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Table of Contents

Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 1
Time management................................................................................................................................. 2
Resources and reflection....................................................................................................................... 4
Literature searching, note taking and evaluating. ............................................................................. 5
Plagiarism and referencing ................................................................................................................ 10
Conclusion ........................................................................................................................................... 13
Reference ............................................................................................................................................. 14

This assignment is concerned with academic skills and academic integrity, the first section of
the assignment contains a discussion on my time management and a reflective discussion on
my whole learning experience, the second section of the assignment contains a discussion on
four key resources that I used in my whole study session during the module. Third section
contains a fine discussion on academic integrity, Plagiarism and referencing where two
methods of note taking were discussed. Finally in the fourth section, Plagiarism and it’s
discussion along with the definition of Academic integrity.

In this assignment, Various methods are used to present my write ups in a formal way, namely
the Gibbs method of reflection writing, which enables a person to express, learn and act based
on anything a person learned. For, discussing the topic of academic integrity and plagiarism
Cornell note method and mind map note taking method had been used to make notes and
summaries the literatures that were supposed to be read.

Time management
I have made up my mind to ensure a 6 hours schedule for my study plans, and 1-hour
extracurricular activities which include my recreational reading time. To ensure that I don’t
struggle with tracking my routine works and fail to meet the goal I use technology to aid my
time management. Annisa et al (2020) provided a good discussion on the effective time
management for study and other activities during the COVID-19 Pandemic. There are many
tools to keep tack for activities, yet I feel it more continent to outline and visualize my whole
routine of study other activities using the tree maps as a visualization of the time table to better
visualize. To effectively study I follow the pomodoro technique introduced by Francesco
Cirillo in 1999 ,I came to know about this technique from one of my friends who suggested me
to read the article “The pomodoro technique (the pomodoro)” published by Cirllio in 2006. The
pomodoro technique focuses on alleviating the anxiety regarding time management, increases
decision making abilities, helps develop determination for achieving goals and helps improve
the estimation and study process (Amit et al., 2021).

I have devised my schedule of 6 hrs of study time in 14 Pomodoro schedules, each pomodoro
schedule will last for 25 minutes, and the whole 6 hours schedule is divided in two segments
covering three (3) hours of study time. My whole process of Pomodoro includes the task of 1.
Planning. 2.Tracking 3. Recording 4. Processing and 5. Visualizing.

To Implement the pomodoro I have used the timer in my pc, setting the stopwatch at 25
minutes. I used Microsoft excel to keep records of my TO DO list, the activity inventory and
the record sheets. And there after visualizing the whole activity and Differences that got
created. My to do list for an average day is as follows.

No. To do
1 Get up by 7.30 in morning.
2 To get done with the breakfast by 8 am.
3 watch some tv shows with siblings till 9.30 am
4 Heading out for Classes at 10 am
5 start studying in the campus for 3 hours.
6 Campus study
7 playing cricket with friends by 4.30 pm.
8 Get back to home by 7 pm.
9 Literature reading time of 1 hour.
10 Study time for next three hours till 12 PM.
11 Dinner with family.
12 to sleep by 1 am.
Table 1: To-do list.

My whole-time table for a day is summarised in the tree map below.

Figure 1: The Tree map of time table.

My reflection

It has been a very new experience for me to control my activities, I have hardly ever outsourced
my authority to control my timetable to any outsider media. It has been a pleasant experience
at the end though it was hard for me to endure the stress I developed thinking that I will not be
able to comply with my own commitment. overall, it was in deed a very good experience for
me to learn that I am going through a positive change in myself. It was indeed hard for me to
get along with the self-imposed code of conduct. Things that I have come across after analysing
the activities of mine and the feelings that were associated with me, I found that using
pomodoro technique for studying and managing time wasn’t ever easy for me, some factors
kept my concentration on something else rather than on study. I was fighting hard with my time
management, at the very first I was having hard time to cope up with the schedules then I
started taking some food materials like beverages and biscuits to lower my anxiety. I found
eating dry foods and beverages helpful in my study time to concentrate on topics. I used to take
15 minutes rest time between every pomodoro as suggested by (Almalki et al., 2020) to keep
my concentration up held. Though I think I could have worked a lot better if I could avoid
indulging in unnecessary indulgence in chitchats.

In conclusion, it’s to be mentioned that overall, it was a good experience for me, it was a new
learning for me that I was able to maintain a timetable and could comply with my goals.
Pomodoro got to be a good tool for time management for me.

For Future instances I would like to make my pomodoro intervals to 10 minutes as I think 15
is too long and redesign the segments for better outcome.

Resources and reflection

Resources that I have used to support my study are Research gate,, YouTube and To my best sense these are some of the best platforms to aid studying and other
productive activities. Research gate is a platform for researchers to share their articles and
making recommendations on good research papers. From there I came to know about many
suggestions from researchers how I should make references and use various articles published
by other researchers on various matters. Research gate has been regarded as one of the famous
platforms for resources sharing for academicians and students (Desai et al., 2021). is a platform which is a very powerful resource management and collaboration tool,
it acts as if it were a powerful Database. It enables users to manage schedules, keep track of
activities and also import articles from online sources, for example any articles can be imported
in notion very efficiently from sources like the ECONOMIST. It offers a nice sync with its
mobile version.

