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Freely Willed ( Voluntary or Secondary)

 Educational societies, fraternity, religious
NOTION OF SOCIETY societies, joint stock companies, clubs for
sports and entertainment. A secondary
Why is society so important to people? group is a relatively larger group
composed of impersonal and goal-
o Society can be defined as a group of people oriented relationships, which are often
who share a common economic, social, and temporary. These groups are often based
industrial infrastructure. on achieving a common purpose outside
o It is an organization of people who share a of the relationship itself and involve
common cultural and social background. much less emotional investment. Since
o It gives us a framework to work together. It secondary groups are established to
perform functions, individual roles are
provides us with a platform to take
more interchangeable, thus members are
collective efforts towards improving social able to leave and outgroup are able to join
conditions. Most importantly, a society with relative ease. Such groups can be
serves as a strong support system in life understood to be ones in which
individuals exchange explicit
"Man seeketh in society comfort, use and commodities (e.g. labor for wage, service
for payment, etc.).
protection” – Francis Bacon
Restricted Sense (Self-awareness) – A law or rule
Society that limits or controls something
o Emerged in the 16th century and derived o A limitation on the use or enjoyment of
from the French word ―société‖ which , property or a facility
which stemmed from the Latin word o Society designates associations of men which
―societas‖ means a ―friendly association are characterized by systematic organization
with others‖ from, ―socius‖ meaning and external institutions (laws, administrative
―companion, associate, comrade or bodies, and governing officials) for the
business partner‖. achievement of their goals. The main cohesive
o The Latin word is probably related to the force of society is the shared values, ideals
verb ―to follow‖, and thus originally may and commitments of its members. They
have meant ―follower‖. guarantee the dignity of men ,their freedom ,
Wide Sense (Sense of God) – A society is lasting equality and solidarity
association of men for the attainment of a common
Purpose and Importance of Society
One of the primary purposes of society is the
Two Forms: formation of an organized group of
a. Necessitated of Nature ( natural or individuals who can support each other in
primary societies) various ways. It is in the difficult times that
 A primary group is typically a small you realize the importance of being a part of
social group whose members share close, society. It is the members of your social
personal, enduring relationships in which group who come forward to give you the
one exchanges implicit items, such as help needed.
love, caring, concern, support, etc. These The support given by society can be of the
groups are often long-lasting and marked physical, emotional, financial, or medical
by members' concern for one another, form.
where the goal is actually the relationship
Formation of Social Groups
themselves rather than achieving another
A society is characterized by social goods from ―lesser‖ persons of
networks. They form an integral part of it. society.
Social networks are defined as the patterns c. Industrial Society
of relationships between people.  Using machines (particularly fuel-
Relationships give rise to social interactions driven ones) to produce goods.
between people of a society. Individuals  Increased of production means of
who belong to different ethnic groups can transportation improved to better
come together, thanks to societies. Their facilitate the transfer of products
interactions give rise to strong social bonds from place to place.
that result in long-lasting relationships.  Rapid changes in industrial
A society gives rise to a family system and technology also continued, especially
an organization of relationships, which are the production of larger machines
at the heart of any social group. and faster means of transportation.
The Industrial Revolution also saw
Formation of Culture to the development of bureaucratic
Culture is an important element of society. forms of organization, complete with
Individuals of a particular society share a written rules, job descriptions,
common culture that shapes their way of impersonal positions, and
living. Their means of subsistence and their hierarchical methods of
lifestyles are derivatives of their culture. management.
Culture defines the pattern of human activity d. Pastoral Societies
in a society. It is represented by the art,  The term ‗pastoral‘ is derived from the
literature, language, and religion of the Latin word ‗pastor‘ which means
individuals who form it. Individuals shepherd. Domesticating animals
belonging to a society are bonded by allows for a more manageable food
common cultural values, traditions, and supply than do hunting and gathering.
beliefs that define their culture. Pastoral societies are able to produce a
surplus of goods, which means makes
Gerhard Lenski storing food for future use.
 American sociologist who advanced the Self-awareness - Is the ability to focus on yourself
theory that technology is the most basic and how your actions, thoughts, or emotions do or
driving force in sociocultural evolution. don‘t align with your internal standards. If you‘re
 Differentiates societies based on their level highly self-aware, you can objectively evaluate
of technology, communication and yourself, manage your emotions, align your
economy. behavior with your values, and understand correctly
