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# Question Question Type Question


1 BROMO MOUNTAINBromo is one of mountains in java th Multiple Choice 20%

2 The identification of the above text is……. Multiple Choice 31%
3 The purpose of Kasada Festival? Multiple Choice 34%
4 The organization of the text above is …. Multiple Choice 62%
5 The text above is the form of…… Multiple Choice 60%
6 What is the definition of descriptive text? Multiple Choice 48%
7 What can be described in a descriptive text? Multiple Choice 48%
8 Read the list below(1) Using simple present(2) Usin Multiple Choice 34%
9 Borobudur and Prambanan Temples are Indonesia Multiple Choice 51%
10 Which of the following is not simple present tense Multiple Choice 20%
11 Petruk ave is one of the leading tourist attraction Multiple Choice 42%
12 Why did Petruk Cave named asone of character i Multiple Choice 22%
13 Which part of Petruk Cave which used to place to p Multiple Choice 31%
14 What is “lead” in paragraph 2? Multiple Choice 45%
15 What is stalactites means? Multiple Choice 57%

View Player Data

Average Time M.zaky M.Al Fatih Rafi
per Question Correct Incorrect Unattempted ferdianto (27)* Romadhoni* Rina Antika*
(Rina Antika)
(mm:ss) (Jaky Ferdi) (Rafi Achmad)

00:29 7 23 5 All of the aboveAll of the aboveEast Java

00:22 11 18 6 The name of Brom

though Bromo is

00:27 12 18 5 To express theirTo honour peopl

00:22 22 9 4 Identification , Identification , Identification ,

00:18 21 9 5 Description Narrative

00:28 17 12 6 A text that descA text that desc

00:18 17 14 4 All of the aboveAll of the aboveAn animal

00:27 12 19 4 (5) (5) (5)

00:25 18 14 3 Heritage Heritage Heritage

00:25 7 22 6 The waters fallsDendy never hasThe waters falls

00:27 15 16 4 To describe Pet To inform readeTo describe Pet

00:31 8 22 5 Because the cave

Because the PetrBecause the Petr

00:23 11 20 4 In Hindu cave In Hindu cave In Hindu cave

00:25 16 15 4 Guide Guide Guide

00:27 20 11 4 A type formationA type formationA type formation

06:14 214 242 69 73 % 73 % 66 %

View Time Data View Summary

Yanuar Nadine Bunga
Millatun Mayliana M.zaky
Miftakhul_44 Nafisah* Alifia Tsuraya Wijaya erinda psbl* ferdianto (27) Marsha
(Yanuar (Alifia Tsuraya) (erinda psbl) (Nadine
(Milla Nafisa) (Revanda (Jaky Ferdi)
Firdaus_44) Bunga)
Two and half anNear PananjakaAll of the aboveAll of the aboveEast Java Two and half anEast Java
though Bromo isthough Bromo isBromo is one ofthough Bromo isthough Bromo isLocated around though Bromo is
To express theirTo express theirTo express theirTo remember the
To express theirTo express theirTo express their
Identification , Identification , Identification , Identification , Issue, argumentsIdentification , Identification ,
Description Explanation Description Description Explanation Description Description
A text that descA text that descA text that descA text that descA text that is u A text that is u A text that desc
All of the aboveAll of the aboveAll of the aboveA place All of the aboveAll of the aboveAn animal
(5) (5) (4) (2) and (4) (5) (1), (3), and (5) (1), (3), and (5)
Heritage Heritage Heritage Heritage Heritage Exhibition Heritage
My mother helpe
The waters fallsMy mother helpe
Dinda Haw goesThe waters fallsThe waters fallsDinda Haw goes
To describe Pet To entertain theTo describe Pet To describe Pet To explain the rTo describe Pet To describe Pet
Because the cave
Because the cave
Because the cavBecause the cave
Because the PetrBecause the cave
Because the cave
In front of cave In Hindu cave In Hindu cave In Hindu cave In Hindu cave In Hindu cave In Petruk cave
Guide Bring Guide Guide Guide Guide Guide
A type formationA type formationA type formation
A type formationA type formationA type formationA type formation