From YouTube I clear my concepts on philosophy and Statistics most often, I quiet often visit
stat quest for learning econometrics and statistics, in state quest they provide better
explanations with proper videos and infographics. I take learn Philosophy from a very popular
channel named CrashCourse, they provide a very good discussion on every topic of
philosophical arguments. lets me read good articles on various matters including the anthropology,
economics politics and history. This platform offers quick quiz test to test the reader’s skill of
reading comprehension. Readtheory has enabled me to explore a large number of articles which
helped enrich my vocabularies and form various ideas on how to write in good English.

Alongside those aforementioned tools and resources, I also used to hear many podcasts during
my recreation and study time to tie up with deep understanding and discussion of particular
matter. To strengthen my position on such steps taken for effective studying I would like to
mention the research article of Lytras et al.,(2020) who mentioned the benefits of using
technology as a good resource for learning. And also, in this era of growth propensity for
preserving adequate efficiency it’s required that technology should be used where it’s possible
to use as it lets us save a significant amount of time.

My reflection

My study requires a great amount extra information that is not well covered in books, also I am
an individual who hanker afters confirmation from established workings and knowledge base
of others, so it, by default, requires me to search things over internet to save my time rather
than keeping my schedule piled up with tasks.

It was initially boring for me to use even YouTube contents appeared to be
something boring yet with the passage of time it got used to with me. But now it’s really a
matter of enjoyment. I enjoy reading articles in read theory which has significantly improved
my writing, it has enriched my vocabularies and yielded in boosted self-confidence.

The overall experience was very much exciting for me, I have always wanted to learn speaking
fluent English but somehow, I lagged behind. Even though I though it was okay to live with
the existing expertise that I possessed, after some hurdles I found out that I has a long way to

The entire course of module I observed a strength of mine, that is I am good at learning
vocabularies and I can easily associate the word with applicable situation yet I found that I
have weakness in keeping the word in memory after a long interval.

My Experiences have been good with the resources I have been through, it has helped me
develop writing skills and gain deeper understanding of statistical and philosophical topics.

I aim at using these resources more effectively. I want to improve my long-term memory and
thus I wish to go through rigorous verbal memory practices.

Literature searching, note taking and evaluating.

Book on Academic integrity, plagiarism and referencing.

Academic integrity and plagiarism are something very common in research arena, and is a
matter of concern considering the further development of knowledge and novelty of intellectual
works. Book for academic integrity, plagiarism and referencing book named Integrity in global
research arena. Link of the book is below:

The summary of key points of the book on Academic integrity, Plagiarism and referencing
have been presented below in Cornell Note taking method.

Cues Notes
Integrity A quality of:
1. Being Honest.
2. Being Fair.
3. Uncorrupted.
1. Strong Moral principles.
2. Consistency.
Academic integrity Encompasses:
1. Honesty.
2. Trust.
3. Fairness.
4. Respect.
Breaching academic integrity:
1. Means Academic misconduct.
2. Dishonesty in academics.
Scope of Academic integrity:
1. Teachers.
2. Students.
3. Researchers.
4. Practitioners.
5. Doctors.
6. Engineers.
7. All other related to academics.
Plagiarism Means:
1. Using other’s resources without
2. Providing no reference of source.
1. Online source documents.
2. Manuscripts of the author.

3. Any published or unpublished

1. Intentional.
2. Unintentional.
Subject to:
1. Disciplinary actions.

Ethics in academics Means:

1. Being fair and honest.
2. Giving due credit authors.
3. Avoiding academic misconduct.
4. Being responsible.

The authors in the book have discussed the Academic integrity regarding new era of research
and availability of internet. Authors have discussed integrity and ethics to be a quality of a
person in academics. It’s more of a matter of avoiding misconduct by the person who is
acting as the writer of any academic writeups. Plagiarism can result in disciplinary actions
even though it’s intentional or unintentional. Plagiarism refers to use of writeups without

The credibility of the Source

The Source has been tested for the credibility in accordance of the CAARP guideline, which
requires that the Currency, Authority, Accuracy, Relevance and Purpose.

Currency: The books was published in 2015.

Authority: The writers of the books are Nicholas Steneck, Melissa Anderson, Sabine Kleinert,
Tony Mayer

Accuracy: The concepts discussed in this book align with Eaton (2021); Fatemi and Satio

Relevance: Concepts match with those discussed in newer papers for complex situations like
ones discussed in (Brown & Janssen,2017). This book contains words that provide good

Purpose: Purpose of this books is to introduce the idea of academic integrity and misconducts
to the students and academicians.

Newspaper article on Academic integrity, plagiarism and referencing.

