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End-of-Course Reflection Paper/Questionnaire

Diadi Region High School

Guide Questions Response/s

How relevant and applicable were Being chosen as one the of the flexi-learners
the course contents in helping you under the course GURO 21 was indeed an opportunity because
enhance your competencies as 21st I know that this online course will equipped me in terms of
Century teacher? knowledge, skills, attitude and values that I should acquire as a
21st century teacher. This online course developed me
personally and professionally to become more effective
educator in this times. It made me personally and professionally
ready so that I will be able to help also my students to become
21st-century ready. The contents are relevant and applicable in
enhancing my competencies as 21st century teacher because it
provided me as concepts and ideas that served as my strong
underpinning in my teaching career.
The famous line which says that change is
inevitable is indeed true. Gone are those days where traditional
teaching is used in delivering instruction to our students. Where
teacher will serve as the only source of information and
students act as merely receivers or listeners of information. In
today’s time, the traditional way of teaching is already changed.
It was changed and transformed into a more student-centered
way of teaching. So as teachers of the 21st century, we also
need to adapt with the changes that are implemented in our
educational system. The teaching-learning process in the past
may no longer attuned with the needs of our 21st century
learners, therefore, we also have to upgrade and acquire new
sets of knowledge, skills, attitudes and values that are needed to
cope with the challenges and demands of today’s society.
The GURO 21 course contents geared me up to
improve my teaching strategies and capacitated me to possess
these knowledge, skills, attitudes and values within myself.
This empowered my teaching abilities to be an effective
educator that will prepare my students to become a productive
individual of the society. All the learnings I gained in this
course are salient to help my student’s meet the fast paced
changes of the 21st century and to help them succeed in their
studies, work and life.

What significant learning insights Joining this course of GURO was helpful for it
did you gain from the course? prepares me to become more effective teacher of the 21st
century. The learning insights I gained here are significant for it
gave me ideas and strong foundation on how to improve my
craft in the teaching profession

Module 1 in the Guro 21 Course is Equipping Teachers

with Knowledge, Skills, Attitudes and Values for the 21st
Century provided me the steps in developing the knowledge,
skills, attitude and values essential for a 21 st century teacher.
This module also added additional outlooks in the light of the
changes and challenges in the 21st century and in the context of
Southeast Asian schools. A 21st century teacher should possess
the eight (8) critical attributes that are important in today’s 21 st
century education. Awareness on the eight critical attributes are
necessary for us to integrate them in our teaching and learning
process. The critical attributes of the 21st century education
include 1. integrated and interdisciplinary which implies that
curriculum should be integrated across all learning areas; 2.
Technologies and Social media which emphasize the
enhancement of every teacher’s digital literacy since
technologies are essential tools in the delivery of our
instruction; 3. Global classroom which implies that 21st century
education aims to produce global citizens by exposing our
students to issues and concerns of our country and other
countries.; 4. Creating constant personal and social change and
lifelong learning which says that learning can take place
anywhere, anytime and regardless of one’s age; 5. Student-
centered which means that our students/learners is the center of
21st century education and should be accustomed according to
their needs and interest therefore differentiated instruction
should be incorporated in our teaching learning process; 6. 21st
century skills which promotes the skills needed to become
productive members of society; 7. Project-based and research
driven which implies that 21st century teachers should be
knowledgeable about research to guide their students’ learning
according to evidence-based instruction and 8. Relevant,
rigorous and real world which means that education in the 21st
century is based in real life situation. This will make the
students understand and can relate with the lessons easily. This
module contains three subtopics which are the UNESCO’s
four pillars of learning which are:
Lesson 1: Learning to know as 21st century teacher
- In this subtopic, this involves the acquisition and
development of knowledge and skills that are needed to
function in the world. As 21st century education teacher, it is
our responsibility to help our students develop their interest to
learn. This learning includes the development of their literacy,
numeracy and critical thinking skills. This pillar stipulates that
learning should not only be about what to learn, but to guide
our students on how to think and learn. In the philosophy of
Bedford, Clay, he said that we (teachers) can teach our student
a lesson for a day, but if we can teach the student to learn more
by creating curiosity, this way, the will continue the learning
process for the rest of his/her life. Learning to know does not
merely on the acquisition of knowledge but more with the
mastery of learning tools.
Lesson2 : Learning to live together
- We are living in a world full of diverse cultures. This lesson
widened my understanding of about the importance of giving
respect and empathy as we encounter crossroad of cultures in
our classroom, community and society. As we understand each
culture genuinely, we are also promoting a genuine and lasting
culture of peace. In our classroom, we also encounter students
coming from different walks of life, having varied traditions
and spiritual beliefs. As a teacher, we have to appreciate, accept
and broaden our understanding about each other’s differences
to build a successful relationship with our students. We are also
tasked to create a safe and comfortable learning environment
where students can feel accepted, respected and heard. A
learning environment where they can express themselves,
respected for their opinions and for who and what they are.
Lesson 3: learning to Do as 21st century teacher
- In this lesson, it entails about the acquisition of a
competence that enable students to deal with a variety of
situations. This pillar talks about the represents the skillful,
creative and discerning application of knowledge. As 21st
century teachers, it is our role to hone the skills and
competencies that our students acquired so that our students
will apply it in their life or their chosen career. This pillar
impels us teachers to practice learning by doing in delivering
our lessons to our students. Learning by Doing is espoused by
John Dewey which entails the process of making meaning
based on direct experience.
Lesson 3: Learning to be as a 21st century teacher
- This is considered to be the central pillar on which the other
three pillars are anchored. Learning to be as proposed by Delors
involves the broad, encompassing view that aims to enable each
individual to discover unearth and enrich one’s potential. As
teachers of 21st century, it is our mission to prepare our learners
to develop and harness their potentials. We have to deviate
from the conventional view that a student should excel only in
their academic subjects such mathematics, science, literature,
but learning should go beyond excelling academically. Their
personal, emotional and social aspect should also be included
and be enhanced. In this way, we are developing our students to
become a “complete”21st century citizen. Also, the
development of this pillar is equated in the development of
quality education, where it aims to develop a complete set of
capabilities of students needed as members of the society. It
entail the development of all the dimensions of a complete
person, - the mid, body, intellect and spiritual values. Overall,
the four pillar of learning provided a holistic framework to
enhance our Teaching-Learning process and to help our
students reach their fullest potentials.

