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Course & section: BEED-1B


Instructions: Among the points included in Filipino Grievances against Governor Wood, which
do you think was the most pressing and critical? Explain its impact to the relationship of the
United States and the Philippines.
The attempt to generate tension between administrators and the Governor General, which
was further aggravated by the Cabinet Crisis of 1923, stemming from the Ray Conley case, a
secret service detective accused of accepting bribes and having mistresses, is the most pressing
and critical point included in Filipino Grievances Against Governor Wood, in my opinion. The
case was taken up, and Secretary of the Interior Jose P. Laurel made the final decision of
suspension. Governor Wood, on the other hand, rejected this, prompting Filipino leaders to
condemn his conduct in relation to his defiance of the Philippine Autonomy Act, also known as
the Jones Law, which gave Filipinos legislative autonomy. The significance on the US-
Philippine relationship is that it highlights the peculiarities of the US-Philippine relationship
during the colonial period. It emphasizes the role of individuals in developing and implementing
policies that governed the United States and the Philippines. As part of the American concept of
beneficent assimilation, the program permitted Filipinos to be actively involved in administering
the government.

I. Give what is being asked in the following items.

PRESIDENT FERDINAND MARCOS 1. It refers to the person who is quoted as the
president- turned-dictator, traitor to his oath, and the one who shut down the Congress.
INSTITUIONS OF DEMOCARCY 2. It refers to the institution where there is protection of
the Bill of Rights, independence of the judiciary, Congress, and the press.
THE CONGRESS OF UNITED STATES 3. It refers to the home of democracy mentioned in
Cory Aquino's speech.
ARCHIBALD MACTEISH 4. It refers to the American poet mentioned in the speech who
described that democracy must be defended from arms and attacks by lies.
1984 5. It refers to the date mentioned in the speech when an election was called for by the
country's head of State and government.
MR. SALVADOR LAUREL 6. It refers to the complete name of the elected vice President of
the Philippines during Corazon Aquino's administration. _
LIMITED REVOLUTION 7. It refers to how absolute power was swept away and democracy
rebuilt by full constitutional restoration.
MARCOS REGIME8. It refers to the specific and important idea that according to Corazon
Aquino the Filipino people must be free from.
COMMUNIST INSURGENCY 9. It refers to the challenge faced by the Filipino people which
according to Corazon Aquino it is the factor that feeds on economic deterioration.
HALF $2 billion out of $4 billion 10. It refers to the figure on the export earnings of the country
which according to Corazon Aquino went only to pay the interest on the debt which the Filipinos
never benefitted.

Give a concise explanation/discussion on the following items.

1. What can you say about this line in the speech of Corazon Aquino: "... and so began the
revolution that has brought me to democracy's most famous home, the Congress of the
United States"? Which concept in this line is important to you? Why?
 This line in Corazon's speech indicates that she believes that USA is democratic
and can help them from Philippines's dictatorial regime. In this line, she is
recalling the events that they went through in trying to liberate Philippines and
achieving peace through peaceful ways.
2. What did Corazon Aquino mention in her speech pertaining to the aspiration of the
Filipino people? What are the specific lines for this? What do you feel about these lines?
 Corazon Aquino suggested the approval of a Constitution that will give full
recognition and protection to a citizen's basic rights and freedoms in relation to
the Filipino people's aspirations. For example, rights against abuses of a person's
integrity; rights against interference with the people's sovereign prerogatives to
impose the democratic government they desire and to have their views heard.
These rights against abusive authority, in my opinion, are provisions that bind the
state to the achievement of the nation's worthy aspirations: growth, peace,
security, and equity.
Identify what is being described in each of the following sentences,
SAMAR 1, It is the island which has three hundred leagues from the islands of Ladroni
according to Pigafetta.
PALMITO 2. It is the term for a palm wine.
HUMUNU 3. It is the place where the visitors of Pigafetta on the 18 of March lived.
HOMUNHON 4. It is the current name for Hurmunu Island.
ACQUADA DA LI BUONI SEGNIALLI 5. It is the Italian term for "the Watering-place of
Good Signs".
CENALO, HIUNANGHAN, IBUSSON, ABARIEN 6. It refers to the four islands that were
passed across by the group of Pigafetta as they had their course towards the west- southwest
BOLOTO [BAROTO] 7. It is the term used by Pigafetta which refers to small boats.
RAIA COLAMBU AND RAIASIAUI 8. It refers to the kings of Butuan and Calagan islands.
MAZAUA 9. It is the term used by Pigafetta which refers to the island of Cebu.
CATIGHAN10. It is the island passed through by the group of Pigafetta where bats as large as
eagles as they laid their course toward the northwest direction going to Cebu

