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B-K Learning Experience #_1_

(edTPA Part B)
Candidate’s Name: Sheila Vazquez

Central Focus: The children will learn/demonstrate the ability to retell a simple story in their own words.
in an interdisciplinary context including the domains of language development and communication,
cognitive, physical, and attends to the active, multimodal nature of children’s learning by answering who,
what, and when questions during a read aloud, acting out the story by following a story path and drawing
what happened in the story in order. This learning segment includes the following developmentally
appropriate teaching strategies and practices: scaffolding, modeling, and asking questions.

Standards: Objectives:
Goal LDC-9 “Children comprehend and use Students will answer what, when and where
information presented in books and other print question, to retell the story “Pete the Cat I Love My
media”[CITATION Nor136 \p 105 \l 1033 ] White Shoes” [ CITATION Eri08 \l 1033 ] by placing
the picture cards in order as a group, after hearing
Specific Indicator: LDC9t
 “Discuss storybooks by responding to questions the story.
about what is happening and predicting what will
happen.” [CITATION Nor136 \p 105 \l 1033 ]

Goal CD-10 “Children show understanding of

numbers and quantities during play and other
activities.” [CITATION Nor136 \p 138 \l 1033 ]
Students will answer questions when asked what
Specific Indicator: CD-10w happened first, next, and last, to tell what order
“Show understanding of first, next, and last during Pete walks through different items in “Pete the Cat I
play and daily activities.”[CITATION Nor136 \p Love My White Shoes” [ CITATION Eri08 \l 1033 ],
138 \l 1033 ] with teacher prompting and visuals, after hearing
the story.

21st Century Skills:  

Critical Thinking & Problem Solving: Uses various types of reasoning (inductive, deductive, etc.) as
appropriate to the situation.” (Scott, 2017) The students will use critical thinking to answer questions
about the story.
Communication: Uses communication for a range of purposes (e.g., to inform, instruct, motivate, and
persuade) The students will use communication to talk about the book.

Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks

Procedures Description of Activity, Procedures, Strategies and Settings

Introduction: T: will start the circle with the carpet rule song.
T: will lead the class in the story time song.
T: Shows the students the cover of the story and tells them the title.
“Pete the Cat, I Love My White Shoes.” Ask, “What do shoes you
love, look like? Have you ever stepped in a puddle or mud with them?
What happened?”
T: calls on students who want to share.
S: takes turn sharing about their favorite shoes.
T: says, “Pete the Cat has a pair of new white shoes that she loves,
but something happens to his shoes. Let’s find out what happens to
his shoes.”

Middle: T: reads to page 6 and ask “What do you think will happen to his
shoes next.”
S: Let a few students make predictions.
T: Read the next page. “First his shoes were white and now his shoes
turned red. Oh no!” Continue to read to page 15. Say, “First his shoes
were white, next they turned red, and now they are blue. I wonder
what will happen next.” Ask, “What do you think he is going to step in
S: Let a few students make predictions.
T: Continues to read to page 21. Pete steps in one last thing? Ask,
“What do you think Pete is going to step in last?”
S: Let a few students make predictions.
T: says, “Oh no! His shoes are white again, but now they are wet.
What do you think will happen to all the colors on his shoes?”
S: A few students give their predictions.
T: Finish reading the story.

Closure: T: Now I want you to help me retell the story. When we retell a story
we tell what happened in the story. Each of you will get a card that
shows a picture of what happened in the story. As we retell the story
together, bring up the card when we get to your part of the story.
(Students may use student or teacher prompting.)
T: Ask, What did Pete stepped in first?
S: answers and places their card on the felt board.
T: Ask, What happened after he stepped in the strawberries?
S: answers and places their card on the felt board.
T: Ask, what happened next?
S: answers and places their card on the felt board.
T: Ask, What did Pete step in last?
S: answers and places their card on the felt board.
T: Retell the parts using first, next, and last.
T: You helped me retell the story by telling what happened first, next,
and last.

Adaptations and Differentiation: Focus Child 1:

Ey’moni- Give Ey’moni her wobble cushion and have her headphones
and sensory bag accessible to her during the story.

