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lec. # 08 " SE Q 29 /o9 2 Vous _civi lizabien: ee anciew readies > Ths civilizalm is atom dnclus river > Geog raphy of Indus River ye Paksken (Balachishe » Sins) # Neskin Indi ¥ Prbghanis hn > jh 4,621 years gled civilization “Tam_Planviog* > Parallel shreeb- > They used baked bricks & buileling puipases, —? They buile) public places - BaF lon 33h wide off cleep and — chmes ere shre wheat by WY being burl —> Tey use) ® advanced) fechnology- aa Gin the howes courhyoras were in the middie 7 square shew. —> Breast KA Sheps were made yp d melel with the shapes /Y @nive als apapys Pa which shoacel tha} whole enilizabion pes j a a (2 ancle( single empile- @) —> They yseel whoo! clothes. > Bangles, neckleles nosepins, stones arnasly bare > Musical inshumerd [ay > Cards > Ree Beligins was Whe Hal J Hinde > They worship —_ animals plank, Pash ed) 2 decane — erthey they bar pon ln wee jet facili alec) 3 wl ayso "worshiped. Pp ee jwaet, sun, T0or) > Tey tse bury G bun thery deed bade Barham, (7) Shudar, Tash bavi @ Wesh 6 ciwiizabion is named) silence Ik ahne hes vw mule because there is yeh not decided Theories > Eau tirinale > Flod Zelimale Anya desheyed otter sivil Se ee ee Trey ide’? sgnacel wor, Damphaly (husbancl- wie) Me Tas used fo play che. 7 2 Tey used tb make — Meese: arr Sege ues! ornamenh were alo wen by ren > Akiguicys — qerarenl weclching~‘vrchite creeks. ‘ pee A aiiens civtregun Sheeps were Kept by weols © Wade ancl tommerce not poarch Piel + Tol + howe! wheal > Aiguaithere For > capenkvs > Ancient Ayfons civitealn a Ihave > cretl mon - Sd 7 ect, reig > Varig To rte comple excler =? Peihi~ Gol f Both ? Ange Gre! J Fire ~P Ancient. — ayans sarki, Gyan » Mrye Gye sacrifen Ghea_} (Tey Plot tar cd = Agni. Fra Ibemecta by Ting dois “they pres! eit thy Teg 40tgs — Hahlen ge their bey | a e ses efor le | a) pecs > TS make Hey wash p. Geel hepy hey > Men Goda ~> Ded bodies dy 2 eufe = Bunn > Polibtel syskmo Scipng + Fy veh feats! Kingclom ‘al easly) king gssannel her > Maha Bhavabt le we Praghdin this Kivteabos Heise were — secrithed.~? vim b ange od > Korupanchala cwzaho cane ofl iy 4 Aryans Ban. #5 anden ~ anand sation 7 “Talshashila (Tanta) wente Lame. fo &@) there > Tir ongns > ave alse puncd in Gilgit al Chitral. > Gang4 eho holy y iver —vihvabs- > Hindy cwilizahin— yiev Ganga 4 *7P snd _> Brahma: Creabor J univeoe sun? Gol Jf prokehon ~7 cea —> Trinity * Triangle > sapien God in Covibiins G Jena) D Deshuchon quell " h Ade 4 Sut cocinchy Aon 4 bucky to another Raqvida -> Resale ete Aryans velaran Lec. # of ot foct/21 Bec) isin > Boodle, 1s the funder gy ve rely re jnebign tribe — Shakiys. eee ATA nee econ child less, ble werk fo God coed wevshipped, ancl expected. During Heo hovel pwien thy were fowords hv paphewrs POS le “ Te rer Ne mages TE . clejwered £7? on ? "Glen chi a4 him si hotie= Gafama a veligi% worl male v he eo a cal Feacher gel univers emperac unwe Hes were 28 whe neapriy © he wes pe sto fhe One gay he was Above lin °F @ Chavo} and sees He Serio he Sees og begger sole] gned pool men Atk Seeing Hern he became an haps, ancl one ng Jeff his polo