Give a concise explanation/discussion on the following items.

1. How do you understand the text? What is it all about?
 The first catholic mass in the Philippines was held on March 31,1521,Easter
Sunday. It was said by Father Pedro de Valderrama along the shores of what was
referred to in the journals of Antonio Pigafeta as “Mazaua”.
2. What is your stand about the site of the First Mass?
 LIMASAWA Island in Southern City, not Butuan City in Agusan del Norte, is the
site of the "First Easter Sunday Mass" held in   1521 following the discovery of
the Philippines by Ferdinand Magellan, according to the National Historical
Commission of the Philippines (NHCP)
3. Cite evidences which would suggest that the First Mass happened in Masau (Butuan) and
Limasawa (Southern Leyte).
 The first documented Catholic Mass in the Philippines was held on March 31,
1521, Easter Sunday. ... Today, this site is widely believed by many historians and
the government to be Limasawa at the tip of Southern Leyte, though this was
contested by some who assert that the first mass was instead held at Masao,
4. How credible is this account in explaining the site of the First mass?
 The most complete and reliable account of the Magellan expedition into Philippine shores
in 1521 is that of Antonio Pigafetta which is deemed as the only  credible primary source
of reports on the celebration of the first Christian Mass on Philippine soil.
5. How do the evidences presented in the text help you understand the controversy on the
First Catholic Mass in the Philippines?
 It helped me to understand the controversy on the First Catholic Mass in the
Philippines by the presented evidence from Antonio Pigafeta. As it was said,
Butuan is a barangay not an island. The first Catholic mass was held near the
Identify what is being described in the following sentences.
APRIL 4,1871 1. It is the date when Rafael de Esquierdo, assumed control of the government as
Governor General.
GOVERNOR GENERAL 2. It refers to the military governor of Cavite during the time of
FR. JOSE BURGOS 3. It refers to the last priest executed through strangulation.
FR. MARIANO GOMEZ4. It refers to the only pure-blooded tagalog priest among the
THE UPRISING /REVOLUTION 5. It refers to the terms used by Izquierdo in describing the
Cavite Mutiny.
B. Write True if the statement is correct, otherwise, write False
TRUE1. In Vidal's version of Cavite Mutiny, the garrison of Manila is composed mostly of
native soldiers.
FALSE2. In Pardo de Tavera's version of Cavite Mutiny, the first official act of Izquierdo for a
complete change in the aspect of affairs is to arrest people classed as person as sospechosas.
FALSE3. Sergeant La Madrid has been strangulated as a punishment for taking part of the
TRUE4. In Pardo de Tavera's version of Cavite Mutiny, many of the best-known Filipinos were
denounced to the military authorities.
FALSE5. Father Burgos of Gomburza is a pure-blooded Tagalog.

Give a concise explanation/discussion on the following items.