80 % 73 % 73 % 73 % 60 % 60 % 66 %
Ainul Yaqin (MOCH.ALFIA Sholihah Ardin F (Ardin Nafisah (Milla (NUR OKTAVIA Pratama
(Ainul Yaqin) N (Mariyatus F) (M.Satrio
) )
East Java Two and half anNear PananjakaEast Java East Java East Java Two and half an
The name of Brom
Bromo is one ofLocated around though Bromo isthough Bromo isthough Bromo isthough Bromo is
To show gratituTo remember the
To remember the
To take care of To express theirTo remember the
To express their
Identification , Identification , Identification , Issue, argumentsIdentification , A thesis, argum Identification ,
Description Description Narrative Description Description Description Explanation
A text that descNone of the ab A text that descA text that sho A text that descA text that descA text that desc
All of the aboveAll of the aboveAll of the aboveAll of the aboveSomething Something A person
(5) (1), (3), and (5) (5) (5) (1) and (2) (4) (2) and (4)
Ecotourism Heritage Heritage Heritage Adventure Heritage Heritage
My mother helpe
Dendy never hasDinda Haw goesDinda Haw goesDinda Haw goesThe waters fallsDinda Haw goes
To describe Pet To describe Pet To describe Pet To explain the rTo describe Pet To introduce ThTo explain the r
Because the PetrBecause Petruk Bi ecause the cavBecause the cavBecause Petruk Bi ecause the cave
Because the Petr
In front of cave In Hindu cave Inside the cave In the basic cav In Petruk cave In Petruk cave In the basic cav
Guide Guide Place Guide Bring Place Place
A type formationTypes of formatiA type formation
Kind of animal i Types of food giTypes of food giA type formation

53 % 46 % 46 % 40 % 40 % 40 % 40 %
Nela alfarizy ayuningtyas
ramadhani putri (Nela Ainun Rofiah Tyas (Aulya Rina Antika Dwi MD (Dwi Cahya Dwi
(Nora (Ainun Rofiah) (Rina Antika) MD) (Cahya Dwi)
Alfarizy) ayuningtyas
All of the aboveEast Java East Java All of the aboveEast Java East Java East Java
In Bromo, the viBromo is one ofBromo is one ofThe name of Brom
The name of Brom
Bromo is one ofThe name of Bromo is taken fro
To take care of To take care of To show gratituTo express theirTo show gratituTo remember the
To show gratitu
Identification , Identification , Identification , General classificIssue, argumentsIdentification , Identification ,
Description Explanation Description Description Description Description Description
A text that descA text that descA text that descA text that descA text that tell A text that descA text that tell the stories fr
All of the aboveAll of the aboveA place All of the aboveAll of the aboveAll of the aboveA place
(2) and (4) (4) (5) (1) and (2) (2) and (4) (5) (2) and (4)
Scenery Heritage Adventure Heritage Adventure Adventure Heritage
My mother helpe
My mother helpe
Out of the blue,My mother helpe
Out of the blue,Dendy never hasOut of the blue, Rini asks me to
To introduce ThTo describe Pet To entertain theTo entertain theTo describe Pet To entertain theTo describe Pet
Because the PetrBecause the PetrBecause the PetrBecause Petruk Bi ecause the cavBecause the PetrBecause the cave’s length is as
In front of cave In Petruk cave In Hindu cave In Petruk cave In the basic cav In the basic cav In Petruk cave
Bring Place Bring Take Guide Put Guide
Kind of animal i A type formationA type formation
Types of formatiA type formationKind of animal i Kind of animal i