wih bus necaisahen ihe eh asechsm. Nw —he—fe ft —op_—§ ease He abbene! Seren! pPhilasephes y Lb bd wes Shi) not shape. Self. rook heabin — 22 bin 5G (Te Brich ol yy baw cpa! Ts aban Ik devel Zo He faslecd fr 42 clogs Fhen he sab ted) and chukd hoch dre Chay, he wes giliry uncle, cet and 4 wore Brag hb fucl fa him. He shite IPs his clesives Nowy he the Nee becan, Lhudar (Te ery enlighten man). Now he shatteel preachy gfe cm heme ancl people got aWachel fon him anh he gk hah fame and clied Pu we J a0. 4 Councils wee — creakel by br Aipuee v Maghactar Moble has 4 folds © Bi ty sau : 1 Age , cliseases death) ss serrom Geparahon fen pleasent, conlact wit unpleasanty ih) Sare- @ A vising Por sorrow Shpping 7 sorrow WD Process fr sh serra Bhudda It dlenras bo th TF xTe Live in wordly emplelaly exhiem > > *% 7 bye here ofler + They deny te seewhe animals. ch wilh eres worth pire aks 2 Ty veploce. Bey oe 2500 weors ole, « Tres religion & Bhuddg denres- / arson teach pe, dealh 7 bhudds PEP* thigs "e used, Hey worship Here. wd. 46 cy tft bauthplace proper plc fy Keon bie frlowee >) The hee (pip) Wues holy place ib shebs Prine! In RarvePe woh a5 maps | ee Qrrans- always shugq io some, tal weve. ster Ad thn jh alawn All aa = wen obey velistos PPeisians aniers/oo over bere Impact, th cule oh oN pisenten Empire. (Deg) Fact) + tio td y > Cyrus q He unikd small berbes oncd made persian empite.« / | Tey Ca Balochy ley Chi hal, Chatsede, OR gnd —intiudeef Hem in Hem fer boms. 7 Dyms L, Pyrus, Dyrus3, so. Malple Bigs o " Alexande tk greak also com hew bg Ae Acq eg eign ne atm, gol sian) wh wen bacie on oidiy leo! Eclwcahin an) ahellecheal eevee Ett an deotshashly L Tai): es wete unth 4 ecbycaha Per ws regal Kid — anck g cers alah seientife eclycahn was gre ancl Shidlens aby 16 yern wen! Wore fw ghicliens Te Pome. Philosepre( — Earth Sheshla’ yhe ln leached her- | “ ‘alas = Tempe ih ® Méewra Mine arfort ardhitectyre shist . prt ardhitectre shisloy , preservation — Geog raph . $ os 1% ee —e oe bee. PL elye) 2c Mem knee. 2 w Lec #06 13 /ocd/2r es \ > Ally persia —inversin, — feporhh senph prod in Abghorsfen, conbral 95° > kr Pune q Brabmin comes * Janel unit % shicky Bom voged family. Vohen As ene eae fr be Je alse >) Chania atley efedh, she nol a erg. Jen her unk q studied ° (Place? > Bebelone — Alevoncty Tavs ——perer emp ~ 3 238C. be. gre fet (323 — 206 BC) =! Maurya Dyresh wast the bancke, SS Chander cape Mere f Mounys. > Chanatya -?” beeen 4 wand Epaicoln PrES Jon errs > Te solebees thr ole vacank the ple 1 Alevancter- aj ~~ a > Ashoka spiced He fea wd > Dharma —wheel, (6) er Cee —> Ku shanes —s A tribe Pe ching came here ( Mivechi A fer flac dy met Pal foe A Bahan bt — sad fers & —> OFus Rivel - oe fy Indus Peg i eupendant ter terri ony, i Kindo) 40) IC Cy Manes nism al veslerl Bernie) o— Pevailef 19 Persrs, eee very me wer Ahota ma za — (od 1 light) — Gd evinass Abi 9e02 gos zoresky worl) come ard de he eveything. Ten, word we move truards its per kechony ane! voi Wend, > Ark, Sciense, Likeabre own rh and emphass in. Heir empire (sows) > Guptas > kileet Jak Pramz— bindy senph > now — albarneef his Anal shige i Shivim %& Vishurs