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i. Why is it necessary to register a domain name?

Domain name registration is necessary for a website, an email or another web

service. The most important thing about a domain name registration is that it
gives you personality and recognized identity. Once you register a domain
name, the information about its owner is publicly available.
ii. What do you know about capped shipping?
The CAP requires the addition of a 1% fuel surcharge for program shipments for all
continental US customers due to the increase in shipping rates.
iii. What is the final stage before payment?

iv. Why user's basket got empty after a certain period of time?
Basket should have a function to clear old(er) items. A "select all" on the list of items in
the basket and "remove from basket" action would suffice for that.
v. What is the complication of gift purchases?
Arguably the biggest complication is that the client has permanently given up their
right to the property that is gifted. This can become a problem if the client needs that
money down the road for their own care, or if they need to apply for a benefit program
that prohibits this kind of transfer.
vi. What do you know about discount codes?
Discount codes are personalized or publicly-released codes offered to customers
as a purchasing incentive that reduces the price of an order. Discount codes can
be an effective means for ecommerce stores to attract shoppers and encourage repeat
vii. Name any two of the popular e-commerce applications available.
I, Amazon. Ii. EBay
viii. What is MVC?
The Model-View-Controller (MVC) is an architectural pattern that separates an
application into three main logical components: the model, the view, and the
controller. ... MVC is one of the most frequently used industry-standard web
development framework to create scalable and extensible projects.
ix. What is off-site payment method?
Off-site payment is enabled through a redirect from the Payment checkout page to the
payment service, with customers ideally being returned back to the Payment page upon
success or failure so they can be moved forward or backward in the checkout process
as the case may require.
x. What is the benefit of storing card details on your server2?
xi. What is SSL?
SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer, a security protocol that creates an encrypted
link between a web server and a web browser. Companies and organizations need
to add SSL certificates to their websites to secure online transactions and keep
customer information private and secure.
xii. What is PPC advertisement?
Pay-per-click is an internet advertising model used to drive traffic to websites, in which
an advertiser pays a publisher when the ad is clicked. Pay-per-click is commonly
associated with first-tier search engines.
xiii. Write HTML for 404 error page.

xiv. What is the use of E-mail recommendations?

xv. Write HTML for submission form to collect customer's reviews.

xvi. <!DOCTYPE html>    
xvii. <html>    
xviii. <head>    
xix. <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-
xx. <style>    
xxi. * {    
xxii.   box-sizing: border-box;    
xxiii. }    
xxv. input[type=text], select, textarea {    
xxvi.   width: 100%;    
xxvii.   padding: 12px;    
xxviii.   border: 1px solid rgb(70, 68, 68);    
xxix.   border-radius: 4px;    
xxx.   resize: vertical;    
xxxi. }    
xxxii. input[type=email], select, textarea {    
xxxiii.   width: 100%;    
xxxiv.   padding: 12px;    
xxxv.   border: 1px solid rgb(70, 68, 68);    
xxxvi.   border-radius: 4px;    
xxxvii.   resize: vertical;    
xxxviii. }    
xl. label {    
xli.   padding: 12px 12px 12px 0;    
xlii.   display: inline-block;    
xliii. }    
xlv. input[type=submit] {    
xlvi.   background-color: rgb(37, 116, 161);    
xlvii.   color: white;    
xlviii.   padding: 12px 20px;    
xlix.   border: none;    
l.   border-radius: 4px;    
li.   cursor: pointer;    
lii.   float: right;    
liii. }    
lv. input[type=submit]:hover {    
lvi.   background-color: #45a049;    
lvii. }    
lix. .container {    
lx.   border-radius: 5px;    
lxi.   background-color: #f2f2f2;    
lxii.   padding: 20px;    
lxiii. }    
lxv. .col-25 {    
lxvi.   float: left;    
lxvii.   width: 25%;    
lxviii.   margin-top: 6px;    
lxix. }    
lxxi. .col-75 {    
lxxii.   float: left;    
lxxiii.   width: 75%;    
lxxiv.   margin-top: 6px;    
lxxv. }    
lxxvii. /* Clear floats after the columns */    
lxxviii. .row:after {    
lxxix.   content: "";    
lxxx.   display: table;    
lxxxi.   clear: both;    
lxxxii. }    
lxxxiv. /* Responsive layout - when the screen is less than 600px wi
de, make the two columns stack on top of each other instead of ne
xt to each other */    
lxxxv. </style>    
lxxxvi. </head>    
lxxxvii. <body>    
lxxxviii. <h2>FEED BACK FORM</h2>    
lxxxix. <div class="container">    
xc.   <form>    
xci.     <div class="row">    
xcii.       <div class="col-25">    
xciii.         <label for="fname">First Name</label>    
xciv.       </div>    
xcv.       <div class="col-75">    
xcvi.         <input type="text" id="fname" name="firstname" placeholde
r="Your name..">    
xcvii.       </div>    
xcviii.     </div>    
xcix.     <div class="row">    
c.       <div class="col-25">    
ci.         <label for="lname">Last Name</label>    
cii.       </div>    
ciii.       <div class="col-75">    
civ.         <input type="text" id="lname" name="lastname" placeholder
="Your last name..">    
cv.       </div>    
cvi.     </div>    
cvii.     <div class="row">    
cviii.         <div class="col-25">    
cix.           <label for="email">Mail Id</label>    
cx.         </div>    
cxi.         <div class="col-75">    
cxii.           <input type="email" id="email" name="mailid" placeholde
r="Your mail id..">    
cxiii.         </div>    
cxiv.       </div>    
cxv.     <div class="row">    
cxvi.       <div class="col-25">    
cxvii.         <label for="country">Country</label>    
cxviii.       </div>    
cxix.       <div class="col-75">    
cxx.         <select id="country" name="country">    
cxxi.             <option value="none">Select Country</option>    
cxxii.           <option value="australia">Australia</option>    
cxxiii.           <option value="canada">Canada</option>    
cxxiv.           <option value="usa">USA</option>    
cxxv.           <option value="russia">Russia</option>    
cxxvi.           <option value="japan">Japan</option>    
cxxvii.           <option value="india">India</option>    
cxxviii.           <option value="china">China</option>    
cxxix.         </select>    
cxxx.       </div>    
cxxxi.     </div>    
cxxxii.     <div class="row">    
cxxxiii.       <div class="col-25">    
cxxxiv.         <label for="feed_back">Feed Back</label>    
cxxxv.       </div>    
cxxxvi.       <div class="col-75">    
cxxxvii.         <textarea id="subject" name="subject" placeholder="W
rite something.." style="height:200px"></textarea>    
cxxxviii.       </div>    
cxxxix.     </div>    
cxl.     <div class="row">    
cxli.       <input type="submit" value="Submit">    
cxlii.     </div>    
cxliii.   </form>    
cxliv. </div>    
cxlvi. </body>    
cxlvii. </html>    

xiv. What type of e-commerce website is eBay?

EBay is a very familiar name within the e-commerce industry. It is an online
shopping site that functions as both a business to consumer E-tailing enterprise
and a consumer to consumer E-tailing business.

Q.2. Write about different ways in which we can store filtered products results.
Q.3. Discuss how shipping costs are calculated based on product and weight?
Write PHP code to calculate the shipping costs based on weight ranges using an
array. Q.4. What are the main responsibilities of the user authentication class?
Write PHP code for a method checkForAuthentication, which checks if a user is
logged in and if he is an active user. Q.5. What are shopping baskets? What
consideration should be taken into account when implementing them. Write
PHP code for a method to add a product to the basket. Q.6. Discuss the different
processes involved in the checkout and order process.

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