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University of Perpetual Help System Laguna-Isabela Campus

Minante 1, Cauayan City, Isabela

College of Nursing



-To know the 8 STAGES OF The video talked Stage 1: Infancy (1-2 yrs) Stage 1: Infancy (1-2 yrs)
development of a DEVELOPMENT about the stages  Give what infant needs and  Easy to trust and
person through an BY ERIK about a person’s provide warmth and affection mistrust
entire lifespan. ERIKSON development in the  Not scaring the infant when  If needs are met, infants
-To know the stages psychosocial skills and giving medications develop a sense of basic
and how they build how they become  Telling the infant that his or trust.
on each other successful person. As her parents are by his side
-To know the effects a future nurse, this  Play with the infant to build Stage 2: Early childhood (2-4 yrs)
of the environment stage will help me trust.  They exercise will and
to person’s know the person’s Stage 2: Early childhood (2-4 yrs) do things for
development needs regarding to  Motivating the child that he or themselves, and they
his/her age and she can do it to develop self- doubt their abilities.
feelings. confidence.  Easy to Doubt
 Treat them as though they are himself/herself
your own child and not  Easy to develop shame
shaming them while doing and self-doubt when
assessment whether in self-confidence is not
abdomen or elsewhere. met.
Stage 3: Preschool Age (4-5 yrs)
 Encouraging the child that he Stage 3: Preschool Age (4-5 yrs)
can do the assessment to  They feel guilty about
develop initiative. efforts to be
 Not belittling the child and independent.
develop guilt when he or she  They carry out plans by
did something wrong. Instead themselves.
as a nurse, we teach them Stage 4: School Age (5-12 yrs)
what is right.  Easy to get influenced
 Encouraging the child to by other people.
follow his or her interest.  Easy to feel inferiority
Stage 4: School Age (5-12 yrs) Stage 5: Adolescence (13-19)
 Don’t give too much negative  Easy to get confused
feedback to the child as he or about who they are
she could lose motivation.  Testing their roles to
 Let the child do things that he integrate identity
thinks is right. For example, Stage 6: Early Adulthood (20-40
taking off his or her hospital yrs)
gown or taking daily  Easy to feel isolated and
medications by his or her own. lonely
Stage 5: Adolescence (13-19)  Struggles to form close
 Teach the adolescents about relationships
the wrong influences of peer Stage 7: Adulthood (40-65 yrs)
pressure and the effects that  They feel a lack of
may impact on his or her purpose
health.  They discover a sense of
 Teach the adolescents facts contributing to the
relating to his or her world.
unhealthy behavior and Stage 8: Maturity (65-death)
lifestyle.  They reflect on their life
Stage 6: Early Adulthood (20-40 yrs) and they may feel
 Show the person that we satisfaction of failure
support him or her like when  They experience despair
he or she is having emotional and sometimes they
isolation when preparing for become grumpy and
surgery or whatsoever. bitter.
 Make the person confident
and happy and as nurses, we
give the person the highest
commitment to them and to
promote health recovery.
Stage 7: Adulthood (40-65 yrs)
 Motivate the adult that
developments from his or her
medications are continuously
improving to avoid
experiencing stagnation.
 Make the adult happy as we
let them know that they are
contributing to us as nurses by
taking their medications on
time to develop their
generativity. Because as
nurses, our main goal is their
health improvement.
Stage 8: Maturity (65-death)
 Help the them by protecting
their health and cope with
changed in their mental and
physical abilities, so older
people stay independent and
develop feelings of
contentment and integrity.
 We must enjoy working with
them. We must give them the
needs with sometimes from
their family members.
- To understand the PIAGET'S I’ve learned that Sensorimotor (0-2 yrs) Sensorimotor (0-2 yrs)
progressive THEORY OF children’s intelligence  Watch the child’s action,  They don’t know what is
reorganization of COGNITIVE can differ from an because this age, he or she wrong and what is right.
mental processes as DEVELOPMENT adult’s in quality develops curiosity and  They relate easily to the
a result of biological rather than quantity. whatever he or she touch may emergence of general
maturation and Children built up their not be good for the child’s symbolic function
environmental knowledge about the health.  They move things
experience. world and they are  Talk to the child nicely so they around and explore the
- To learn the passive when waiting would develop their language environment.
person’s for someone to fill  Their main achievement Preoperational (2-7 yrs)
understanding of their heads with during this stage is object  Abstract thoughts are
the world around knowledge. As a permanence, as a nurse, we still difficult.
him or her. future nurse, It’s my are bound to know the needs  They express concepts
- Learning the job to think my and feelings of the child. on their own
intelligence changes actions before doing Preoperational (2-7 yrs) imaginations.
as children grow them, as the child may  Play with the child and get  They demonstrate
copy the things I do as involved in their imaginations animism.
they understand the so we can get his or her trust.  They are egocentric
reasoning and see  Talk to the child to progress Concrete operational (7-11 yrs)
things from their point his or her thoughts from  They make mistakes and
of view. physical world. overwhelmed when
Concrete operational (7-11 yrs) asked to reason about
 The child can now reason abstract or hypothetical
logically. As nurses we must problems.
still give them guidance for  The child works things
example, when they don’t out internally in their
know where to classify male head rather than seeing
and female bathroom or what the things out in the real
color medication should be world.
taken first. Formal operational (11 yrs)
 The children at this age tend  They speculate about
to make mistakes, nurses many possible
must talk to the children consequences.
nicely to avoid emotional
Formal operational (11 yrs)
 Nicely pointing what the child
did wrong as they formulate
abstract theories when the
faced with a problem. As
nurses, we should justify the
actions of the child when he
or she did something wrong
and to educate them with
abstract concepts like this.
 Provide independent caring
for the child as they already
know how to develop strategy
and planning at this age.