1. How do you understand the word "Mutiny"?
 An open rebellion against the proper authorities, especially by soldiers or sailors
against their officers.
2. How does Governor Gen. Izquierdo describe Cavite Mutiny compared from the version
of Dr. Trinidad H. Pardo de Tavera?
 Governor-General Izquierdo argued that the revolt was encouraged and prepared by
the indigenous clergy, mestizos, and lawyers as a signal of protest against the
government's oppression, such as not having to pay the provinces for tobacco crops,
paying tribute and forced labor. If Indios planned to create a monarchy or a
republic, it is not clearly defined because they do not have a word to describe this
distinct form of government in their own language, whose leader will be named
'hari' in Filipino. It turned out, however, that they would set a priest at the highest
of the nation, that the preferred leader would be Jose Burgos or Jacinto Zamora
Which is the plan of the revolutionaries who led them, and the means by which they
were able to realize it.
3. What does the account of Jose Montero y Vidal tell us? To which version does this
account related to? Explain.
 Jose Montero y Vidal is a Spanish Historian, who interpreted that the Mutiny
was an attempt to remove and overthrow the Spanish Colonizers in the
Philippines. His account, corroborated with the account of Governor - General
Rafael Izquidero y Gutierrez, the governor-general of the Philippine Islands
during the Mutiny.
4. Among the three versions of Cavite Mutiny, which one is most credible? Why?
was written by Jose Montero y Vidal, The Cavite mutiny of 1872 was an uprising
of Filipino military personnel of Fort San Felipe, the Spanish arsenal in Cavite,
[1]:107 Philippine Islands (then also known as part of the Spanish East Indies) on
January 20, 1872. Around 200 locally recruited colonial troops and laborers rose
up in the belief that it would elevate to a national uprising. The mutiny was
unsuccessful, and government soldiers executed many of the participants and
began to crack down on a burgeoning Philippines nationalist movement. Many
scholars believe that the Cavite Mutiny of 1872 was the beginning of Filipino
nationalism that would eventually lead to the Philippine Revolution of 1896.
5. Compare the three versions according to their definition of mutiny, its causes and effects.

 Cavite Mutiny, (January 20, 1872), brief uprising of 200 Filipino troops and
workers at the Cavite arsenal, which became the excuse for Spanish repression of
the embryonic Philippine nationalist movement. Ironically, the harsh reaction of
the Spanish authorities served ultimately to promote the nationalist cause. Cavite
Mutiny. January 20, 1872 in the Philippines
 The mutiny was quickly crushed, but the Spanish regime under the reactionary
governor Rafael de magnified the incident and used it as an excuse to clamp down
on those Filipinos who had been calling for governmental reform. A number of
Filipino intellectuals were seized and accused of complicity with the mutineers.
After a brief trial, three priests—José Burgos, Jacinto Zamora, and Mariano
Gómez—were publicly executed. The three subsequently became martyrs to the
cause of Philippine independence.
I.A Identify what is being described in the following sentences.
AUGUST 23, 1896 1. It refers to the conflicting dates of the Cry of Pugad Lawin in the
controversial version of Pio Valenzuela.
SAMPALUKAN, BARRIO OF BAHAY TORO2. It refers to the place where the Katipuneros
meet in Alvarez's version of the "Cry.
BALINTAWAK 3. It refers to the place of the "Cry" in General Guillermo Masangkay's
BULACAN, CABANATUAN, CAVITE AND MORONG 4. It refers to the old name of Rizal
province where delegates of the controversial "Cry" come from.
EMILIO JACINTO5. It refers to the person who acts as a secretary in a big meeting held in
Masangkay's version of the "Cry".
B. Write True if the statement is correct, otherwise, write False.
TRUE1. Teodora Plata is Bonifacio'sbrother-in-law.
TRUE 2. In Santiago Alvarez's version, the "Cry" happened in August 24,1896.
FALSE 3. In Gregoria de Jesus' Version, the "Cry" happened in the barrio of Bahay Toro.
TRUE 4. Before, people who had no cedulas were severely punished.
TRUE5. It has been said that Bonifacio's hobby is weaving bamboo hats.
I. Give a concise explanation/discussion on the following items.
1. What does the issue on the First Cry depict about the Filipinos?
 The Cry of Balintawak (Filipino: Sigaw ng Balíntawak, Spanish: Grito de
Balíntawak), was the beginning of the Philippine Revolution against the Spanish
Empire. ... The cry could also refer to the tearing up of community tax certificates
(cédulas personales) in defiance of their allegiance to Spain.
2. How does the account of Santiago Alvarez differ from all other versions?
 Santiago Alvarez was a revolutionary general and a founder and honorary
president of the first directorate of the Nacionalista Party. Also known as "Kidlat
ng Apoy" (Lightning of Fire) because of his inflamed bravery and dedication as
commander of Cavite's famous battles (particularly that in Dalahican), he was
rejoiced in the present-day Cavite City as the “Hero” of the Battle of Dalahican.
3. Which account do you believe ? Why?
 THE "CRY OF BALINTAWAK" (August 26, 1896)
This version is written by the Katipunan General Guillermo Masangkay.
He is an eyewitness of the historic event and a childhood friend of Bonifacio.
According to him, the first rally of the Philippine Revolution happened on August
26, 189E at Balintawak. Correspondingly, the date and site presented were
accepted by the preliminary years of American government.
Below is General Guillermo Masangkay's version of The "Cry of Balintawak"
Source: Zaide, Gregorio and Sonia Zaide. (1990). Documentary Sources of Philippine
History. Vol. 5. Manila: National Book Store. "On August 26th (1896-Z.), a big
meeting was held in Balintawak, at the house of Apolonio Samson, then the cabeza of
that barrio of Caloocan. Among those who attended, I remember, were Bonifacio,
Emilio Jacinto, Aguedodel Rosario, Tomas Remigio, BriccioPantas, Teodoro Plata,
Pio Valenzuela, Enrique Pacheco, and Francisco Carreon. They were all leaders of
the Katipunan and composed the board of directors of the organization. Delegates
from Bulacan, Cabanatuan, Cavite and Morong (now Rizal,) were also present.

