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1. Every Monday, Sally (drive) ________ her kids to football practice.

2. Usually, I (work)_____________ as a secretary at ABT, but this summer I (study) ____________

19. Kelly: _______________ you ____________ (do) anything tomorrow evening?
French at a language school in Paris. That is why I am in Paris.
Brandon:I usually ____________ (play) tennis in the evening but tomorrow I'm ____________ (stay) at
3. Shhhhh! Be quiet! John (sleep) ____________.
20. Look!
4. Don't Those
forget to elephants
take your _____________ (come)
umbrella. It (rain) towards us! I _____________ (think) they are angry.
21. I ______________
5. Judy: How long (be)(not like) Sandra's
____have salads, she _____________
you been_________________in (mix) too many ingredients.
Claude: I (study) __have been studying here for more than three years.
22. I (know) _____________ Judy for more than five years and during that time I (see) __________ many
6. I hate in her personality.
living in Seattle because it (rain, always) _______________.
23. Wesorry
7. I'm ____________
I can't hear (live) in a (say)
what you wonderful
this year,because
it _____________ (have)_is
everybody (talk) a very sunnyso
talking__ terrace
to the river.
8. I (have) _have had the same car for more than ten years. I'm thinking about buying a new one.
9. I Mark Knopflerloved_____ chocolate
(love) __have ___________ (play) the guitar
since beautifully.
I was I ___________(think)
a child. You might even call me of buying his last
a "chocoholic."
10. Justin (write, currently) ______________ a book about his adventures in Tibet. I hope he can find a
goodMost animals
publisher _____________
when he is finished.(not attack) people.
11. Mary ____________
Jim: Do (not love)
you want to come overyou; you must
for dinner face reality.
Sheila Oh,
______________ got I(have)
I'm sorry, I can't. the most beautifultohouse
(go)_______________ in the
a movie street.with
tonight Many people
some ___________
(stop) by just to look at it.
12. Matt and Sarah (have) ___________________ some difficulties in their relationship lately, so they
(go) _________________ to a marriage counselor. I hope they work everything out.
Robin: I think thecards
13. The business waiter (forget) ______________ us.
(be, normally) __________________We (wait) __________________ here for over
printed by a company in New York. Theirhalf
an hour(be)
prices and___________
nobody (take) ______________ our orderofyet.
inexpensive, yet the quality their work is quite good.

14. John (work) _______________ for

Michele: I the government since he us
think you're right. He (walk) ________________ by graduated from Harvard
at least twenty University.
times. He probablyUntil
thinks wehe (enjoy) ________________ his
(order, work, but now he is talking about retiring.
already) __________________.
15. Lately, I (think) ____________________ about changing my career because I
Robin: Look at that couple over there, they (be, only) _______________ here for five or ten minutes and
(become) ____________ dissatisfied with the conditions at my company.
they already have their food.
16. This delicious chocolate (be) _____________ made by a small chocolatier in Zurich, Switzerland.
Michele: He must realize we (order, not) __________________ yet! We (sit) __________________ here
17. Don'thalf
for over shout, please!
an hour My children
staring at him. ____________ still__________ (sleep) upstairs.
18. My mother _____________ (worry) too much about me. She _________ (say) it is because she
Robin: I don't know
_____________ if he
(love) me(notice,
a lot. even) ____________________ us. He (run) ________________ from
table to table taking orders and serving food.

Michele: That's true, and he (look, not) _________________ in our direction once.

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