- To learn the child’s KOHLBERG'S I’ve learned child’s Level 1 - Preconventional morality Level 1 - Preconventional
sense of morality THEORY OF stages of moral  We must teach the child about morality
development. MORAL development and how obeying the rules and avoiding  They only see what the
- To know the child’s DEVELOPMENT it affects on their being punished. Like not going laws of social good.
responses to series choices. A person to “personnel-only” room.  They are scared to get
of moral dilemmas justifies a decision on  We must teach the child about punished
- To understand the the basis of his own the bad actions that he or she  They only concern about
reasoning process of reasoning in a makes and to develop the permit and punish
the child situation. As a future obedience. of the authorities
nurse, knowing these  Give the child rewards if goals Level 2 - Conventional morality
stages will enlighten are met  They only make
me about the child’s Level 2 - Conventional morality decisions based to the
choices and how they  As nurses we must approval of others
justify their reasons acknowledging the child if he  They easily form guilt
when they are being did something good. Level 3 - Postconventional
confronted.  Make achievements because morality
child wants to be seen as good  They make independent
person by others. decisions without the
Level 3 - Postconventional morality guide of adult
 Be aware of the child’s  They are often act based
behavior, he or she might on their own interest.
break a rule that he thinks is
morally right.
 Moral guide is still obligated
for the nurses to provide to
the child
- To know the FREUD’S 5 I’ve learned the five The Oral Stage: Birth to 1 Year The Oral Stage: Birth to 1 Year
pleasure-seeking STAGES OF psychosexual stages, Erogenous Zone: Mouth  The like to put things in
energies of the id of PSYCHOSEXUAL which are the oral,  Educating the mother about their mouth
a person. DEVELOPMENT anal, phallic, latent, maintaining their lactating The Anal Stage: 1 to 3 years
- To know how and genital stages, the area to be clean as the child  Negative outcomes
personality influence erogenous zone sucks the breast for feeding. could occur in an
the behavior. associated with each  Instructing the mother to feed inappropriate parental
- To focus in a stage serves as a the child because the child response.
different erogenous source of pleasure. develops a sense of trust and The Phallic Stage: 3 to 6 Years
zone and how are Early experiences play comfort through the oral  They experience vanity,
they connected a large role in the stimulation self-obsession, sexual
based on person’s personality The Anal Stage: 1 to 3 years anxiety, inadequacy,
age. development and they Erogenous Zone: Bowel and Bladder and inferiority
continue to influence Control The Latent Period: 6 to Puberty
the behavior later in  Teaching the child how to  No psychosocial
life. Our experiences poop in the potty in a development occurs in
develop as we comfortable way for them. children. The libido is
develop fixations and  Guiding the child where to diverted towards
as future nurses, this control the leads sense of asexual activities.
will help me to know accomplishment and  Pleasure centers only
how stimulations promoting independence around social
evaluates person’s The Phallic Stage: 3 to 6 Years interactions with others.
psychosexual choices. Erogenous Zone: Genitals
 Guiding the children about the The Genital Stage: Puberty to
differences between males Death
and females.  Unresolved conflicts re-
 Maintain good relationship emerge during
with the child despite of adolescence.
different sex to avoid feelings  Needs are met only on
of inferiority the person’s pleasure.
The Latent Period: 6 to Puberty
Erogenous Zone: Maturing Sexual
 Informing whether it is
consequences and
improvements when under
going to surgery. Person at
this age develops the ego and
 Helping them develop self-
confidence by talking to them.
The Genital Stage: Erogenous Zone:
Maturing Sexual Interests Puberty to
 Leading the person about
learning the balance between
various life areas.
 Speaking factual as they are
already mature.
 Friendly making conversations
to the person as pleasure at
this age becomes someone
outside of the family.

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