ns x Ovens = wre, Semene ies bony order! - Write own nob Lect 07 14/ oct/2) Hawg Mushin—~ — TWwarslasam moverresy, Stat hed in this er Ancient greeter Reman ew heahr Nvaskbe) PY ummmageh Mets o which mneluds, emma Dhlusil dypesy ame hele is 8 veny mp Wey cobrte/ te legaely q ummg ab Jb capihl bag pte wa way oh. ee > Aly wa = ore > Wea when mus ls were pees 7 jew qe was agolder pew voc) por? wy pibes in seiene Philosphy ‘ im pable. tb ues clan «rere Ju Fon piers, > Drwher: 2 4m py) stivkX Gy Changer ithan * 1258 — — Flalecoen Weve fe Kaw YEO pc! th olen dn wha beg came Pe Mem dn 7D. ; Mac soe —enbstecel—eatla H/o Bethe Matanmed B17 Pawn F 1S/am- physics venbrectind a3 froremg eh jee year —befre Arad dl NIE me wily mebany leash areas) Tey aseel 2 eam inchen ges Sore, Bom — syrm egypt > Fuse. Sxcindten Wes tact with Fava, thyrgh, Egypt ancl Soria Matpher is Indra, Wesber SD Wte enmviercia.f frie conhnes Inbar Oce4, 7 bang col pat Perm Oe >) “Tam Nai sg Plue in Indys Teg Clem ol ole He oleh) 1” Incl pe. setble mend ir ~ SUanica Bh g bie co 7 Bengal Bawgal cormen ref 2 Malabar Yoh. 2. ee gees thagh — Incla Pp bh Malysrs & Indlenesry Ablw ome lge « Dsmen A 957 Covey qf ea Islam , My Ig Vom ghia) ds Fig) Pe Perse, (ulev qt hela agen? Ms Jor. any > Tid kalph Paes Aisle Kacl Hazia Alt Raya ar wale a eee 31g 2 Muhammed bin asin. Haye birfosed= qemar lean — Raa dahy sheljerwt — Al- Lie pe ‘ Cala lero enlete! Srl 04 Lglochosta geen ed q hglecho ten Mamnapler ~ Muham be Gas, jn 149 ame Ml Fin he aso wael & arel ay ad kates eee adel 1% CORRS we ‘bvet cane Qasy "dle Ste {haya When de adh q yy thn onan @sttee!! im t& oF bac le Oasm seed wepatrs — Balas anal — cmquerecl Sindh —E lepers > Raya Pabr Madrinal bin Gash — Heise on OS He snbodut Sepritment here: gine thus hn sper — gabled Yigal trees, 38 rem mas ins —? Temp, were ebuild cluym ware Veh, ed bf) ad. Offers §— ere eave) Lee. 4 08 (Q/oct/2, ~~ Sindh, Gugtat and Nultan => Alibre Ste, Wozly Hey India hishdan they say cb hg socrd, cujhued, relgim Pipl when go Mubammack Bin Qasinn came > Gomyd CP Abbas (750) stm bin C1) art ae PB When ih 5 Waban. Bin Qasr, gel IBS FP 46 querer weve gppnbeL) 1m Smbs A Let CO et hteter, 7 Suess J N-Bm Oosin rikl here. —> Ast lengli — Mahany ¢ Kinde) Ibin- Maban€ Momuk Rashid! o-? Lo Sanjgp aiea (candor old nara) ~ Capito) ey) Gn “nov bum wp Thy eed uler | Maherty nash poliel Ini, lest thy teiggetan —P Hawn ae Olt. haberte > He veguesh| th gokn in “he govern ¥ Sindh andy) => : _ B Haden Ungdom~ Manseeva 'P Abbasid Coliph ymile) ee hog then con em bol oIninkegrabin > Lad cuter Kab IN) 60h, Ne gies Arte by cute vrehmeed ght) s ave ani ma lGrgdevy = Multan. murdet/ — umer fin obul v (M-byin gasiny car’) (- tintels 40) —~ 1am agele %y toerepieh re ae Sindh, malton Sousstl > Mul hn — augers — Rib Colph J Egyp 1 aa bmnitmenhe oe > Lash tinge Aboul Faleh — Dawove’ Defebe! by sullen Mehmed! Gases ander cnbS kerezicks Naiera— ; a (87 goaet ; Hore ied baa ee) Jean gel Mer [even Balodish) -3tho “) ONE ted it 2D Gori 4 culhwed vely™ impact 4 OE” soci 3 4 Sind, Gujeed 4 Male Se ey ne 3 pres) = He cated nk call “4 inbelgerl ctchone i . dlvshed heie- ay ee how political Purl) b, ame }vora ena ( warnege Jo ag “Thy dequenty ond inder— mariegs, ~ -> ?