Module 2 of Guro 21 is Facilitating 21st century learning

centers on the roles and activities of a 21st century teacher. In
this 21st century, the approach to education is no longer focused
on “learning about” where students build stocks of knowledge
and acquire cognitive skills for use throughout their lives. It is
focus on the developing on developing the students holistically
or all dimensions of a complete individual. The roles of teacher
are relevant in helping students acquire those knowledge, skills,
attitude and values needed in this 21st century. This module
emphasizes that teachers should guide their students to confront
the many challenges they face as they navigate their 21 st
century world. Our role as mentors and facilitators are
indispensable to keep our students afloat as they cope with
global, technological, social and economic changes that are
experienced by every school. This module contains three
subtopics which are:
Lesson 1: The 21st century teacher as a subject matter
-Subject matter knowledge is widely acknowledged as a central
component of what teachers need to know. Helping students
learn subject matter involves more than the delivery of facts
and information. It goes beyond aside from nurturing their
intellectual potentials. As 21st century teacher of the 21st
century who is a subject matter expert, we have to be proficient
on what our students will learn and how will they learn it.
Woolfolk (1998) stated that teachers who have comprehensive
knowledge of their subject matters let their students actively
participate in the lessons. A 21st century teacher should be
competent and knowledgeable when conveying lessons to
his/her students. Being a subject matter expert, you can deliver
your lessons comprehensively or according to the level of
understanding of your students. A teacher who is a subject
matter expert has a mastery of core academic subjects and 21st
century skills.
Lesson 2:The 21st century teacher as a Facilitator of
-One of the characteristics of a 21st century teacher is that
he/she facilitates the learning process. A facilitative teacher is
the one who assists his/her students in grasping lessons and
activities and in achieving them without any intervention on
his/her behalf. Therefore, when we say the teacher has to play
the role of a facilitator in the classroom, this means that the
teacher should not be the king who controls the activities of the
learners. He /she should grant the learners some space to let the
spirits of creativity and innovation. In other words, the learners
must get involved into an active participation as manifested
through teamwork activities, Socratic method of discussions,
group work sharing of ideas, so that the process of learning
become comprehensive. A facilitative teacher creates a student-
centered classroom situation. Student- centered learning allows
students to learn independently on how to become active-
learners. It permits students to shape their own learning paths
and take the responsibility to actively participate in making
their educational journey a meaningful one
Lesson 3: The 21st century teacher as a Classroom Manager
-Teachers control the learning and teaching process by way of
planning and carrying out the lessons, evaluating students,
maintaining the order in the classroom and ensuring that their
students participate in activities which could be beneficial for
them to reach the goals of the lesson (Ün AçÕkgöz, 2004). This
is a crucial element in creating a classroom environment that is
conducive for learning. A 21st century teacher should need to
have a classroom management plan being the classroom
manager because this will serve as you basis on how are you
going to manage the classroom effectively. This lesson made
me critique my previous classroom management plan and
integrate new plans that are helpful for my students. When a
teacher effectively manages his/her classroom, there is a
smooth atmosphere in the classroom and students are actively
engaged in learning. While, if a teacher manages poorly his/her
classroom, students will be confused and learning is
compromised. When that happens, students are likely to
become confused, bored, uninterested, restless, and perhaps
even disruptive. A well-managed classroom is a prerequisite to
learning. By management, we mean the complex set of plans
and action that teacher uses to ensure that the learning in the
classroom is effective and efficient.

