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test causal effects of differentiated regions GENETICS

on reproductive isolation and coupling,

as are larger studies examining numer-
ous taxon pairs. Such experiments could
comprise experimental evolution studies
New genes from borrowed parts
in the lab or field transplants in the wild. Vertebrate genes acquire new capabilities by capturing
Moreover, natural history and molecular
studies, including those using ancient DNA,
parasitic genomic elements
are required to establish whether diver-
gence really occurred with gene flow. This is By Aaron Wacholder1,2 lian gene GTF2IRD2 (GTF2I repeat domain
critical because false inference of gene flow and Anne-Ruxandra Carvunis1,2 containing 2) (2), implicated in the rare ge-
could lead to erroneous evidence for cou- netic disorder Williams-Beuren syndrome,

pling, because numerous genetic regions di- he vast phenotypic diversity of life was previously discovered to be a carboxyl-
verge between isolated populations through is in part a consequence of a con- terminal fusion of an ancestral transcrip-
other processes (5). Moreover, genome as- tinual process of genetic innovation. tion factor with a transposon domain. By
sembly errors, particularly in regions of low New genes, with distinct structures using large-scale genomic comparison,
recombination, could lead to a single genetic and capabilities, emerge regularly Cosby et al. were able to reconstruct the
region being falsely inferred as multiple re- throughout evolutionary history. general process by which DNA transposon

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gions of differentiation. Nonetheless, initial Making use of genomics technologies, re- domains are captured by host genes. Some
evidence points to coupling as a consider- searchers are beginning to form an under- DNA transposon families have been highly
ation for understanding speciation. In turn, standing of the details of the processes by successful at replicating within tetrapod
this suggests that sets of genes might exhibit which new genes arise. On page 797 of this genomes, inserting themselves in proxim-
emergent properties not seen by individual issue, Cosby et al. (1) provide clarity for one ity with numerous host genes. Capture oc-
genes, implying the potential for sudden such process. Transposons are parasitic ge- curs through exon shuffling: An exon from
tipping points in the ability for selection to nomic elements that replicate by inserting the transposon is spliced into the tran-
overcome gene flow (4). copies of themselves in the host genome. script of a nearby host gene, usually mak-
By combining theory and data, evolu- Cosby et al. report how vertebrate genes ing use of the native splice sites within the
tionary biologists are now poised to better have captured DNA transposon domains, transposon. The fusion product emerges
understand how new species are created. generating new genes that encode new fu- initially as an alternative splice isoform to
A large part of this understanding will in- sion proteins with distinct domain archi- the main prefusion product and then be-
volve discovering how the effects of genes tectures. Fusion of transposon domains comes the dominant isoform through DNA
and phenotypes become coupled to cause a with host genes appears to be frequent, sequence changes over evolutionary time.
transition from polymorphism or geographic with 94 fusion events identified over tet- DNA transposons appear especially well-
variation within species to genome-wide dif- rapod evolution. Transposon domain cap- suited for generating transcription factors
ferences between distinct species. A major ture may be a common source of new genes through exon-shuffling. DNA transposons
outstanding question is the extent to which and molecular innovation across the tree encode transposases that must recognize
the microevolutionary process of coupling of life. and bind to the transposon itself to rep-
can explain broader macroevolutionary pat- Cosby et al. expand on and general- licate it. Cosby et al. found that most do-
terns of biodiversity, as observed in radia- ize previous work that has characterized mains captured from DNA transposons
tions such as those in cichlid fish (9, 14). j a small sample of host-transposon fusion perform this self-recognition role. Thus,
proteins (2–4). For example, the mamma- the captured DNA-binding domains in
1. D. Schluter, Science 323, 737 (2009).
2. S. Gavrilets, Fitness Landscapes and the Origin of
Species (Princeton Univ. Press, 2004).
3. S. Yeaman, M. C. Whitlock, Evolution 65, 1897 (2011).
Origins of new protein-coding genes
4. S. M. Flaxman, A. C. Wacholder, J. L. Feder, P. Nosil, Mol. A gene can acquire new molecular capacities by capturing a domain from a transposon or from a different
Ecol. 23, 4074 (2014). host gene. Fusion among host genes can similarly assemble preexisting domains into distinct combinations.
5. T. E. Cruickshank, M. W. Hahn, Mol. Ecol. 23, 3133 (2014). Alternatively, a gene can evolve new molecular capacities through a series of major sequence changes. This
6. M. K. N. Lawniczak et al., Science 330, 512 (2010).
can be facilitated by gene duplication, which creates a copy that can diversify. In de novo gene birth, a fully new
7. A. P. Michel et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 107, 9724
(2010). gene evolves from a previously noncoding sequence.