Focus Child 2:
Jayden- Priority seating next to me, to help me hear him better, and
so he can stretch out his feet. Allow him to use gestures or point to
items. Repeat what it sounds like he is saying to make sure I am

(Other Children)
Mason- Allow him to use gestures or point to items. Repeat what it
sounds like he is saying to make sure I am understanding.
Jamiyah- No adaptions or differentiation needed
Talullah- Visuals for her to use to understand what I am saying, and
for her to answer questions during large group. Use yes no questions
if she is having a hard time answering. Repeat what it sounds like he
is saying to make sure I am understanding.

Academic Language (Vocabulary) +Specific Supports:

First, Next, and Last (Modeling), Retell (Telling)

Instructional resources and materials:

“Pete the Cat I Love My White Shoes” [ CITATION Eri08 \l 1033 ]
Assessment checklist with student’s names on it.
Writing tool (pencil/ pen)
Pete the Cat visual cards [ CITATION Mrs \l 1033 ]
Felt board

Informal and/or Formal Assessments/Evaluation Criteria (both quantitative and qualitative

patterns of learning): The teacher will use a checklist and anecdotal notes to record parts of the story
the student is able to retell after hearing the story “Pete the Cat I Love My White Shoes” [ CITATION
Eri08 \l 1033 ]

Resources/References Used:

Litwin, E. (2008). Pete the Cat I Love My White Shoes. New York: Scholastic Inc.
North Carolina Foundations Task Force. (2013). North Carolina Foundations for Early Learning and
Development. Raleigh: Public Schools of North Carolina.
Ponces, M. (n.d.). From Teachers Pay Teachers:
Teach like a Princess LLC. (n.d.). From Teachers Pay Teachers:

B-K Learning Experience #_2_

(edTPA Part B)
Candidate’s Name: Sheila Vazquez

Central Focus: The children will learn/demonstrate the ability to retell a simple story in their own words.
in an interdisciplinary context including the domains of language development and communication,
cognitive, physical, and attends to the active, multimodal nature of children’s learning by answering who,
what, and when questions during a read aloud, acting out the story by following a story path and drawing
what happened in the story in order. This learning segment includes the following developmentally
appropriate teaching strategies and practices: scaffolding, modeling, and asking questions.

Standards: Objectives:
Goal LDC-9 “Children comprehend and use Students will retell the story “Pete the Cat I Love My
information presented in books and other print White Shoes” [ CITATION Eri08 \l 1033 ], by acting
media”[CITATION Nor136 \p 105 \l 1033 ] out the story during a picture walk.
Specific Indicator: LDC9t
 “Discuss storybooks by responding to questions
about what is happening and predicting what will
happen.” [CITATION Nor136 \p 105 \l 1033 ]

Goal CD-10 “Children show understanding of

numbers and quantities during play and other
activities.” [CITATION Nor136 \p 138 \l 1033 ]
Students will use the words first, next, and last, to
Specific Indicator: CD-10w tell what order “Pete the Cat I Love My White
“Show understanding of first, next, and last during Shoes” [ CITATION Eri08 \l 1033 ] with teacher
play and daily activities.”[CITATION Nor136 \p assistance.
138 \l 1033 ]

21st Century Skills:  

Critical Thinking & Problem Solving: Uses various types of reasoning (inductive, deductive, etc.) as
appropriate to the situation.” (Scott, 2017) The students will use critical thinking to answer questions
about the story.
Communication: Uses communication for a range of purposes (e.g., to inform, instruct, motivate, and
persuade) The students will use communication to talk about what happens in the book, as they act out
the story.

Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks

Procedures Description of Activity, Procedures, Strategies and Settings

Introduction: T: start the circle with the carpet rule song.

T: lead the class in the story time song.
T: Shows the students the cover of the story. Ask,” Who remembers
what this story is called?
S: Answers, “Pete the Cat I Love My White Shoes.”
T: Today we are going to retell the story, “Pete the Cat I Love My
White Shoes by doing a story walk. As we walk along the pictures you
all can help me tell the story. Remember retelling means, you tell
what happens in a story.