> > > inleyectval Tay 4 1iegs Sindhat tangus Arabic Artahe are! Soca C acd, VbiGibert) script was Jaryuege became ceah__impacts Qasr Becare conker 4 Quran, build ore wyisited sindh buy Asabs % Sindhs. a yesu Ih! e nosq ves He — priisec! — Schnlars Sindh Music “A Cullue une ty 22 — scholats gichikehne euthange. es Sorby long” shirk, Walser Tey séy; =_ > Horses Viregor Leathey maleing cow.& heed, beedr, camel beeds wes shoes qin hypo tance jnley ring tng became mere fons medium 4) Jeng in. schools (renter 7 Howy) Hadith, Fagan (ebpoo¥ J though) 4 ir Sindh Y Ba bitsy 7 4 | adopsal wy Sindh? Jeng "oDadee bemos yn Sindh & mboduenI nm Arab ? wag - rople nt 4° peep’ were famny fy worlng useel A made she when | ndlray accephel [slom thy ~ bor? leather 4 Baus —> Rap Pabir marred! —yyicdow —> Assert sans Bat Mabany ,Habaniys, Mana tang dom. = ‘ Cuvency mbo duced here > Ghaznaw', Gheori, aleer, ichelesret, syed lelh/ —> glead g subject culture i 0 e. your wrth > Hanshi school — bevel een aa Maja why Hindus —> Thy were eltey unt! Hey becen bree! Sully pscribect HE > Bu Shihay-0- cee 4goob! pidwe d ea coms ili ~ mush Half mill 4s ayers 15 million —mus hms > Abn and. Rasid — elypesty > BAP 5 amet) / n8} deenderl local People Thanks, Araby, pearnyeeihen Tajns ? Discumnadroy creabedl , culluve not 7 cuchanged and ve borclec! —- Mangels tovqded a mushy Fervitens ?Pevsii$ pe ne aa high ranle, > Malaboy fohs —Avabs cullwe . > Ameer Khosro mother was nel JN bee wi ha Polis poe ~ Gillee 7 ehh nee be He elidn) Hyd pr sod wy cl hved irom grail Qs they were ashrag, —? Now ins AShab school F Ahowght ~nol- liberd [edi Hark scheuf though Liberal 2 Indin helensenens ith 2 sec rad and culhudl ~ shebe 7 Nan rnuslims—Dimies 7 Brahmans — tal~ zeea Oia =? bets Siysitar Ipome mmole) 4 14/4 Diba wes hich bY Mm Dasm > Sallan Fughley cries Flamander Nanak > Lanfurgy Be Sansilerb (Indie g Pali ( Bucluh) Arabic, Persian Tula es inbedued India way. Wrau ais: ane zs iia 7 Bub Arabre Shyed ay dng tne Uremagd Abbestds. —> Arabic wu abo use f “yeligs , saerd and in courts ee a Gujvak © Deken— Arabre Language cc Bub in King ctom — Sings skrabe q Arabie gust pric trginns. PP TariGsh — lonquege come fon Mango! (PBB pew persion carne shiyed 43 cout language BI? 1935 then bydy Came. vem@tned more than 18 cenduany ane] Ghroer? inbocluracf Pers”en -> Pewsian ~> Ong zener here in Inch ~> Libeyahwe & ME" > insha (olan elepartmens) ~ vori'ing 3 Tazkerq- — 7 Pee tangs in Persian lanquage clepartment > ashe majoln — pewsien > vray gob famay 0 Ak bar's ingen > Fanos vame Urdu\ 1s Hinde > Ssufies ployee hye we in Islam 4 Ueda Jong. => Neus? about Hee — Babsye Urdu ~) rchawayg — Muheen eleen Chath body aca! / ang ude 9 undy m Mulken —> Baba tated — spoke Jocal languages sy Ni Zam -0-cleen 2 Guzal- Shufees wre in local fang dages —> | = Baiwnen w-deen & bands nowge —/nhodule/ Hyrnche fanquage i) 24 Kay > sithes vespeclal heal lap quays 5 Tuy em algatel He Sotvehe, anf male Uru dm ay 2? Poll Werabure oral ; > Shum Ilecahye — shrig

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