8. R. Riesch et al., Nat. Ecol. Evol. 1, 82 (2017).

9. A. F. Kautt et al., Nature 588, 106 (2020).
10. F. C. Jones et al., Nature 484, 55 (2012). Transposon domain capture Exon shufing
11. M. Todesco et al., Nature 584, 602 (2020). Intron Intron
12. N. B. Edelman et al., Science 366, 594 (2019).
13. N. H. Barton, Evolution 37, 454 (1983).
14. M. D. McGee et al., Nature 586, 75 (2020). Host exon Transposon exon Gene 1 exon Gene 2 exon
15. S. Lamichhaney et al., Science 359, 224 (2018).

The work was funded by a grant from the European Research
Council (EE-Dynamics 770826,
to P.N., from NSF (DEB-1638997) and the U.S. Department of Gene fusion Extreme divergence Duplication and divergence De novo birth
Agriculture–National Institute of Food and Agriculture pro-
gram (2015-67013-23289) to J.L.F., and from the NSF (DEB Duplication
1844941) to Z.G. We thank D. Schluter for ongoing discussions
concerning evolutionary genetics.


SCIENCE 19 FEBRUARY 2021 • VOL 37 1 ISSUE 6531 779

Published by AAAS

the fusion protein will initially bind to on the generation of new genes has been PHYSICS
copies of the transposon itself. Because on gene duplication followed by the diver-
these copies are common throughout the
genome after a period of successful trans-
poson replication, the transposon family
sification of these duplicates into distinct
genes (7). However, many gene duplicates
remain structurally similar to their parents.
A masing ladder
provides both DNA binding capacity to Cosby et al. demonstrate that transposon A maser that amplifies
the new fusion protein and an initial set domain capture is a common mechanism
of binding sites throughout the genome. by which entirely new capacities can be
emission of periodically
A skeleton of a regulatory subsystem is obtained in genes that were absent in the modulated quantum states
thus formed immediately, which can be host parent, such as DNA-binding capacity.
further refined though coevolution of the This is not specific to host-transposon in-
has uses in metrology
fusion gene and the corresponding DNA- teraction. Gene fusion and exon shuffling
binding sites of the encoded fusion pro- among host genes can similarly create new By Ren-Bao Liu1,2
tein. In support of this model, Cosby et combinations of already-existing capacities

al. show that four recently evolved fusion (8). In contrast to this class of new gene- asers, the precedent and radio-fre-
proteins with captured transposon DNA- formation mechanisms, in which the inno- quency (rf ) counterpart of lasers,
binding domains repress transcription of vation consists of rearranging functional have many applications in metrol-
genes downstream of the transposon bind- domains in new contexts, the phenomenon ogy, communication, and spectros-