Middle: T: Pete has a pair of white shoes that he loves. Ask “What happens
to his shoes first?”
S: Answers “Strawberries”
S: Stand on the strawberries.
T: “Yes, he stepped in strawberries and his shoes turned?
S: Answers “Red”
S: Walks along the red footprints.
T: Continue to read. After singing the song ask, “What happens
S: Answers “He steps in blueberries.”
S: Walk to the blueberries.
T: “He steps and blueberries.” Ask, “What color does his shoes turn
when he steps in the pile of blueberries?
S: Answers. Possible answers, “blue” or “purple”
S: Walk along the blue footprints.
T: “Yes they turned blue. Continue to read. After singing the song
ask, “What happened next?”
S: Answers, “He stepped in a pile of mud.”
T: “Oh no! He stepped in mud.
S: Walk to the mud.
T: Ask, now what color are his shoes?
S: Answer, “Brown.”
S: Walk along the brown path.
Continue to read. After singing the song ask, “What do you think
happened last?”
S: Student answers. “He steps in a bucket of water.”
T: Oh, my goodness. He stepped in a bucket of water. Ask, Now
what color are his shoes?
S: Student answers- Possible answers “they turn white.” “They got
T: Imagine your shoes are wet and squishy, as you walk back to your

Closure: T: Finishes reading the story.

Today you helped me retell the story of Pete the Cat by acting out the
story using a story walk.
T: Dismisses the students to line up to use the restroom by calling
them by the color of their shoes.

Adaptations and Differentiation: Focus Child 1:

Give Ey’moni her wobble cushion and have her headphones and
sensory bag accessible to her during introduction and closure.
Prompt student if needed.

Focus Child 2:
Jayden- Priority seating next to me before activity and during closure,
to help me hear him better, and so he can stretch out his feet. Allow
him to use gestures or point to items. Repeat what it sounds like he is
saying to make sure I am understanding. Prompt student if needed.

(Other Children)
Mason- Allow him to use gestures or point to items. Repeat what it
sounds like he is saying to make sure I am understanding.
Jamiyah- No adaptions or differentiation needed
Talullah- Visuals for her to use to understand what I am saying, and.
Use yes no questions if she is having a hard time answering. Repeat
what it sounds like he is saying to make sure I am understanding.

Academic Language (Vocabulary) +Specific Supports:

First, Next, and Last: I will demonstrate these by saying first, next, and last as the students act out the
story, by moving through the story walk. Retelling: Tell the students what retell/retelling means. I will also
ask questions and giving prompts when needed.

Instructional resources and materials:

“Pete the Cat I Love My White Shoes” [ CITATION Eri08 \l 1033 ]
Laminated picture walk cards. At least two sets, so I can group the kids. [ CITATION Tea1 \l 1033 ]
Assessment check list.
Writing tool.

Informal and/or Formal Assessments/Evaluation Criteria (both quantitative and qualitative

patterns of learning): The teacher will use a rubric and anecdotal note to record what parts of the story
the students were able to retell by acting out what happened first, next, and last.

Resources/References Used:

Litwin, E. (2008). Pete the Cat I Love My White Shoes. New York: Scholastic Inc.
North Carolina Foundations Task Force. (2013). North Carolina Foundations for Early Learning and
Development. Raleigh: Public Schools of North Carolina.
Teach like a Princess LLC. (n.d.). From Teachers Pay Teachers:

B-K Learning Experience #_3_

(edTPA Part B)
Candidate’s Name: Sheila Vazquez

Central Focus: The children will learn/demonstrate the ability to retell a simple story in their own words.
in an interdisciplinary context including the domains of language development and communication,
cognitive, physical, and attends to the active, multimodal nature of children’s learning by answering who,
what, and when questions during a read aloud, acting out the story by following a story path and drawing
what happened in the story in order. This learning segment includes the following developmentally
appropriate teaching strategies and practices: scaffolding, modeling, and asking questions.