5. How reliable is the version of Guillermo Masangkay regarding this issue?

 How reliable is the version of Guillermo Masangkay regarding this issueThe Cry
of Balintawak (Filipino: Sigaw ng Balíntawak, Spanish: Grito de Balíntawak),
was the beginning of the Philippine Revolution against the Spanish Empire. ...
The cry could also refer to the tearing up of community tax certificates (cédulas
personales) in defiance of their allegiance to SpainThe Cry of Pugad Lawin
(Filipino language: Sigaw ng Pugad Lawin), alternately and originally referred to
as the Cry of Balintawak (Filipino language: Sigaw ng Balintawak, Spanish: Grito
de Balintawak ) was the beginning of the Philippine Revolution against Spanish

6. What makes Pio Valenzuela's Cry of Pugad Lawin a controversy?

 These events vitalized the unity of the Filipino People and brought "thirst" for
independence. The Cry of the Rebellion in Pugad Lawin, marked the start of the
Philippine Revolution in 1896 which eventually led to Independence of the
country in 1898.
I. Analysis: What do you think is the problem or issue with land ownership in the Philippines?
Is it plausible to have a genuine and successful agrarian reform program in the Philippines? What
do you think should be done? Explain your answer
Despite decades of agrarian reform study, there appears to be no consensus on the role of
agricultural reform in accomplishing the overall development aim of growth with equity and
participation. Politicians, local leaders, administrators, and social scientists need objective and
reliable studies and accurate information about the potential and actual impacts, as well as the
benefits and drawbacks, of programs as drastic and contentious as agrarian reforms in order to
formulate an appropriate policy for the benefit of the rural population in developing countries.
The author of this article emphasizes the need of effect assessment in providing decision-makers
with arguments in favor of agrarian reform. However, it appears that these arguments will not be
convincing. Experts can build expensive demonstration projects, but they will not be able to
achieve any universal and genuine change in the condition of cultivators if there is no true drive
for reform. Pressure groups, such as members of advocacy non-governmental organizations
(NGOs) and political organizations, as well as supportive reform officials, are the only way to do
this. These two categories, according to the author, are in desperate need of arguments and data
demonstrating that agrarian reform will, at the very least in the long run, reduce rural poverty and
benefit rural communities, as well as the country as a whole.