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ing site. For example, the bat transcription of de novo gene birth from a nongenic se- copy. Jiang et al. (1) demonstrate
factor KRABINER, a fusion with the DNA quence generates completely new domains a new type of maser in which rf
transposon mariner, binds both mariner and genes. Although once thought rare, radiation is amplified by stimulated emis-
and other sites throughout the genome, well-characterized cases of de novo gene sion from transitions between periodically
regulating hundreds of genes. birth have now been reported in numer- modulated quantum states, called Floquet
The study of Cosby et al. highlights the ous taxa (9). New genes and domains can states (2), unlike a conventional maser,
key role of transposons as also arise through extreme which uses transitions between station-
drivers of genetic innova-
tion. In addition to genes
“...transposon domain divergence, in which a se-
quence evolves beyond rec-
ary quantum states. The Floquet maser
presents a phase-locked frequency comb
that originate as host- capture is a common ognition through a series equally spaced by the modulation fre-
transposon fusions, full of molecular changes (10). quency. With a modulating signal at a low
transposon genes can also mechanism by A major open question is frequency (1 to 100 mHz) converted to ma-
be captured by the host.
For example, the transpo-
which entirely new the relative contributions
of these mechanisms (du-
ser emission at high transition frequencies
(~10 Hz) of ultranarrow spectral linewidth
son-derived genes recom-
bination activating gene
capacities can be plication and divergence,
gene rearrangement, de
(<0.3 mHz), the authors overcome the low-
frequency noise problem in metrology and
1 (RAG1) and RAG2 are obtained in genes...” novo birth, and extreme show that subpicotesla sensitivity of mag-
of central importance to divergence) to gene for- netometry is achievable. Conceivable ap-
adaptive immunity, generating antibody di- mation and functional innovation (see the plications of this work include precision
versity through recombination (5). Studies figure). Perhaps even more important will clocks and detection of ultralight dark-
have found that hundreds of human genes be to determine the distinct contexts in matter particles such as axions.
appear to be derived from transposons, as which these mechanisms contribute to in- The quantum emitters used are the
are an abundance of long noncoding RNAs novation and how the mechanism of origin nuclear spins associated with xenon-129
(lncRNAs) and regulatory sites (6). Why is affects the type of molecular, physiologi- (129Xe) nuclei, whose quantum states have
host capture of transposons so common? cal, and evolutionary impacts the newly long lifetimes (~14 s). A static magnetic
Although transposons themselves are “self- created genes can have. Therefore, it is of field splits the quantum states of the nu-
ish” elements that can reproduce at the ex- great interest that Cosby et al. find that clear spins into the upper and lower en-
pense of the host, their replicative success most domain capture events from trans- ergy levels (see the figure). The periodic
brings with it the spread of raw material posons involve acquisition of DNA-binding modulation of the magnetic field can be
for potential innovation throughout the domains and associated capabilities. j viewed as what would result from a mag-
genome. This raw material is not random net mounted onto an oscillator. The spins
but is already capable of activities involved in the upper or lower levels, which point
1. R. L. Cosby et al., Science 371, eabc6405 (2021).
in transposon replication. DNA-binding 2. H. J. Tipney et al., Eur. J. Hum. Genet. 12, 551 (2004). upward or downward, would be attracted
activity encoded by the transposon can be 3. R. Cordaux, S. Udit, M. A. Batzer, C. Feschotte, Proc. Natl. or repulsed by the magnet and in turn off-
directly incorporated in transcription fac- Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 103, 8101 (2006). set the oscillator in the opposite direction.
tors, and transposon-derived genes can 4. J. C. Newman, A. D. Bailey, H.-Y. Fan, T. Pavelitz, A. M. In quantum mechanics, the offset oscilla-
Weiner, PLOS Genet. 4, e1000031 (2008).
make use of translocation activity already 5. A. Agrawal, Q. M. Eastman, D. G. Schatz, Nature 394, 744
tor has a ladder of equally spaced energy
present in the transposon ancestor to gen- (1998). levels, corresponding to the upper and the
erate diversity-promoting genomic rear- 6. I. A. Warren et al., Chrom. Res 23, 505 (2015). lower ladders of Floquet states.
rangements in somatic cells. 7. J. S. Taylor, J. Raes, Annu. Rev. Genet. 38, 615 (2004). Jiang et al. optically pump the 129Xe spins
8. L. Patthy, Gene 238, 103 (1999).
Historically, the focus of much research to achieve population inversion (the up-
9. S. B. Van Oss, A.-R. Carvunis, PLOS Genet. 15, e1008160
Department of Computational and Systems Biology, 10. N. Vakirlis, A.-R. Carvunis, A. McLysaght, eLife 9, e53500 1
Department of Physics, The Chinese University of Hong
School of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, (2020). Kong, Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong, China. 2Hong Kong
PA, USA. 2Pittsburgh Center for Evolutionary Biology and Institute of Quantum Information Science and Technology,
Medicine, School of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, New Territories,
Pittsburgh, PA, USA. Email: 10.1126/science.abf8493 Hong Kong, China. Email:

780 19 FEBRUARY 2021 • VOL 37 1 ISSUE 6531 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS
New genes from borrowed parts
Aaron WacholderAnne-Ruxandra Carvunis

Science, 371 (6531), • DOI: 10.1126/science.abf8493

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