A news paper article on the challenges on maintaining academic integrity and referencing due
to the exponential rise in the use of Artificial intelligence. Author has identified potential
threats regarding the use of artificial intelligence. According to the author there have been rise
in the numbers of reports regarding cheating in academic works submitted by students.

Link for the article is below:

The whole article is summarised using the mind map note taking method below.

Figure 2: The mind map note taking method summary


The above picture gives the overview of the whole article, the article discusses the use of AI in
Education, and thereafter the issues regarding the Automation in education. which comes up
with the challenge of maintaining integrity of academic write ups from computer aided
software and AI bots. On the other hand, the augmentation comes up with the problem of online
learning challenges and online platforms that provide writeup and other services to the students
and academicians. Author has pointed out that use of technology has come up with some
problems like exposure of students to unethical sources in a very convenient way, which
threatens the academia. Yet the author is optimistic about the good use of technology for the
sake of sustainability of human endeavours, author Emphasises on the use of control
mechanisms for preventing the academic misconducts and to ensure a level playing ground for
all of the participants .

The Credibility of the source

Currency: This article was published in 5th of November ,2021.

Authority: This article was written by Michael Nubdzak and Sarah Elaine Eaton.

Accuracy: This article conforms to the debate regarding the pros and cons of using technology
in Education (Illarionova et al., 2021; Saptasagar,2021).

Relevance: This article is relevant to debate of education and technology, and also to the
concern of academic integrity, plagiarism and referencing.

Purpose: Purpose of this article is to discuss the possible threat to the educators and academia
regarding the extensive use of AI in education. Which the author thinks as it can be detrimental
for future learners.

Plagiarism and referencing

Definition of Plagiarism and Academic integrity

Plagiarism can be defined as use of intellectual resources without the permission of the author
or producer of that resource, various academicians have defined plagiarism in their own way.

According to Geraldi (2021) plagiarism is defined as “the use of other’s work without
appropriate acknowledgment”, Also plagiarism is identified to be some the mostly encountered
academic misconduct in recent times (Pupovac,2021). On the Other hand, Academic integrity
is something that is related to the good practices of the content writer. According to Ryan et al
(2020) academic integrity is defined as the best practices that leads into some novel outputs in
forms of intellectual resources. According to Bailey and Trudy (2018) there are five common
types of plagiarisms.1. Direct copying or Verbatim plagiarism, 2. Rephasing someone else’s
idea or paraphrasing plagiarism, 3. Patchwork plagiarism or taking some part of someone’s
work, 4. Self-plagiarism or using own work’s recycled version and finally the 5. Global
plagiarism or copying entire text.

Though there are many tools for detecting the plagiarism for example Turnitin is a widely used
software to detect any misconduct in writeups, it can identify the percentage of duplicate
writeups or that matches with any published writeups (Meo & Talha,2019). Thus, it’s not
possible for this software or even any software to detect the similarity of one’s work with
another’s unpublished work(Demir,2018).

Yet, it’s worthwhile mentioning the existence of Predator journals, Journals that are actually
have no value for a researcher and the quality of writeups published in those journals lack the
basic component of quality research.

Many people publish in predator journals just to get their publication count higher (Xia et al.,
2015), it’s , in all sense, very detrimental to overall quality of published papers, as they just
content very low value for the readers these can be a good indicator of falling academic
integrity amongst some section of the researchers. It’s also prevalent that, Platforms like Chegg
and course-hero which are expected to be used for aiding the students in their study is being
exploited. Yet it’s always fair to think optimistically and being affirmative about the prevalence
of higher academic integrity amongst the people in the field of academics.

The AU Harvard referencing

The Harvard system is an author-date oriented method, this referencing has two types one is
in-text citations and reference list. There are some basic rules regarding the intext citations and
reference list which are to be followed by the writer, some most frequently encountered types
of Harvard referencing is presented in leaflets.

The leaflets for the AU Harvard referencing are shown in figure 2 and figure 3.

Figure 2: The AU Harvard Leaflet


Figure 3: The AU Harvard Leaflet

The leaflets showed in figure 2 and figure 3 contain some mostly used citation types , this
leaflet weas prepared using CANAVA and all the information is sourced from the AU Harvard
guide issued by the Arden university .

This assignment is concerned with academic skills and academic integrity, the first section of
the assignment contains a discussion on my time management and a reflective discussion on
my whole learning experience, it helped me explore the strengths and weaknesses in my
learning, The pomodoro technique of time management came out to be very effective for me,
the second section of the assignment contains a discussion on four key resources that I used in
my whole study session during the module where I mentioned using some technological
platforms like research gate,, YouTube and the, which helped me
develop better writing and reading comprehension skill. Third section contains a fine
discussion on academic integrity, Plagiarism and referencing where two methods of note taking
were discussed. Finally in the fourth section, Plagiarism and it’s discussion along with the
definition of Academic integrity. I used CANAVA to generate the leaflets of AU Harvard

It’s worthwhile to mention that the whole module was very effective for me and using
technology for studying with proper time management techniques it was easy for me to study
and concentrate more with better outputs and also the reflective writings helped me discover
my issues that had to be taken care.


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