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(@) Determine J¢ and Veg forthe network of Fig. 4:90. (@) Change B t0 150 and determine the new value of [cand Veg for the network of Fig. 490. ( Determine the magnitude ofthe percent change in and Vor using the following equa io let salen fel ste, ate (g) Incach ofthe above, the magnitude of 6 was increased 50%, Compare the percent change in Ic and Veg for each configuration, and comment on which seems t be less sensitive to changes in B. 8 45 Voltage-Divider Bias rth volage-viler bas congraton of Fi. 493 determine sy (0 le one Os on O%e OM 1 Given te inferno povided in Fg 494, determin: on ote on OR 14, Gin ntmaton spear ini. 495, determine on Or © Ve Figure 493_Prblems 215, Ver Ian 28 anon ow on Dowrermie te sion arent (for he nwerk of i 4, "16 Desmine he flloving forthe vlagevider conga of i 496 wig he opox- at aprach if te coon eal by By (259) sae re Oe Or a ote Le 27a % ye 106 v ‘20pA *. 7 name ev, Siam gue 4.94 Problem 13 ‘Figure 4.95. Problem 14 Figure 4.96 Problems 16, 17, 22 Problems 237 “17, Repeat Problem 16 using the exact (Thévenin) approach and compare solutions. Based on the resulls, is the approximate approach a valid analysis technique i Eq, (433) is satisfied? 18, (a) Determine fey Vege and Tp, fr the network of Problem 12 (Fig, 4.93) using the appro, ‘mate approach even though the condition established by Eq. (4.33) isnot satisfied, () Determine Fe, Ver and fusing the exact approach. (© Compare solitons ‘and coniment on whether the diferene is sulcently large to require standing by Eg, (4.33) when determining which approach to employ. ©. co ting te haters of i488, deerme Re nt nlp dite ney having a Q-point of fc, = 5 mA and Vey, = 8 V. Use Veo = 24V and Re = 3p (©) Find V,. (e) Determine V5 (@) Find Ry if = 2440 assuming that By > 10R, (6) Cateulate atthe Q-point (8 Test Bq. (4.33), and note whether the assumption of part () is corect. (a) Deteumine f¢ and Veg forthe network of Fig. 4.93, () Change to 120 (50% increase, and determine the new values ofc and Vag forthe ne work of Fig. 4.93. (©) Determine the magnitude of the percent change in Zc and Veg vsng the following equs- Es — He 100%, GAVey Wea ¥e aa | [f= Vote (Compe hn a i te son on eps (Ps rtp a finn ea a ih ata © ae aon <21 Rep p tgh of ten fr bn 486 Cane wet (9 hg me mt sh iin ly > 8 antic a usin en Vane keen eps ea 8 4.6 DC Bias with Voltage Feedback sigy rete cotector feck configuration of Fig 407, deveine @ te 3640. one Soe) tp nee ee ce ve @ te pie ® Yo oo Ve Bei OY stk Figure 4.97 Problems 22, 56 tour Figure 4.98 Problems 23 238 Chapter 4 ing—B)Ts & la) Determine the level of Je and Ves fr the network of Fig. 499. (b) Change 8 to 135 (50% increase), and calculate the new levels of fe and Ves. {¢) Determine the magaitude of the percent change in fe and Veg using the following equation: lene seate= [StS x 100s, Vor = 100% Toe Weta ~ Meta Trl (@) Compare the results of part (c) with those of Problems 11(@), 11(f), and 204), How does the collector-feedback necwork stack up against the other configurations insensitivity to changes in 6? 4. petermine the range of possible values for Ve forthe network of Fig. 4.100 using the LMA potentiometer. +2 47a. 130 ko Ye ‘Bee, 33 ka Figure 4.100 Problem 25, 926, Given V_ = 4V for the network of Fig. 4.101, determine: @ Ve 0) Ie Ve Ver © fp O8. Figure 4.101 Problem 26 § 47 Miscellaneous Bias Configurations 2. Given Ve = 8 V for the network of Fig. 4.102, determine: © ty Ole OB @ Vow Problems Figure 4.99 Problem 24 18 39k $60 ko Vent te + —— Yen oi - Figure 4.102 Problem 27 239 "28, For the network of Fig. 4.103, determine be es Ok (0) Vow @Ve 2) For the network of Fig. 4,104, determin: (le © to Ve (0 Vee 30,) Determine the level of Vand J forthe network of Fig, 4.105; 31) For the neswork of Fig. 4.106, detemin: (0 fe 0) Ve. Figure 4.103 Problem 28 ©) Yew ev a0 | sioxa oa typ | soa waka | Hey Figwe 4104 len 20 Figme 4105 Ptem 30 rue 4.106. Fen 31 848 Design Operations 9 ovtemine Re and ors et as congein it Vog = 1, with Vg = 6. Use ana vas tes tor tf, =e, Yaad fe = i Ue snd vali 34) Ds vote viet neon singe supply 28 nsw to 1 an fn opeting Pit f= 4 mA ad Ven = 8. Choe en Uae @ ie cam of 40, cognate een to evel of 10 mA and a Ooi neha tedster henner ave sup 28 Vand ast be one ithot Vor Theconthnsencinnch eee shuld also be met oped high sty eur Ue scan 80, and Je, = 25mA 1d Vex, = Wee Use Voc 20, fe, = § 4.9 Transistor Switching Networks °*36; Using the characteristics of Fi, 4.89, determine the appearance ofthe output waveform for the Frege Re 07, Ioetude the tects of Vez, and determine Ip Ix, and Te, whe ¥= 10. Determine the colector-to-emiter resistance at saturation and eae "37 Design the tansistor inverter of Fig, 4.108 to operte with saturation current of $ mA wing 4 tansistor witha beta of 100. Use a level of Zy equal to 120% of fy. and standad ritot values, 240 Chapter 4 DC Biasing—ayTs

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