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Week 1 Cycle 2

Student Worksheet

Reading Challenge
“How to Create Your First Java Program”
I. Before you read:
Part 1.
Look at the chart below. Match the word with its correct meaning. You can try using an
engine to search for the definition. For example: “shell window definition”

Word # Meaning
1. shell window Verb. Try
2. compile Phrase. "The reason for the name"
3. plain text Adjective. Probably.
4. likely Noun. Error
5. “sound odd” Adjective. Difficult to satisfy
6. mistake Phrase. Computer program that
presents a command line interface
7. curly braces Noun. text or symbols used to
represent the system is ready to
perform the next command
8. “break it down” Phrase. text that is not specially
formatted or written in code
9. picky Phrase. Be strange or unusual
10. “hence the Verb. Convert (a program) into a
name” machine-code or lower-level form so
the program can be executed.
11.console program Phrase. Marks { or } that are used as a
pair around words
12. prompt Phrase. To explain something in steps
13. attempt Phrase. A program designed to be used
with a text-only computer interface
Part 2.
Order the following steps on how to create a Basic Java program.

Step #
Change the Directory
Compile the Program
Open a Terminal Window
Run the Program
Save the File
Set the path to the Compile Program
Write the Java Source Code

Follow this link

Now skim the text and check your answers.

II. While you read:

Read the text again and write T (true) F (false) to the following ideas.

1. The lines with "//" are comments in Java, and the compiler ignores them.
2. A code does not need to be in a class for the Java runtime engine to run it.
3. Public means that this method is not available to anyone.
4. Static means that the method can be run without creating an instance of the
class HelloWorld.
5. A “Void” method does not return anything.
6. When you save your program file as "", you give the instruction
to call the class "HelloWorld"
7. The HelloWorld program is an example of a windowed application. It runs in its
own window.
8. Compiling a program is to and translate it into a language your computer can
9. “HelloWorld.class” is the compiled version of your program.
III. After you read:
Now try summarizing the steps to create a program using this flow chart.
Be prepared to share your ideas in our next class.




After that



Answer Key
I. Before you read:
Part 1
Word # Meaning
1. shell window Phrase. Computer program that presents a command
line interface
2. compile Verb. Convert (a program) into a machine-code or
lower-level form so the program can be executed.
3. plain text Phrase. text that is not specially formatted or written
in code
4. likely Adjective. Probably.
5. “sound odd” Phrase. Be strange or unusual
6. mistake Noun. Error
7. curly braces Phrase. Marks { or } that are used as a pair around
8. “break it down” Phrase. To explain something in steps
9. picky Adjective. Difficult to satisfy
10. “hence the name” Phrase. " The reason for the name"
11. console program Phrase. A program designed to be used with a text-
only computer interface
12. prompt Noun. text or symbols used to represent the system is
ready to perform the next command
13. attempt Verb. Try

Part 2

Order the following steps on how to create a Basic Java program.
1. Write the Java Source Code
2. Save the file
3. Open a Terminal Window
4. Set the path to the Compile Program
5. Change the Directory
6. Compile the program
7. Run the Program
II. While you read:
Read the text again and write T (true) F (false) to the following ideas.
1. T
2. F
3. F
4. T
5. T
6. T
7. F
8. T
9. T

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