33 % 40 % 40 % 40 % 33 % 33 % 40 %
M. Rivaldi Mufarrikhah
Nabila Akmal M Arya Dwi P M.Al Fatih Rafi
Fatimah* Sellania F Andrian 25 (M Arya Dwi Fina Amalia Romadhoni A.
(Sellania F) (M.Rivaldi (Fina Amalia) (Imroatulmufa
(Nabila n) Prasetyo) (Rafi Achmad)
Andrian) rrikhah
All of the aboveEast Java Two and half anEast Java East Java East Java
name of Bromo is taken from
The name of Brom
though Bromo isThe name of Brom
The name of Brom
Located around The name of Bromo is taken fro
To show gratituTo take care of To express theirTo express theirTo take care of To show gratitude to the people in Bromo Mou
Issue, argumentsIdentification , Identification , General classificIdentification , General classification, identification
Report Explanation Description Explanation Description Description Description
xt that tell the stories fr A text that tell A text that is u A text that is u A text that tell A text that sho None of the above
A person A person A person A place Something All of the above
(5) (1), (3), and (5) (1), (3), and (5) (1), (3), and (5) (1) and (2) (2) and (4)
Ecotourism Adventure Heritage Ecotourism Adventure Ecotourism
of the blue, Rini asks me to Dendy never hasMy mother helpe
The waters fallsDinda Haw goesDinda Haw goes to school by public transporta
To describe Pet To inform readeTo explain the rTo inform readeTo inform readeTo inform reader about tourism in Kebumen
ause the cave’s length is as Because the cave
Because the PetrBecause the PetrBecause Petruk Bi ecause the Petruk is the first explorer of the c
In Hindu cave Inside the cave In Petruk cave In Petruk cave In Petruk cave In the basic cave
Guide Bring Place Guide Take Take Put
A type formationA type formationKind of animal i A type formationA type formationTypes of food given to ancestor

33 % 26 % 33 % 26 % 20 % 13 % 6%
Moch. Faris
Nabila Akmal Safira roihatul
Fatimah nur zikirllah erinda psbl humaidah
(Moch. Faris (erinda psbl)
(Nabila n) (safira r)
nur zikirllah)

name of Bromo is taken from the name of the God of Hindu, Brahma. People of Tengger has a myth about that mountain that makes it m
o the people in Bromo Mountain To honour people who became the victim of volcano eruption
n, identification Issue, arguments: point – elaboration, argument: point – elaboration, argumen

e of the above
A place
(1) and (2)
Adventure Adventure
school by public transportation every morniMy mother helped me finishing my school work
out tourism in Kebumen To explain the reader about floors in Petruk Cave
is the first explorer of the cave Because the Petruk is the first explorer of the cave
In the basic cave

to ancestor Types of food given to ancestor

0% 0% 0% 0%
that mountain that makes it makes it have mystical nuance. But it is more than myth because people still believe that holding Kasada Fes
lcano eruption
nt: point – elaboration, argument : point – elaboration, conclusion
elieve that holding Kasada Festival Every year. They express their gratitude to God in symbolic way by throwing vegetables, cattle, and also
ng vegetables, cattle, and also money as an people around it offering in the Bromo’s crater.
Rank First Name Last Name Attempt # Accuracy Score

1 Jaky Ferdi 11 73 % 11410

2 Rafi Achmad 15 73 % 10670
3 Rina Antika 15 66 % 10180
4 Yanuar Firdaus_44 15 80 % 9840
5 Milla Nafisa 15 73 % 9640
6 Alifia Tsuraya 15 73 % 9140
7 Revanda Mayliana 15 73 % 7710
8 erinda psbl 15 60 % 7120
9 Jaky Ferdi 15 60 % 7050
10 Nadine Bunga 15 66 % 7000
11 Ainul Yaqin 15 53 % 5890
13 Mariyatus Sholihah 15 46 % 4960
14 Ardin F 15 40 % 4950
15 Milla Nafisa 15 40 % 4690
17 M.Satrio Pratama 15 40 % 4430
18 Nora Ramadhani 15 33 % 4340
19 Nela Alfarizy 15 40 % 4310
20 Ainun Rofiah 15 40 % 4290
21 Aulya ayuningtyas Tyas 15 40 % 4160
22 Rina Antika 15 33 % 4090
23 Dwi MD 15 33 % 4050
24 Cahya Dwi 14 40 % 4050
25 Nabila n 10 33 % 3670
26 Sellania F 15 26 % 3530
27 M.Rivaldi Andrian 15 33 % 3480
28 M Arya Dwi Prasetyo 15 26 % 2780
29 Fina Amalia 15 20 % 2640
30 Rafi Achmad 15 13 % 1950
31 Imroatulmufarrikhah annajwa 5 6% 820
32 Nabila n 0 0% 0
33 Moch. Faris nur zikirllah 0 0% 0
34 erinda psbl 6 0% 0
35 safira r 5 0% 0
Correct Incorrect Unattempted Total Time Taken