What challenges or difficulties did There are challenges or difficulties I encountered while
you experience during the course? undergoing this online course. First is my capability. I doubted
my capability in joining this GURO 21. I felt that I have a little
knowledge to share regarding this course but then as we go on
with our lesson, I was able to prove to myself that I can.
Second is Time. Time is indeed an inevitable challenge while
having this course. During the first chat session, I was in the
hospital accompanying my mother for her chemotherapy
treatment. It was a multi-tasked activity for that day. Also,
while having the online session, I was printing my modules and
learning activity sheets simultaneously. Third is internet
connectivity. Our WIFI signal is not really stable. my Internet
Connection was slow so I have to use my cellular phone to
catch up with the discussions online. My cellular phone saved
me but still, it was taxing. I still prefer my laptop’s keyboard
rather than the phone. These are my challenges while having
my GURO 21 journey. And I thank God, for I was able to
finish it. It was challenging but it was also fulfilling.
What areas related to 21st Century The GURO 21 online course served as my assessment tool on
teaching and learning do you still how effective I am as a 21st century educator. There are areas
need to improve on and why? that I want to develop more to help my students also acquire the
knowledge, skills, attitudes and values that they need to cope
with the changes and challenges of the 21st century. I want to
enhance more my ICT skills. Technology now a days are
salient tool in delivering instruction to our students. It makes
the lesson delivery easier, engaging and interesting. I want to
update myself with the current trends, applications and tools
necessary for teaching. Since I am a nurse by profession and
just took up my earning units in education, I want also to
enhance my pedagogical content knowledge to give me a strong
foundation about the theories, philosophies and policies in the
teaching profession. Also, since we should act as facilitators of
knowledge, I want to strengthen my roles as teacher facilitator.
The importance of developing the higher order thinking skills
of our students is also necessary to enhance their critical
thinking skills; therefore, I want also to improve my art of
questioning. My role being a classroom manager is also since
it is a critical factor to ensure that we are creating a conducive
learning environment and to eliminate disruptive behaviors, I
also want to deepen my understanding on my roles and
responsibilities as classroom manager.

What can you say about your My journey in GURO 21 Class 3 was indeed fruitful. I am so
overall experience (i.e. comment thankful I was really given the opportunity to be part of the
on chat, forum, course group. Honestly speaking, I initiated the step to tell to my
requirements, FLT competency, school head that I would like to join this online course. I know
and the online modality)? she’s worried on where to get the payment of it, though it was
already stated in the memorandum that it can be in the MOOE,
so to pacify her worries and because I really like to join this
online course, I handled the fee personally and I feel proud and
blessed that I was able to finish this online course.
I am thankful to all the teachers I encountered in this course
because they provided and share insights and ideas that are
helpful to become an empowered and effective 21st century
teacher. I am thankful to Sir Noel for facilitating this course
proficiently. Your brilliant ideas Sir Noel tickled our minds and
made us really think deeply. You ignited our brain cells to work
in every online session and forum sharing. I also thank Sir Jess
for being always there to assist our rages when we’re out of the
chat room accidentally while having the lesson. Thank you sir
for providing immediate intervention regarding technical
problems we encounter. The online modality of sharing ideas or
insights should be enhance or modified. Video application tool
must be included in the chat room so that we will be able to see
each other personally too. Nevertheless, I enjoyed and I learn
fruitfully in this online course. I hope to have more
participation with SEAMEO course offerings again. Our
productive interaction, my dear co-flexi learners and Sir Noel
are wonderful. Kudos to each and everyone!
What are your other comments / I would like to suggest that in the chat room, all previous chat
suggestions for improving the sessions should be seen so that we can be able to read back our
content coverage and future previous discussions and for teachers who were not able to join
course deliveries? that particular online chat schedule. When using video in the
forum section, the video time should be enlarged in terms of its
mb capacity so that if our Flexi tutor require us to submit a
discussion that needs video interaction, we can fully express
our ideas.

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