I. Instructions: Consider yourself as a landowner of a ten-hectare agricultural land. Would it be

fair for you if parts of your land were to be distributed to farmers in the implementation of the
agrarian reform law? Using 300 to 500 words, justify your stand about this hypothetical scena
In the Philippines, the land administration infrastructure, particularly the land information
system, is substandard and insufficient. Many municipal administrations are unable to provide
information concerning landownership, location, boundaries, actual land uses, and land values in
a systematic manner. And here are some provisions: when resources are wasted, people,
particularly the impoverished, suffer. That is why it is critical to comprehend the various types of
corruption in order to design effective remedies. Corruption is simply a symptom indicating that
something is amiss somewhere, and corruption is one of the consequences of this. The issue, in
my opinion, is the proper application of laws and regulations, as well as the consequences for
those who do not follow them. If people first focus on following the rules and regulations that
govern the entity (family, business, government, Council, country), and then systematically
apply sanctions against those (whoever they are, regardless of their rank, grade, or cast) who
break those rules, corruption will be eradicated without the need for any other additional
measures. We must shift the paradigm.
Instructions: Under the new dispensation or government of President Duterte, there is a
proposal to adopt a federal government. There are also calls to change or amend the Constitution.
Aside from the form of government, what other provisions should be changed or added to have a
government that is more responsive, more trustworthy, and less susceptible to corruption? Write
your thoughts using 300 to 500 words.
President Rodrigo Duterte is determined to carry out his campaign promise to amend the
constitution and turn the Philippines into a federal state. The shift to a federal form of
administration would diffuse government powers centralized in the Philippine capital of Manila,
giving local governments more autonomy. The nation's legislature has earlier passed a resolution
to convene the two chambers into a Constituent Assembly that would lay out the constitutional
reform needed to transition to a federal form of government. Proponents of federalism say that
the current system of governance concentrates wealth and power in Manila, creating an
imbalance that has excluded remote provinces from development and prosperity. Constitutional
reform is very much needed. The existing constitution provides a political system that favors
only those in power. That is why you have the same political dynasties, particularly in areas with
small constituent sizes and are therefore easy to dominate. It would be inaccurate to say that
Congress is expediting this matter. Empowerment of the local governments, which is really what
a shift to a federal system is all about, has been an issue constantly faced and debated upon by
our country
Instructions: Every time people get fed up with the existing administration, the common
recourse is to stage a walk-protest at the EDSA Shrine to stir another people power revolution or
initiate an impeachment to remove the president. For a lot of Filipino people, the change in the
government is just secondary to the elimination of graft and corruption. Can a new form of
government fill in the loopholes of the 1987 constitution or will it still be the same? Write your
thoughts in 300 to 500words
The Second EDSA Revolution, also known as People Power Revolution II, EDSA 2001, and
EDSA II (pronounced as EDSA Two or EDSA Dos), was a political protest from January 17–20,
2001 that peacefully overthrew the government of Joseph Estrada, the thirteenth president of the
Philippines. Estrada resigned and was succeeded by his Vice President, Gloria Macapagal
Arroyo, who was sworn into office by then-Chief Justice Hilario Davide Jr. at around noon on
January 20, 2001, several hours before Estrada fled Malacañang Palace. EDSA is an acronym
derived from Epifanio de los Santos Avenue, the major thoroughfare connecting five cities in
Metro Manila, namely Pasay, Makati, Mandaluyong, Quezon City, and Caloocan, with the
revolution's epicenter at the EDSA Shrine church at the northern tip of Ortigas Center, a business
district. The national territory comprises the Philippine archipelago, with all the islands and
waters embraced therein, and all other territories belonging to the Philippines by historic right or
legal title, including the territorial sea, the air space, the subsoil, the sea-bed, the insular shelves,
and the other submarine areas over which the Philippines has sovereignty or jurisdiction. The
waters around, between and connecting the islands of the archipelago, irrespective of their
breadth and dimensions, form part of the internal waters of the Philippines. Under Philippine
law, amending the 1987 constitution would require the support of both houses of Congress and
the approval of the people through a national plebiscite.
Write true if the statement is correct, otherwise, write false.
FALSE 1. The indigenous cultural communities in the Philippines are believed to make up about
thirty percent of the national population.
TRUE 2. Republic Act 6734, enacted during Corazon Aquino's time, used the term "lumad" to
differentiate these ethic communities from the Bangsamoro people.
FALSE 3. The Cotabato Manobo is a group that has traditionally lived in the northwest
highlands of Mindanao.
FALSE 4. The bagobos are divided into four main groups.
TRUE 5. Some upland bagobo villages are very small and consist of only few famílies living on
a hilltop.
FALSE6. The mandaya live in communal houses with as many as fifty families but now they
live in single-family houses.
FALSE 7. The bilaan people of Mindanao wrap their dead inside the jar.
TRUE 8. The bukidnon is a group that lives in the highlands of north-central Mindanao.
FALSE 9. The bukidnon have traditionally been hunters of wild boar, mountain deer and wild
TRUE10. Many of the group from Bukidnon have been assimilated and most are Catholics.
TRUE 11. The mandaya are an animist ethnic group that lives along the MayoRiver. _
TRUE 12. The t'boli peoplelive in the southern part of the province of Cotabato, inthe area
around Lake Sebu, west of the city General Santos.
TRUE 13. In the past the t'bolis practiced "slash and burn" agriculture.
FALSE 14. These days slash and burn agriculture is still possible.
TRUE 15. Thet'bolis distinguish themselves, like all other "tribal Filipinos," by their colorful
clothes and specific ornaments like rings, bracelets and earrings.