Standards: Objectives:
Goal LDC-9 “Children comprehend and use Students will retell the story “Pete the Cat I Love My
information presented in books and other print White Shoes” [ CITATION Eri08 \l 1033 ] by
media”[CITATION Nor136 \p 105 \l 1033 ] drawing what happens in order in the story.
Specific Indicator: LDC9t
 “Discuss storybooks by responding to questions
about what is happening and predicting what will
happen.” [CITATION Nor136 \p 105 \l 1033 ]

Goal CD-10 “Children show understanding of

numbers and quantities during play and other
activities.” [CITATION Nor136 \p 138 \l 1033 ]
Students will draw what happened first, next, and
Specific Indicator: CD-10w last, in the story “Pete the Cat I Love My White
“Show understanding of first, next, and last during Shoes” [ CITATION Eri08 \l 1033 ].
play and daily activities.”[CITATION Nor136 \p
138 \l 1033 ]

21st Century Skills:  

Critical Thinking & Problem Solving: Uses various types of reasoning (inductive, deductive, etc.) as
appropriate to the situation.” (Scott, 2017) The students will use critical thinking to answer questions
about the story.
Communication: Uses communication for a range of purposes (e.g., to inform, instruct, motivate, and
persuade) The students will use communication to talk about the book.

Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks

Procedures Description of Activity, Procedures, Strategies and Settings

Introduction: T: Start the circle with the carpet rule song.

T: Lead the class in the story time song.
T: “We have read the story Pete the Cat I Love My White Shoes, we
retold the story by acting out the story during a story walk.
T: Asks, “Will someone please retell the story Pete the Cat I Love My
White Shoes?”
S: Retells the story.
T: Support the student if needed and restate what the student said.
T: Ask another student if parts of the story are still missing.

Middle: T: Now we are going to retell the story by drawing pictures on this
paper. Read the labels above each box, First Next, Next, Last.
Point to the box labeled “First”. Here you are going to draw what
happened first in the story.
T: Hands each student a graphic organizer to draw on.
S: Draws what happens first.
T: Assists those that still need prompting throughout the activity.
T: Point to the first box that is labeled “Next”. Here you are going to
draw what happened next in the story.
S: Draws what happens next.
T: Point to the second box that is labeled “Next”. Here you are going
to draw what happened next in the story.
S: Draws what happens next.
T: Point to the box labeled “Last”. Here you are going to draw what
happened Last in the story.
S: Draws what happens last.
T: Ask the student about their drawing. Write down what they say
about each square.

Closure: T: Ask the student about their drawing. Write down what they say
about each square.
T: Transition the students to the bathroom to get ready to go outside.

Adaptations and Differentiation: Focus Child 1:

Ey’moni- Review the story with her, let her retell the story with the
story cards and then draw the story on the graphic organizer. Prompt
when needed.
Focus Child 2:
Jayden- Have him sit close to me and repeat what I think he is
saying to make sure I understand him correctly.
(Other Children)
Jamiyah- No adaptions needed.
Tallulah- Review the story with her and if needed let her take her
mask off so I can hear her. Repeat what I think she said to check my
Mason- Review the story with him. Have him sit close to me and
repeat what I think he is saying to make sure I understand him

Academic Language (Vocabulary) +Specific Supports:

First, Next, and Last (Modelling) Retelling (Telling)

Instructional resources and materials:

“Pete the Cat I Love My White Shoes” [ CITATION Eri08 \l 1033 ]
First, Then, Last retell graphic organizer.
Drawing tools
Pete the Cat visual cards [ CITATION Mrs \l 1033 ]

Informal and/or Formal Assessments/Evaluation Criteria (both quantitative and qualitative

patterns of learning): I will use a checklist and anecdotal notes to record what parts of the story the
students were able to draw on the first, next, and last story organizer.

Resources/References Used:

Litwin, E. (2008). Pete the Cat I Love My White Shoes. New York: Scholastic Inc.
North Carolina Foundations Task Force. (2013). North Carolina Foundations for Early Learning and
Development. Raleigh: Public Schools of North Carolina.
Ponces, M. (n.d.). From Teachers Pay Teachers:
Teach like a Princess LLC. (n.d.). From Teachers Pay Teachers:

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