11 0 4 02:14
11 4 0 01:37
10 5 0 01:37
12 3 0 06:08
11 4 0 02:48
11 4 0 05:42
11 4 0 10:01
9 6 0 05:06
9 6 0 09:49
10 5 0 08:52
8 7 0 08:06
7 8 0 04:48
7 8 0 08:14
6 9 0 02:19
6 9 0 05:52
6 9 0 07:53
6 9 0 04:07
5 10 0 03:18
6 9 0 09:54
6 9 0 09:02
6 9 0 03:03
5 10 0 01:31
5 10 0 05:07
6 9 0 13:16
5 5 5 06:02
4 11 0 00:41
5 9 1 01:14
4 11 0 07:27
3 12 0 06:12
2 13 0 01:33
1 4 10 08:05
0 0 0 00:00
0 0 0 00:00
0 6 9 04:07
0 5 10 04:42
Started At Info

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Thu 11 Nov 2021,08:51 AM Chrome Mobile on Android
# Question Question Type Question

1 BROMO MOUNTAINBromo is one of mountains in java th Multiple Choice 20%

2 The identification of the above text is……. Multiple Choice 31%
3 The purpose of Kasada Festival? Multiple Choice 34%
4 The organization of the text above is …. Multiple Choice 62%
5 The text above is the form of…… Multiple Choice 60%
6 What is the definition of descriptive text? Multiple Choice 48%
7 What can be described in a descriptive text? Multiple Choice 48%
8 Read the list below(1) Using simple present(2) Usin Multiple Choice 34%
9 Borobudur and Prambanan Temples are Indonesia Multiple Choice 51%
10 Which of the following is not simple present tense Multiple Choice 20%
11 Petruk ave is one of the leading tourist attraction Multiple Choice 42%
12 Why did Petruk Cave named asone of character i Multiple Choice 22%
13 Which part of Petruk Cave which used to place to p Multiple Choice 31%
14 What is “lead” in paragraph 2? Multiple Choice 45%
15 What is stalactites means? Multiple Choice 57%
Average Time
per Question M.zaky M.Al Fatih Rafi Rina Antika* Yanuar Millatun Alifia Tsuraya
ferdianto (27)* Romadhoni* Miftakhul_44 Nafisah*

0:29 00:08 00:07 00:03 00:52 00:17 00:02

0:22 - 00:08 00:04 00:03 00:09 00:09
0:27 - 00:08 00:10 00:31 00:22 00:40
0:22 00:06 00:08 00:06 00:10 00:07 00:40
0:18 - 00:06 00:14 00:05 00:26 00:10
0:28 - 00:04 00:06 00:19 00:05 00:24
0:18 00:13 00:08 00:05 00:09 00:04 00:13
0:27 00:03 00:03 00:02 00:26 00:03 00:14
0:25 00:04 00:05 00:06 00:02 00:10 00:22
0:25 00:09 00:05 00:08 01:00 00:12 00:32
0:27 00:21 00:09 00:05 00:50 00:24 00:18
0:31 00:18 00:05 00:12 00:37 00:08 00:32
0:23 00:22 00:12 00:05 00:24 00:05 00:43
0:25 00:04 00:04 00:06 00:23 00:12 00:23
0:27 00:26 00:05 00:05 00:17 00:04 00:20
6:14 02:14 01:37 01:37 06:08 02:48 05:42
Mayliana erinda psbl* M.zaky Nadine Bunga Ainul Yaqin MOCH.ALFIAN Mariyatus
ferdianto (27) Marsha ALEANDRO Sholihah

00:03 00:16 00:53 00:27 01:13 00:25 00:53

01:00 00:22 00:38 00:04 00:32 00:18 00:29
00:53 00:34 00:34 00:08 00:44 00:21 00:22
00:39 00:08 00:31 00:44 00:07 00:17 00:29
00:54 00:17 00:20 00:49 00:25 00:15 00:14
00:36 00:31 00:52 00:35 00:22 00:15 00:37
00:27 00:12 00:27 00:34 00:50 00:16 00:09
00:57 00:07 00:50 00:45 00:04 00:39 00:05
00:21 00:24 00:51 00:37 00:27 00:28 00:20
00:56 00:09 00:56 00:42 00:41 00:21 00:43
00:57 00:26 00:55 00:37 00:50 00:23 00:49
00:35 00:23 00:57 00:44 00:24 00:21 01:10
00:24 00:05 00:48 00:48 00:43 00:04 00:34
00:25 00:19 00:05 00:29 00:24 00:06 00:32
00:54 00:53 00:12 00:49 00:20 00:19 00:48
10:01 05:06 09:49 08:52 08:06 04:48 08:14
Ardin F Millatun NUR OKTAVIA M.Satrio Nora Nela alfarizy Ainun Rofiah
Nafisah RAHMADHANI Pratama ramadhani putri

