 18th 1902, and not 1903 as previously stated.

His obituary, published in The Hull Daily Mail, dated Mon-

day November 3rd 1947, states that he came to Hull and
joined the Hull City Police Force on September 18th 1902,
where he remained until February 25th 1909. The obituary
also states that for some years he worked as a ireman with
the ire brigade.

He was assigned the badge number 249. He was well

known for being an Olympic Gold athlete, bringing the
Gold Medal home from the 1908 Olympic Games for


According to the stories the house was haunted because
of a death, and that death was either named Gilson or
Gibson. I had to track down the death and see if I could
ascertain who had died and when. August- September quarter of 1908 revealed that no Gibson’s died in
this quarter in this year. With little to go on, and press reports making
I decided to search the death registers that cover both mistakes in names and surnames, it became dificult to ascertain any
Hull and Sculcoates for the period but given that multi- facts of the matter.
ple names are given in the different newspaper accounts,
I decided to search for Gilson, Gibson, and O’Grady I also decided to search the archives of the Hull newspapers, at that
deaths in Hull and Sculcoates in 1908. time multiple newspapers were published in Hull, covering Hull, East
Investigations showed that no Gilson deaths were reg- Yorkshire and North East Lincolnshire, but after searching in the ar-
istered in Hull or Sculcoates in 1908. Investigations chives and in the digital archives, I failed to uncover a death match-
showed that no O’Grady deaths were registered in Hull ing the details in the newspaper reports about the haunting.
or Sculcoates in 1908. Investigations showed the follow-
Contemporary sketch of the alleged “Haunted House” that appeared in the
ing Gibson deaths recorded in Hull and Sculcoates, they
Hull Daily Mail, dated Monday September 7th 1908. Sketch Copyright Mike
are as follows,
Name Age District of Registration Con O’Kelly Senior as featured in he Hull Daily Mail dated Monday No-
Alexander Gibson 54 Sculcoates vember 3rd 1947 at the time of his death.
George Gibson 74 Sculcoates
Mike Covell is a local historian and author based in Kingston upon
James Gibson 43 Myton
Hull. He has previously appeared in Most Haunted, Paranormal
Llewellyn Gibson 22 Drypool
Lockdown, Prime Suspect Jack the Ripper, and advised on the hit
Percival Gibson 58 Sculcoates
BBC 2 show The Bombs that Changed Britain. Mike writes for Hull
With ive possible names I decided to narrow the ield. Daily Mail, Hull Hub, and various magazines and newspapers, and
Using the September 5th 1908 article as a starting point, teaches, lectures, and runs walking tours covering all aspects of
it was evident that the incident must have happened Hull’s history. He is the author of the popular Mike Covell Investi-
around this date, the later articles state that the man, who
gates book series and has recently released his UFO volume entitled
it is thought haunted the property, was buried on the Fri-
day before. Narrowing the search for deaths in the July- Mike Covell Investigates the UFO Files.

# 1 0 Ye a r s O f H a u n t e d M a g a z i n e
The following takes place between 12am and 11:59pm (Any day, every day)


Paul Stevenson Spook-Eats
@hauntedmagazine Ashley Thorpe Borley Rectory
The Inchbae Lodge Hotel
DESIGNER: Paranormal Truth
Andy Soar 30 East Drive
@thehauntedguy Magpie Mine DeadXCentral
Haunted Insight
James Pykett Keap Paranormal
Sam Bennetts Usborne Books
Richard Estep Especially that book,
Vicky Grant The World of the Unknown: GHOSTS
The Eagle Hotel, Erie
Mike Covell
Poveglia Island
Amanda R. Woomer
Tutbury Castle
Hubert Hobux
Dr Q
Lucy Willgress
Reece Shearsmith
Nicky Alan Harry Price
Morgan Knudsen USS Lexington
Penny Grifiths-Morgan Brad & Barry Klinge
Barrie John Robbin & Norma Terry
Jane Bland Rowley Haunted R Theatre
Louise Price
Justin Cowell Our HauntedLIVE mates:
Anna Howorth Simon Powell,
MJ Dickson James Pykett,
Leonard Low Jason Wall
Katie Waller “the three-ifths we could ever wish for”
Bambos Georgiou
Mychalio Kazybrid

HAUNTED MAGAZINE Dr Queer courtesy of Bambos Georgiou (script) & Mychailo Kazybrid (art) ©2019

WILL RETURN WITH Reece Shearsmith photos © Matt Crockett -

ISSUE 25 Haunted on the web:

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Facebook Group: /HauntedDigitalM ag azi ne
IN DIGITAL. Facebook Page: agazine
#dontbenormal BE PARANORMAL Also available from the App Stores

Haunted Magazine is a Dead Good Publishing Ltd Production Company Number: 08446465

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