a. Hunters and Gatherers how others perceive you.
 Primarily survive by hunting
animals, fishing and gathering plants. Primary group - It is typically a small social group
Most hunting and gathering societies whose members share close, personal, enduring
were nomadic moving constantly in relationships. These groups are marked by concern
search of food and water. for one another, shared activities and culture, and
b. Agricultural Society long periods of time spent together.
 Use technological advances to Group - A number of things or persons being in
cultivate crops (especially grains like some relation to one another.
wheat, rice, corn, and barley) over a
large area. Increases in food supplies Secondary groups - They are large groups whose
then led to larger population than in relationships are impersonal and goal-oriented.
earlier communities.
 Nobility organized to protect the Cohesive - When the parts of the whole work or fit
society from invasion. In this way, together well, things stick together or unified. When
the nobility managed to extract the parts of the whole work or fit together well, they
are cohesive, like a cohesive family whose members culture, suitable information, the right
pitch in with everything from making dinner to to establish a family
painting the house. A cohesive neighborhood's 3. Common Good requires PEACE
members get together to plan things like block  Peace and stability of a just social order
parties, and they work together to solve problems. presupposes that authority should ensure
by morally acceptable means the security
THE COMMON GOOD: AIM AND FUNCTION of society and its members.
OF SOCIETY Principle of Common Good
“If you wouldn’t like it done to you, don’t do it to The common good includes all social
other” conditions that help people reach their full
 It is a notion that originated over two human potential. The common good is
thousand years ago in the writings of Plato, determined by respect for the person, social
Aristotle, and Cicero. More recently, the well-being and peace. The universal
ethicist John Rawls defined the common common good, focuses on our world as a
good as "certain general conditions that global village that makes us see beyond our
are...equally to everyone's advantage". immediate environment.
 Is ―service value‖ Association - Are a group of individuals who unite
 It comprises aids like schools, hospitals, for a cause or to perform a special tasks.
social services, energy supply, road
networks, legal. Community - Is a collection of people who live,
work, or communicate in an area unite due to
Common Good similar interest.
Common good can hold different meanings Equality - The same rights, opportunity and
depending on one‘s involvement. (Plato) treatment as everyone else within a given system.
Common good as ―belonging to or shared
by each other or all‖ (Webster,1990 p. 122) Society - Is a collection of many groups of citizens
As ―sacrificing for the good of the whole‖ within a geographical region.
Basic Function of the Common Good NATURE AND FUNCTIONS OF FAMILY &
It promotes and makes possible an integral CHILDREN
human existence for its members.
The good is to preclude antisocial impulses What is a family?
in human nature from interfering with the
rights of others. o According to the Hebrew words Family,
means "mish‘pahhah", meaning family
Three Essentials Elements of the Common Good comes from the root "shaphahh", meaning
"to join". The family is a group joined
1. Respect for the person together where each role in the family serves
 Every person is equal and deserves the a specific function to keep the family joined
same level of care, respect and attention together.
that will serve everyone well o The word family came into English in the
2. Social well-being and development fifteenth century. Its root lies in the Latin
 Maintains that authority‘s proper word famulus, ―servant‖. The first meaning
functioning is to arbitrate between in English was close to our modern word
various particular interests in society. ―household‖ — a group of individuals
 Essential to this is ensuring the living under one roof that included blood
accessibility to each person of what is relations and servants. It could even refer
needed to lead a truly human life: food, solely to the set of servants in a household, a
clothing, health, work, education and usage still current in the eighteenth century
(―to take someone into one’s family‖ could  The concept of joint families or big families
mean that the person concerned was living together in the same house isn‘t
employed as a servant). uncommon. Grandparents are taken care of
o A family is a group consisting of two by their children and are responsible for
parents and their children living together as caring for the grandchildren if both the
a unit; or a group of people related by blood parents are working. Some other family
or marriage. members include uncles, aunts, cousins and
o A fundamental social group in society sometimes even distant relatives.
typically consisting of one or two parents
and their children. ( Merriam Webster) Function of Families
o Filipino family is a family of Philippine
 Physical maintenance and care of family
origin. Philippine families exhibit Filipino
cultures, customs, traits and values of which
 Addition of new members through adoption
the most important value is family
or procreation;
 Socialization of children;
o A basic social unit consisting of parents and
 Social control of its members;
their children, considered as a group,
 Production, consumption and distribution of
whether dwelling together or not.
goods and services; and
Structure of a Filipino Family  Affective nurturance (love).