I. Give a concise explanation/discussion on the following items.

1. What makes the lumad of Mindanao unique from other indigenous tribes in the country?
 The Lumads of Mindanao makes up about ten percent of the national population.
Most of them didn’t possessed money or other private property land. They were
non- Christian and also non-muslim unlike other indigenous tribe in the
Philippines that are usually Muslims.
2. What are the important contributions of the lumads to the development of Mindanao?
 Lumads have not succumbed to the modern ways of living. Up to this day, they
prefer to live in the mountainsides of Mindanao, living the traditional life. Their
beliefs can be seen through the ornaments of every woman and the woven dresses
they wear. They believe in spirits and gods.
3. Why is there a need of preserving the culture, values and traditions of the lumads?
 Museums, libraries, archives and other cultural institutions play an invaluable role
in preserving and providing access to their collections, an endeavor that can raise
a number of intellectual property (IP) issues, especially in a digital environment.
Handling collections of elements of cultural heritage, or “traditional cultural
expressions” (TCEs) often brings about specific and even more complex IP issues

4. Do you think the Muslims deserve to be given the attention that they seek from the
Philippine government? Why?
 According to a Mindanao historian, Professor Rudy Rodil, what made it worst
was the collective memory on the part of the Bangsamoro people of the stigma
that indigenous peoples like the Moros and Lumads felt. They were called
“National cultural minorities” within the Republic of the Philippines. Needless to
say, the tri-people of Mindanao – the Muslims, Christian migrants and their
descendants, and the Lumads – used to enjoy peaceful coexistence between and
among them.
5. What are the issues of the Muslims in Mindanao? Cite at least 2 examples and explain
each scenario.
 The conflict between the GPH and the MILF is not the only conflict affecting the
ARMM. Rather, the conflict situation in Mindanao is multi-faceted, involving
numerous armed groups, as well as clans, criminal gangs and political elites.
While the GPH is actively trying to resolve these conflicts, the degree of violence
and unrest in the ARMM serves as a major obstacle to achieving sustainable
peace in the region. There is a relatively small body of recent literature on conflict
in Muslim Mindanao. This largely consists of grey literature, although a number
of academic journal articles have also been published on the subject. A recent
initiative led by International Alert and the World Bank, provides quantitative
data on all the main drivers of conflict in the ARMM, disaggregated by province.
This is called the Bangsamoro Conflict Monitoring System (BCMS).

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