00:10 00:20 00:13 00:28 00:14 01:02 00:41

00:05 00:11 00:31 00:06 00:06 00:29 00:41
00:08 00:25 00:46 00:22 00:07 00:09 00:55
00:05 00:17 00:13 00:23 00:06 00:51 00:48
00:08 00:22 00:47 00:07 00:08 00:20 00:07
00:20 00:23 00:28 00:26 00:08 00:21 00:41
00:08 00:24 00:49 00:07 00:04 00:30 00:19
00:03 00:30 00:48 00:11 00:20 00:50 00:03
00:13 00:31 00:04 00:07 00:06 00:28 01:01
00:06 00:22 00:13 00:09 00:08 00:44 00:38
00:08 00:11 00:52 00:24 00:11 00:19 00:55
00:07 00:31 00:36 00:17 01:21 01:28 00:44
00:22 00:29 00:11 00:12 00:07 00:36 00:04
00:05 00:28 00:38 00:07 00:07 00:40 00:47
00:11 00:28 00:44 00:41 00:05 01:07 00:38
02:19 05:52 07:53 04:07 03:18 09:54 09:02
ayuningtyas Rina Antika Dwi MD Cahya Dwi Nabila Akmal Sellania F M. Rivaldi
Fatimah* Andrian 25

00:10 00:05 00:50 00:44 - 00:03 00:03

00:10 00:07 00:11 00:23 - 00:02 00:03
00:05 00:05 00:17 01:01 00:51 00:04 00:08
00:23 00:10 00:13 01:06 00:46 00:03 00:04
00:06 00:06 00:22 00:31 00:42 00:02 00:04
00:38 00:06 00:31 01:06 - 00:02 00:02
00:05 00:06 00:14 00:52 00:27 00:04 00:04
00:15 00:07 00:03 01:46 00:04 00:03 00:02
00:10 00:05 00:07 00:49 00:41 00:03 00:03
00:09 00:09 00:30 01:09 - 00:04 00:11
00:13 00:02 00:15 00:03 00:36 00:02 00:02
00:14 00:05 00:25 01:02 - 00:02 00:08
00:05 00:09 00:37 00:49 00:43 00:02 00:07
00:10 00:03 00:24 00:30 00:45 00:03 00:03
00:10 00:06 00:08 01:25 00:27 00:02 00:10
03:03 01:31 05:07 13:16 06:02 00:41 01:14
M Arya Dwi P Fina Amalia M.Al Fatih Rafi Mufarrikhah Nabila Akmal Moch. Faris erinda psbl
Romadhoni Fatimah nur zikirllah

00:36 00:41 00:09 01:45 - - -

00:37 00:35 00:08 01:04 - - -
00:12 00:41 00:06 - - - -
00:19 00:22 00:07 - - - -
00:15 00:09 00:03 00:26 - - -
00:44 00:41 00:20 01:13 - - -
00:23 00:10 00:03 - - - 00:32
00:47 00:34 00:03 - - - 00:58
00:29 00:18 00:06 - - - 00:51
00:10 00:19 00:07 - - - 00:48
00:48 00:28 00:03 - - - -
00:36 00:31 00:03 - - - -
00:29 00:13 00:04 - - - 00:39
00:25 00:08 00:06 03:37 - - -
00:37 00:22 00:05 - - - 00:19
07:27 06:12 01:33 08:05 - - 04:07
Safira roihatul

Name Value
Game Started On Thu 11 Nov 2021,08:51 AM
Game Type Live Quiz
Participants 35
Total Attempts 35
Class Accuracy 40%
Game Ends On Thu 11 Nov 2021,09:12 AM

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