Father Duties of Parents and Children

 The father or the man of the family is Duties – is a moral or legal obligation; a
placed at the top of the hierarchical responsibility. It is a task or action that one is
pyramid. The father is the head of the required to perform as part of one‘s job.
family and is responsible for making rules,
Duties of Parents
providing for the family and taking care of
finances. He works with the support of his a) To give attention ,companionship and
wife but is respected by all and treated as understanding
the head. b) To extend to them the benefits of moral
guidance, self-discipline and religious
Mother instruction
 Mothers are also given almost equal c) To supervise their activates , including
importance and respect in Filipino recreation
families. d) To inculcate in them the value of industry,
 They may be working but are also thrift and self-reliance
responsible for cooking and taking care of e) To stimulate their interest in civic affairs,
household chores. teach them the duties of citizenship, and
develop their commitment to their country.
 Mothers are respected and are the first
f) To advise them properly in any matter
teachers for their children.
affecting their development and well-being.
Children g) To always set a good example.
h) To provide them with the adequate support
 The children in Filipino families are born as defined in the law.
and brought up under the care of both the
parents as well as many other family Duties and Right of Parents and Children
members like the grandparents, uncles and
1) Parental Duties
aunts etc. They must help parents in their
 The primary duty of parents is responsible
tasks as they grow up and are expected to
parenthood. Parents may only bring a child
treat everyone with respect.
into the world if they have reasonable hopes,
Extended Family
and capable to educate him in a way worthy 2) By the State - Existing laws grant benefits for
of a human being. sickness, disability, accident, etc. to individuals
2) Well-ordered Love covered under the social security system.
 Love is the fundamental obligation of
parents. Each parents ordinarily experience The Wider Family
being loved in the family. Composed of a servants and maids. They
Duties of children towards Parents belong to family more than just workers and
treated as labor contract.
1) Reverence and Honor If the relationship between the domestic and
 True reverence results in an earnest desire to family are harmonious on both sides, then
behave yourselves in everything you do with there is loyalty.
a view toward pleasing your parents. The family is responsible for the welfare of
a. With respect to your speech - You their domestics in body and mind.
should speak reverently of your a. Duties of Justice – Employers obliged
parents both in their presence and to pay a fair wages of their domestics,
absence. Give them honorable titles grant them a free time, and good
like ―Father‖ and ―Mother‖ and benefits.
―Lord‖ because these recognize their b. Duties of Loyalty and Personal
dignity. Care- Employers obliged to look after
b. With respect to your behavior - Be their welfare, considered as family,
clear about expectations. Know what provide essential needs, affection and
your parents' rules are so you can security in sickness and in old age.
avoid any confusion and avoid
accidentally breaking rules. Caring Reverence – Deep respect for someone
enough to be polite towards your Obedience - Compliance with an order, request, or
parents, who you've known your entire law or submission to another's authority.
life, shows a level of respect and
reverence. Nuclear family – Consist of a father, mother and
2) Love and Gratitude children
 Filial love must be a grateful love since
children owe to their parents their life, Joint family – Composed of parents, their children,
education and many more. children spouses and offspring in one household.
 The child‘s love and gratitude must THE FAMILY, THE STATE AND THE
express themselves in words and signs CHURCH
such ―thank you or please‖.
 Children should assist or take care their ELEMENTS OF THE STATE
old parents
o The people are the main component of the
The family has the duty to care for its elderly state.
members but the State may also do so through just o Territory is the place of habitation and
programs of social security. ( Phil. Constitution, operation of the people, a piece of land
Article 15, Sec. 4) whose boundaries are properly defined.
o Common good or the aspirations shared by
Duty to Care Elderly Members: the people hold them together.
1) By the family - Members of the same have the o The people are the main component of the
duty render mutual aid, both moral and material state.
to each other. This is particularly imposed by o Territory is the place of habitation and
the constitution with respect to care of its operation of the people, a piece of land
elderly members. whose boundaries are properly defined.
o Common good or the aspirations shared by
the people hold them together.
o To rule impartially and justly
o To look into the initiatives of ordinary
citizens who may have outstanding ideas
that have not been tested
o To avoid repressive laws and systems that
violate human dignity
o To relate material gains with moral spiritual
needs of all
o To align the concerns of sectors of society
o To develop more consensus-based agencies
on matters of consequence to the whole
o To be responsive to people‘s welfare
especially in times of emergency
o To inform people on current local and global


o To obey all just laws
o To respect the rights of others
o To contribute to the National Revenue
o To take part in the national and local
o To maintain moral rectitude and integrity
o To defend the country in times of National


o To rule
o To teach
o To sanctify

Nakakatamad gumawa sa iii hehe, goodluck!

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